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Just remember folks. There's a tempered version that comes with every annoying monster!


I always feel bad for randoms just getting wiped time after time. I mean, we should be bringing screamer pods but everybody forgets them. I can't believe they made the tempered the same quest difficulty as regular in MR, it's way harder.


He’s annoying tbh, and screamer pods (which can trap him during the burrow process) aren’t easy to come by 😓 Had to farm him loads a while back because I wanted some sweet sweet bonk armor during the campaign but yeah, always annoying.


You can meld the screaming pods tbf. Also not to be an asshole about it but all black diablos are female lol


I’ll make sure to fire one of my melded screamer pods right into her vagina


This made me curse my much too vivid imagination


Ah yes, we can't forget to recognize the gender of a fictional video game monster.


I mean its an explicit thing that female Diablos turn black during mating season


It's also an explicit thing that Diablos is a *fictional video game monster*, so what is the relevance or importance of ensuring it is properly gender identified in Reddit comments?


This is like calling a character who is literally a woman in a game (with no in-universe reasons to say otherwise) a man, at a point you're kinda just doing it to piss people off


And this is like saying that hunting so called female characters in video games is assault, and therefore the game and franchise should be banned for openly condoning violence against women. Neither your point or my point have any relevance, so ... why point it out and making it an issue to begin with? This started because someone, assumedly accidentally, misgendered an overgrown scorpion bull on steriods from a video game, and then someone decided to jump on their high horse and say "Also not to be an asshole about it **but** (...)".


>And this is like saying that hunting so called female characters in video games is assault, and therefore the game and franchise should be banned for openly condoning violence against women. No I'm not implying that all, I don't know how you even got to that


Okay cool, how about the part where all of this is invalid anyway?


How about the part where we both stop replying?


in base world I'd avoid tempered black diablos investigation for this exact reason. And I only kill as many Black Diablos as the optional quest required in Iceborne. I wish it never return


Another reason why I love my Charge Blade, can just stand in place holding block and there's nothing Diablos can do about it 😄 great monster to counter too, pretty fun fight.


Man it was such a different experience going from GS to CB for black diablos. Just block that bitch and counter all day, she's still pretty annoying but the fight feels so much better.


this used to be one of the fights I legit hated. then I got the Guiding Lands unlocked and the temper Black Diablos out there was even worse. this was the monster back in base world that taught me IG needs to be played grounded. the tempered version taught me how to time my rolls and mid-air evades. Yeah, I hated this one. But now they are walks in the park.


If you have semi coordinated group, you may be able to pull the old B. Blos bully combo. When she isn't enraged, hit her with a screamer pod. Have 1 person ready to Flash Bomb while the rest beat on her. When she escapes being stuck, she should fly into the air (can't remember if they changed this) at which point you flash her. Just before she gets up you place a pitfall trap. When she escapes that and flys into the air again, you flash her a second time. Your milage may vary if they changed the way she escapes from being stuck.


It's a female in heat... right? \*thrusting sounds and Black Diablos roars echo in the background\*


I mained Lance, and it kinda makes Diablos (any of them) a joke, but yeah, OG Diablos was my first "Okay time to stop screwing around and take this seriously" moment, and the Black one just ramps that up. It did occor to me when fighting it as well that I would hate to have to dodge all of it's crazy stuff. Same with Furious Rajang, but cranked up to 11.


You think that's bad Black Blos never leaves me alone, solo targets me non stop. 3 hunters could be around her and yet she just wants my ass who is tryna heal or sharpen. I'm not interested in her, she doesn't get the message.


As a Bow main, I don't mind Black Diablos too much thanks to the amazing ranged and elemental hit zones it has, but boy, I hate the fact many of it's regularly spammed moves 1HKO me, to a point I pretty much have to clear the hunt taking no hits at all. Evade Extender 3, while not ideal for Bow, works incredibly well against Black Diablos in particular, making a no hit run fairly easy thankfully. Luckily it dies incredibly fast, so the fight does feel somewhat fair still. I only wish we could tenderize it's wings.


26 minutes. That aint bad at all


Alot of first Gen flying wyverns are trash and need to stop bringing them back. Rathalos doesn't need to be in every game, series flagship or not.


Literally wrong though. Rathalos is literally the most iconic monster. They won't make a monster hunter game without both Rathalos and Rathian. Dude appeared in Smash Bros. It's ordained that both Raths will be in ALL monster hunter games.


Maybe they should make them fun fights then.


They have though? Granted that's with the caveat that people will always have varying mileage with any given monster, be it due to weapon preferences or personal game sense. But with the exception of MHWIB (dunno what scrapbox those versions were scrounged from), the raths have been OK to great fights since their revamp in Tri. And I'd go so far as to say their fights in Risebreak are exemplary benchmarks of their respective threat tiers, all variations included. Of course I can't, and am not attempting to speak for your personal experience. Still, from most of the discussion I've seen surrounding them, it seems like people either stick to a principaled hate borne from overexposure and/or bad memories from the gen 1-2 iterations, or just refuse to respect the few key rules of engagement that apply to the whole family line (such as that you ALWAYS stick to the cheek side of their heads) and then rise to shout 'Trash fight!' from the rooftops. Without any cast shade, it just sticks weird for me that fights everyone should by this stage of the series have adequate training for to make them the same old same old can generate so much dislike. Like, they're guaranteed signposts for any MH title's progression, so by necessity people have to have gotten to the point where they can conquer the red-green duo with at least passing colours. But hey, if they don't gel with someone's personal taste for a MH fight, then they just don't. Nothing wrong with that.


Screaming pods and extra screaming sacs so you can stun her 13 times. You can easily farm the sacs by killing the small flying monsters located at the sink hole.


Or send tailraiders after them.


No idea why you and I are getting downvoted. Thats literally a fact.


Screaming pods. Use them when she goes completely under Stuns her for a bit to give an opening as well


I think people are downvoting because this is a subreddit for ranting and people aren't generally looking for advice; they just want to vent about a frustrating experience but that said, I do agree with you and I don't agree with the downvotes since you aren't being an asshole or a condescending "if **I** was there I would have..." armchair hunter about it


What are yall downvoting me for jesus