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Furious Rajang is the third time I just straight up had no fun during a hunt


Yeah but this trading blows bs is just something inherent to CB endgame gameplay. Watch Sunbreak Rajang CB speedruns, it's the same there even though rajang has been nerfed into the ground. Imo charge blade just needs a serious revamp to make it actually usable in MH endgame phases, it sucked in Sunbreak, MH4U and Iceborne endgame so far (in MHGU it was generally unusable). They need to make the AED animation way faster and reduce the amount of recovery frames it has. Edit: Who is this idiot downvoting perfectly normal comments in this thread, does Rajang have a reddit account now or what.


Yeah I’ve said it before but this is one of the biggest reasons I dropped CB in Sunbreak (Iceborne I mostly managed except for things like Rajang). It’s viable and useable but the fact it turns into a trade weapon just wasn’t fun for me when other weapons can pull off their damage and combos without the same requirement to eat shit afterwards.


Idk how you made it to the dlc in rise with cb. I dropped it after the first few hunts cause it just felt so bad. I can’t put my finger on what exactly felt wrong, but it just felt so off


I dropped CB in Iceborne endgame and see no reason to come back to my former main unless Capcom does a fundamental rework that stops this trade bs.


G rank CB does fall off a bit, but it's far from unusable.


Well it's usable if you consider trading blows acceptable or enjoy running around with savage axe, not blocking anything and not using guard points, saed or aed and just pressing triangle like a moron. I think that's not fun at all. There's a mismatch between endgame monsters speed and your slow ass weapon animations and capcom hasn't even tried to fix it so far.


I was talking about mhgu, but I agree with you about world borne. I'm hoping that savage axe doesn't become the dominant playstyle in wilds.


All the shield weapons are heavily overbalanced in gen 5, specially considering all the bs other weapons were given in comparison.


Charge blade sucking in MH4U? wat


Try fighting GQ 140 Rajang or Deviljho with it and you will see what I mean. Very easy to get killed during the long ass recovery animations of your aed. Both fights are way better with greatsword.


I mean 140 GQ is overtuned as shit, but even then I successfully managed to use CB against these. They stun like no tomorrow or at least get a stagger/trip off, not to mention the free knockdown on supressing the virus, which means a free SAED and most likely another stun.   Rajang in mh4u also has noticable openings where you can safely use an AED. I do agree greatsword is a better matchup here, but that doesn't stop CB from being absolutely broken in like 80% of the games content if not more. Especially since even in these encounters the CB can wreck


You are right and I have should probably put it different. What I meant was that the problems that made charge blade such a chore to play in Iceborne and Risebreak were already there in MH4U, the slow aed animation in general and the insanely long recovery animation after that. But it wasn't bad for most matchups because the damage and stun were so over the top. I didn't play cb much in MH4u endgame because it was just hunting GQ 140 Rajang nonstop and Greatsword was much better suited to that.


That I can agree with, some frenzied monsters in mh4u were already scurrying the edge of being too fast for some weapons. But for the most part still worked. anything beyond that, the faster gameplay/nerfs hurt CB a lot. 


I'm gonna be real with you chief: I am a dual Blades and light bowgun main, and I am too chicken to fight Rajang with dual blades. Stickies are life. No way am I scrapping up close and personal with that roided up angry monke.


No balls.


Don't feel that way. It's legitimate to switch weapon based on the monster you are fighting.


I hope one day you try with dual blades. Stick to his butt/tail and the sides of him.  It’s a dance like with Odogaron and the such. 


Must have fought Rajang over 50 times using the Charge Blade for one reason only - cause what a damn good fun fight once you get used to it.


Does your Rajang not follow up with another body slam to hit you after you guard point his initial body slam into AED because Rajang I was fighting does a lot?


As someone who fought Rajang on his CB file recently, AED is way too risky unless he's knocked down or doing the beam, I relied on sword mode a lot


True if big


Yeah he’s trash, wayyyyy too fast on recoveries


Agreed. My friend and I unlocked him yesterday and I was surprised at how he recovers INSTANTLY from having a part broken. The cunt grabs at a wall, looking at you and then 3 seconds later he's leapt the distance and punched you in the face. And don't get me started on bouncing on those fucking arms.


Nope that’s actually a mechanic just for his monkey cock! Every time you topple him he falls super far backwards and if he intercepts a wall anytime during that topple animation, he grabs the wall and instantly recovers. Literally no other monster IN THE ENTIRE FUCKING GAME can do that. NO ONE.


Oh... Well, fuck me I guess as I need to craft the helmet and his lance. He was MUCH better in Rise.


What do you need those for? Helmet isn’t bad but you should be able to squeeze by with Guild Palace Lance for now until Raging Brachy. Use Razor Charm until you can do 3 Teo-2 Brachy, Guild Palace. Guild Palace Lance (R11) Clockwork Helm (A) Bazel Chest (B) Banbaro (A) Fulgur (A) Uragaan (A) Gem in as much crit eye/ WE as you need for 100% and you’re good to go. This will hold you over until Brachy. Highly recommend Razor Charm.


I saw the build [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JltPjTfNrKY) (min 7:30), its a "transitional build" lol. The video recommends the build using the Kulu Yaku lance as its the one that is quickest to upgrade to Health regen. I'm currently running 3 piece Teostra, Guild Palace gloves and I believe Uragaan legs to get a comfy Guard 5, WE 3, Health Boost 3, Crit eye 7 and Offensive Guard 3. I'm at 75% affinity. I also have 3 lvl 1 slots to put any QoL decorations for Pain-in-the-ass monsters like Nightshade Palomu, Blackveil Hazak, etc. I wasn't aware of the existence of Razor Charm, thank you, I will try to start that quest chain ASAP. My hunting partner and I already unlocked and hunted our first Raging Brachi (Jesus Christ that thing is fucking huge), is his lance a good end-game weapon?


His Lance is easily the best one you will get outside of Fatalis or a fully min/maxed Safi Lance (but I think that has sharpness issues and needs extreme skill on Masters Touch hits or Protective Polish). You want Teo head, Gloves, and Waist and then R.Brachy everything else


I will take a look at that set, thank you. I'm guessing that due to Lance's low but consistent damage the Health Regen isn't quite worth it?


Not even close, Lance is probably a top 3 health augment weapon because it lets you heal back all the chip you take when blocking. Get it ASAP, it’s like a completely different weapon.


Thank you for the advice, kind redditor, may all your hunts drop mantles.


Update! I made the set you mentioned and holy shit, I'm amazed! Hunts go much MUCH faster now. Thank you very much. I'm assuming my next (and last?) upgrade is fatty?


Just wait til you hit even angrier Monke. You're gonna be furious.


Furious Rajang is easier tbh. He had way more openings than the original


The amount of times I've joined an SOS and seen triple carts before I can even get to the monkey disagree with that statement.


I don’t think that’s a good testament because SOS players triple cart to everything after high rank haha 😂


him always being in his enraged form makes his fight quite a bit harder than normal


Hammer go bonk. But in all seriousness I've had waaaaaay more difficulty with Lunastra hunts purely because people can't be bothered to learn that if you flash her, she immediately counters with a nova.


> if you flash her, she immediately counters with a nova. Duly noted.


I was thinking of ways to say it that wouldn't sound dirty, but there's just no way around it.


Imma just say from someone who uses a variety of weapons and mops the floor with this monke, either change your fighting or just use a different weapon. A fight that is seen as poorly made is (in my opinion) usually sign that you have yet to read the book of monke. To back my point up, yes it is fast. But if everything was slow and allowed for extensive time to react, it probably wouldn’t be very fun. The Monke being fast makes sense because it’s so muscle dense and is rather small as far as large monsters go.




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that's mean


Honestly, it seems like you aren't using sword mode enough. I raged like that until i remembered that Rajang and angry Rajang are weak to quick sweeping strikes that eventually wear them down. Like actual monkeys. Advancing slash and shield trust need to be 99% of your dps, AED/SAED ONLY when hard knockdown and remember that the beam is a great opening for a headsnipe with axe unsheathe. It does require a counterintuitive playstyle, but if you get out of the PARRY PARRY PARRY PARRY PARRY PARRY like it's sekiro and play it a bit more like armored core, where repositioning is better than dodging/parrying, Rajang/Brachydios and even Fatalis become easy. You also get more gem economy if you drop block/guard up so yeah.


What I don't get is how is rajang so hard but furious rajang is so easy to fight? Like the forgot to make the even more angry monkey actually more angry


I won't speak on the (S)hitboxes because apparently monster hunter's are Chronically shit, even after new gen. As for Rajang, He's an old arch nemesis of mine. You did pick charge blade, which is an already hard weapon to master (with some kind of slow moves here and there, but not as bad as hammer or greatsword in the speed department) but even if you had dual blades Rajang wouldn't magically become easy, he's a BRUTAL monster in most installments. He doesn't let up long enough to let you breathe, and he hits like an avalanche. Best advice I can give is to Treat rajang like he treats you. Don't get reckless, but match his Aggression with some of your own. Learn the tells for his moves to Know when you're safe and when you're in trouble, and keep good Thunder protection and Healing items on standby. P.S, you think Regular rajang is bad? You're gonna lose it when you get to Furious rajang... As an aside, I pray I see Furious again in my current playthroughs, I wanna tear that stupid monkey a New asshole with the tricks I've learned.


Tbh I love his fight in world. I love the intensity, the back and forth, the speed superiority. It honestly felt like a monster fighting for its life. And once you get used to it's flow, MAN. It's legendary. It's a dance. A game of cat or mouse. Who will commit more, and who will commit at an inopportune time? My favorite way to fight him is with Hunting horn, actually. It takes skill to learn when it's best to recite. Overall, this is a fight you HAVE to be aggressive and take control of. If you don't, Rajang will steamroll you. And I can tell a lot of you aren't doing that. With that said, If you're not used to it, I 100% get why you dislike it. Completely valid. And please continue to share your opinion. I'm glad we have a space for you to do so 👍🏽. Edit: Wait how many of you guys played Fromsoft games? My favorites are Bloodborne and Sekiro, so maybe that's why I like him.


Not garbage. But rajang is by far one of the most annoying monsters there is. In Sunbreak the speed is like on steroids compared to World, though he and furious rajang are way easier in SB because they don't hit that hard and the counters. Tactics for him, just hit and run. Don't try anything flashy.


Hes better in risebreak solely cuz of ready stance. 100% that iceborne fight is ass.


I swear they nerfed the shit out of his speed in rise, he felt almost sluggish in rise compared to his "I Snort redbull for breakfast" speed in iceborne.


I found him tough as well, but this guy had no trouble. https://youtu.be/3V-f3y-f96o?si=Sp1kdI8gi0PXwFGU


Ummm... well, looks like I'm messing around with CB again