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There has always been a handler in every MH main game. Also MHW2 lol, at least make better bait.


No, we’ve had guild quest givers, not someone who actively bothers you in the field


Like the one from 4U, or the twins in Risebreak (Who I bring to all my hunts because They got my back.)


In 4U there was the guildmarm, who stayed with the caravan and was an enjoyable personality, and the Ace Hunters, who were… other hunters, not a handler. Rise took cues from world, and I wasn’t a fan of the buddy system


Shoot I am, Hunts like Espinas that'd be a Nightmare solo are a lot more bearable with Ai hunting buddies. To me, at least. I'd've killed to have that when going against furious rajang in iceborne.


Monster wilds is so good they're already making the sequel before the game is even out


I was referring to wilds, and I know that. It was just a joke, I think that is all very obvious. Well, for most. 🤭


As I said, make better bait lmao Making a post that could very easily be done by anyone who has only played World is not a good joke.


Especially since many genuinely have a hate boner for the handler, could hard for some to think this ISNT genuine


Low level troll lmao


Nah, she looks a little bit different. And besides, as long as her dialogue isn’t as obnoxious I’m fine with her.








Yeah. That’s the big thing. The idea of a handler wasn’t bad, the execution was bad. The handler we got was insufferable, but the time she goes missing in Iceborne and we get the other handler temporarily gave us a glimpse of what a better handler experience could have been.


Please dont say pard, please dont say pard, please dont say pard.


*ahem* PARD


You cunt






There's been a "handler" character in every game since conception. It's just the person you go to for quests. World's was among the worst, for sure, but that role is hardly unique, and definitely not a reintroduction as much as a continuation of a long-held tradition. Also, idk, maybe I'm overthinking this. Inb4 "it's not that serious/it's a joke" but if you're shaking with rage at a character who's easy to simply ignore, maybe try therapy?


No we didn’t have handlers we had guildmarms and questarix who stayed at the base and became worth protecting due to the charm of 4U’s characters.




Oh ok, sorry. Ignore me.


Dw, it wasn’t a good joke




At least this one doesn’t looks like she did heroin’


This one looks more like they do weed in a college dorm


She looks like Mirabel from Encanto


So she'll talk about Bruno?


But we don't talk about Bruno


She will sing about Bruno


Monster Hunter players when NPCs:


NPCs joining you on hunts in rise was sooo fun. I’m hoping that the handler has a similar role here and isn’t just a damsel.


A badass Handler would be... BADASS!


So you're bothered by the concept of a handler?


Having a handler in itself isnt bad, its just that World's Handler was the worst thing Capcom created since DMC2


I feel like a crazy person so many people didn't like her but she seemed fine to me just very passionate about her work.


I mean to each his own, but my enjoyment of the game dips everytime she opens her mouth, especially in english. Its less terrible in MH language. And how she tries to claim merit for the players accomplishments is annoying as well.


That's just because the game doesn't demonstrate all she does. She's the one that writes all the information about monster weaknesses/resources, the one that does all our quests, makes sure we gets rewards and makes us food while we're out and she does this for dozens of hunters at once. She has to be out on the field to get notes and unfortunately the game chose to show only the times where that goes wrong, making her seem like she's incapable and putting herself in danger.


Same, she’s not offensive at all. Kind of annoying at worst but no more than side characters in a lot of fantasy games that have MHs style of camp. I agree with SuperRAD that, while not all of the hate originated from this, the undercurrent of the hate has tinges of misogyny and its gross. Just look at the comments even in this thread that they wouldn’t mind the handler if it was the smithy girl instead. Hmm, I wonder why? It’s one of those awkward situations where there are legitimate grievances to air about her, and not liking the handler doesn’t automatically make you misogynistic, but the actual misogynists opportunistically join in on the discussion and pollute it to the point of making it unhelpful at all to even bring up.


Lmao misogyny. So original. People can dislike her because they dislike her. If it was misogyny people would equally hate serious handler but she gets way less hate than PARD! spammer.


people hate her in the same way people hate Skyler from Breaking Bad lol. Like the emotions are too strong for a character who really.. isn’t that bad at all


Dude this reply is exactly why I clarified that not all hate for her comes from a place of misogynistic intent. I also found her kind of annoying and her incompetence in the story moments was frustrating. However, I don’t really complain about her because it wasn’t a big deal to me. The level of vitriol she drums up at the slightest mention just does not match the complaints themselves, so there’s gotta be something else going on there. Misogyny isn’t just “unga bunga hate all women”. The same way “I have black friends” doesn’t absolve someone of being a racist, enjoying one female character doesn’t absolve the community of harboring misogynistic attitudes towards another.


Dude, take your politics bullshit somewhere else. You know Super Rad only said that misogyny line because he includes buzzwords into everything because he just can't help but see the world through a certain political ideology. It's why I stopped watching his content, it was full of buzzwords shit that was popular to say at the time. I think you don't know shit about why people actually dislike the Handler, or maybe she just didn't annoy you like she did them, but assuming "there must be something else there" is the stupidest, most ignorant take. Most people on the internet are hyperbolic, and use strong language because they can. Unless you're one of those people who thinks everyone is the same on the internet as they are in real life, the amount of hate she gets is practically a meme in and of itself. Also, none of this is about racism or sexism, can you take shit somewhere else? Go to r/politics if you eanna scream about political buzzwords, leave MH out of it.










I agree. Take the politics and ethics arguments elsewhere. Leave this space for monster hunter related rage.


Serious Handler....now that was a respectable woman.


He said there are some people who are misogynist that are jumping on the hate bandwagon. You should learn to read before jumping to outrage.


And you should keep the political buzzwords out of this conversation. Same thing I said to the other guy. People on the internet......gasp!......are hyperbolic way more often than they would be in real life. I highly doubt you actually know every person who hates the character, and making vague "must be misogyny in there" comments is the stupidest take. Like, do you expect every person on the internet, under the veil of anonymity, to not be hyperbolic and over exaggerate? Until I see "I hate the handler because she's a woman," I highly doubt it's misogyny as tot he reason why people don't like her. Go to r/politics if you wanna sling around political buzzwords, for real. Keep that shit outta my MH.


She's passionate about eating random shit and put other people in danger


Slightly annoying or eccentric female character = the literal antichrist


I didn't mind her too much, but it got grating every time I returned from a side mission to hear the EXACT same dialogue for whatever main story quest we were on.


You forgot the DMC 'reboot'


Technically they only published that one.


And honestly? It wasn't even that bad of a game, just having the DMC brand on it was not smart at all


Yeah, the game itself isn't bad, it could've been a pretty decent little character action game for sure.


Nah, they were the ones who commissioned it in the first place, and Inafune specifically was the one who pushed it in the wrong direction from very early on.


> she'll accompany you out on quests nonono please no, i don't need a slow introductory cutscene where you hear something coming and just stand there like a fucking [reddit TOS] almost getting your head bit off by every. single. fucking. monster. Oh boy its so exciting seeing my hunter and the handler jump out of the way at the last second it really gets me in the mood to hunt!!


I like it better if it's a fight between two monsters


I assume it will be the same type of “accompanying” as in World.. she just hangs out at base camp.


Man, the handler got buffed 👀


I lost all hope in humanity (Gemma is better)


Bashing things before it even comes out and no evidence of said things in gameplay preview, aren't we?


I'm just having fun with it. I have a lot of hope for her. Hoping she'll walk into fatalis' mouth, hoping she doesn't survive her next pickle encounter, hoping she gets lost in her first cutscenes and that's her entire arc, etc.


Why are you gleefully fantasising about a character you know nothing about dying?


If the handler was the SMITHY girl, man you wouldn't hear a peep out of me but this hopefully is better then worlds handler


There will be mods for sure


Her hoodie and marbled glasses get on my nerves she looks like she’s a New York hipster


Same, she and the Smithy look more like FF characters to me. Truthfully it's not something that would turn me away from the game since the gameplay is what really matters, and maybe I'm being a little nitpicky, but it just feels kind of...jarring to me?


imma mod her modern ass outfit out of the game the very moment there is one mod to change her aspect


I don't really get why they made her look like your average Seattleite


This is the one thing that bothers me about the npc outfits- they look too modern. Handler looks like some college student and Gemma (blonde chick who happens to be the smithy) looks like a knockoff Riku from FFX.


She looks way better than rikku lmao


I hope she's a deaf/ mute person to represent the disabled community.


She has a line in the teaser trailer they put out, she's not mute at least. Still a chance she could be deaf though, I have a deaf co worker who talks quite a bit, and pretty well at that.




Nice bait, but if she is anything like Worlds handler, her being mute would be more of a blessing than a disability.


That's the joke pardner


Unironically that’d be pretty sick


Put her in a wheelchair too. Even more representation and she is easier to lose in the forest.


Tbh, I've never gotten the hate for Handler. I know some people are ironic with it, but some people are a bit too passionate about it And the whole "she doesn't do anything" she's basically your secretary, she keeps track of your missions and shit for you, cooks for you, etc She does more than the admiral lol


The admiral yells at me, just like dad 🫡😭


The felyn chefs cook for you she just eats and brings herself in danger


She cooks for you in the field (e.g. guiding lands, expeditions).


She might not be annoying this time


I mean she has an actual name this time


I'm mostly indifferent to World's handler. I see why there are many who are annoyed by her. It's just that the dislike/hate seems... overblown at times? Yes, the game runs the food obsession "quirk" 6 feet into the ground (Iceborne less so than base), they have her do stupid things while out on the field, and the "We did it!" comments are largely unearned. I totally understand if you find such a character annoying and poorly written. It's just the seemingly visceral reaction that I find odd and I'm not sure how much of it is genuine as opposed to just hyperbole and "joining in on the joke".


I absolutely agree. There are many characters that you could say bad things about, but for some reason people have zero chill when it comes to the handler




Rajang vibes from that comment


as long as i dont have to hear/see "Her" voice/face.. i am A-OK with a new handler


??? Legitimately what does this mean. Why did you say « “Her” voice/face »?


i meant the handler from world, i dont wanna hear "pard" for the 100th time


Oh ok. I kinda get it, though the Monster hunter language is a lot less annoying


she looks kinda cute ngl


Looking pretty cool


They always have different handlers in different games of the series. My favorite was the old lady from MHFU...


There's been a "handler" character in every game since conception. It's just the person you go to for quests. World's was among the worst, for sure, but that role is hardly unique, and definitely not a reintroduction as much as a continuation of a long-held tradition. Also, idk, maybe I'm overthinking this. Did the handler really make people THAT angry, or is this comic outrage?


It’s to the point some people somehow made themselves thinks she STOLE your credit, which literally didn’t happen


No, theyre hasnt. Theres been Guild Girls, quest girls who give you quests. Not handlers.


That's what the handler is. The handler does nothing else the whole game. It's just a different name.


no she also gets herself killed


My annoyance with her is the inability to mute her. If I need a reminder of the main quest then there's a whole ass quest log, and a reminder in the top left, and a quest marker. Just be quiet and let me farm my sets in peace, for a game with so much grind built into the gameplay loop making a character and dialogue that constantly pressures you into doing the next main quest is incredibly aggravating. I'm also pretty sure the earlier games had guild girls rather than handlers, handler has a very different and less pleasant connotation though I suspect that's a localisation thing that wasn't really thought through.


I would agree with the localization thing. For being called a "handler" she realistically serves no purpose aside from giving you quests, much like a guildgirl/guildmarm etc. I tuned her out through most of the game. Having grown up playing N64 LOZ games, I'm not a stranger to annoying, unmuteable quest reminders, so when it came to the handler, I definitely knew "cool, I'll never listen to anything this lady says." 😂😂😂


Get the feeling they're prolly gonna tone her personality down a bit cus of all this. Too bad imo. She was annoying in a pretty endearing way.


my brother in christ wait until the actual game until you bitch about the character we don't know anything about her personality she could be more similar to the serious handle or something new


At leashe she's cute. Doesn't seem like she'll be PARD spamming, so I'm in.




As long as she has a actual personality that’s fine


Speaking of which, Palicoes are voiced. I hope they give the option to turn their voices back into meows


Wait what? I did not notice that in the trailer. I gotta rewatch it


It was the tiny voice that mentions that they’ve never seen such a spiky…monster or something


Yeah it was “One of em got big spikes on its back” or something


As long as she isn’t annoying and doesn’t put her self in dangerous situations, I don’t mind.


Never understood the hate for the handler in World as I liked her quite a bit. Hope this one is just as nice.


Can't speak for everyone, but my personal reason for hating on her was that she offered little as a character, but was constantly front and center. Don't get me wrong, I get that the game is *really* about the monsters and hunting them, but she was the closest thing to a "main character" in the game, and she was just a big pile of nothing. Most of the actual side characters you meet and interact with all felt like they had a personality, skills that make them relevent, and a story to tell, but the one you're meant to interact with the most doesn't even *do* anything? (That last part isn't even a joke, there's a side conversation in Iceborne that reveals that she isn't even doing her job, the Serious Handler has been doing it *for* her.) The worst part of it isn't even that she's boring/one-dimensional, it's that it feels like the game *loves* her and is really hard-selling the idea that *you should love her too*.


You know what? Fair point.


Not the same Handler. And hopefully not as annoying to the point to almost getting eaten by a damn pickle


Born, raised and trained on a Starbucks in Los Angeles




What's wrong with the Handler ?


they’re a woman who speaks or something


They talk too much and their dialogue can't be skipped. There are weird sections where the game slows down but it's not a cinematic, it's some weird slow walk bullshit and I hate it. I know World didn't invent that bullshit but it was constant through the game. Makes fresh playthroughs fucking annoying. "Hey Pard! Hey Pard! Hey Pard!" World was just egregious with all the arbitrary slowdowns and cinematics. I don't like feeling myself becoming decrepit in real time while I suffer through the slog of their "story", if you could even call it that. In the first minute of the game, I want to already be on a beast's trail ready to murder it without any hesitation. After character creation, I want to already be in the woods or jungle place and be attacked by monsters. Also we need to have an option to disable Newbie tutorials before the game starts, being barraged by window after window of shit I'm not reading is annoying. If I don't know something, I can just look it up later or I'll just figure it out. Games are more fun that way anyway.


not gonna lie... I will miss my old handler...


To each their own. The Handler was a fantastic companion for me.


This is a different handle, not every handler is an anoying shitbag who should die in a pit. Lets hope shes cool


I really hope they won't overkill the hand holding with her like they did with MHW handler. I don't want to be treated like a lost child the whole game, constantly.


I have my doubts due to mhw and mhr ...I wish they brought back to turn off tutorials. I don't know why they removed it in the first place.


That’s World’s handler? Nah, hold up bruh, she seems laidback now


r/okbuddyrathalos is that way, sir 🫡


I knew the handler hate would bring about posts like this honestly just gonna hide these and move on, since they only thing y'all have always hated about the handler is the fact she is the game telling you what to do (despite the fact most of y'all STILL don't learn...), even to the point where everyone gasses up the serious handler, EVEN WHEN SHE DOES THE SAME THINGS! enjoy your echo chamber, I guess.


Again, I feel like I'm the only one that somewhat likes the handler. If nothing else, She's always rooting for me when I get carted the billionth time. And even if she gets herself into shit, she's TRYING to do her job at least.


Oh we’re so cooked


Just don't make her as stupid as MHW's handler. It's like she's intentionally wanting my character to get killed. Each of her cutscene is a death sentence for my character.


If she gives more helpful advice this time, I think it'll go over much better. Like if she actually gave tips on unique tricks for new monsters to get the upper hand over them. Make her actually feel like a valuable intelligence expert.


Everyone here blasting OP for their shit bait, and also decimating World handler to smitherins made me slightly chuckle I'm not gonna lie. Personally I never had an issue with World's handler, but boy I know I'm in the minority on that one.


It was just supposed to be comical, nothing more. If people want to take it that seriously then they'll have to take some time to reflect on themselves.


I legitimately don’t need a Handler, I’m an Old World hunter, who’s been doing this since 3U, all I need is my non sentient, inanimate, and blue guild provisions chest


I can only type my V key so many times to giggle. However this handler doesn't seem that bad...yet. I was more focused on "HOLY SHIT MY CAT TALKS!" (I know Palicoes have battle chatter and felynes Make food for you in Ice/break, But they didn't have proper voices other than just Cat noises.)


Alma wade?


Wish we could have a male handler for once.


Bring back Michelle, she was a better handler than ours was, even if it was only for a short time.


Nooooooooooooooooo!! Pls i don't want to see or hear that creature


La Creatúra De La Seattle La Luz Extinguidad


I really like this art direction of modern fantasy.


Eh at least this one's hot and might actually help during hunts


Alma for almanac


Honestly, as long as they write her with some actual depth, I'm okay with them having a new Handler character. Here's hoping that Alma will be a fun and natural partner to accompany us on our adventures! Failing that, we could always petition Capcom for a "DELETE THE FUCKING HANDLER!" DLC.


Bring back the guild Marm, we all loved her cute insanity.


I for one, had zero problems with the handler, so this is a win to me


I hope she's annoying af just to spite all the world haters.


Hopefully she isn’t an obnoxious moron who constantly runs into danger


She’s got a mount of her own, so she can get out of harm’s way if things get dangerous


This gives me hope


I don't give a single shit about the handler and npcs. All that I care about is how many slots will be wasted on the same overused Nargacuga/Zinogre/Barioth combo.


Well they might be fan favorites


>Barioth Please never utter that Unholy hellspawn's name again. Twice was enough, I don't want to suffer through Cocaine saber a third time. I'll take zinogre and Nargacuga, but that demon BETTER stay his frosty ass in the last two ice areas. Else I'll die via brain bleed.


I love her more then that creature in world already.


Boohoo, chill out. I can understand finding the handler mildly annoying. I can understand silly jokes at the expense of the handler. But please, it’s really not that deep


looks hott, hopefully her in-game model isn't fugly like World


She'll be popular this time because she looks like a basic e girl instead of farm girl aesthetic (MHW handler was cute y'all're just shitters). Hopefully she won't be as annoying this time around but frankly I never had much issue in World, just set it to the MH language


The handler was hated for her words not her looks.


I'll be honest, I don't like her design.


Are you drunk? The game isn't even out. Hell, the trailer was released yesterday and you already think she gonna be like world/iceborne. This is next level nitpicking.


She looks like a liberal arts college student. Hard pass.


Continuing the tradition of making handler ugly


Insert the meme of the fugly guy saying "she's like a 3/10" at an objectively good looking girl


Wtf she's cute as hell. Genuinely one of the cutest designs for a MH character I've seen


What are you on? She's cute


In the pic its better than in the trailer I saw In the trailer it seems she had sleepy eyes and a bigger nose but meh not every character needs to be attractive


I have a big nose irl, so I stan a big nosed handler!


>a big nosed handler! no scout flies needed


If anything that probably the most realistic version of any handler. Going through paperwork is not fun.

