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Granted. These dreams are so amazing that people get driven insane once they wake up, and the whole world commits suicide in a matter of hours because they can't remain in this amazing dream.


Granted, the dreams are so good everyone becomes depressed having to come back to reality


That 1 SCP comes to mind.


Which one?


That book 1 that affects your dreams. I don’t remember the number.


Granted. That’s all. The paw is taking the day off from being a dick.


Sir. What monkey have you seen who’s paw was a dick?




The paw also got a good night’s sleep it seems


Granted. Everyone has good dreams tonight and tonight only. Good job, OP, you've cursed everyone with bad dreams from now on. At least they'll have one last good one.


Granted. Millions are active drivers fall asleep at the same time and experience fantastic dreams while their cars careen out of control.


Granted. They are so great everyone presses snooze on their alarm and are late for their day to start.


Granted. Truly awful people - genocide participants, serial rapists, private equity managers, etc - that are normally haunted by their dreams enjoy a single night of blissful solace. It's a small curse, sure, but meaningful.


Granted. Now there is so much- and I cannot stress this enough- SO MUCH cum on bed sheets.


Granted, you don't


Granted, Everyone has fantastic wet dreams. There is cum and body fluids everywhere. We are all just laying in big puddles of it when we wake up. Then, we all need to change our pants and our sheets.


Granted. They all dream of you not speaking any further.


Granted, all of the bad dreams are channeled into wilfred mott, in the absolutely brilliant Doctor Who two-part episode "the end of time"


Granted. Everyone’s day collectively sucked before turning in for the night.


Granted. At 18:30 Tokyo time tonight, everyone in the whole world suddenly falls asleep and has good dreams. Naturally, this is disastrous for people in transit, people cooking over a stove, people taking the stairs, people walking through the rain, etc.


Granted cause your a good person


Granted. This includes terrible people. They wake up tomorrow feeling refreshed and ready to continue being terrible people. They have the energy to do a lot of terrible things


Granted, people enjoy the dreams so much they never wake up just to stay in the dream


Granted, everyone, no matter where they currently are suddenly falls asleep and starts having amazing dreams for the next 8 hours. Planes fall out of the sky, countless vehicles crash, many people who had just started their car in an enclosed garage die of carbon monoxide, many people fall down hitting their heads or having a knife they were holding stab into them or fall on top of their baby they were holding, many buildings burn down as people trying to cook have the flames keep burning and spreading through entire neighborhoods, many people drown, many other horrible things happen throughout the world as everyone including anyone who could have saved them are all asleep having amazing dreams. When the survivors wake up, some start to talk about how amazing the dreams they just had were not realizing anything was wrong, some start to realize everyone has just suddenly fallen asleep/woken up at the same time and had these dreams but they have managed to avoid seeing the carnage it has caused and word and the effects of what has happened may not reach them for a while. Some immediately wake up in the middle of an apocalyptic scene from the aftermath so stunned by what they see that in response to the trauma some still believe they are dreaming but it has suddenly switched to a hyper-realistic nightmare, some believe they had died and gone to heaven when the dream started and now believe they have ended up in hell, some realize that they have in fact awoken from their dream and everything they now see is very real.


Granted. No consequences, that’s just a nice wish.