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Anyone suggesting something like this honestly should be ashamed of themselves and should be viewed as an enemy of the people, you want to basically use AI to lie to the population to trick them into electing someone they otherwise wouldn’t elect, absolute lack of morals


If so, can we cut the middleman and go straight to having an AI president?




If they call it Samaritan. Run.


Using modern technology to deceive voters about the state their president is clearly how we save democracy. In fact I can't think of anything more democratic than altering footage to misrepresent reality in a bid to gain public support. I'm well aware that a good number of self proclaimed "liberals" hold deeply anti-democratic and authoritarian sentiments, but a mask slip of these proportions being published in a major publication is staggering to me.


I'm against this. It's a Pandora's box. Once we open that, it stops being about policy and nuance and just being whatever AI wants to churn out. The fact is that we have had made winning the only thing that matters these days is really going to drive us to the ground 


He was being sarcastic in case it wasn't obvious. He is mocking the sort of people who would advocate for such measures 'in order to save democracy'


The sarcasm isn't obvious to me. I'd say it's a strong candidate for r/nottheonion


Basically, the article argues that AI augmentation should be used to smooth out Biden's 'stutters' and present his best form. Akin to using deepfake videos, but this time, for the 'greater good.' My opinion? I can't believe such a piece could be even published in reputable media, opinion piece or not. Did we really go from "Videos of Biden Gaffes are deepfakes" to "We should use AI to correct Biden's gaffes?'


I was certain that this was an Onion article at first. 


I was thinking Babylon Bee.


That'd be a solid Bee piece. "Administration previously hiding the President due to concern of deepfakes now considering deepfakes to hide the President." A senior administration aide was quoted saying, 'I mean yeah last week deepfakes were dangerous to the republic, this week they're the only way to protect Our Democracy (TM). You guys gotta get with it, technology moves fast.' The same aide was reported to be in charge of 'AI, Russia/Ukraine, and The Olympics' as the Biden staffers have taken to farming out presidential duties when Biden needs a big boy nap. "I'm a lot better at the AI stuff than the Russia thing. I think that's in Asia? We're sending whoever asks for it over there as much money as we can as fast as we can." said the same aide. "They call early in the morning, Biden isn't really up yet so I just send checks." The aide continued introducing the Bee's reporters to other senior aides, "That's my buddy from Rutgers- Adolf- it's short for Adolphous, he runs all things Israel/Palestine. The moustache and weird armbands are just a phase he's going through but he's around whenever His Emmine... I mean the Ayatollah calls. Adolf used to be on border security but he was like "Mexicans are kinda Jew-y, right?" and we knew this was his real calling."




See your mistake was thinking HuffPost is reputable media


They were a hoot 20 years ago when I first read it. What calmer times those were!


>such a piece could be even published in reputable media You linked a huff post article. Reputable media isn't even in the room


They need to be more clever than this. They should send Biden out with messed up prosthetic hands at his appearances. Then if he says something stupid people will look at the video and just assume it's a deep fake.


Today, Biden is going to Fairfield Mall, as he becomes a little character named "Karl Havoc." Suffice to say, Karl's a lot.


Huffpo is far from “reputable”


I'm not sure telling the electorate that any time Biden actually looks alive going forward it was just AI is the smartest move.


This is pure clickbait. Outrage clicks are still clicks, and here we are driving engagement.


It's clickbait. The Trump campaign, or at least people aligned with it, have been using generative AI to create fake images of him hanging out with black voters. Which I guess is similar though.


Are you talking about the black girl that hugged Trump at Chick-fil-A? That’s legit. There’s not only a photo of them hugging but also a video. Is the video deep fake too?


>Is the video deep fake too? No, it's Russia. /s


I can't believe this was published. I am speechless


On today's episode of why journalists deserve less


By an elite Ivy-Leaguer, no less. > Kaivan Shroff is a progressive voice and strategist with experience working for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign. Shroff is a frequently sourced voiced on social media and holds a JD from Harvard Law School, an MPP from the Kennedy School of Government, an MBA from Yale, and a BA in Political Science from Brown University. > Previously: Everytown, Hillary For America, Forbes NY Biz Council. JD/MBA/MPP. Who has also wrote other gems like: [Democrats, Biden is the party’s nominee. Stop talking about his age](https://www.sfchronicle.com/opinion/openforum/article/biden-age-election-democrat-18705807.php) > There’s a persistent narrative among beltway pundits and even some well-meaning armchair campaigners that pro-Biden Democrats like me are “in denial” about President Joe Biden’s advanced age. > But we aren’t the ones in denial — everyone else is. > What has become clear as we are dragged through yet another “but Biden’s age” news cycle is that we are perhaps the only ones engaging rationally on the issue.


And people wonder why Clinton's campaign lost to Trump lol...


Everyone is angry at HuffPuff but honestly I am glad they choose to highlight the insanity of the average DNC strategist.


This is a staggeringly stupid suggestion.


“We should use AI so we can lie to voters” essentially…


Either this is the most convincing satire I’ve ever read, or HuffPo is delusional


Is this a lost Black Mirror script?


This is dumb as shit


"Since we cannot call reality cheapfakes anymore, maybe we should just cheapfake reality?" The circle has become complete.


[AI candidate running for Parliament in the U.K. says AI can humanize politics](https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/ai-candidate-running-parliament-uk-says-ai-can-humanize-politics-rcna156991) We simply can’t lose the ai government arms race to the Brits people, it would be the end of America as we know it!!!


Huff post showing itself to be a beacon of good ideas and moral journalism. As usual.


They can’t be serious.


The democrats seem to be trying every possible angle to dig out of the grave they dug themselves expect profusely apologizing and taking responsibility for lying to the entire world.


Insane. No political party's best candidate will EVER be an algorithm, as opposed to some human being. It never will be.


Yup, algorithms dont hand out favors.


This would almost be similar to the first debate on color TV with Nixon and jfk. Depending on where you tune in to you will get a different experience of the debate.


I don't think voters concerns will be eased if Biden appears to smoothly roll out on the stage as if he was r2d2


How do you write this article and not sense how wrong or desperate this sounds?


Having sublet to his staff the executive power granted to him by a mandate of the people, is it now proposed that Mr. Biden further sublet it to nonentities?


If GPT-5 comes out this year, maybe it would be ready for someone to run it for president? We should at least consider getting some polling numbers in Michigan and Pennsylvania.


It has to be 35 though to run for president.


If we're going to do this than why not just elect an AI at this point? JFC


Huffpost: the Biden campaign should decieve the American public and the world using AI synthetic media deepfakes to make it look like Biden is healthy and capable of speaking coherently. AKA what the media was calling cheapfakes two weeks ago. AKA deepfakes, which the media has been warning the public about since 2015. You know this is eventually going to happen anyway, it's only a matter of time, and I actually wouldnt be surprised if they already use it. AI synthetic media is going to change the media landscape increasingly in the future. you think people live in different realities now? Wait until we have entirely synthetic terrorist attacks, let alone gaffes, that exist only on the Internet. We already have bot farms - wait until we have entirely synthetic social media influencers on the Internet manipulating public opinion, that *no one even knows are synthetic*. actually, this is already happening - youtubers already use AI voices indistinguishable from reality, and "vtubers" use fake avatars. i won't be surprised if and when political parties and even governments start making and puppeteering synthetic influencers. you ain't seen nothing yet.


Kinda silly that people downvoted the article out of annoyance of the title, rather than upvoting it for greater visibility so everyone can see how ridiculous it is


Upvoting to highlight this absurd opinion piece from: > Kaivan Shroff is a progressive voice and strategist with experience working for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign. Shroff is a frequently sourced voiced on social media and holds a JD from Harvard Law School, an MPP from the Kennedy School of Government, an MBA from Yale, and a BA in Political Science from Brown University. This is the level of insanity the DNC leaders are at. Instead of allowing fair competition in their primaries they would rather hand pick a walking corpse and use AI to have his speeches be lip synced to avoid speech errors. Burn the whole party down and start again. Anyone who thinks like this should not be near politics. Reminder that these people had also picked Hillary in 2008 and Obama had to fight them to win the nomination. He was a fucking gift sent from god to that party and they did everything to stop him from taking Hillary's spot. 8 years later all they had learned was to rig the primaries even harder, and then even harder again with Biden. Get ready for DNC presidential candidate Pelosi next election.

