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Granted. Men's mental health issues are now considered unimportant


So granted with no change (This is a joke)


Granted, Dr Pepper, Dr Oz, and Dr Disrespect make a pledge to take women’s health issues more seriously 


Granted, now insane asylums are making come back


Granted, every woman is now believed no matter the circumstance. Doctors and hospitals are filled up with people who may just have period cramps really bad. No man can find a hospital bed and many die from ligma because they have gone untreated. If a woman stubs her toe, she is taken immediately to the ER. Due to this, women stop going to the hospital all together because the medical bills become too much to handle. Eventually, women also start dying of untreated ligma. The population collapses.


From ligma


Granted. Instead, they share the intimate details with everyone they meet. That STD you had? The whole town knows about it. Your sister's vaginismus? Everyone knows about that, too. And your best friend's struggles with her mental health. And your grandmother's Alzheimers diagnosis.


Granted they go back to blood letting for all your conditions.  Edit: I meant all women’s conditions 


Eh that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make for billions of people


Oh i said it wrong i meant all womens conditions. 


no takesies backsies (jk monkey paw does whatever it wants)


Granted, but fatality chance increases by 500%. Now even a small papercut can kill a woman by hyperfast spreading infections without intensive and expensive medical treatment. To add salt to the wound, any laws and infraestructure remains the same as today, so the medical sector gets clogged with patients.


Granted, now everyone’s issues are considered “very important” and the medical industry uses millions of dollars to help cure something as trivial as the flu. This makes an economic crash that is worse than the great depression by a lot.


Granted. Doctors will now not doing anything to help anyone’s health issue