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I wish I knew that.


Tbf I was happy to get my plastic one back, the metal one frequently caused issues in certain ATMs. Blessing in disguise 😂


Some places didn't accept them cause the card machine couldn't read it.


I'm a cabbie and those metal cards are a pain in the ass when it comes to contactless payments. I have 2 machines (different providers) and "Tap to Pay" facility on my iphone....and the one type of card that constantly causes issues are metal cards.


Contactless only works from one side on metal cards


This. It only works on the side where the contactless logo is, the other side won’t work because of the metal. If you know that trick then never a problem :)


Metal cards are such a gimmick, they’re not the flex you think they are


They are, however, excellent if you want to cosplay Gambit from X-Men


Personally I don't care either way. You barely see anything of a card for more than a few seconds.


My orange one is snapped right now such that I can't use the contactless, but inserted it's good to go. Metal has durability advantages, maybe consider that before making snarky comments. Edit: apparently this sub likes the snarkiness! Apparently I'm a fat childish dementia patient. Stay classy guys.


Don't sit on the the card when it's vertical then ya fat sod


In my many decades of having dozens upon dozens of cards, I've never once accidently snapped one. I don't know anyone who has. How the fuck did you manage that?


How the fuck did I manage to snap a thin piece of mass manufactured PVC? I don't know mate, now that I think about it that's truly a remarkable feat...


It's not really a common occurrence. Unless you're using a hydraulic press to insert it into card machines, or a vice grip to remove it from your wallet. I'm curious as to how to accomplished such a remarkable feat. When your early onset dementia episode lapses, let me know 😀


Yeah because plastic is indestructible to anything but a hydraulic press and vice grips.


Wait - you are TRYING to break them? Well there's the problem my man.


Genuinely, how did you manage to? Snapping a card is very, very hard. They are, as elite physicists will tell you, "quite bendy". Even if you somehow had one vertically, directly under your arse, and then you decided to *try* and snap it with your arse, you are just going to bend it rather than snap it. Even *trying* to snap a card manually by hand will be very, very difficult. So I am genuinely perplexed as to how you did that.


Why do you think it can't happen would be my question? I'm genuinely surprised at the people who just cannot fathom how it could happen. Do you think machines are perfect? Do you think 100% of bank cards are made to perfection? Don't you think bank cards can get weaker through their lifespan? Have you considered the impact of UV degradation? It's not uncommon to leave a card on a countertop, and light literally embrittles all plastic. How are you not managing to wrap your head around the concept: accidents happen? The story is thoroughly unimpressive. It fell out of my pocket onto my squishy sofa, I haven't realised and put my hands either side of me to get up from the sofa and plonk my hand straight onto my bank card at a funny angle, causing it to deform just enough for a couple fractures to form. Riveting stuff.


I snapped mine whilst snowboarding, didn't want to carry the whole wallet so threw the card in my pocket. Admittedly the only time I've done something like that but it happens.


My 1 year old snapped mine lol and she is small for her age too lol


>Apparently I'm a fat childish dementia patient 😂


I'm not sure why you're getting all the downvotes and hate. I don't think it's beyond the realms of possibility to damage a plastic card if you had a flimsy wallet, or just card in your pocket that you sat on so much so that it didn't work correctly.


Your guess is as good as mine. Comments so far have derailed the focus from the durability of metal to how I managed to break plastic, which shouldn't exactly be one of the wonders of the world...


Yeah, I’ve never once broken a debit card. Then again I am an adult.


You're an adult, I'm a fat childish dementia patient who broke their card, apparently. I'll add it to the list thanks buddy.


>I'm a fat childish dementia patient Don't be so hard on yourself bro


I always thought most Monzo customers would use Apple/google pay and would never even be bothered by the metal card.


Can’t do that at a cash machine though


What’s cash?


The thing you buy weed with


Literally the only thing I've used it for in the last 6 years haha


I thought the metal card was an ego thing and people liked to flash it?


I had a metal card and where I live, it always resulted in confused comments from cashiers along the lines of, it's so stiff, it's so heavy, etc. I mostly just use my phone or my watch to pay now anyway.


Depends on the ATM. Some banks specify the requirement for contactless cash withdrawal, and so at some ATMs (e.g. Santander ones) you can use mobile phone pay to withdraw money


no more google pay, in the US anyway


Not true. Just messy branding/app changes. Google Wallet is superseding it. So contactless payment will still exist for Android.


Oh really? Is that just for Monzo?


Apple and Google pay are clunky methods of payment that add extra time to making transactions and are difficult to use


You literally tap your phone on the card machine and you’re done… what are you talking about?


Even better just tap my watch


You have to bring up the wallet, so it shows your card. It's the slowest method of payment on a bus


If you have Apple Pay… Press the side button twice and it’ll bring up your card. You can also select an express card for public transport so you don’t even need to unlock your phone, just tap your phone and you’ve paid. I guess it doesn't work like that with Google Pay


Sadly it doesn't work like that on Google Pay. But at least that stops unintended payments as well to be fair. So good and bad points for each


If you set it up to do so, you don't open anything and just touch your phone to the reader. (ideally a credit card not debit as if your phone was lost or stolen, credit has stronger fraud protection / recovery )


You still need to use your biometrics though to get payment to go through. Using a card is far easier


No you don't. You just unlock your phone and it uses your default card. You only have to bring up a card if you're using one other than your default or if you're using Google Wallet on a smartwatch.


I don't think explaining it to him will help him, he has his mind set and clearly nothing is going to change it lol


Also you need to use your fingerprint etc to pay. It's slow slow slow


You don't. I just unlock my phone and tap it. With a pixel. Far quicker than fishing out a card. I think with iPhone you need to press some extra button but maybe not either


It's just ego issues. Cancelling a metal card is a big L for them


I never even ordered my holo card, couldn’t care less about that 😅


They did the same after I cancel premium!


I cancelled my metal over a year ago and just keep closing the pop up telling me to order a new one. Metal still works fine.


I had premium for a bit, thought I’d lost my wallet so cancelled the card, they wanted to charge me £50 for a new one 😂 Forget it!


i never activated my new plastic one so my metal one still works


My metal card still worked for the time I had stopped monzo premium (maybe 4-5 months). At the minute I'm considering moving on anyway. Raised a dispute about a transaction in Feb and it's till on-going without a single update. Other banks generally deal with this in a timely fashion, or give you the money back pending review.


I cancelled my sub to this thing and now I can’t use the thing only people subbed can use. Isn’t that how these things work? How is it them being cheap? It’s cheap to think you could keep using it, no?


Well it costs Monzo more to cancel it, I wouldn't have expected them to bother tbh


Of course, the main problem here with this argument is that it seems you can continue to use your metal card.


I paid for the premium for over 1 year and had the metal card, I cancelled and they sent me the coral card back I just did not activate it and have kept using the metal card… not heard anything back from Monzo this was over 1 year ago now 🤷🏻‍♂️


I thought it was optional? My metal card still works.


You can carry on using it until it expires


They really do the bare minimum. I prefer Starling or Chase, actually I even like NatWest and RBS better than Monzo 😅😅 Monzo customer service is pants


People still use physical cards?....


If anything it cost them more to issue a.mew csrs than have tou keep the existing one so I don't really see how it could be them being cheap? The point is paying for what they hope you will perceive as a benefit and then deciding not to pay so no longer getting the benefit. All seems to make sense right?


The way I look at it, 1.I paid for that metal card throughout my plan (min 6 months term). 2.It wont cost them extra if I keep using that metal card. 3.They are willing to spend money print out a plastic card and post it to you just so you can't use that metal card anymore. 4. Competitors don't do the same i.e. Revolut.


No. You paid for all of the benefits of that plan not just the card, if you strip it down and think of how much each benefit would have cost you, they've probably saved you a fair amount


So we agree it's not them being cheap?


Your definition of "not being cheap" is actually them being cheap. Its not for the scale of a bank spending a couple extra buks on printing and posting. But banning you from something you can use an no extra cost considering you paid them for over a year.


It'd be cheaper if they let you keep the cars and keep using it instead of spending more money getting you a new one. I'm not sure what you're trying to say. They spent more than they had to. Petty? Yes. Cheap? No


At least you had a metal card. The new Extra tier doesn’t even get you a metal card! It’s plastic. I couldn’t believe it when I opened the envelope.


Are you kidding me? The tier they charge £17 for there is no mention of a metal card. So I assume its all plastic now...


Yeh, I didn’t sing up just for the card but kind of assumed based on previous tiers. boy was I wrong… I wouldn’t have bothered ordering a new card if it knew tbh… at least the in app card colour looks nicer though


Don’t know why, they specifically said they weren’t doing metal cards anymore


Must have missed it then. Not a huge deal, but I was just surprised that’s all.


I work for a competitor bank and had no idea mondo issue metal cards for premium customers, how is that even a flex


You are complaining because you stopped to play for a service and they stop providing it?! What is not clear? You payed to have a metal card, you stop paying so you stop using that, is basic economics rules. I never paid for that 15£/month just to have a metal card, that even work worst in many places, when you can have all for free doesn't make sense for me


Why should you get a premium product when you no longer pay for premium?


The way I look at it, 1.I paid for that metal card throughout my plan (min 6 months term). 2.It wont cost them extra if I keep using that metal card. 3.They are willing to spend money print out a plastic card and post it to you just so you can't use that metal card anymore. 4. Competitors don't do the same i.e. Revolut.


I don't think you understand how banks work


Would also add... What an absolute waste of materials. Not cool.


Because the card cost them almost nothing and it has been paid off during the months he took the premium since there is a minimum term. I totally agree with him that it is a cheap move from Monzo


It’s the opposite of cheap.


doesn’t it say you can use your current card until it expires?


You paid for a service with benefits you liked and when you stopped paying for those benefits you got upset about not having those benefits. Okay…