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He seems random but when you kill him enough you’ll notice a method to the madness. I prefer Scorned tho


Zinogre: "All I do is run, backflip and breakdance." Fandom: "Aww, you're hecking reddit wholesome chungus 100" Magnamalo: "All I do is run, backflip and breakdance." Fandom: "uhh bad design lol"


Imo magnamalo is wayy better than zinogre, zinogre is hella random, also if you guys think magnamalo is bullshit how you guys fighting risen valstrax?


Bro once you learned basic Valstrax moves, Risen valstrax is a piece of cake. Like I fought 26 Valstrax and carted like 3~4 times. Compared to Risen Valstrax, I hunted 4 of them and I carted only once.


Bruh you definitely use a fast weapon mf is wayy more random compared to normal val he has different combos from same starting attack. With my main gs hes hell annoying to fight but with lance i guess i can beat him easy


Bro fym fast weapons ? I play hammer/lance/switch axe.


As a Hammer main our weapon definitely isn't slow, especially in Rise.


Hammer is mobile as hell lol


I put them on equal grounds of liability. The howls or thunder pup r too iconic tho. Magna's armor and Lazer beam tail atks r fantastic as well. Ice doggo could learn a thing or two from them


Absolutely not, I despise Zinogre. Both dogs can go eat some damn chocolate


Zinogre is doggo, Magnamalo is kitty


True. If you watch Maggy at a distance he grooms himself like a house cat. It’s so cute.


Actually I find that Magnamalo looks too plasticky... Toi artificial even in Monster Hunter. Zinogres look more natural.


Zinogre is so overrated


Ahh the good old generalizations to make people look like hypocrites




This is a place to vent about the game, not clash with other users.


Yeah but taking Zinogre and making him shit purple clouds as a method of locomotion doesn't make Zinogre bad or Magnamolo good. I could explain why I don't like Magna but don't mind Zinogre but I'll just say haha fuck you Zinogre theme go brrr Magnamolo L's abound. Also Zinogre in World was a pain in the dick too, because the fucking projectiles were almost invisible.


The... the glowing blue lightning balls are almost invisible?


They weren't that in World, they were a see-through cloud of glowing particles, which looked almost the same as the trails they left. I should probably say it was difficult to tell where the fuck exactly they were rather than that they were in of themselves hard to see. They did blend in with Zinogre if they overlapped because the lightning around him used an almost identical effect.


Dude same I never ever was able to dodge that idk where the hitboxes starts or ends bec it's weird spinning balls


I’ve always wanted to bring that up to someone but never knew how to word it. It’s exactly as you said. It’s not that the lightning balls are hard to see themselves, but during certain situations, it’s nearly impossible to gauge how far it is or how quickly it’s coming toward you, especially when your focus is going to be on zinogre, who’s the SAME exact color as the balls he’s spewing out in circles.




One of the best flagship fights cause he always feels tough, and there’s more to it once you pick up on what he's doing Fantastic meme tho!


His turf wars have less physics than action figures being mashed together


More fun and interesting to fight than fucking nergigante. LMFAO.


I like Nerg :( At least the first time you fight him. I thought he was a really cool monster, that being said I agree he turns into such a pushover after the introduction fight.


I like him too but the normal version ruiner is way to easy


I like nergi. He's a well designed monster visually. But he's no different than any other wyvern. An insanely easy monster for a flagship.


They're both my favorite flagship


I feel like the opposite? Nerg was the best flagship and a real noob buster.


At least Nergigante has a cooler design and theme 😂


Nergigante looks cooler, hits harder, has a better theme song and better looking armour imo. Purple cat doesn't appeal to me that much


Hey nerdygante and magnum hoe are both equally frustrating and cool


i think i would like magnamalo more if it were even more cat like


>has a better theme song OK, with this I know you're trolling >better looking armour And with this I know you play a male character


Both are wrong lol


Better theme song is a crazy take. Nergigante has a cool design and fight but his theme is terribly generic. Flagships should have a distinctive theme, something that’s instantly recognisable to theme. Piano for Velkhana, gamelan for Shara, biwa for Magnamalo, organ for Malzeno. As soon as you hear it, you know who you’re up against. Nergigante’s theme could be applied to a million different monsters. It has so little character, it could be an area theme without sounding out of place.


I completely agree


Honestly though. Even ruiner kind of feels like a pushover. Doesn't match his introductions at all


Ruiner spent too much time being toppled. Too easy compared to that nightmare AT Nergi.


AT Nerg is the real MR Nerg, Ruiner is an bonafide fraudulent “upgrade”


My issue with magnamalo is that he is overdesign(yes is know samurai yokai inspired) , but game play wise he can do everything, fly , massive nova explosion , big beam , his version of blast . Magna moveset lack identity , example Rath will fly and be annoying and keep u trying to bring him down , or diablos which just charge u , or zinoger which is most similar to magna but is more distinctive with their fulgur bugs and the need for him to gather the bugs giving u opening or when he is supercharge become fast . In the end the feeling magna gave me is the kid at the play ground who just say they have all the power and is better than all other .


Really? Whenever i saw magno i alwasy thought of a bouncy ball of gas very mobile but when you get down to it can be easilly displaced for me i found him fun and his moves easlily punishable (With DB) i fun challendge but not to crazy


My issue with Brachydios is that he is overdesign , but game play wise he can do everything, jump, punch, massive nova explosion , big beam , his version of blast .


Since when does brachy have a nova or a beam? Raging does have a nova like attack, but no beam anyway.


Since MH3U In [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCRq7fZveeA), you can find the nova at 3:10 and the beam at 2:18


The beam isn’t a beam though? It’s just an attack that fires forward. That’s like calling a flamebreath from teo a beam. It’s not. Nova is definitely debatable. I get where the idea is coming from, but I still don’t think it comes close to the „real“ novas.


They are the same for the purposes of this discussion And while I would't call Brachydios' circle of explosions a nova, I wouldn't call Magnamalo's either. However, I'm using someone else's words against them, so I can't also correct them


Me when the monster’s moveset doesn’t consist of it standing still for 20 minutes while I charge a TCS


Me when every dodge is a jesus take the wheel moment because I can't ever be sure which way the cunt will breakdance at me


The only instance in which I could understand you struggling with it’s position is with scorned magna


Le me so good at game, you must SUCK to not like the flippy edge cat dragon, I cannot UNDERSTAND how I'm SO MUCH BETTER. I will LE GO DODGE all the ASSROCKETS from EL PURPLE SHITCLOUD NEBULISER YOU FUCKING PEASANT!


I don't even agree with you but shitcloud nebulizer killed me


I can't fucking breathe☠️


Counterclockwise. It can only spin counterclockwise


According to the real and true footage of Capcom animators working on his moves, yes.


Marshmallow is a fun fight


I don’t mind this guy but fuck Magmadalon with all my heart and the base one as well shit as monster


I DESPISE that thing. Legit it’s so massive I can barely see it’s tail sometimes, god forbid it be crowned


Charge Blade go Brrrrrrrrr


magna is a well known wall i think, my experience with it was being frustrated because he was hard but alas all of the time trying made me let go of skill issue eventually, he is like any other mon, learn the fight and maybe you'll appreciate him better, and by learn the fight i mean play normal lol, i think it's weird ppl who actually pay attention while they're playing or smth, just doing it it's good enough to get that moveset into your muscle memory, me personally i love magna and i love fighting him


I have no issue with Magna and I suck at the game.


Yeah this makes sense. Personally I never had an issue with him though. I nicknamed him “Marshmallow”


I thought he was fun


I’ll always say that Magnamalo moves like an Aragami, I forget which one in particular I saw it compared to. It was either Vajra or Gawain.


Holy shit, you're right. Gawain does the flips and a similar stab forward thing, and Vajra totally boosts around the place like it's on crack.


This made me laugh way too much


When you've been playing Mh since 3rd generation Magnamalos design isn't that out of place. New Gen hunters are complaining about a design that's not at all bad.


Plus it fits in rise with all the yokai inspirations


I'll take Magna over Zinogre any day, tbh


To each their own. Purple cat pisses me off. Zinogre, at least, is polite enough to not fuck off off-screen all the time.


sure, but thunderblight fucking sucks. Getting stunned every 15 seconds is not exactly my definition of fun.


That’s why stun res is mandatory in all of my sets as soon as I can get it


Traps exist you know


I hate the kung-fu movesets rather making the monster act a like an actual wild animal. double attacks and fake outs are stupid.


I liked him, hope they bring back wire bugs in a nerfed down form cause they were really fun


would you believe me if i told you that mag was the best matchup for saed cb in the basegame


With my swax, I eventually got into a good grove with his move set. Had to grind for orbs since his weapon and armor are good. Also, in case you didn’t know (because he was so menacing) people tend to forget that he’s captureable. So if he’s moving too much, you can trap spam or capture if needed


I'm not sure why people are assuming I can't beat him. He just fucking sucks. I don't need to be stuck on a monster for it to make me want to shove a cork up it's arse so it stops doing its best approximation of a blown up balloon being allowed to fart its way across a room.


Issue withagnamalo is that it's new, give it a while to be nostalgic loke zinogre and rajang (screwy your sonic spin attack in mhgu specifically monkey) and people will be fine with it


I love magnamalo....




This is a place to vent about the game, not clash with other users.


Fair and balanced, as all things should be. Me though, I love Magnamalo on Dual Blades and Lance. Counter all day baby


He’s fine, his damage is just absurdly overtuned


I like him.


Wait ppl actually died to this teddy bear?


Magnamalo is such a good fight man, one of my favorite fights of the base game. Him and scorned have quite precise hitboxes in general. The only thing thats really annoying about them it the full hitbox on the tail stab. That one genuinely sucks. OhHh yOu TiCkLeD mY tOe? Get slam dunked on


Best fight in Risebreak.


A lot of these commenters don't understand what reddit they're on. People come here to vent!


Cautiously optimistic about wilds, I never could get into Rise. Not saying it was bad it just didn’t click. 


Awh man but he's my favorite fight in rise


Paying attention yo the monsters moves and not just running in spamming buttons goes a long way


Wow, yeah, you're so insightful. It's almost as if I don't need to be shit at the game to think the monster you like is straight garbage.


Yea but I’m gonna assume you are and looking through your post history 90% of the recent ones are just bitching about something :)


Dude... we're both on a rage sub? No goddamn shit I'm bitching, that's what it's here for? What are you here for? To fuck with people who are venting? Pathetic creature.


Oop tbh I didn’t realize this was the rage one, just showed up and assumed it was the normal sub. But you’re crying super hard rn so I’m quite enjoying it now. Spout more whiny rambling mr internet man


Because a profanity filled shitpost about a monster spinning lots would stand and get upvoted on one of the main subs.... you're a specimen, for sure.




This is a place to vent about the game, not clash with other users.


Just say you're bad with dodge timings, it's okay lol


Mhr zinogre is way more bullshit than magna and any one who beat me endless time not even primodial malezeno whooped me.


He's literally what if we took all the previous flag ships that people like And just put them in a blender


I love bananas, I love sushi, and I love me some burgers, but I sure as fuck don't need them blended together.


He ain't that bad


You guys struggled with malo, youre kidding me. Like his moveset was fine.


"How COULD YOU POSSIBLY struggle WITH THIS EASY MONSTER that I BEAT EASILY with the EASY MOVESET BRO how could you BE SO BAD when I am SO GOOD!!!?!1?!? I DONT UNDERSTAND." -people who don't understand the sub they're posting in.


Some legit don’t get the simple concept of rage subs and it’s wild




This is a place to vent about the game, not clash with other users.


Bro, what are you doing on this sub? At least make your trolling creative, fuck outta here with that League of Legends ass milquetoast prodding.


Suck my wee wee