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Very nice!!! I love the weathering. I just spent last night / this morning painting up a Jumo engine for the Tamiya 1:48


I'm looking forward to that kit too. 262 is one of my favourite machines.


Spectacular, love the weathering and fine details 


Thank you!


I am loving loving loving the texture on that paint! Not the shaded paneling (which is very nice indeed) but that beat-up look, the scuffed-looking texture. Very well done. How did you do that?


The idea here is to create random texture but in a very subtle way. For this I use a destroyed brush with the bristles opened in every direction or sponge, whatever I have at hand. First I mix the base color with a darker tone and use it very diluted, almost watery texture. I unload that on a paper towel and apply what's left on the brush all over the surface in random patterns and shapes making sure I apply it on all areas. The color mix has to be subtle, too much will make it look weird. Then I do the same with lighter colors and when everything is done I unify everything with a extremely diluted filter of the base color. Once that dries, I start doing the most obvious scratches and the edges decoloration with a Sharpe brush. Hope it makes sense. If it doesn't, I can make a short video.


Second this. The worn look to the paint is amazing.


Solid work. Good looking kit.


The kit is great.


Super job…love the subdued weathering and panel work…top notch👍🏻👍🏻




Superb. I've had this kit in the stash for a few years an you've made me more excited to finally work on it.


It almost puts together itself. It just needs a bit of work on the joint between front canopy piece and fuselage and on the lower wing when it meets the rear fuselage. Other than that, it fits perfect.




That has to be some of the best painting I’ve ever seen. Bravo!


Superbe 🤩


Paint job is fantastic!




Excellent work.


Thank you!


Beautiful job, I really like the worn paint look. Do you mind sharing how you got that effect?


Replied above do I copy paste. The idea here is to create random texture but in a very subtle way. For this I use a destroyed brush with the bristles opened in every direction or sponge, whatever I have at hand. First I mix the base color with a darker tone and use it very diluted, almost watery texture. I unload that on a paper towel and apply what's left on the brush all over the surface in random patterns and shapes making sure I apply it on all areas. The color mix has to be subtle, too much will make it look weird. Then I do the same with lighter colors and when everything is done I unify everything with a extremely diluted filter of the base color. Once that dries, I start doing the most obvious scratches and the edges decoloration with a Sharpe brush. Hope it makes sense. If it doesn't, I can make a short video.


That makes perfect sense, thank you!


Nice detailing. Have you ever considered making a Me 262B-1A, not the Me 262B-1A/U1 nightfighter. I have searched and searched and all of the kits have the rear cockpit configured as the radar operators seat. In the trainer the rear cockpit was were the instructor pilot sat and therefore basically had all the same controls as the front seat student pilot. There are only two of these left in exsistance, one at the National Naval Aviation Museum in Pensacola, FL and the other, a CS-92 located in the Prague Aviation Museum, Kbely. The CS-92 is somewhat modified from the Me 262 counter part. This plane was manufactured by Avia. So in essence there is only one Messerschmit Me 262B-1A in existance. The camouflage is quite similar to your model.


Tbh I'm not the best sculptor out there, but its definitely a insteresting option with some exotic camo possbilities.


Gotta love that jet’s 10 hour run time before needing an engine rebuild/replacement lol


Subtle focused weathering, great paintjob, the fact a simple base compliments the composition by making the attention focus on other details is something i learn along the way. Thanks for sharing.


Awesome! Superb paintwork!


That was great timing, I just opened this kit last night. Awesome job! Going to refer to your post for some ideas.. thanks for sharing it.


You wont regret it, its a very good kit and very fun to build and almost problem free, so you will have fun with it.


The color variation within the paint job is simply amazing. Well done!!


Thank you!


Beautiful work. Some of those decals look painted on - how did you accomplish that?


Good and even coat of gloss varnish before and after decals and as a finishing product when everything else is donde, a matting agent such as AK or Ammomig ultramatte. There is some silvering on the damn stencils, those mfers always dodge my best efforts lol.


You could have fooled me, they are beautiful. As I said, they appear to be painted on. The cross silhouette even looks like it was applied around, rather than over, the rivets, but I’m guessing that was part of the weathering process. Whatever the technique, it’s a great effect.


Really good weathering


Wunderbar! It looks phenomenal. It really gives off a Deutsch vibe, since the bomber idea was conceived by Hitler himself