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Ah yes you've finally discovered body dysmorphia


Uh no certainly not dysmorphia. I think something is off with his training or diet, check profile pics. Worth consulting with a specialist on training, nutrition, etc. 3 years should have better results unless there’s something wrong.


Are you crazy bro check his profile more thoroughly!! OP seems to have hypergonadalism. Look at his before pics, and you can clearly see that he started his journey looking quite feminine. Now he looks like a muscular, masculine man. That is quite the feat for someone with hormone issues to the extent that they present such feminine characteristics. OP’s progress is impressive considering his starting point was far behind the average male starting point. And I don’t say that to be rude to OP—I say that to assert the statement that his progress is objectively reasonable for 3 years considering hormonal hinderances.


First year was me not knowing what I was doing. 2 years consistent. But yeah


I would say you would benefit from a good 3 month cut, tracking macros and weight losing 0.75-1.5% body weight each week. Then seeing how you feel, maintain weight for 2-3 weeks to avoid diet fatigue, and then either do another cut or lean bulk.


Yeah I probably started at too high body fat:(


But it's not fair how my gut looks like I drank a 12 pack of beer every day for decades. I got that big Lenny gut fr


Life isn't fair. Make the most of it.




Did you check your hormone levels? Your tits look a bit weird to me.


Post history explains it. But I have hypogonadism and got gyno as a teen. I get free gyno surgery later on


Did you test hgh? And you're taking t?


No I never tested hgh and I never took hgh


You should test it, and you didnt answer my other question..


Did you see my profile? Every post is about hormones and trt. Yeah Im on t


A bit but didn't scroll down too far...either way it's gonna take years with higher T to recomp properly, I'm guessing you haven't used t for 3 years.


It wasn't a consistent protocol. my first year and a half was on a shitty every 2 weeks test e protocol. Then for a year I was on mostly 150mg per week (pinned twice a week) then I started this cycle in March of this year


> Never found love, never had friends and looking like this I don't think I ever will. Are you regarded? Do you make friends based on how their body looks? Anyway, no one notices this minute shit. Just focus on your skincare, haircare, getting fairly lean, and dressing well to accentuate your physique. You are probably doing that last bit well already if your coworkers are noticing.




You can’t wear a hat all the time besides that everyone can tell it’s due to insecurity. When it’s worn all the time in inappropriate settings like indoors


Just to much bulking bro bro I legit went through dame shit bulked and bulked 1 month I felt like a god monster delts, popping chest, thick arms next month looked like a sodium filled watery mess. I jad to just expect the bulk was over and start a recomp not super low cutting just 200 calories at the minute and stopped all my electrolytes+ high sodium foods. A few weeks in physique, looks completely different


But I am like 12 weeks into the cycle and I only gained 10 pounds


What dose you on it could just be test water retention


500 test with 210 mast per week and AI as needed. I pin every other day


I would either take a look over your diet and see how much sodium you're taking in and / or lower the test, maybe slightly up the mast as usually mast helps lean out and reduce water.


Yeah I was thinking about slightly lowering the test to 450mg. But I also started aromasin at 6.25mg(half a tablet) e3.5d


Are else just go on a 1 /2 week mini cut reduce carbs and see if you lean out even slightly if you do then don't worry and keep the bulk


Cycle? no wonder ur gut is bloated.


The salt thing gets me occasionally. My dumbass was drinking the big 28oz powerade zero post workout most days (600+mg sodium alone), using higher sodium seasonings and sauces with meals and snacks. Once I’m conscious of my salt intake and adjust it’s night/day just a few days in.


You just need to cut man. Hop on semaglutide and go ham.


I have no issue with appetite. I'm the king of suicide cuts. My issue is not cutting too fast and losing muscle


Fuck aye, yeah idk. I had similar physique to you when I started. I just hopped on trt and did a cut like I was competing and idk it got me lean enough for my abs and veins to show 🤷🏼‍♂️


I'm on more than trt.......


Well aren’t we all?




you main zoe, you deserve everything that is happening to you ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6299)




The moment you swap to real champs like Zed or Kassadin everything will solve itself. On a serious note tho, you should not let your physique determine your mood and mental wellbeing. Looking better maybe will make you more likeable but won't give you friends or love out of nowhere. I realized this after losing 143,3lbs and I still think I look like shit even though everybody tells me how good I look.


It's all I have, all I live for, I tried to make friends but no one gives me a chance. I'm the definition of an outcast. Always alone at work, alone at the gym, alone at home. I tried dating and they all avoid me after the first or second date then won't tell me why.


Bro I just saw pics of you on your profile. Sure you don’t look like the most peak aesthetic bodybuilder after 3 years, but I saw your before pics and bro you look a DRASTICALLY better. Like worlds away. I could not believe the before pic was actually you. Considering your starting point, I think you’ve made great progress. I think you have a lot to be proud of. Your rate of progress might not be as fantastic as the most genetically gifted. But you’re sure on the right upward trajectory. 3 years of lifting has given you the physique of a man who lifts and is generally strong, while 3 years ago you looked like a woman. Not to be harsh, but just to show you how crazy your progress has been. To reiterate, you have a lot to be proud of.


What do you eat? I was in a similar boat until I stopped eating seed oils and processed foods. The bloating disappeared after a few days of an “animal based” diet (not “carnivore”).


Interesting. I def eat seed oils. But I’ve noticed when I’m feeling/looking bloated and carrying extra water weight, I go Keto/low carb and notice a difference in about a week or less


My diet is mostly clean. Beef, rice, eggs. I don't cook with seed oils but I eat out occasionally.


Every restaurant cooks with seed oils. Maybe you eat out more than you realize


Also OP: idk if you’re taking your hormone replacement therapy under the supervision/recommendation of a doctor or more illicitly. But I saw on your profile that you had quite severe hormone issues to begin with, before you started lifting. If you are not taking TRT with a prescription I would like to reiterate to you that doing this with preexisting hormonal issues is very dangerous. If that’s the case, please immediately go to the doctor and figure out the best course of action for you regarding TRT. If you’re taking TRT with a prescription, perhaps express these feelings that the levels aren’t quite right with your doctor. Experimentation with different dosage levels might be appropriate.


There’s probably multiple things going on here. One: you probably have some sort of body dysmorphia where you’ve made amazing progress since starting but you’re getting too hyper focused on where you’re at vs where you want to be, and it’s psyching you out. Two: sometimes you have to take a step back and re evaluate things. Sometimes it takes trying something new when it comes to training or romance or whatever you’re working on because things you are doing aren’t working. It’s difficult but sometimes you have to admit to yourself that you are your own biggest problem. Things like romance, you have to put yourself out there and build relationships with people because you aren’t going to meet anyone if you keep to yourself all the time and try dating stuff off and on. Having a group of friends and getting out, doing things while not having dating in mind as your “primary objective” will help immensely. Secondly I’d look at working with a coach, turning your brain off and trying what they say to do and trust the process. The key in both scenarios is to never give up because there will be shit days, and there will be good days. You might be in a crappy place now but wallowing in self pity and despair will do nothing to get you out of it. I wish you the best and hope you find what you’re looking for.


Thx man.


Post a pic.


Just posted a few on my profile. First and last one was a few weeks ago and the second was 2 weeks in.


You have a post about eating a giant thing of poutine so maybe stop eating dogshit like that that’s the opposite of the kind of macros ideal for a bodybuilder


Most of my diet is clean. Ill eat mostly beef, rice and eggs. I'll have a muffin and a banana pre workout and my meal meal at work and after work are the same every day. (400g ground beef and 1.5 cups rice at work and 6 eggs with some cheese after work)


Drop the beef and switch to chicken breast. Beef has a lot of fat in it. I eat two meals at work. 4-5ozs chicken, 1/2 cup rice, 1/4 black beans. In the morning I’ll eat 1 serving plain oatmeal and 3-4 eggs. Dinner is whatever I need to fulfill my macros for that day.


How many calories are you eating with the breakfast and two work meals? And what’s your macro goals?


My maintenance currently is 2900. But that will soon change since I’m cutting and I will adjust accordingly. When I’m bulking it goes plus 400 and when cutting it’s minus 300-400 calories depending on goals. My macros are always 200g protein 100g fat And then fill the rest in with carbs for whatever my goals are. [current weight is 230 and I’m cutting until I get under 15%bf](https://imgur.com/a/DaanHUB)


Second what the other commenter said: hard pivot to white meats with way less fat. You’re taking in way more fat than you realize. Your macros are fucked bro. Also - body dystrophia. Your shoulder caps look like a fucking boulder and your arms are pythons. You’re making progress, king. Just remember this game isn’t you vs. the rest of the gym. It’s you vs. you. If you’re being better than yourself last year, last month or last week you’re crushing it. Imo you need to just dial in your cut and seriously look at your fat intake vs your other macros. Even really lean beef is fattier than a chicken breast. This is the time where you’re also going to have to start loving sweet potatoes instead of rice as your side dish. Lastly, get a good cardio session in where you are enjoying it. My cuts started to really shape up when I went into the racquet ball courts for thirty minutes every other day and just played myself. I could listen to some really chill music, let my mind unwind and loved this form of cardio. I would recommend it 100% for both a cut but also an anxiety outlet. Keep going man. Today is another chance.


You look like a dude that lifts. Your chest does look fucked though. Gyno aside I’m not seeing hardly any development especially in comparison to your other body parts. Do you use free weights for bench or barbell? Maybe get a trainer to sort out your form. The lack of development is def weird if you have been working it as long as you say you have.


I do barbell flat bench, incline dumbbell and cable/machine chest flys. My bench is 275 and I do 225 for sets of 6-8. I also fucked up my shoulder so I had to stop incline barbell:( I can't incline the bar without pain


Hop on melanotan ll nuke your appetite, continue working out and lose a fuck ton of fat. Then you'll see what true heart break is and how it takes fucking years of hard work and diet to look good from working out. 99 percent of males who look muscular have either taken enhancements or have been working out for 5 plus years.


hop on roids


Thats the sad thing hes already blasting


its over




You play league of legends and you play league of legends playing zoe . Man . Escape this game asap it fogs your brain


Lol I play 3 games a week


then okay , ur quads are huge btw, i think u should cut but dont drop calories fast or much , just do more cardio , eat more protein as u go lower bf idk


Yeah my legs are the only thing good with my physique. Even though I only squat once a week compared to doing everything else twice a week. I do squat 405 for reps though.


Take test-e


I'm on that lol


More or less on the same boat, But my biggest problem was incosistency and injuries. My wrists are always hurting and shoulder is always cracking. Only once i was going well and i got food poisoning and lost 4kgs. But we thug it out mate.


You need to hard reset on the juice and rethink whatever cycle you’re on. It isn’t working with your body. I saw in another post you’re on 700mg total per week? I would reset to trt and get good bloods and rebuild slowly with consultation. There’s no way you should be getting this little gains on that much after that long. This is a job for a good coach.


My cycle was originally 300mg test and no mast. But after 10 weeks of no side effects I upped it. I'm on week 4-5 of upping it to 500mg test and adding mast. So the majority of my cycle, I was on half that


I still stand by my advice. I’m not even saying get cleaned up for good blah blah. I’m just saying that you should get some consultation to help you develop a program that works for you. You might have some needs that are outside of your expertise to recognize and respond to.


Yeah true something is probably very off.


You need to get a men’s hormone panel and a lipid panel and have someone with a good eye dissect that shit and see where you are and help you rebuild that program. The lack of bloodwork with this post tells me there isn’t any current. That’s bad.


lol his post history




bruh you defo are not dialed in. Blood work blood work blood work.


Yeah I was planning on doing bloods in a week or 2


U need to drop to 12% bf and start your first cycle (talking with experience)


Your diet is ass


This is the end my friend


You ain't looking aesthetic with squats and deadlift. Do more arms and stop being fat


Your fat it’s your fault, eat less stop bitching


You’re healthier


Let me tell you something brother, I’ve been wrestling and grappling and lifting since middle school. I never got ripped. Sometimes you need roids, I have no interest in destroying my endocrine system.


You need to cut like pretend you’re about to get on stage at my Olympia shredded.


Cruising is hard work? Lmao. First spend 10 years in the gym


Something really wrong with your diet mate maybe stop bulking stop overthinking everything. Fix your goddamn diet!!! Never found love? wtf is this shit you clearly don't have confidence to talk with girls then. also friends have nothing to do with how muscular or big you are it's all about social interaction


Bro, looking at your profile Your diet and training regimen is shit m8.


Bro just set a goal. Follow a programme. Train hard and get onto a doable diet. You're already on a load of test right? It's probably better to create good habits so it has the best possible outcome. Stop bulking and cutting. Just get down to like 180lbs lean then increase your calories. You'll feel better about how you look and putting on the lean tissue you'll feel better and better. If you yo-yo diet you'll always have issues especially if you haven't built the discipline to diet for 3 months and do cardio everyday lol.


Lose body fat. The higher bodyfat u are the more likely you will be to store additional fat as apposed to muscle. Get lean man. Then lean bulk. Get your hormones checked. Your estrogen may be out of whack Train to failure on every single set. Progressively overload.


FYI. I eat ridiculous amounts of salt. I eat 7000 calories per day too. But I have abs. Sure, I hold water but I still have abs because I am lean. Your bodyfat is like 20%+, this is way way too high. Get shredded. U will instantly feel 1000* better about yourself because u will actually be able to see your muscles you've worked hard for. Then from there, reverse diet up




ymmv but I never eat out. if scale tells me that am needing a cheat meal or a cheat day, am making in myself. have no trust in what is being put into: out meals


Lots of outside factors that could be contributory here. How’s your diet? How’s your sodium intake? Are you getting quality sleep? Have you had your blood work done recently? How does your estrogen look? Losing weight on a bulk tells me you are most likely making some dietary mistakes. Also sounds like you have some confidence/self love issues to overcome. Maybe see a therapist. Or get a diet/training coach. Good luck.


Bro, Go watch Dr. Mike on YouTube. I'm 32 and have literally no friends whatsoever. Me and my wife joke all the time that her and my 3 kids are my best friends 😅. My 100k salary makes it easy to forget about my loneliness. Muscles don't make you friends. And it's actually counterproductive in terms of making friends because the non gym goer will see you differently, more so if they're drinkers and go out every weekend. Most hard-core gymheads are all autistic and can't physically make friends because we don't know how to 🤷. A vicious cycle. I don't know how old you are, but it all becomes far less bothersome the older you get.


15 years here bro. I’m cooked now that I’m old as shit.


Dawg I checked your post history have you checked your E2? Super bad gyno, water retention, breathing issues? Do you use an AI at all on cycle? What about prolactin control?


Another cry post epic


Watch some dr mike istraetel videos he can explain everything


Do vacuums, cut out dairy and processed food. Eat lots of red meat. Do cardio, train core. Quit pushing for useless PRs and push for the pump, push for volume. Lifting a big number doesn’t equate to a good physique.