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Would like great on a T-Shirt !!!


or large blind panel :)


Yeah, most blinds are boring and dull. I've thought about sticker bombing blinds but was afraid it would look trashy. I think the reason why quality blinds aren't in demand is because it's basically deciding you're not going to fill the HP with more modules.


yeah that art is sick.


Amazing - and I wish more manufacturers appreciated that as a consumer, I'm immediately drawn to / attached to products with well-thought out packaging (ergonomics, safety, and design). If I got this package in the mail I'd love it. On the flipside, when I receive a module in an old, used beard-trimmer cardboard box (not gonna name names on which company, but you'd be surprised how established/legit they are) .... not a good sign But this looks great! Congrats!


If I ever produce my own modules I'm going to make the packaging the most disposable least precious thing anyone has ever seen, mostly just to save the people that feel like they need to keep all of their boxes for their modules for some reason from themselves.


That's basically what Doepfer does, their stuff comes in the plainest cardboard boxes imaginable... with the cheapest bubble wrap I've ever seen, that actually feels kind of dirty half the time, haha - but they're the originators of eurorack, have great customer service and are one of my absolute favorite companies in the whole modular world. I imagine that's a very fringe opinion on this subreddit though to be honest, a lot of people seem to be more visually oriented than anything - hence a solid 75% of this subreddit being photo posts, etc... it just is what it is, I'm not hating - honestly this packaging that OP posted looks really nice, but I wouldn't say it would influence me in any way personally.


The way I think about it is, you're never standing in front of a shelf of boxxed eurorack modules making your choice, so creating really nice packaging and box art feels very unnecessary to me. (Not saying that people shouldn't do it if that's part of your brand identity that's totally fine and it is a nice way to showcase artwork as is evidenced by the OP post). But I'm really really put off by people fetishizing packaging, maybe I'm less susceptible to the allure of the unboxing than a lot of people but that's just not an important part of the product to me, it has no bearing on your use or enjoyment of the product save for a 15 second experience and in the end it's usually just more waste and cost to provide that fleeting trivial experience. Don't even get me started on the people who insist that you must keep all your module packaging or else you may not get top dollar if you hypothetically sell it.


As long as that's made clear enough that your customers understand it's an intentional choice. That was a huge red flag from Unnamed Beard-Trimmer-Box Brand, and indeed I've heard a hundred complaints since then about their lack of customer service, etc


I ordered a bunch of modules from an overseas distributor (not gonna name and shame) that was having a sale. When they closed the shipping box, they used staples, which went through three of the module boxes and pretty badly mangled two of them. No damage at all to the modules thanks to the wadded paper inside the individual boxes to protect the modules. I wasn’t too upset because they are Doepfer modules, who use very generic boxes with printed labels stuck to the outside (and to whom I thought the parent commenter may have been referring). But something like this, I would have been seriously pissed.


It’s funny because I’m the complete opposite. I’m drowning in packaging and always appreciated companies being very minimal. Sometime when I look at slick packaging I feel like I could have saved money there too. To each their own I guess.


I hear you and maybe I wasn't clear. I'm good with amazing packaging or minimal-but-safe packaging. What I don't like is dropping $$ for a careless / dirty package, then hearing reports of going AWOL when peoples models are broken... And to me, a great package signifies that the manufacturer gives a shit


Looks great but I’d be flattening the box and putting it in recycling after confirming the module works.


Perforate the box so when flat it can become a blank panel?


That’s a great idea!


I was so confused at first that I saw Johnny Terror art on Reddit haha. His stuff is amazing. Works incredibly well as packaging, I’d actually display that box!


Nice to meet someone else who knows of his work! He was great to work with.


Amazing artwork, and as a former graphic designer i’m all in for it, but as others have said a simple “disposable” box is much better so don’t have to store hundreds of boxes. You can make a nice sticker out of it tho so we can put it on the rack or laptop. I always love when some stickers are in the box that can live on my gadget housing. Or even nicer a little textile pouch with the graphic on it for cables and such that we can use actually. I still use my “rudimental” (ugly) Moog pouch for patch cables on the road.


> a simple “disposable” box is much better so don’t have to store hundreds of boxes I thought I was the only one! I've got a huge collection of old modular boxes in the attic in a plastic bag (so no dust) and a note on the bag that says 'not trash' so my wife doesn't through it out.


I'm also one of those people who has saved every module box :) I think both because a boxed module if you sell it on, generally gets a better price and also some of them are just too nice to dispose of! I've never regretted keeping a box, I've often regretted disposing of one. That's just my sensibilities though and it's good to hear from other peoples different standpoints. I often design, produce etc from a perspective of myself being the end user so I sometimes have the blinkers on!


Nice! 👍 👍


Cool box. I am not familiar with the brand, what is it?


Eurorack module boxes for Big T Music Ltd. I didn't want to put it front and centre in the post as I wasn't looking to shill my wares more than just engage and have a chat with you guys. If you are interested though, our Instagram page is here. https://www.instagram.com/bigtmusicltd


As a small business owner my only asuggestion is to put a clearly typed logo on the top somewhere. I could not read your type font on the end panel and had no idea what I was looking at. The art is cool, but the logo is obscured.


Yes what is this ? A synth or something ?


love it! kinda reminds me of Moebius mixed with Maciek Wolanski! I'll have to check them out.


Reminds me of the music video [blockhead - the music scene](https://youtu.be/NhheiPTdZCw?si=OJHot9xtJdeW53Jf) - coincidentally one of the best music videos on the planet IMO


This is fantastic!




What module is it?


Reminds me of the ending scene of Daft Punk's Electroma




Love it


Thank you!


soooo cooooool


unpopular opinion : okay but as a potential end customer i have to pay more for packaging, for something that is already high priced. a lot of high end brands don't bother with packaging. I agree I would have put that design on a tshirt and sell it as merch. that design is worth it. why print it on a box that will end up in the recycling bin.


If it helps, we haven't changed prices at all since our improved packaging has come in. Actually, we haven't put our prices up for modules for years now. I know maybe that's bad business from a purely capitalist standpoint but we were already retailing at the premium end and frankly I didn't feel like in a pandemic, a recession or due to rampant inflation, that people had any more money! I try to think of the end user and whilst our margins have shrunk I don't think it's fair to pass that on to the consumer every single time. If we can absorb the costs, we will. It all balances out.


Tbh that’s great to hear. And more companies should think like that. Caring about what they do.  I tried not to sound like an ass so sorry if that was rude. It’s just that nowadays everyone cut corners and try to make the most margin and stuff. So usually this is considered « bonus » that you pay for. Cool that’s it not the case.  It’s somehow nice that I posted my message so everyone got to see your answer. 


Hey no worries, I didn't read it as rude at all :)


Keep up the good work

