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Burnie was laying in bed “catching up on cultural stuff” aka scrolling memes and shitposts


It's very important research.


Some possible insight to the Inside Out 2 success: I was 18 when Inside Out released. It was a huge hit amongst people my age, as an animated movie that brought conversations about mental health and emotion to the forefront for a lot of people. Many people who were younger (12-24) at that point now have kids of their own. Pair that with school being out and a severe lack of quality Disney/Pixar animation in recent years, and it's a recipe for success.


Their befuddlement over inside out 2 succes has got to be a generational thing, inside out release when I was 15 and the movie had a massive impact on me and most of the people around my age would say the same, we love inside out, burnie saying he never hears people talking about inside out makes sense because why would he be talking to a bunch of teens when he’s in his 30s, the people who watched inside out grew up and all went to watch it and also add on the kids that are also going to watch any Pixar movie, to me the succes of inside out 2 makes sense tho I will say it’s second week succes did shock me


I agree with this. I’m only a couple years older than you and it was huge around teens and younger when it came out. People found it very relatable and a great visual representation of our emotions. It was always played at teen movie nights in groups and stuff even well after I was an adult I heard about movie nights featuring inside out. I think my local water park showed it at least once a summer since it came out.


I dont think the AI-in-art outrage has ever been pointed at memes and other casual use. Just when AI is used for work that an artist would've been paid for.


Yeah I mean I’ve seen some AI prohibitionists who absolutely hate all AI, but they’re outliers really. The strong difference I have seen is whether or not you are using it to make money.


I definitely think there’s a high level of AI art hate, I don’t think those are outliers at all. If you post an AI image to just about any sub not dedicated to AI art, you will be downvoted and insulted in the comments immediately.


I can’t speak for everyone but I’m one of the people who hate AI art, and the reason I’m against it is because the machine learning programs were trained on art without the artists who made it’s consent. If people don’t want their art being used to train AI I think they should be able to prevent that from happening, and until there’s a fix for that I personally think it’s wrong to use AI art. But I know there are differing perspectives because some people think it’s no different than a person drawing influence from art that’s out there in the world. I think there’s a difference between the ways a human can take in and replicate art and the ways a computer can, but I’m not an expert


Brave of Burnie to bring up the Hawk Tuah meme


the guy who got famous writing lines like "You suck fucking fucksuck"?


I'm just catching up on episodes. Why is he brave for that?


Adding another hypothesis to the unexpected success of Inside Out 2: It has been _really_ hot in the United States the past two weeks. Maybe more people are taking their families to the movies rather than doing other activities less suitable in such extreme temperature conditions.


I (30m) and my wife went to see IO2 on opening day. We have no children and went on Friday evening after our boring 9-5 office jobs. The theater had *several* other couples who looked just like us. 20s-30s, no kids. Is the original Inside Out one of my favorite movies ever? Nope. Not even favorite Pixar movie. But I loved what it *did*. A movie that really explored what it *feels* like in someone's mind, and the value and complexity of all emotions. IO1 said "it's ok to be sad" and "sometimes situations are complex and require multiple emotions". Unfortunately a movie that says "it's ok to be sad sometimes" is something that really strikes a chord with a lot of Millennial and Gen Z folks. Even touching on mental health at all was a big deal, especially for those of us who grew up being told "Mental illness isn't real, you are just being a baby / not praying enough / lacking faith / making it up for attention". So that might be the answer for a lot of the 18-39 demo. (Not to mention bringing their kids as well). And even then my parents in their 50s also really enjoyed both Inside Out 1 and 2. PS: I also submit Pixar's often overlooked "Soul" as another great movie that explores more of the complexities of life.


Soul was actually really good and I’m sad that Covid essentially ruined its popularity. It’s one of those movies that I can’t remember much of it other than I enjoyed it and those are the best to rewatch.


Count me in the apparent minority of people who enjoy movies with a plot about making movies. I find it really fun to catch some of the inside jokes and gags that they write in poking fun at people who make movies. Especially The Fall Guy, which was so visibly a love letter to the stunt crews that work on movies. Watching actors play actors is another trope I really enjoy. Stuff like the actor characters in Barry is hilarious to me. 


Fall Guy came 10 or 20 years later than it should have to capitalize on nostalgia.  I was born the year the tv show came out. I vaguely remember watching it on Sunday afternoons in the late ‘80s when they reran old episodes and nothing else was on.  The target audience was people older than me, and the people that remember the property are going to be older than me, too.  It wasn’t going to be a blockbuster hit unless they pushed what it was.  That said, that theme song was a banger, and I can still sing bits of it. 


It’s always interesting seeing what happened to these people after their online videos went viral, and the massive scale on which they can land against how they started: - the Star Wars Kid reached an out of court settlement when he sued the bullies that got the video and released it online. - Rebecca Black rode the wave of her popularity and has made the most out of creating what some might say is the worst song/music video of all time. - and Kim Kardashian.


Inside Out is an amazing movie, and far and away my favourite Pixar film. I can talk about the genius of Inside Out all day to anyone who will listen :) (Didn't like Inside Out 2 anywhere close to as well, by the way. The resolution of the conflict in Riley's head made absolutely no sense this time around.) I always think "Well, *I* never hear anyone talking about it, so it must be obscure" is a pretty bad way to measure how popular things are.


Talking of memes and internet vernacular, and also inside out. But no mention of inside out being the origin of the "core memory" meme/comment.


see also: Avatar with "I see you" as meaning "I understand where you're coming from"


I love movie subjects. *Inside Out 2* was great and I only saw it based on word of mouth. Have not seen *Inside Out*. And *Inside Out 2* was my 28th ranked movie out of my 42 movies of the year, and I believe it will make the 3rd most in revenue this year behind *Despicable Me 4* and *Deadpool & Wolverine.* (My friend and I have a bet of cash stakes if *Deadpool & Wolverine* will make $1B in theatrical release) A.I. - I hate the use of. Not interested in public commercial use. My applicable needs are not there except in hinderance when I am looking up lsnscaping plants and some search results are coming up with plants that do not exist. Feel bad for lady that tripped. I don't understand where people think they should fix a camera on a stranger and post images and videos without permission. Very selfish behaviour. They deserve mud to eat at their parties. Oldest internet meme I ran on was "Oh fuck I can't believe you've done this." One of those - I knew it would happen, but not right now bro - vibes


It doesn’t explain all of it, but I do think if you look at the two movies that Burnie and Ashley have been surprised by lately, they’re both kids movies that more people can see. So once I thought about it, it didn’t strike me as odd that Garfield outdid Furiosa, etc.


Inside Out was one of my favorite Disney movies because of how unique it was. In my opinion, and clearly Gavin’s per his Summer Movie Auction purchase, this was a no brainer. One of the many variables to think about for children’s movies is the amount of tickets purchased must increase as its audience is vastly larger. If a children want to see the film, their parents likely have to join them. Instead of only adults being the target audience like Furiosa, adults and children can relate to the characters. Hearing their opinion in this episode paralleled the shock I had when nobody really combatted Gavin trying to get Inside Out 2. It’s a fantastic movie. Highly recommend, I still think the first is movie is better (barely) Edit: I’d love to hear a conversation between Burnie and Gavin on Gavin’s thought process when bidding for IO2


Also, where was Oilers girl during the discussion of why other people post videos of other people online with/without consent. This was a perfect episode to mention the legend




Started off not that way


Get well soon, but that voice. So I live in a state that loves, loves small independent movie theaters (the have a yearly blob run out and crap)... 2 of the local theaters have said inside out 2 has had best weeks since 2019 and it legit saved one of them. I expected the furiosa bomb but I side out 2 seemed like teen mature movie just like the red panda one.


FWIW, 130 million in 2019, adjusted for inflation, gets you to Inside Out 2’s opening weekend in todays dollars. 


Why can't we measure box office success by butts in seats? Why do we need to worry about inflation, ticket price, 3D/Premium, and their profit margins being a factor in who did best?


Because ultimately, money is the motivating factor for movies to be made. It costs money to make movies. So money needs to be made to justify those costs.


I had a thought about Inside Out 2 while listening to the episode today. They were stumped why overall the box office has been low on movies but then Inside Out just comes out of nowhere with a huge couple weekends. One thing that could be a contributing factor is the weather! It has been HOT in the states the past two weeks and it's now summer so kids are out of school and need things to do. So what's a parent to do only a month into Summer and the kids are cooped up and bored? Go see a movie! Granted I have no idea if this lines up with actual stats of people going to see the movie, but that's just the thought I had 😋 Children's movies always have that going for them. The desperate parents looking for a couple hours of peace.


Wouldn't more people watch movies when the weather is bad? When the weather is good you can do things outside. (Again, I also don't know what the stats are, but I wouldn't necessarily expect good weather to be good for the box office.)


Just in my experience in my neighborhood it's been too hot for doing anything outside other than swimming. Don't see them playing outside nearly as much. Places could be getting heat storms and rain and that could contribute? Idk lol it was an early morning thought. Glad I just made a comment and not a whole thread lol