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WMD is back, fyi


Oh this is fantastic news. I ought to have double-checked, not been keeping up with things. Thank you


Still, risky to sell something you love unless you know they are continuing production (or making an updated version you like)


Trialled a few envelope / VCA configurations over the years. Overall, 2x WMD Javelin and Optomix v2 always delivers something good. I could only imagine replacing it with Rabid Elephant natural gate and qlavis quadigy


I'm sorry you are in a position where those choices are necessary. That sucks. I wish we lived in a society where that was not an issue. In your position, I might start with the modules which have good clones. Plaits especailly can be replaced easily as long as you don't insist on that Mutable logo. Of course, anything you aren't really using is a good candidate as well. One thing to remember is no matter how much you like a module, there's another module (or plugin, or whatever) that is also really appealing in some other way. It's less important to have *that particular* cool sound than it is to have some sort of sound that appeals to you. There is no one sound that is best. Let a thousand flowers bloom.


Hey! Thanks for your reply. I really appreciate it. As others have noted, there are awesome Plaits and Rings clones out there that I'd be happy with. I'll keep Beads because the code is not open source. Definitely let a thousand flowers bloom! I am into gardening, sowing seeds and observing their trajectory is endlessly fulfilling


I’d hold on to Beads, but sell Plaits and Rings. If you get clones from a reputable maker there will be no difference in sound quality (though some makers are known to use cheap components—I won’t mention names here, you can easily research this) Beads, OTOH, may well never be open sourced or cloned. Plus, it is just so fun to play, and is such a unique take on granular—much more of a realtime jamable granular delay and slicer effect than a granular synth. Sell the Make Noise—in my unpopular opinion, the only one worth the price tag is Mimeophon. Plus, they’ll all be easy to replace (sooo many out in the wild and still in production) and if any are discontinued MN will replace with something better. Just my two cents. Good luck!


Seconding this, I'd also keep Beads and sell Plaits and Rings. Those two also seem easier and cheaper to buy used (at least in the UK), and if you'd consider clones, there are many excellent ones out there. Beads sells for more but is hard to come by, and often you see people asking for ludicrous amounts for it. OP, good luck with everything, I hope you find yourself in a better situation soon!


Thank you for king words! I will keeping Beads. It is the logical thing to do. In all honesty, I haven't fully explored it because it bought it at a time when I was deep into vst granular all the best


>Beads, OTOH, may well never be open sourced or cloned. this is all the information i needed to keep it. thank you!


The make noise modules will be easy to come by. Honestly there are very functions of any module that can’t be replicated somewhere else.


I would definitely not sell Beads. It is one of the best fx in eurorack imo. Extremely versatile, discontinued, and the code hasn’t been released so there are no clones. Also it can’t be compared to Granulator III or Portal, as those are not real-time granular processors AFAIK. You would regret it in the future I bet. You could sell Data Bender and use Beads as a beat repeater instead.


Beads, a keeper until the bitter end. Just the Reverb algos alone are perfect. I've had a saved vocal sample in my buffer for the past 3 months, it's been too much fun that I'm afraid to wipe it


I hear you. One time I got what sounded like a squeaky door in the buffer and as you turned density it would make it sound like a squeaky door closing. Took me a few days to part ways with it


The reverb is definitely pleasing, the consesus is in, it stays!


Thank you for your input, I will be keeping Beads. I haven't explored as much as I could have and now I have something to look forward to


I’m really sorry you’re in this position. I’d sell the MN stuff first as it’s easy to replace and none of the flagship modules will be difficult to find for the foreseeable future. Maths is probably the most popular eurorack module of all time and there’s no chance of it going out of production. I’m super torn about original Mutable Instruments stuff. I have a ton of them and I’m really shy to to part with them just because they are really special bits of history - and if I did sell them I’d want to get top dollar since it really is a collectors item. But at the same time there is zero functional difference between an OG module and a good clone, so it really shouldn’t matter. Good luck :(


hello! thanks for your kind words. challenging time but there is hope on the horizon for sure. maths can go, plaits and rings too because the clones are the same but beads stays as the source code hasn't been released. all the best


If you do end up selling your Plaits and Rings, Calsynth makes great clones that are true to size or smaller if needed


awesome. thanks for heads-up. checking calsynth clones now


Hold off on paying the medical bills, call them and explain that you can not afford the payment as is and need a payment plan. Medical debt typically doesn't affect your credit score. This advise doesn't help if you've already paid it though.


Thanks for the heads-up. I haven't been thinking about the situation as clearly as I could have. I've already paid but I'll be more strategic about finances in the future.


Maths can easily be purchased down the road, it's one of if not the most popular module ever made. I'd sell rings and plaits before beads; rangoon is an awesome rings clone that I personally prefer, and plaits has some great looking clones too. Only sell beads if you were already planning on doing so. Data bender can go. As much as I love it, check out Shaperbox as a potential replacement. It's one of the best VSTs out there imo, it can get you just about any glitchy sounds you'll ever need and is very granular. Often goes on sale for ~$80 and you can buy the individual modules piecemeal for less if you only want a couple effects.


Hello! I am aware of Shaperbox, heard lots of good things about it, mainly as an customisable LFO / envelope / side chain source Forgive my ignorance, what aspect of it might be could at doing Data Bender tempo sync glitches?


It's fantastic for envelopes/sidechain/ rhythmic gating etc but can do so much more. All the tools usable for drawing volume automation also apply to the time domain of the audio as well as filtering, distortion, noise, panning, bit reduction and more allowing you to get very granular with every aspect of mangling sound. It isn't as easy to dial in as Data Bender but you can get stutters, repeats, scratching and tape stops very easily. You can even save custom sequences/presets and use MIDI to bounce between them, allowing you to play or sequence all the sequences you've saved. [Check out this video to get an idea of what it can do](https://youtu.be/SCPWwVZD1XE?si=JTiscecp5e1K5zQt)


awesome. going to investigate asap


Very sorry to hear that. I had to sell my Plaits during tough times, but surprisingly have had little desire to replace it w a clone or otherwise. In retrospect it was maybe a bit of a jack of all trades master of none module for me. That definitely undersells it, I guess it’s more of a very good at all trades master of none or something. I have a huge amount of respect for it, but I just haven’t missed it as a practical matter as I’ve filled my case out w more specialized modules. Just my two cents.