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No bigger cringe, than imagining such a sorry loser sitting alone in their room typing out toxic presets, thinking they are hot shit. Being "good" at this game is all they have, its sad. To answer your question tho, agitator isnt a core skill anymore due to no clutch claw to keep monsters enraged easily. Its by no means bad, but Rise has other unique/new skills that end up more valuable. Not terrible, just not as universally op as in world. The crit eye 7 probably refers to there being easier affinity skills for GS, such as Wex 3/Bloodlust 1 and the rest 30% then from smth like Max Might over crit eye, due to better per point value. Again garbage delivery of unwanted advice. Their hall, their rules, but you dodged a bullet of incompetence in practice.


Okay that makes sense, thanks for the advice!


Imagine having your stickers preset for shaming people. What a loser. Critical Eye is a core skill for most builds. Agitator is a bit niche compared to Iceborne, but I wouldn't call it bad.


I imagine he has mentality of “if good players use meta builds, that means only bad players don’t”, which I’ve unfortunately seen every once in a while with some hunters ever since I started with 4U. In reality, only 1 in 10 people running full meta are playing their weapon optimally, which is what matters more than build. I’d rather play with a decent player running comfy skills and minimal damage skills than a bad player running full WEX/frostcraft/crit boost and no comfort.


A build tailored to your playstyle and to maximise your comfort is always going to be more effective over time (more sustained focus on the monster = more damage over time compared to having to disengage to heal constantly) than a copy and paste META build from youtube or the reddit megathreads. It's partly why I hate this whole meta slaving we have now, people don't seem to realise that these builds aren't necessarily the best builds to use and instead mostly serve to display what is good to aim for with the weapon, with tweaks depending on your charms, abilities, or preferred skills. A great hunter is still great regardless of their build and a bad hunter is still bad regardless of their build. These people are legit neeks and should probably go shower at some point


My builds consistently hold mqx evade distance, max hunger resist, some form of boost for the weapon I use, and then any slots left over for random skills. It's pretty sweet


I have been kicked out of sessions for my build several times I am a person with Blackveil’s hands, fatalis’ everything else and a safi poison GS to have the Vaal blessing (it makes passive regeneration go further than the red bar), aside from that I have core DPS skills and a lot of recovery and health booster skills, + elemental resistance depending on the monster I’m fighting (loadouts for every element) and also ailment resist, of course i am also a fucking leech stealing health. I am literally immortal, and killed Fatalis without healing at all, I am a tank, but people just overlook my build and think I’m a bad player. Never judge a book by its cover.


Been wanting to get into GS and your build sounds like loads of good, stupid fun


I tanked the ENTIRE fire cone from Fatalis, this build is extremely fun, I tell you.


isn’t agitator quite nice when it comes to afflicted monsters? considering how easily enraged they are and how hard it is to achieve crit eye 7 until high afflicted investigation levels aka risen shaggy / risen vals to make the expert 4 deco?


It's not great vs. afflicted monsters. They lose the enrage status when you pop them out of the afflicted state and when they do the explosion.


Nah you're fine. That Chibi guy is the classic build police where they'll laugh at "bad" builds and yell cheater to the ones that have better builds than them. They are so delusional to the point where they forgot the fact that the meta builds they're basing off of is specifically theorycrafted for solo speedruns and they're sitting here yelling in a multiplayer lobby. I don't know all the skills on your build, but Agi is not as good in Sunbreak, especially Anomaly because of the low enrage uptime (50% at best). It'd be much better if you invest in attack boost (or offensive guard if you play SAS) instead. There are so much more sources of affinity now, you don't really need the affinity from agi anymore. As for Crit Eye over WEX, I'm assuming you're not confident at hitting weakspots in a multiplayer setting, which is totally fine imo. Just be sure to max out Critical Boost if you haven't yet.


Thanks for the advice! I’m pretty good at hitting weak spots, I just figured Crit eye was more valuable. Knowing that I don’t really need Agitator means I can diversify my build more. I’ll definitely invest in Crit boost and Wex


Yeah, the point in balancing crit eye vs wex is how consistently your crit uptime hits 100%, and it doesn't matter how you get there, as long as you're hitting that. That being said, if you can feel good in consistently hitting weak spots, wex is more 'efficient' armor-wise, as it only takes 3 points to max, compared to crit eye's 7, allowing you to have 4 points to put in other skills


You just generally don’t see max crit eye or agitator in “meta” GS builds, but your skills are perfectly useable still. Don’t worry about it OP, this guys just a dick


They're dissing your fly girl! Show them what's up!


I cannot comprehend how telling someone to go play Elden Ring is even remotely considered insulting, like on what grounds are you basing that? Bro can’t even insult you properly. Also, who tf ever uses max might? There aren’t even two whole seconds you spend with full stamina in combat like ever, it’s genuinely a useless skill, what is this fool on about?


If I had to guess, it's cuz Elden Ring has less combat systems to worry about, and somehow the counter focused gameplay of Sunbreak is more difficult? Idk, I'm just guessing, and either way, it exudes loser energy.


I know Max Might is used on Heaven-Sent 3 sets since it gives you infinite stamina. I think Berserk + Strife also gives infinite stamina as well, so it’s probably used there too. Those are definitely far from being standard/core builds though.


What a toxic asshole


For real fuck its a pve co-operative video game. Guy must be a punching sack at school or live in his mum's basement.


Mans would've just sounded like a memelord had he not kick you out 😭


Rise/Sunbreak lobbies are the most toxic of MH lobbies I experienced so far. They beat Elitist MH4U Lobbies by a landslide.


I remember those days fondly. Kicked simply because a meaningless number isn't as high as the hosts.


Got kicked by French lobbies because my name was a “bad” word in their language and they thought I was there to antagonize them.


Can't blame you for not knowing, but that's unfortunate for both sides.


Scum will always be scum.


Did this man just say, "Go play Elden Ring," like it's somehow easier than MHR? Brother, what are you smoking?


This dude would probably hate my element and para IG builds, especially my para IG because I just tossed it together on a whim in maybe an hour and a half. It's not perfect, but it is relatively functional. lol


The asshole tried so hard to seem elite, but even failed at that when they questioned why OP didn’t have max might (by the asshole questioning why OP didn’t have max might while also questioning OP for only having two levels of crit boost, it is implied that the asshole somehow thought max might was a relatively good skill compared to crit boost even though max might is inconceivably worse than crit boost).


Max might is incredibly good on sets that use heaven sent 3, or berserk with strife 3. It's nothing to sneeze at with GS if utilizing strongarm stance. You will get that affinity boost before the big hit from TCS cuz of the setup time. It's also pretty good on LS since you aren't really dodging, but rather countering like it's going out of style, and that doesn't consume stamina. Crit boost is higher priority, though, absolutely, outside of maybe dual blades cuz of how cracked elemental damage is on them.


Is max might that bad?


There’s simply so many skills that take priority over max might because they either offer bigger returns for the investment needed to activate them (such as beserk and dragon heart) or simply offer bigger benefits (such as frostcraft, dereliction, bloodlust, critical eye, and so on). EDIT: I also should mention that since maximum might needs a temporarily infinite stamina providing skill to be activated reliably, and that greatswords doesn’t face enough stamina issues for the benefits of building for the furious skill or the heaven sent skill to be worth the investment, the maximum might skill just isn’t worth investing in. Given how the great sword plays in sunbreak, it’s much better to build for berserk and resentment for greatsword.


That’s good to know. I’m a tackle oriented GS player so I rarely have full stamina anyway


If they can beat P. Melzeno with my shit built. Then they can judge people. But since I'm not an new world hunter. OP can play however they want. It's not about how fast you can kill it. It's about the fun of the hunt.


bro why do these people care, some of us just like hunting monsters!! don't let it get to you, not everyone minmaxes :) in mhgu i have like 400 hours on my character and only have 2 active skills LMAO i get by fine!! :)


What a moron. On a second note, what’s wrong with Elden Ring?


It’s so funny that the souls players have inexplicably relapsed into the casual gamers. What kinda mental loop are these people going through?? When did we go from the souls players trolling and gatekeeping non souls players to everyone else calling souls players casuals???


Because Elden Ring sold like hotcakes and really expanded the size of the fanbase, if I had to assume. Then there's these options that can make the game easier on struggling players. The operative term being "options." People are just fucking weird about these games, and it's kinda obnoxious.


Dude's a fucking loser lol


Ex-Speedrunner here. Build theory is not very important in almost all of non-speedrun play. As long has you have half decent skills and half decent armor you can beat any monster. I went through the almost all of world base game with no armor and the bone lance 1 to prove it... (I got pas Nergi but Vaal and Teo were too much). Unless you're speedrunning having decent armor + weapons and a few good skills (no need to be meta, just useable) should get you through ANY fight. Don't listen to losers like this, usually they tend to be bad at the game and rely on hyper-optimal builds and teammates with similar builds to carry them.


Some ppl are fking special af in this game ngl. On my main 999mr account in world its super hard to find anyone talking sht but when i started new save sht went down super fast lol. One 999mr guy left fatalis quest cause i didnt get the instant knockdown with minigun (i like to slam like 80% of the mag into the head cause on sos thats the most important part to focus) i was instantly running to balista to trigger the knockdown and he pretty much left the quest when KO got triggered lol (so it was like 10 secs after i jumped off the minigun) Another 999 guy kicked me for dealing damage to the fatalis chest on first part of the fight. (instead of telling me to focus head even more on the first nuke break he decided that its better to just instantly kick me on that first nuke break xd) and the whole situation is even more stupid cause i was hitting the head on every big opening (big bite, fire beam, body slam) i guess dealing damage to fatalis is now a bad thing There was also the guy who moded the game to disable the flinches and knock ups from weapons and he was 200% sure that his mod only gives FF3 and if u have FF3 in iceborne then u will be immune to knock ups.... like bro... I never seen anyone telling someone to go play elden ring with presets tho lmao. So stupid xd It its a lot easier to see ppl spam the "??" sticker and then kicking you or leaving the quest instead of actually saying what u should do different. The fatalis minigun tards or cannon haters are the worst tho


Its insane how the predjudice is with some people. people never try to comment on my MR 999 account even if I'm running the stupidest builds. The second I use a lower level account suddenly everyone is an expert. It's extra funny when they're blatantly wrong and trying to explain it to me like I don't have few thousand hours in the game and know better.


ye it is kinda crazy experience. i was always surprised when i saw posts about toxic ppl and stuff like that cause it was rlyyyy hard for me to experience on my main accounts but when i started my alt account... well... i guess it is actually true... even if i top dps by a lot or have crazy uptime on monster weakspot ppl will still talk stupid sht to me or just kick me for some stupid reason. tbh i was expecting a lot more kicks cause ppl would expect that im cheating or something cause of dps meter check but to my surprise its either just "u are low MR, i dont trust you that u wont cart 3times in 5mins on fatalis" what is 100% fair... or its just one of the stupid reasons that i mentioned in first comment what kinda blows my mind. its kinda fun new experience, but in the same time i dont like listening to 5IQ ppl logic in this game... so its kinda weird in the same time lol


Usually people go WEX 3 (50%), Crit Eye 5-6 (25-30%), and Bloodlust 1 (20%) which should give 95-100% affinity. Agitator also isnt the best in Sunbreak, iirc it only have about 60-70% up time in anomaly hunts. But yes, fuck that toxic player. As long as you arent carting a lot and doing no damage, you are competent and ur build works.


Wait agi isn’t that good in sunbreak? :( not me trying to keep it maxed out while struggling to have a good build..


That guy for sure is trolling and I bet he thinks he is so funny and smart. Fuck meta players play how ever you want


What kind of dis is “play elden ring”? Is it supposed to be easier than sunbreak? Ill take a beating from any monster in MH universe over playing the last quarter of ER again…


Agitator isn’t great but crit eye is a must for basically any build if you wanna do damage. Dudes a bot don’t let it bother you


Not Rise but MHW related….i got “reported for exploitation” because I rock the Fatalis Sticky 3 HBG build that I used to basically CARRY the leader (he carted 3 times thank goodness for insurance) since he was struggling with Ruiner Nerg…..like bud *I* am the reason it was flailing on the ground with nearly everything broken and you wanna say I’m cheating?


That guy is toxic, ignore him or kick if host. People dont have to use the "meta" if they dont find it fun. As long as you arent showing up in low/high rank armor to MR7+ quests with randoms and carting all over then I wouldn't worry about it.


Is this a normal thing in Rise? I feel like everybody in Monster Hunter World are chill for the most part lol


I have to admit, dude is pretty skilled at being an asshole. I wish I could have my presets so perfectly set up...not for assholery, but just in general.


These chibi callout saying these made me laugh for some reason


Lol what a fucking loser, bet that made this micro hard


And here I thought using stickers for Lenny faces was an immature (albeit at least still occasionally humorous) use of them. Toxicity never dies with this series.


Don’t let this sucker get to you, if you do good, then you’re good :)




Toxic player being a shitter about not having a hyper optimal build. Nothing wrong with bringing awareness to that. No quicker way to make someone disinterested in a game then having a shitty community. Post like this allow us to go "damn what an ass, we aren't all like that though."




Witch hunting? “Chibi” is probably their character’s name. They’re not the only Hunter that uses the name “Chibi”. you’re over exaggerating and highkey toxic.


This is a place to vent about the game, not clash with other users.