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Aimbot goes crazy though


of course there is going to be a guy calling cheats. this is just high sensitivity and decent flicks, you can see he missed half of his shots on the 3rd person and he didn't even flick perfectly to him


There are cheats where you press a button on your mouse to toggle it on and off for this is exact reason. Just look at the flicks after some of the kills, they make no sense until someone is show to be behind the wall


Saw the upvotes, saw the comments and knew this thread is about OP cheating who is clearly not. To many dumb people


yea, this sub is full of people hackusating on any decent gameplay


You do realise cheaters arent dumb enough to make it obvious they're cheating. They have hacks that purposely miss shots to make it realistic lol. You can see his aim lock on to the plane 3 times because there's a player behind it who comes out later.


It’s aimbot bro but whatever makes you sleep at night


of course it is, whatever makes you sleep at night


I sleep like a baby knowing I don’t fuck around with these games plagued with cheaters.


i know its plagued by cheaters, but this aint one bro


He definitely cheating he flicks to the next guy in about 0ms no way his reaction time is that fast and yes you can still jump to the next person and miss the first few bullets


It is. Most of the flicks were too accurate to be real. Instant with absolutely no inaccuracy. He stopped exactly on the enemy without a bit of sway. Even csgo pros don’t have this type of accuracy. Maybe sometimes but definitely not that consistently like this guy. Instant locks. No sway, no slight alignment of the aim after switching targets…that is not natural


if you played the game you would recognize real cheating, especially if you played it recently, grow up someone’s better than you


He’s cheating bro get off his dick and please stop bringing me back 😂 have you seen the amount of replies I’ve given? Move on, he’s cheating though.


seems like you won’t give it up dude, quit yappin


I mean you’re asking me to basically shut up but you keep replying, like i said, move on. Bunch of people agree though so that’s enough for me


3rd clip where he s on the red plane, kills a guy and flicks hard right to the middle of the airplane for no reason. Moves up and lo and behold, there's a sniper on the far side of the map that he accidentally locked to. Can't see how it's fun to cheat Looking again he's even waiting for someone to come out of the plane because he thought that's what his aimbot locked him on


I didn’t think this was aimbot but it does make me laugh when they say they can’t move and engage way quicker on mnk.


Nah he on pc bruh and this why I don’t get why pc players cry about aim assist like look at this video lmao


Stupid people when others have snappy aim with higher sens. Also as someone else said their tracking isn't the best they're just really good at flicks


They are flicking at enemies that they can't see yet


Doesn't mean they're hacking, ik acouple people who flick yo random spots and hope someone's is there it's mostly to look cool


Nah that’s aimbot, if you had a brain you’d know.


I don't think u watched the sane clip I did


You cant play


And OP is using aimbot.


He literally missed some shots i used to be able to do this shit on controller


Lmao ok bro


Curious what ur kd looks like in these games


2+ KD 4.7 W/L last time I checked on MW2019


And you still think that’s aimbot tho? Hell I was sitting at like 2.8 and this shit just looks like close flicks then he corrects it w the mouse a tiny bit. I have crazy ass clips from flicking too but this does not look like the blatant aimbot people have.


Bro if you knew about aimbot you know you can set it up to literally miss shots and what not. That’s why closet cheating is a term, most of these providers make these cheats look natural af but when you know, you know bro I got nothing against OP


I can guarantee u I could just bump up the dpi on my mouse and the result will be the same as this. The fourth kill on the red plane, you can see him over reach the flick. Then correct it. Same with like any of the other flicks. Also if you were to code an aim bot and set it to miss. You would either set it as a range of numbers let’s say 1-3 but that would be a consistent 1-3 bullets missed before a kill. It doesn’t make sense to code it this way. Especially if you can lose a fight. Not to mention kernel level anti cheat exists. Plus he is playing multiplayer, a game you have to pay for. Overall doesn’t even make sense of why he’d be using it.


Some of us play on high dpi and sensitivity like shown


sounds like a skill issue on your part


Really fast mouse flicking


Nah it’s aimbot


Have to be baiting


Nah I’m serious.


I guess it's not, look there are something called Kovaak or Aimlab for aim training and I think this dude have around 200-300 hr in his aimtrainer. If you think I'm wrong why don't you search up "Viscose" on YT or just MW Target Switching montage


I bet it would


Just be honest with yourself bro


I am being honest. If you don't want to believe me, that's fine. Because I know I'm not cheating. I have about 100+ hours on aim training apps, and nearly 700 hours on cod. Is there any way I could prove I'm not a cheater? You could look at my oldest posts and see the difference of aim to the present.


It’s cool bro I know a couple closet cheaters myself.


You're not serious, are you?


Serious about what? About knowing a couple closet cheaters myself or OP using aimbot?


the latter


And yeah I’m serious about OP using aimbot


Well that's really dumb of you


I mean if a couple of your boys and nephew start cheating on cod (a game I don’t play anymore) and I supposed to what? Cut ties with them? Get fr bro 🤦🏻


Bro what? Did you confuse "former" with "latter"?


I did, I’m high af atm.


Probably why you think OP is using aimbot


How long have you played for.


Literally since the first modern warfare back in 2007, this is literally aimbot but ok


Ok...😬 don't quote me on this but I just asked how long you have played for. 


I answered you though. COD? Since 2007


Well by what you said you assumed I was trying to start an argument? Good thing you left this toxic community considering people can't answer questions straight.


Oh no bro not at all I was in the moment cus I was getting like 3 replies a second people defending OP and trust me I’m glad I left too. You feel better mentally once you stop playing cod


Maybe check OPs account and see that he even aimbots through walls. lol. If you think that is legit gameplay you are more than wrong and maybe a bit delusional


Why did I get downvoted? I'm doing a survey😓 no wonder cod players are the most toxic.


This isn't a button dumbass 😂


Wym? Aimbot locks on target


best iron sight


archangel GOAT


High sens flicks, kinda miss COD seeing this.


Haven’t played pc games in 3 years, returning at demon pace for bo6. Currently playing tarkov being a menace, i cant WAIT


Fucking good hits. Are you on PC?


I mean...obviously


The last CoD game to have MnK *feel* snappy and accurate. MWII and III can't compare.


legit the input feels so cooked in them. and the visual clutter certainly doesn't help


Can’t believe sometimes this game will be five years old this fall. Crazy how time flies. I’ll always be thankful to this game and Cold War for getting me through the Covid lockdown.


And to think people have the balls to post in this sub about how mw2019 had a lot of recoil lmao


It doesn't have a lot but I think it has more than the new games. The new games have more visual recoil than actual recoil. A lot of the higher recoil guns in MW2019 got nerfed a lot more


Gun still beams, but pre-nerf this thing was a whole other level of nice. Love those irons so much


I remember when the Grau was meta (think part of it was that it was good in Warzone too iirc?) and everyone was running around with it, that is when I started levelling it up too and built a permanent class for it, stuck in there ever since


Man either you are blatantly cheating or need to play something else. So fuck you and or good on you.


What else is there to play?


With that aim. A lot!


Also, unrelated, but PC players will do this and say that console players don’t need to have aim assist. Like dawg, we wanna cross play with each other. Not y’all


Aim assist is essentially legal aimbot, which is why people are so against it. MnK takes a lot of time to get good with, and even then a human can't replicate the tracking consistency that aim assist can provide. If you need aim assist on your input device (controller), then the input device sucks, and a better one needs to be designed or moved to.


You’re correct with the whole assist thing being aim bot, but if you’re actually good with aiming, aim assist only hurts your aim. Console players typically like controllers and want to cross play with other controller players. It’s not about switching devices. It’s about not playing with people who have 100x better inputs than you. It’s like an old Mig-15 getting into a dogfight with an F-22.


I mean... They don't need it. They can easily put time into perfecting their skills on controller without aim assist and get to mnk level.


That’s way more easily said than done. I’ve been playing console my whole life. Compared to my PC skills, which I’ve only gotten into in like 2021, my console skills are low.


No you can’t. That’s the reason aim assist exists. Not saying it isn’t overtuned in the latest iterations but, moving your arm with a highly accurate mouse is much easier to control than your thumb on cheap plastic joysticks.


Yeah, but it's still fully possible on controller for anyone. You just need to put time into it like mnk.


I can see why shadowbanning is so prevalent lmao. People would be mass reporting this dude for playing on high sens.


Wait is this 2019? Do people still play 2019? I stopped playing COD in general after 2019, kinda want to go back and get Damascus


Man this was my gun before the as Val. They released a throwback blueprint in mw2 called memory maker. So appropriately named! Loved this gun all modes such good times


I’ll never forget the era of purple tracer iron sight grau on warzone, I believe it was season 5 iirc, pre nerf, goated


The MP5, Grau, MP7, and M4. The four horsemen of MW2019 😭


Don't forget the Bruen and Kilo


the amax and ax50 too


Ax50 was never really meta. It was the HDR, Kar98k, and SPR for MW2019


Pretty nice flicks, also reload on M5 is an interesting choice.


As a controller player them high sense mnk flicks can be down right beautiful 🥹


Do not be talked down by cheaters standing up for cheating... This person was cheating with every Fibre in his tips


He flicks to the ground multiple times... You think the aimbot is locking onto a subway station?


Aimbot doesn't mean it's 100% fool proof and one script will work efficiently in all situations on all platforms That is why cheaters of the same code all adopt the best coz of action when in situations. How to break aim lock How to control aimbot from snap locking into multiple enemies That's why they swap weapon endlessly during tactical sprint, the entire effort is to break those random locks which are a huge giveaway. Avoid Longshots unless using a sniper or you can't resist the guy spawning infront of you. No way to tell aimbot when you get him spawning


How is the state of the game currently? I’ve stop playing cod like 6 months ago and tried MWIII yesterday and 5/5 games had hackers with aimbot not even trying to hide it, so I think I’ll go back to MW 19


Ground war is pretty good. There are definitely hackers, but the map is so big you barely run into them. And most of them aren't even good at hacking lol ( one guy was locking on, but had absolutely zero recoil control, so he missed nearly all shots)


Just redownloaded for nostalgia, and I’ve been havin fun using the Finn LMG, I’m trying to get the chainsaw stock so I can have a “mini gun” and wow, in 2 or so hours I unlocked the Finn and then got it to level 31. I though it would take forever but I can just use some of my old xp tokens and it’ll be leveled up in no time.


That are some good flicks, whats ur sens and dpi


Sens: 3.5 dpi: 1600


This guy has very bot like aim, don't know how he plays like that. It would annoy the shit out of me.


Why do "sweats" (basically average players by this point) always make it purposely look like they are cheating? I see that you aren't, but I feel like this is a bait post.


The amount of people calling aimbot😂😂 no no my friends this is what console aim assist looks like.


The X for the field upgrade says otherwise. You don‘t just get aim assist with mouse and keyboard, not even on console. Not sure if he‘s using aimbot or not, but this looks extremely suspicious.


Must be so much fun with so much aimbot


aimbot fuck