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How the fuck is a broken toe going to stop you from doing bicep curls? Is the doctor being silly?


If he drops another 45 on that toe, it’s a goner. ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6306)




Funny af if that happens


Doctor also diagnosed him with butter fingers


You guys are hilarious 😂


Most general practice MDs are DYEL bros. Upper body 5 days a week, boyo


Blood pressure increases when you are working out regardless what body parts you’re working out. The increase in blood pressure negatively impacts the inflammation that is happening around the fracture and can significantly affect the healing of the bone. Listen to your doctor don’t be an idiot. Looking at this thread I haven’t seen anyone mention this. I understand a lot of doctors don’t know a lot about body building, but if they say something along the lines of don’t lift heavy things for a few days, take their damn advice.


They are doctors in nocebo-logy.


Blood pressure? What the fuck is that?? You making up words. get this gobbledygook speak out of here Lift heavy shit, I ain’t taking my doctors advice. I’m bigger than my doctor clearly what I’m doing works and they are still skinny.


Acute increases in BP during lifting isn't going to hurt that much. If anything, the myokine release and GH release that comes with exercising MS tissue should help provide an anti-inflammatory response. It makes little sense to completely stop everything other than "it sounds like a good idea".


Dude I’m gonna trust the guy who went to basically a decade of school on what blood pressure does in relation to bone fractures. Gh release is negligible and I have yet to see a decent study on that on bone fracture healing. I don’t think that ever been looked at.


I have yet to see a study saying that lifting weight impact bone healing inflammation. Wtf u on


You haven’t looked it up then


It's a fucking toe dude, tape that shit to the toe next to it or put a splint on it and go about your day. I've broken toes so many times over the years, it's not that serious. Half the time I didn't bother going to the doctor anyway, some of the times they didn't even x-ray it because there was no point, and all of the time I just kept training like normal, and didn't die from it a single time.


How can increase in blood pressure negatively impacts inflammation ? Being expose to cold or heat would impact inflammation way more significantly and that's not prohibited...


Science, bitch!


Now serious question, could taking a high dosage of L citrulline help combat elevated blood pressure


Pin 15IU of HGH per day to increase recovery.


I usually pin 300 IU of 7.62x39 MAI Armor Piercing Ammunition


I'm fucking cackling.




Never head of that, how is it compared to BPC-157?


I heard M777 combined with 2S22 does wonders.


Jesus Christ, you're all brainlets none of these are equivalent to HGH, all are untested peptides.


Thought we were talking about heavy artillery


Literally couldn't tell the difference hahaha


How safe is hgh? It's not like tren is it?


No, everything has a risk. HGH is know to increase muscle, but also increase the size of your organs. Hence, the big guts on bodybuilders. Super expensive as well. Definitely don’t recommend to the average joe.


I would still do upper body ngl I hurt my wrist a while ago so I just did lower body only


I think that if I use stable machines that don't apply pressure to my toe directly I should be fine right? Gonna rest for 3 days until the pain fades a bit. This bitch hurts a lot lmao


I went for weeks on crutches with a sprained ankle. Still did bench and stuff. It’s really no prob as long as ur ok to move around


I crushed my toe (not sure if I broke it or not) with the 125lb DB. Like you said, I just avoided what put direct pressure on it.


how the fuck do you even move a 125lbs db . respect man


Well he did drop it on his toe so…


I actually set it down, which makes it even dumber lmao


Deadlifts. It’s not like I’m doing shoulder press lol. I’ve been really digging one armed dead lift lately. Believe it or not, I pretty quickly got to the point where I now have to use the barbell because the 125s are too light.


You really gunna let a couple heavy circles cuck you? Get back in the gym and use 45’s only for a week. Strap em to your legs and do fucking extensions with them.


If you’re gonna train legs then stick to leg extensions and leg curls General movement would probably help you recover faster cuz more blood flow (not a doctor)


You should definitely hit upper body and hit it hard since you don't need to recover the lower body now. Also, idk why you couldn't work your legs with machines that don't require standing/support from feet, like leg curls and extensions. It's just a big toe. Idk how much it hurts though, if you have a lot of pain you obviously cannot do shit. Not a doctor though, you might die if you get 100 meters close to the gym.


I was flabbergasted when bro randomly said 3 weeks out of the gym. Like I'm not gonna be doing toe curls lmao


For what it's worth I once had a dermatologist make small talk with me about my physique and he suggested I take up jogging or climbing and said squatting is bad for the joints. This was at least over a decade ago but the comment always stuck with me because of how moronic it was. Being a specialist in one domain doesn't grant you expertise in another even if the domains are tangentially related. That said I broke my pinky toe before and that shit is no joke. The way it completely hinders your mobility cannot be overstated. But if you take precautions working the upper body should be fine. Your doc probably gave you a wide recommendation against the gym precisely so he didn't have to provide caveats and then have you come back angry if you injure yourself again in the meantime.


Doctors and people in Healthcare are the most egotistical people you will ever meet. They think they know it all because they memorized some tiny hat information and can prescribe people medication. They're clueless.


OP if the pain is still an issue, you can also just workout the uninjured leg. Multiple studies show that you’ll see less muscle atrophy on the injured leg and may even see gains, because the body compensates to preserve some level of symmetry


That’s insane, never heard of that before


Yessir it’s called muscle cross-education. [Link](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4208861/) to one study among many


Doctors say the extremes just to be safe, and avoid litigation. Common sense is always useful


So doctors have to say this for liability reasons if they think there’s a chance that them saying something like “yeah you can workout your upper body at the gym” get misinterpreted as “yeah you can go do push press with 225lbs and run 2 miles on that toe no worries just don’t do any leg curls aight?”. Then all the sudden you’ve made the fracture worse or aren’t healing and the doctor gets to deal with this mess even longer. It’s easier to just tell people not to workout, period. In reality upper body is fine but I wouldn’t do shit like standing military press, bench press with leg drive, dropping off the pull-bar, etc.


It's also not just liability, a doctor's goal is for you to heal, not to preserve your muscles. If they could, they would tell you to literally not move your injured toe for 3 weeks.


Physical therapist here - go work out. Nothing wrong with lifting upper body, be mindful of carrying around heavy dumbbells/weights or performing exercises that require you to push and move through that big toe as it could delay healing


Thanks! Was planning on doing just machines and not going 100% like I normally would. Gonna dial it back a bit and push as hard as I can without discomfort or making it worse


🤝I like it..if you ever have any questions or need advice, feel free to reach out. I do a lot of performance based work. Speedy recovery dude!!


Thank you so much! Gonna rest for 48hs at least until I feel a bit better and then get moving!! I'll let you know how my first session at the gym and recovery goes 💪🏻🫡


Does anyone even do leg days at this point? Just go to the gym and train upper 6 days a week like you already do


I snapped both my rotator cuffs, doing dumbell shoulder press back in the day. Shot those 60s up, snapped both my arms back. It was grim. Still trained legs. Best my legs have ever looked. This is the way.


Heal faster when your not healing muscles


For sure u can


I broke my finger doing flys... a bit aggressive. Was told to not lift anything heavy. I taped that bitch up and never missed a day.


Let’s see the finger


Asking a munch of meatheads for a second on your doctor given advice lol


Broke my third metatarsal a couple months ago and I continued hitting upper body at the gym and recovered well. Just don't push through your legs for more power on heavy lifts.


Your Doc is on the Mike Mentzer cocktail if he thinks you need time off the gym cause of a broken toe


I had to zoom in to even see the fracture wth


Bro I got a hip replacement 2 months ago and I was back in the gym for upper body and cycling in 4 weeks.


The technology for that kind of thing blows my mind these days. My grandfather was up and walking the same day he got his knee replaced, back to working out lightly in 2 weeks, then fully recovered after 4. Insanity.


Leg extension and hamstring curl too? But yeah fuck taking 3 weeks off lol. Just be careful you don’t do any more damage as big toe is really important for stability


Did the doctor also tell you what color panties to wear on the day of the week. He’s a quack you have 9 other toes or at least 4 since I don’t see the other foot. Did he help you measure for your stats? I noticed they were not posted


Not trying to be that guy but I've had broken hands and surgeries. If you can do it and it doesn't cause you significant amounts of pain go hit your workout! Dr is going to tell you the generic Dr answers. Do all your upper body work and if there are lower body exercises that don't aggravate it too badly then hit that too.


You can train upper body and even legs as long as you sit down and don't put pressure on your toe. Do keep in mind your body needs more energy and recources to heal your fracture and recover from training to you might want to up your callorie intake a little. Also make sure you take vitamin D3 and a good quality calcium/magnesium and zinc. And accept you need to sleep more than usual. Listen to your body.


if it doesn't hurt keep lifting.


Doc wildin for sure


You can still use machines for anything upper body it's best to avoid bench and barbell work as you will be inclined to use leg drive, which can affect the recovery of the foot.


Lol ignore that dipshit, doctors always be saying shit like that all the time because they don't want to be liable if you hurt yourself again. I had high blood pressure previously (150~ systolic, turned out to be white clay fever a bit) and the doc told me not to exercise until my blood pressure comes down......brah. I also fractured my toe and had a moonbot for 6 weeks. I did leg press with it on lol, it's totally fine dude. If it feels fine, it probably is.


just skip toe workout


Dude, I just had hernia surgery and I was back in the gym (of course not 100% balls out strength) 2 weeks later..I just let the pain be my guideline..you will be fine!


Pin small amount such as 3 IU of interbalistic missile in that area, you'll be back in no time.


Anything that doesn't require use of your feet is fine. That means no Barbell or Dumbbell Bench press either, unless it's a larsen press, cause you use your feet for power. Machine work, seated curls and skullcrushers, things like that should be fine. Either way it's up to you to do what you want but you just don't want to fuck your shit up cause you did too much.


As a physiotherapist (physical therapist for you ‘mericans) you are going to have to stop lifting indefinitely, sacrifice all your gains, and become a twink


You don’t need your toes to do leg curls and leg extensions. At least try to keep what you have on your legs during these three weeks while you’re healing.


you remind me of something that happened to Ronnie Coleman and still hit his workouts, i would probably argue u could still do some leg training like lying leg curls and leg extensions


i went to the gym with a bruised foot while being sick and having eye infection in both eyes (not my smartest workout but i did it ig? lol)![img](emote|t5_2mohet|2695)


Did the exact same thing, toe healed itself and don’t have any issues carried on training


Just for point of reference, if every kickboxer and mma bro, even on a hobbyist level, stopped training for every toe break . . Well, they would pretty much never be training. 💁‍♂️ Edit: Also when I broke my arm my doc said don't train, don't do anything to increase your heart rate too much. I pushed back and asked if it would hurt my recovery, and he was just like "no, it'll just be painful." Pfff. Not as painful as falling off the gain train. 😎👉🏼👉🏼


Did the same thing but with a giant tea urn that they use to brew tea in restaurants. 100% skip anything leg wise for 3 weeks. Can still do add/bducters and ham and quad extensions(don't focus on calf flexion at all with those) I skipped legs for a whole week with mine then for 2 weeks did the other machine work mentioned while still doing my normal push and pull around it. Even after 3 weeks it still took about 2 months for me to have full mobility in all of that leg and calf again


You can still lift upper body. Just do everything from a bench/seated.


Yeh just do more seated exercises man but not at a weight that requires you to brace yourself to much


Doc here, yea go upper body only chest and biceps tho


I have experienced something similar with my pinky toe and upper body workouts were almost unaffected. The only problem was that sometimes I have inadvertently "flexed" the toe during a set, which was fucking painful. So I recommend to avoid heavy military presses and similar movements where you're standing (and could lose balance) and you'll be fine.


Definitely go to the gym but next time ask a real man to move those heavy plates for you


Don’t be a softie go do chest


I broke my toe 6 months ago, hiked the Inca trail after 2 weeks on it, there’s no issues now. Absolutely no reason you can’t do upper body stuff.


All depends on how much pain you're in I'd say. Most of the time ppl don't even go to the doctor for fucked up fingers/toes


You can still train broski, roll dumbbells to you and get someone help get them up. Pulley machines. Just get on your knees for them so you don’t have your foot on the ground. Just gotta skip leg days


just avoid standing exercises or les push that would require pressure/stability from the foot. aka if u bench then do it with feet off the ground. if you curl do it sitting with heel on ground not foot. avoid pressure to toe.


Maybe just cross your feet so that the left foot is hovering while you’re doing the set


![gif](giphy|Quav4lrsVeXFgd7zXl|downsized) Keep grinding it out


I worked out with a broken foot in a boot. There’s no reason you can’t. Guys who don’t go to gym don’t want other guys in the gym. Even doctors.


Doesn't sound like much of an excuse to not go. Are you on crutches?


I cut my pinky off at the first knuckle from a work accident, was at the gym 3 days later. Take your ass to the gym puss.


Dawg u could even hit some quad and hammy extensions tbh, doctor sounds like a woman.


Just don’t do anything that requires too much bracing with your feet and you should be alright.




Your doctor is a pussy. I was back in the gym 4 days after knee surgery. I would post a pic in the comments for proof bc I know some of yall would call BS but I can pm it for proof.


Drop 50mg oxa on it and go gym


Time to start doing water based cardio.


Always be aware of where your feed are and always use two hands. Don’t put your feet under the weight just in case.


Go to the gym but do not put pressure on the foot. I didn't listen and I have 2 toes that healed improperly and are slightly bent.


spiral out. keep going


Take a week off and hit upper body till you heal.


Amputation may be in order


You could take some time to deload and work on other hobbies. Also dont get shoes that squish your big toe in. You are going to get bunions.


I had a fistulotomy (look it up, it's pretty gnarly) a few years ago and was told not to lift anything over five pounds for at least six months. After about 3 weeks I told the surgeon he was going to have to give me guidelines that were tailored to *me* specifically, and not the same guidelines he'd give an 85 year old, 90 pound diabetic woman with two artifical hips - or I would completely ignore everything else he had to say because clearly his advice was so conservative it was idiotic and counterproductive. He told me I could add five pounds every workout, and to stop if it hurt or there was any bleeding, and to avoid squats or deadlifts till everything had closed up. So I went twice a day most days and mostly got back to where I had been before surgery, before the wound was even healed. I was completely fine. With an open wound packed full of gauze running several inches up the inside of my @sshole. So yeah, f#ck your doctor. Just go lighter for a bit, avoid minimize pressure on the toe, and use common sense.


Are you in a boot or some immobilization device? In theory you should be able to hit your upper body, but in practice we put loads of pressure on the bones of our feet to do things like stabilize us when we’re training our upper body. Very often, docs just spit out the standard response because they don’t go deep into things like this, but there might be something to it in this instance.


It’s because if you hurt that toe again somehow it’s gone


My Gf was lifting 10 days post ankle break surgery. Go to the gym lol.


It’s a toe, fuck this subreddit is soft. Been training barefoot for over a decade, I break my foot, toes and shins every damn week.


I’m training with a fucking hernia atm, and have healed it several times, with two recurrences as no full perforation yet. Who the fuck listens to doctors that don’t exercise?


A trainer I worked with broke her toe and kept working out the whole time. I think she took one or two weeks off legs, but then just kept pressure off of the toe when she was working them. Fuck doctors, they don't want you to make gains.


Testosterone speeds up healing time of fractures.


If you aren’t going to listen to the doctor then why did you go? Or do you think you know more than someone who went to school for a bazillion years to study the human body, ffs!


That's the easy 'go to' for a doctor. X weeks off the gym. It's why I never bother going


Im sorry to tell you this but looking at the photo you will never be able to walk ever again


I'd say for fastest recovery, stick to seated stuff so you don't need to use your toes for any balance/supporting extra weight.


thats a tiny fracture id still rip legs. skip the toe curls for a couple weeks though


“What do I know I’m just a doctor”- doc from happy Gilmore


Just get a walking boot and wear it to the gym. Serves multiple purposes: 1: protects your toe 2: prevents you from doing anything that will hurt it 3: explains to people why you’re skipping legs


Not quite the feet pics I wanted, but good enough


three weeks without the gym sounds like absolute hell. just wear a boot and be careful when you’re hitting legs


Did this to myself at 13. Toe nails still fucked up to this day


Did you ask your doctor this specific question?


Your hr, BP, and inflammatory responses fire when you workout. Those are systemic responses. Your toe and whole body are affected. You could swell up more around injuries, prolong healing, maybe negatively affect healing, etc. Doc being safe to optimize healing and limit risk for you and him.


It's a toe, just train as normal and wear a wide toe box shoe 


Find yourself a whale and workout at home with her, better safe than sorry


Of course you can hit upper body. Or at least I would. That is if you can somewhat walk properly and somewhat lean on it carefully somewhat painfree. Just do seated stuff and dont do insane exercises and weight so there wont be any possible balance problems or whatever. Edit: Someone responsible and knowledgable in this thread mentions the rise in blood pressure from training might hinder your recovery. Sounds about right but I can not imagine a few not too crazy sets will make your toe not heal properly.


I mean if it starts throbbing while ur benching then maybe take it easy for a while


Source: I smashed my finger in HS and it hurt to run


You'll need a prostate exam to get cleared for upper body training.


LOL doc is wildin. Up the dose. Obliterate upper body AND easy on the lower. Get plenty of sleep tho😴


I’d definitely still hit upper body and if you can do leg extensions with injured side, do it.


Just do leg curls and leg extensions on leg day that’s what I did


I love you all thank you so much for the replies. Gonna go measure my pecker since I didn't post stats


Go to the gym, just make double sure that you don't drop anything on it (even a feather).


You can still fuck your joints up for the rest of your life just take some rest.


You actually went to the doctor for that? did she prescribe you some Midol for the bloating and cramping too?


That "doctor" is probably a simp and a feminist. DO NOT LISTEN TO HIM. I had almost the same issue, different toe though. Hit the gym as usual, focus on the upper body and you can also hit the leg extension and the leg curl machines.


he’s crazy bro. I snapped my toe clean and I was literally squatting and playing sports a week or 2later. That being said my toe healed incorrectly because of this but at least i can say i wasn’t a pussy and stopped everything I was doing because of a broken toe. On a serious note you can train upper body with 0 problems haha


Why go to the doctor over a smashed toe


To check how bad I had fucked it up. Even tho unlikely there could've been a small chance I needed surgery. I'd rather be sure in these scenarios


Totally valid brother


I only ask because the most they’ll do is tell you not to move it anyway


Of course you can go and train upper body why you even post this nonsense