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Giving them fries was kind of a mistake..


Yeah, no animal gets scared away by being handed food


Omg, I would've called my friends gangbang the guy and snag the chicken being that squirrel... He's lucky they weren't rats, these days...


Imagine trying that with seagulls!


Uh, you fed them. That's how they learn not to be afraid of humans. You're helping teach them they'll get a handout.


They're not afraid because they learned people will give them food. Don't feed wild animals.


They live in the the city. They are used to human presence and people giving them food makes them more confident. Also, please don't give fries. Don't give them anything, just let them live their life.


You’re right, it’s just that the way they were staring at me for at least 5 minutes, it just felt like the right thing to do 😭




They probably stared at you because people gave them food before. By doing this you increase the probability that they do it again. They are smart haha.


>the way they were staring at me for at least 5 minutes, it just felt like the right thing to do What you say sounds like anthropomorphism. Dude! They are just animals!


Hey dumbass, don’t feed the animals


Stupid people feed them all day so they have no fear.


You know that kids book, If You Give a Mouse a Cookie? That should have been about squirrels. It starts with a cheeky peanut snack at a park bench and ends with them chewing through the walls of your house. Your face is dessert.




Bullied by squirrels 😅


In the park in my area, squirrels are so used to people feeding them that some will climb up your leg while you are walking if they smell food to get the food from your hand.


i have been training them


If you're giving food to the squirtels, chances are other people thought the same and have done the same before you. So they learned from that. On a side note a seagull stole the top bread of my sandwich once right in front of me.


I was sitting in a park with a bag of pistachios. There was a garbage can next to me. I turned to dump some empty shells into the garbage, and when I turned back, a squirrel had occupied my bag of pistachios. Like, literally occupied it. Set up sandbags and traffic barricades, and was in the process of stringing barbed wire around the bag opening. The bag was literally inches from my leg. No fear on the part of the squirrel, even when I picked up the bag. At that point, I tossed the bag into the garbage can, realizing the squirrel had won that round. The only thing I can hope is that the squirrel who stole my pistachios got mugged by other squirrels on the way home and lost all his ill-gotten goods.


I think i have seen that documentary https://youtu.be/l49a9z8xBL0?feature=shared


I believe those were chipmunks, not squirrels...


Do you give a 100$ bill to people that ask for it so they go away too?


Squirrels here are bandits. We have one move in on our terrace every summer.


Squirrels are almost domesticated here The precious tenant of my place fed them. I’m trying to grow a garden. They won’t fuck off so now I trap them and well…. The worst aren’t my problem anymore. The new ones that moved in dont know about the old tenant 🤣 Squirrels are cute rats in every way shape and form. Fucking assholes