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Calling someone natty while they are on juice is the biggest insult ever


It's pretty funny tho especially when they have natty attainable physiques since you get all the neckbeards worked up about it


Thing is , it might not be natty achievable for him. Everyone responds differently and most people don't know what realistic steroid gains look like on people. If everyone was a hyper responder, Mr Olympia wouldn't be interesting. You have mens physique guys on the same cycles as open guys and they look drastically different


Agreed I don't mean this guy specifically I'm just saying in general like on reddit I've seen guys with super achievable physiques but redditors just yell steroids like they can't just be disciplined like the guys the accuse of being on roids


True enough. I'm biased though. I'm on all the gear . Lol


I would if I was bodybuilding I mean shit I want to so I can half ass and stay lean and have visible muscle but sports now and military soon both are drug tested ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6307)![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6307)![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6307)


the army ain’t gonna test you for sauce boy. half your NCOs are gonna be on trt


It ain't the army gang it's the navy ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6307)![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6307)![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6307)


this sub really is gay


Well of course I have to establish my dominance in the showers and the navy is the best start point All jokes aside I was about to join the marines but needed a waiver for my tattoo sleeve going half an inch over my wrist and everyone approved it til I a 4 star general saw it and personally called my recruiter to tell him I'm ineligible to join until regulations are changed so I went to the navy since they were next door and was looking into the special warfare route and I'm trying to go in as SARC


Yeah, there are so many variables too. I was accused of being on gear long before I took anything. Now I am on gear but haven't done a legit cycle in a while and having a newborn, I'm in the gym maybe 2 days a week, max. So there was a time when my natty physique looked better than my current physique.


My point exactly and if you had the time to put in the work you would most likely have a better physique than you had while natty but whatever your physique may be now could be (not sure what you look like so I'm just using this as an example piece) natty achievable but fucking losers will use the excuse your on gear as a cop out


Yeah bro, I agree 100% Right now I look like I go to the gym and by some people's standards that means I look like I'm juicing lol But definitely achievable naturally. And like you said, there's no doubt that gear helps a lot. There's no supplements that can come close. But it's also not a miracle drug. People don't just blast gear and get big without the work. Just for reference, https://imgur.com/a/S9BMOFS are natty photos. The ones in the flannel shirt are me now (so not natty) [This](https://imgur.com/a/IeSjNhE) is a pic before I started lifting and then the one on the right is on juice


Look great bro can't see the first link but then 2nd is top tier you got good genetics either way lol post the first picture on r/nattyorjuice and you would be called out for juicing


I don't know what's up with the link to the one set, but thanks bro. I appreciate it. I think I might post one from when I was natural and one on gear and see what the verdict is :)


Here's a sneak peek of /r/nattyorjuice using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/nattyorjuice/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [From pudding pop to jacked in a box in 1.4 years](https://v.redd.it/magq5e6q52ta1) | [287 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/nattyorjuice/comments/12hbws3/from_pudding_pop_to_jacked_in_a_box_in_14_years/) \#2: [State of this subreddit](https://i.redd.it/c0p4g5wxzn4b1.jpg) | [120 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/nattyorjuice/comments/143pqu2/state_of_this_subreddit/) \#3: [Jo Linder has passed away. RIP to one of the real ones](https://i.redd.it/d4npaf8xgc9b1.png) | [549 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/nattyorjuice/comments/14ntj1y/jo_linder_has_passed_away_rip_to_one_of_the_real/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


It also takes time. Most people who do gear don't max out natty gains first, they hop on a year or two into lifting. And even then, it's not like most people will look obviously not natty 6 weeks into their first cycle. It takes many cycles and several years to get that "I'm obviously enhanced" look, for most people atleast.


Definitely that too


This \^\^\^\^ from newbies gains, it took me 3.5 years to look juiced


Hyper responder or tolerant to sides on bigger doses?


I noticed his face getting puffy a few months ago and immediately knew he was running geaR


Not at all. Some people do other stuff, like they run a lot long distance + they lift a little or they have a demanding physical job or shitty genetic, or they have 2 jobs and roids help them stay on track. Plenty of people, plenty of factors that come into play, but they won't have a bodybuilder physique. Not everybody in the gym is/ can be dedicated to bbuilding 110%. I've been there. Cycled once 2 yrs ago and found out that with my work & responsibilities i simply an't use gear potential properly so didn't do it again.


Me every single day.


What was the timeframe of this transformation though.


I love Garand Thumb, and his reply. I don't think he has claimed to be natty, nor do I think he is. He got jacked in a hurry, kudos to him


I noticed from his videos his neck got thick, his face more masculine and his skin more red. I thought he was doing something, but honestly he's not a fitness youtuber so I don't think he has any moral obligation to be transparent.


He has flat out admitted to it in his videos and Charlie has poked fun at him about it


he took the roids to recover from a neck injury so he might have had some stem cells as well


People that don't follow him also underestimate how much of a stick he was when he was still in the military. He has packed on quite a bit of lean mass pretty quickly


Him and several fellow guntubers who all hang out suddenly got very jacked quickly. Donut expressed dealing with depression issues. Brendan Herrera got moon face and looks like a house now. Very clear signs of TRT at the least. Good on them if that’s what they choose to do they are on screen personalities.


Matt from Demo Ranch was on gear as well. Now probably just TRT. But look at his early vids to about 2 years ago. Drastically changed. It


It would be hilarious if Mountains, Mullets, Merica got on the sauce as well. While his YouTube channel is not as popular yet, it is awesome and it is growing fast, he's another awesome guy who is a stick.


I'll have to check this channel out


He is really awesome! Like a lot of people into fitness, I am also into guns, particularly long range shooting. He has the best channel on the internet for long range stuff. Wholesome well-spoken guy, full of knowledge, great delivery and great content [https://youtube.com/@mountainsmulletsmerica?si=ICViiLa49P2lAE1u](https://youtube.com/@mountainsmulletsmerica?si=ICViiLa49P2lAE1u)


That's awesome man. I'm also into long range shooting.


Bro, check out my profile, it's my passion. If you're anywhere around PA, feel free to hit me up and we can shoot sometime


Sent you a PM brother


My fav type of shooting. But furthest was only 1200yards. But the whole process. Was enjoyable to me. Getting Chrono info.SD. Atmospherics. Angle. Inputting in a ballistic app. Or Kestrel. Then sending it.


1200 yards is further than 99.999% of shooters will ever shoot. 1,150 is what we typically shoot, because it's available and easy to get to. It is so addicting, I've been using Hornady 4DOF app, it seems pretty accurate and it works without cell service. Have you tried Applied Ballistics app? I heard that one is the best, but I haven't tried it yet


The 4dof is amazing. Once you have a distance set. They all fall into place. First shot impacts! I was using the phone 4dof. and bought a Kestrel 4dof. But honestly the phone is better. I was just using the Kestrel for atmospherics. Not a fan of applied ballistics. The long range course I took. The instructor swore by it. I used 4dof and AB. The 4dof worked so much better. I did shoot factory Hornady ELD. So maybe thats why it worked so well. Not sure.


Nice. I still haven't bought a kestrel, only because I wasn't sure if I'm going to stay married to 4DOF or switch to AB. I shoot mostly Berger hybrids, but eldm's are my second choice. Hard to beat Factory loaded Hornady eldm match rounds, they are accurate and consistent in every rifle I've ever tried. Every long range instructor I've encountered and my marine/state department contractor buddy swore by AB. Like you said, as long as you have the atmospherics and other variables set properly, I'm sure they are both true. Custom drag model calculators are definitely the way to go, I don't even look at BC anymore


Why did he get jacked in a hurry?


I’ve met him many times. He’s fairly ripped in person. Not Tren jacked but generous TRT look. Nice guy too.


Dude definitely started TRT when he got out


If anybody has a reason to lie about taking gear, its him. The ATF probably wants any excuse to come after him. Possession charge for weed was how they got FPSRussia.


Dudes probably not blasting gear. If I had to guess he went through a reputable TRT clinic like most vets do after their time in service. All legal


He’s admitted to taking Test E, HGH, Primo, and Anadrol


You can get scripts for all of those if you know the right people and are rich


You can look up his cycle as I believe he himself posted it. You're very incorrect lol. No dosages but 2 compounds and test iirc so... yeah that's a yikes from me


> FPSRussia Rip to the GOAT


The mini gun into the pond was epic. And back then YT was paying very little. He went through a fortune in 762 rounds.


Not as grand as the minigun, but the AA-12 was what blew my mind. I knew there were auto shotguns but I'd never actually seen how cool they were.


Made famous from the Desert shootout scene in Breaking Bad. I mag dumped my M4 many times. You feel it. I can't imagine a full auto shotgun with buckshot or slugs. And a drum mag


It's kinda sad, I think the whole ordeal traumatized him and now he basically just lives as a 40yr old shut in smoking fake weed and gaming/watching TV all day.


The “natty achievable” guys in the comments running cover for obvious juicers always look like dogshit when you check their profiles


To be fair, that physique is natty achievable.


It's definitely naturally attainable if you're 25 and work an easy job, Garand Thumb is closer to middle age and he has his body torn up by the Air Force, so I do think that'd be pretty hard to attain without some help, trt at least.


Yeah if I remember right, he broke his back parachuting.


hes a youtuber. its as easy as it gets man


Brother you must be young still. Spending even 1 term in the military can do permanent damage to your body. When your body hurts it’s hard to train hard


Don't join the military then, dumbass


Who tf u calling dumbass? I didn’t join the military. I’ve had many injuries though.


Military is for gays and zionists


Careful we’re on Reddit! That’s not wholesome Chungus 100…




The military isn't even hard unless you're infantry lol, I'm literally active duty right now and fucking ripped while being natty. Yeah you'll lose some gains due to sleep deprivation and mental sanity from deployments. You get free food and gym access.


Ur gay


Only for my wife


the best natural physique out there can't be achieved by most guys who are on all the gear. its a stupid pointless ass argument


This is far from the best natural physique out there though. It's a decent physique, but not outrageously good.


doesn't matter, saying something is "natty achievable" is pointless and accomplishes nothing


Shit least he’s honest


Pretty funny way to chop the debate too.


Interesting seeing him posted here.




Normal looking traps = natty.


Him Demo Ranch, Donut and Brendan Herrera all display very clear signs of TRT. About a year ago it was a noticeable change. No hate they are getting older and their channels more popular than ever.


People will believe anything. They believe anything because they are afraid it might be true or they want it to be true. In this case people want to believe a ripped body is possible without gear. They want the lie to be true.


I was wondering when this would be posted here


He is clearly on gear. Look at his old flannel day vids. He must have on 20lbs+ in muscle. And his vids are now sponsored so he tests some hard to find weaponry. And production quality is drastically improved.




I was really busy for a few months, didn't watch much yt then things calmed down and saw Garand & was like holy juice batman! He's putting in the work!


You never really notice his physique because hes always layered up in the vids but yeah this makes sense, trying to stat strong and fit as you get older needs some assistance


I find it hilarious that people think that juicers hide themselves from social media for years only to reveal their physique at peak form, lmao. Like, some people are actively using in your gym and you just don't know. Unless it's a relative or you're working out everyday with the guy, you don't really know if he's natty or if he's on his 2nd cycle. It also highly depends on what he's taking, the dose, his training regiment and his overall life cycle.


Hes taking Gear, getting jacked, Making babies and shooting guns! He can do whatever he wants, this is MURICA!


He looks natty af. The average person in this sub has to be a dyel


The a average Natty is DYEL


the average steroid user is DYEL too


Taking steroids to look natty 💀


He's natty or just on higher levels of T.