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Atm I don’t believe anything, things can change at any moment.


For things to change Marc would have to start winning races, full stop. I don't see that happening until Sachsenring being his best chance since Austin.


Really? You don't think him getting so many podiums so early in the first year he's ridden that bike and overtaking 45 times in 2 races and 2 sprints good enough? Oh, and currently being 3rd in the championship and just a couple of points off last year's champion. Good job you don't run a team, you'd have no riders as no-one would be good enough.


And being Marc.


If Ducati is limited to 4 GP25s, why not give Aldeguer the GP24 and Marc the GP25. 🙄🙄


Cuase Marc does not want to go to Pramac anyway.


I meant one GP25 to Gresini


I imagine that would go against Ducati's contract with Pramac.


But they said it's not an option. I mean, Aldeguer can get a 24, no problem, but Pramac will never allow that. In top of that, do you want to risk to send the title in your smallest private team??? Sponsors are gonna crucify Gigi!


Because… it’s Marc Marquez! Ducati can sell thousands of overpriced motorcycles because of him!


Agree, but why does not get the red one??? (In fact I don't understand why everybody is so safe Martin will).


It's all speculation. If the riders themselves don't know exactly where they will be yet for next year, can you imagine how good of a guess it could be for us fans? Haha.


Nobody knows that because Ducati has kidnapped the market! Gigi might has a Pope feeling walking around in the paddock 😂


This must mean either Gresini is getting a GP25, or Marc is going to have to swallow his pride and work with Pramac. Can’t imagine him willingly being on a year old bike again next year.


Both him and Pramac have shut down any chance of that now. There’s 3 options left from what I can tell: - stay at Gresini if Ducati give them a gp25 - gasgas - Aprilia


There is one more… stay at Gresini but with a latest spec KTM


Gresini have a deal for 2025 with Ducati, not sure if they can get out of it.


There are still months of negotiations left, and him joining Pramac is still very much on the table. He’s said all year that he doesn’t care what color the bike is and was open to joining any team, and Pramac are seemingly out of a #1 next year. Just because both parties denied interest for one day doesn’t mean that they’re actually actively avoiding each other; I’d imagine they’ve already made contact to have some early discussions. Marc would clearly prefer the factory seat or Gresinni GP25, but if neither are on the table Pramac is a great destination for him and he’d be a fool not to take it. I don’t view a move away Ducati as attractive to him, 3 bikes in 3 years is just stupid when you’re performing so well on Ducati as is.


There aren't months of negotiations left, Marquez said a few weeks because of his sponsors


Saying that is a negotiating tactic. He’s trying to force Ducatis hand and rush their decision while he’s hot, his sponsors aren’t abandoning him because he spent an extra week or two negotiating.


Week or two not, but not months either. While Ducati postponed the decision, it still doesn’t mean they’ll suddenly take months to make the decision


I agree it won’t be months, but there’s clearly some disagreement within Ducati about their lineup if Martin hasn’t being confirmed yet. Sorting that out will probably take a few more weeks, and Ducati have all the leverage to take their time in such a decision. Even keeping Bastianni shouldn’t be considered an impossibility if Pecco starts winning consistently enough to be a reliable #1, not sure why nobody ever mentions that.


He didn’t just deny interest though. He said it’s not an option. Maybe they’ll change their minds but the wording seemed too strong for them to go back on it. Selfishly, I’d love to see him and Acosta go head to head on the same bike


The strong wording itself is a negotiating tactic to gain leverage. By denying a move to Pramac and publicly meeting with KTM on the same day, he’s forcing Ducati to reconsider their position or lose Marc. It’s no coincidence that both of these things happened the day Martin confirmed talks with the factory team. However, now that the KTM door is closed it’s clear that Marc doesn’t have much leverage anymore. If Ducati truly want Martin, then it’s up to them whether Marc gets the 2025 bike or not.


It'll probably be decided come test on Monday.


Exactly, the only one who still thinks for himself, people don't understand that both Pramac and MM are playing games, but that doesn't mean they won't be allies in the end


Could stay at Gresini. Not saying he will, but his legacy would only increase if he wins this Championship (or/and the next) on a year old bike.


Martin isn't confirmed for factory just yet


Yeah of course, but I imagine there is a fear within Ducati of having a guy like Marc on the team. He’s just such a dominant rider and personality that Pecco’s camp would do anything in their power to avoid his being there. I don’t think anyone within Ducati actually believes Pecco would beat Marc, but maybe he could contend with Martin. Personally I think it’s a mistake from Ducati. I don’t expect Martin and Pecco to get along whatsoever while fighting for #1 status, especially if Martin arrives as reigning champion to an Italian, Pecco-lead team. If you bring in MM you know he’s good enough to just dominate Pecco and lead the team without infighting. We’ll see.


Hearing the interview from Ross Brawn before the sprint had some things make more sense. He said he would pick JM over MM because of the potential chemistry may. be slightly better than if someone like MM was on the same team as Pecco. He is probably hinting that Pecco and the team could control or manage JM better than they could MM, which we all know he is basically willing to wage all out war to win the title. Though, as Brawn said himself, he is slightly biased towards Pramac, so it is what it is.


100% correct. Pramac is better than GasGas


The idea of Marquez joining GASGAS or Tech3 is a joke. He’s already fighting for wins in a year-old Ducati, I don’t see him leaving the bike for anything that isn’t a factory seat elsewhere (and even that seems unlikely given KTM claim he wasn’t available)


Pretty much. 8 time world champion. Challenging the top riders. In the top 3 for the championship on a year old bike right now. He isn't looking to be treated as an after thought or side option. He wants to be the #1 option.




I see that you're being optimistic about Marc's chances of still going to Ducati factory 😅 your comments are more optimistic than Marc's actual situation. He has no choice, the Ducati bike is a safer option than the KTM for the final part of his MotoGP carrier which has 2-3 years maybe 5 years left without any bad injury, also subject to how he adapts to the new 850cc bikes .If he had won a couple of GPs ,in America and jerez , he would've been in a better position to bargain with Ducati. Either Marc swallows his pride and ride for Pramac or stay at Gresini with a GP24.Marc 's value decreases each year as he ages, regardless of his performance, teams want the young and hungry.




Gresini could also switch to KTM. We know that they really want a 2nd satellite team.


Imagine that, Repsol Redbull Gresini! Weird how no one makes a big deal about Jorge being sponsored by Redbull, but they do about Marc.


lol, it’s wild that it seems like a real possibility that he’ll drive old Ducati in Gresini next year too.


It seems that it's either that or Aprilia


And that's his fault. He's being very cocky and selfish and obtuse. You don't threat manufacturer that pulled you out of shit and that to 6 races in.


Ducati didn't do shit, he signed directly with Gresini.


Nah, Pramac is next destination


You know MM said it’s not a possibility and then Pramac said the same pretty much too? So no, I do not think Pramac is a real option.


It was dirty games on both sides


Not sure in what fantasy do you live in




Is Marc sure about getting that red seat or is he okey with an Aprilia??? It would be such a twist. Or maybe stay in Gresini with an older bike? Even more wild and dangerous for Ducati then.


Gotta be Aprilia


Then what was Marquez doing in the KTM hospitality? Dishes?


3 options for Marquez potentially all gone in 1 weekend. If it's true that factory Ducati has agreed with Martin and Pramac don't want him, and now you add KTM confirming Binder... well. Realistically I think Marc's options will be Gresini or Aprilia now. Unless Yamaha fork out more money or he goes back to Honda, but fuck that, why?


He's the one who doesn't want to ride in Pramac lol


Dude opened his mouth a lot. And he tried to push Ducatis hand thinking they are weak willed and would succumb to threat of leaving him? Turns out Ducati isn't taking any siht from marc. They know they got the top bike and top dog. They don't need marc , as a matter of fact, nobody does like they once wanted him.. He has a lot of demands and less performance to back it up. Dude tells he'll fight for championship on any bike and hasn't even won a race


The top dog is Marc he has more championships alone than Ducati has.


Ducati doesn't need marc to win. marc needs Ducati to win


Sounds like Marc doesn't need Ducati and can go win again on the Honda, right??


Then he should leave Ducati and go back to winning ways on a Honda.




Of course they won on the marketing side. Let's see if he wins the championship


Unfortunately it is so


MM93 and his camp overplayed their hand here trying to strongarm Ducati into giving up the second seat.