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Capping ends hunts faster and in World gets you better drops. It's the default assumption for a reason and if you need something that drops only or more often from carves you should speak up.


I mean, you should be the one speaking up cuz well.... To put in bluntly you're the weird one, not in the bad way, just in the "not normal and need to turn off autopilot". And yeah if you already said that u want to kill and they still cap? Asshole.


I agree with OP he shouldn’t have to say a word


I mean…. Well if you think everyone is a mind reader then sure.


No, it's a matter of etiquette really. Centrally you let the host decide if they want to kill or cap. If you're coming in on an S.O.D your there to help the host, you can always make your own S.O.S if you want to decide what the group does


It's the default assumption cause there's only upsides to catching for all members including the host so they aren't being impolite. Just fight elder dragons or type that you don't want to capture when fighting with randoms


If it's World, I'm capturing every time. There's no reason not to, it's strictly better and ends the hunt faster, I don't give a fuck about your roleplay. In the rest of the games, where there's actually different loot tables for capture vs carve, I'm respecting the host's choice.


Should respect the host decision regardless of the game.


Nah, I won't. Killing in World takes more time for less reward. It does absolutely nothing to justify killing over capturing. I'm not going to waste more time and get less rewards purely for the host to... be happy about finishing off the monster or whatever the hell. In the other games I'll respect the host's decision because the rewards are actually different and capturing can actually cause them to not get the parts they need, plus I myself am not simply wasting time by killing and can also nab some carve-only parts.


If you don't want people capping, don't fire sos. Capping is far more beneficial and faster. Literally no point killing the monster if you don't have to.


Or people could let the host decide the fate of their monster. I know I can't police randoms to do it 100 percent of the time, but I thought the host decision was common etiquette.


In 99% of SOSes I've answered, nobody has said *a single thing in chat* outside of the auto-responses. Nobody is out here getting all hot and bothered about the fate of their monster - if they were, they probably wouldn't be firing the SOS.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone type in the chat. SOS responders are there to help ensure the host gets a win. The best way to ensure that is to cap as soon as it’s possible to do so. Anything else just increases the odds of a cart. If someone typed in the chat that they wanted to kill, I’d oblige. But honestly you are mistaken if you think the default is anything but to capture. It simply is the default consensus. Some monsters can’t be captured though, so when you get to those you’ll get the finishers you want.


There is literally no reason not to capture. If you want to kill it for some unknown reason it's on you to say so because noone ever will just not capture the monster if it can be.


The reason is sometimes you want them dead at your feet not taking a damn snooze 💤


Unless it's Deviljho, because he's having well deserved nightmares apparently.


So you want other players to sacrifice their extra time and better rewards to give you some catharsis? Not a reasonable ask. When you fire an SOS, people join to help get you that completion. Not to fuel your ego. If you ask, most people will comply. Don't complain about people doing the thing they are supposed to be doing.


It's not about ego lol, I just like killing and craving the monster. I also really don't care if someone who willingly joined my s.o.s is a little inconvenienced because I wanted the kill. Just go help someone with a capture quest if they want to save a few extra minutes.


That is ego. Capturing in World gives same drops and takes less time.


What about eating for Felyne Carver? Makes my extra carve useless xD


Then call that out! Most people are happy to kill instead but you need to let them know.


Eh, if it is I didn't make these people join and I know capping is better I just don't care.


Exactly, if it's a hard fought win then I want the cathartic feeling of craving the monster.


Then capture them and whoop on them in the special arena where they cant run to different zones


Carve only drops?


Those don't exist in World, for some dumbass reason


If you're SOSing, the default assumption is to capture for multiple reasons: * Same or more drops * Special arena unlock * It takes less time * You avoid the "I killed the capture target" issue You're the one not displaying any etiquette here if you're getting mad at people for capturing - especially if you didn't say anything.


I can't tell you how many LR hunts I've joined (with LR appropriate weapon equipped) where some MR600+ numbskull with Fatty everything failed the quest for the host because it was capture, NOT kill


Usually I go into an SOS assuming kill, if the boss runs and sleeps then I ask catch or kill, but that usually only happens when it's only me in the SOS, 3 or 4 man runs the boss will likely die or get cc'd to death before it sleeps.


In World, capturing is objectively the best outcome when you’re actually grinding materials. That being said, it really should the host’s call how the hunt ends. In every other game, which method is superior depends on the material you want, so definitely voice your desire ahead of time.


You get more parts and a chance at rarer parts when you capture, but okay buddy lol


Wow dude is entitled and expects you to be a mind reader.


No, you don't have to be a mind reader but it's my hunt. So I hope people can at least listen to my requests when I make them. If that makes me entitled so be it.


If it’s your hunt, hunt on your own, the moment you sos it’s no longer just you


It is the host's hunt, you're just the *guest*. If you want to cap, hunt on your own or host your own quest. You don't get to dictate how the host's hunt ends as a random who just so happened to walk in. There's a reason why "Let's capture this thing" is the auto-translated shoutout in Rise, and not "Let's slay it". Slay is meant to be the assumed default, just like it was in the old games. It's basic etiquette.


"it's faster!!!!" if you guys were any good at the game you'd be begging your hunts to last longer. plus it's more fun to use various techniques to stop the monster's retreat, lance charge after it, do clutch claw shit, flash pods into wall bangs, last minute stuns and statuses, leg and head flinches. you're playing monster hunter wrong if you're prioritizing getting mats as quickly as possible. it's monster hunter not monster catcher. you wanna catch monsters go play pokeyman.


OP expects people to constantly ask each host they join in a plug-and-play MM system (S.O.S) just because he's the type who doesn't care about the grind efficiency at all and just want to kill because satisfaction. And I though people like the Kardashians were the epitome of entitlement...


Lmao, what the fuck is this comment? Oh God how dare I have fun in a video game. How dare I not mix-max every aspect of the game into oblivion. How dare I expect people who willingly joined my hunt to respect my single request.


How dare you act as if random people are required to bend to your will for the sake of your fun, just because you hit a button on the menu? it's one thing to rag on assholes who run off to fight monsters not required for the quest, but to get anal about the method used to subdue the quest monster(s), only because you're bloodthirsty? How dare you not realize no one cares about you or your fun, especially if you act like this?


It's not that serious, it's just annoying when people, who willfully join my quest, don't follow my one request. It's like if you invited someone to your house and told them to take their shoes off at the door, but they didn't. I'm not trying to police anyone and I know random people on the Internet don't care about me. All I want is some courtesy, you don't have to care about someone to show that.


see this guy gets it unless we 2 carts down dont you dare bring out a trap to cap


no cap im cappin that monster bro on the sapphire star fam