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It was obviously an inside job, why else would two girls be talking to you? /s


The Rothschilds at it again


Being easy to steal is why I will always have full coverage insurance on a bike if I can't afford to lose it


I just ride a bike that nobody wants to steal


Even then, tweakers will take just for the scrap and part value smh.


Why did you steal the battery and exhaust off this person’s bike? “I was trying to build a Time Machine and the motorcycle told me it had the parts”


My DR650 that would randomly die on me even after rebuilding the carb was stolen the one time I left it out of the garage. Little do they know that I was retarded and had just left the bike idling for an hour to "charge the battery" when I didn't know better. I go outside and the exhaust pipe is smokinnggg lol


Wish it caught fire on thieves !


Laughs in ktm 250 adventure


I thought that, until my bike was stolen. Turns out anything with 2 wheels is enough to rob a handbag or burgle someone.


a klr650?


A well loved 2012 NC700X


We see your flair.


Then you know I'm telling the truth lol. I love this bike but fully acknowledge that it's like the motorcycle equivalent of a Honda Pilot.


my cbf125 that is a nightmare to get started and rusted all over got nicked last week lol


Yeah got insurance on it, there's been a sighting of it in someone's garden so chances are I'll be getting it back at some point anyways, hopefully in somewhat of a good condition


That would be frustrating to watch. Just to bring some awareness to this, you can install a third-party remote kill switch. I have one on my bike. Of course that means they’ll just dump your bike on top of the broken steering lock and likely destroyed lock/wires. But might help keep your rates down over a total loss.


What one would do you have?


This is the one I have: [https://www.revzilla.com/motorcycle/scorpio-ignition-disabler?sku\_id=441673](https://www.revzilla.com/motorcycle/scorpio-ignition-disabler?sku_id=441673) It's an upgrade for the alarm system I installed.


You could just install a battery/ignition cut off switch under the seat


I found that a grom will actually fit inside most standard elevators so I ditched my office chair and just pull up to my desk on it.


Yeah I could pick up my bike and walk it down the road if I needed to, even farther if I had just straps, I just don’t know where I would park it other than my garage


I cant “afford” to replace my bike but in canada it would cost me $500 a month to fully insure my $6000 bike. As long as my bike doesnt get stolen in a year or so i can just replace it for the same cost as the insurnace.


Interesting, most 3rd party insurance includes fire and theft around me


My full coverage for a 500cc was at $280 at the cheapest place. I just got liability and comprehensive which said it covers theft. Only added like $9.


I don’t get it though. It looks like the guy was riding on it, which means he got the keys right? I mean if you put the forks lock on and take the keys with you, it solves like 99% of the problem, right?


This is why I always start some routine maintenance, like removing my brake lines, every time I walk away from my bike.


I always pour sugar into my gas tank before walking away.


I pour a little (a lot) of gasoline around and then blow it up Michael Bay style while walking away


That's what I'm talkin about!


I strip mine down to the frame and lock up all the parts separately with the gas tank being buried in a chest that I have to follow a long set of clues and puzzles to find it again.


Your bike explodes like the dragon balls do after a wish and you got to go find them every time.


I place claymore mines under the seat, before i go to starbucks.


I just weld the frame to a nearby post when I park, so far it's working.


I just quickly pull the motor and then reinstall when it's time to leave work


The battery comes out!


I don't know why people don't use no bike security. Brake lever lock. Disk lock that makes noise when moved. Motorcycle alarm that makes noise when moved and can even send a notification to key fob. It's not going to stop everyone but it's a big deterrent.


I have a brake lock with an alarm on it, the one day I'm in a rush to get in and don't put it on is the day it gets nicked.


Always dude. The absolutely same thing happened to me here in Mexico. I ran into a store and ten mins later it was gone and of course no one saw shit. Now I double down and make sure I always secure it when parking it.


You might not want to tell the insurance that. One of my policies actually states that the bike must have a lock on it at all times when I'm not riding it. 


"A lock" could be steering lock. Many omnium insurances in western europe require garage parking and 2 locks but chain + steering lock or steering lock + alarm lock or chain + alarm lock are fine for example


Yup, no matter how much of a rush wherever you're going is worth less than your bike. 5 mins to apply a lock isn't going to make a difference if you're already late.


I had to put one front and back every time it was parked when I was in Uni. Still would see that some dickhead tried to drag it for 3 feet before giving up.


Use a disk lock and cover on mine. They took the cover off and then pushed the bike over :( disk lock did it's job but the poor bike still got a beating. Was a sad morning.


If you don't use no security, then you do use security - which in this case op didn't. So op didn't don't use no security. No?


I didn't not LOL.


I used to know a guy who would legitimately put the bike in first and then remove the shift lever every time he parked up for more than a short stop.


I'm not worried about security at my office, we're too far out from town/tweakers, and I've got coworkers out near it having smoke breaks who know who I am (and therefore would know it's not me trying to steal it). When I park at campus, I park in the parking structure, directly across from the campus PD motor pool, and in direct line of sight for 3 security cameras. And it's an R3.


I don't ever get off mine when I'm riding except to walk into the store I'm getting gas at for a water. I tend to go for longer rides on the weekend or riding to work a few hours where it's parked in a parking garage.


Your bike is totally worth getting stabbed for. Priorities dude!


Ikr. A running jump kick is pretty effective. And idk where OP is but you better keep something to protect yourself with too. So many options for that part


Running with a sturdy stick right in the rims may work


ATGATT helps against knives up to a point. Lol


If your chainmail is dense enough, very small penetration


If criminals decide that my property is worth dying over, I'm more than happy to oblige them.


Better the let them have it now and take it back when the Hitman u hired finish the job


Description of two men in masks. Yeah you have a very slim chance of getting it back


I should get a GPS tracker.


Buddy of mine had a GPS tracker in his bikex we tracked it down and found a van with 2 other stolen bikes in it. Police seized the van and raided a nearby house for a suspect. He got convicted, my buddy got an insurance payout since the bike was totalled (really weird how that happened. I am not a lawyer.) and got a Free new and nicer bike. All due to a dirt cheap apple airtag. After the anti-stalking update from apple when he bought his new bike, first thing he did was buy a proper gps tracker since those airtags really had intermittent signals.


apple airtag is not a GPS tracker, fwiw - No where near as reliable, but for sure better than nothing and a lot cheaper in the long run. Just not to be confused, they each have their pros and cons.


Don’t tell me. I 100% agree with you.


I host a version of traccar, it's an open source tracker server, you can then use a generic tracker with a pay as you go sim, it costs me about 10p a month in data


tell me more boss , is it realtime? , does it have motion sensor?


Yup realtime, uses gps and has acceleration, and a gyroscope. You can configure it to send data more often, I keep it on every 10 seconds to save data


As someone who got his bike stolen in London. Fuck that whole area of the world. It's like bike theft capital.


If you want to have your blood pressure rise, head on over to r/MotoIRELAND , the subreddit for motorcycles in Ireland. Almost every other post is about a bike getting stolen or actual footage of bikes thieves. They're all teenagers doing it too, our justice system basically lets anyone under 18 away with any crimes so long as they say they're sorry. just a small sample for you: [Deleted from r/Ireland. I'm re-uploading this here. Current state of O’Connell street Dublin. How long this will be ignored? : r/MotoIRELAND (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/MotoIRELAND/comments/1beqxk0/deleted_from_rireland_im_reuploading_this_here/) [Stonybatter today. Hammer + KTM getting robbed. : r/MotoIRELAND (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/MotoIRELAND/comments/1aseif7/stonybatter_today_hammer_ktm_getting_robbed/) [I still don't understand how a scrote can post this on TikTok and not get busted (via Motorbikes Ireland) : r/MotoIRELAND (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/MotoIRELAND/comments/1bpyoe5/i_still_dont_understand_how_a_scrote_can_post/)




There was a guy getting his bike nicked. He chased the thieves and knocked them off the stolen motorbike they were on. He got jail, they got off free. He had zero previous convictions, they were repeat offenders. Law is backwards. [read about it here](https://www.motoheadmag.com/hero-chased-bike-thieves-and-ended-in-jail/)


>White spent his £50,000 life savings on legal fees and lost his job as an electrician. He also had to make make the incredibly sad decision to terminate his wife Lindsay’s pregnancy Excuse me, WHAT THE FUCK?


Omg that is crazy!


They used to booby trap our cars, so surely they can do the same with a bike.


Knife crime? *Eagles scream in American*




This looks like the UK, mfs can’t even carry pepper spray


Yes, it's tragic that the UK isn't the crime free paradise the US has become with all the guns.




I don't know anyone personally who has been killed on a motorcycle, but I still wear a helmet.




Large brain energy right here.




That simply isn't true! My Cyberpunk character has plenty of robotic implants.


"I am not racist ! My dog is black" vibe right there 😂


>I don't know anyone personally that carries a gun in the USA and has been the victim of a crime 🤷‍♂️. This is a silly metric. 1) You need a comparison point, such as how many people you personally know that do not carry a gun & have been a victim of crime. 2) It's still utterly meaningless because your experience means nothing when compared to the experience of everyone else. The vast majority of people aren't even going to experience violent crime. Also, most violent crime is committed by people who know you. Are you going to keep your gun on your person at home as well? >Most of our gun crimes are criminals with a gun shooting anti-gun people in "gun free zones". Maybe check your information before repeating absolute nonsense youve heard on right-wing channels? Most gun deaths are murders (after suicides). Most violent crime & homicides are done by people who know you. So the most common gun crime in the country would be people who you know shooting you.


that can still leave hundreds of thousands of strangers shooting strangers in the US though


womp womp




Carry a gun if you want. You don't have to make shitty excuses for it. It makes me feel like a MAN is a good enough reason.




> Oh good. Then don't bring up invalid or incorrect information to justify your position. Just say "I like carrying guns & it is my right".




Funny thing about anecdotal evidence, all the morons I know that carry have had their guns stolen.


Funny they weren’t a criminal until they did crimes with a gun




Yeah this is true. Do you mind sharing which demographics are committing the most gun violence in America?


Gun owners **edit:** please note that I didn't say "law abiding gun owners", which gun lovers like to point out do not commit gun crime. Which is incredibly circular logic.


Thugs...nothing new. Illegal owners.....going to have to make is super double illegal for them to own.


Wrong. Even liberals know that's BS


Yet you are scared of a guy with a knife


The self-righteousness is hilarious. They are scared of a criminal with a knife while they are told they can't even carry their own. And as if the UK isn't riddled with crime either. The difference is the criminals know you can't do shit. I'll take my chances having a right to defend myself.


The US has a better than everyone else complexion, but in reality they arent even top ten. I know this because I've traveled and gotten to see the benefits other citizens have.


No we don't. That's the EU. We have a fuck the haters complexion.


This guy gets it.


I'm undecided on whether we should be proud of that or not.


You are as free to your opinion as anyone else, but as a north American, I can tell you for sure we definitely think we are better than the rest of the world. Have you heard of American exceptionalism? Every country has its version of this, but the US really has taken it too far. Thinking otherwise is pretty delusional.


That's probably a boomer thing. I work for a global manufacturer and the Europeans stand out as the arrogant assholes that are actually, and coincidentally, the least effective.


Must be a you all boomer thing in your industy. You are free to your opinion, irrelevant of the facts. You know what....you are right and I am wrong. Americans are known for their humbleness, as you are clearly displaying.


My bike (UK) has been visited by thieves several times, but they have been put off by the excessive security measures I've used, so I've managed nearly a year without my bike (Yamaha Tracer 9 GT) being stolen. p.s. Don't buy Yamaha- their (useless) immobilisers are easily bypassed with a £35 device from Ebay!


“Excuse me, ladies. gotta sort some minor incoveniences”


We're all impressed with your shitbox gun and tough guy attitude.


Do you feel better after saying that? Get it all out of your system? :)


nogunz spotted


Bit o' knoife croime, bruv?




https://preview.redd.it/04ryd686uvuc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cd0ba76a085049a8e9bb96148d59be138766b52 Couldnt be any better placement for your comments lmao


Yall play cricket. But no one ever has one of those bats when there's some crime happening. Why tf not? As an American who doesn't carry a gun, I keep a baseball bat with a protective sock on it, a ball and a glove in my truck. Haven't played baseball in 20 years.


Why the protective sock, fingerprints?


Helps prevent scratches and teeth marks when the police come asking questions. The ball and glove are the alibi.


The ball and glove are for the lawyer.


They try to grab it, and they get a sock the first time.






Yeah, it's my first bike and the most expensive thing i have ever owned so you can imagine how difficult it was for me not to do anything about it. I literally have £0.00 in my bank right now. That bike is all I had. Just hope it gets found or at least get some money for it. Hard to think it's probably already in some random field in pieces. Time to start saving for the next one I guess haha


Park the bike. Lift the seat. Pull out the main fuse. Bike thieves dont carry fuses. Or distributor rotors either. Thats why Ive never had a bike or car stolen. Though its been tried.


They don't start the bike generally speaking to steal them initially, though. They just snap the steering lock and wheel it away under the power of another bike/scooter (appears to be what is happening here) to a hiding spot where they'll let it cool off for a little while (if it has a tracker this is where they'll find out since it will be collected), then they'll collect properly it and hotwire it or strip it for parts.


And that's why you need super-tough D-locks like the LiteLok X3 and Hiplock D1000, plus alarm, immobiliser and tracker.


Even the toughest disc lock can be sawed through pretty quickly with a battery powered angle grinder. It helps, but, it's just so easy now with a few cheap tools.


"And that's why you need super-tough D-locks like the LiteLok X3 and Hiplock D1000...". These locks are genuinely super-tough. They require 2 angle-grinder disks and 2 fully charged batteries to cut through. The X3 is the harder of the two. Some reviews by an insurance broker: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUwjh8J4uec](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUwjh8J4uec) and [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dk6XGv29RRI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dk6XGv29RRI)


That’s cool. They will cut the rotor or the frame or whatever else you have locked. Fuckers cut through the wheel and still stunted my bike for the weekend before abandoning it. Locks do not prevent thieves that set out with the intention of stealing shit.


Yes, that is possible if they are determined enough. The goal is not to make the bike impossible to steal, but harder to steal than someone else's, or harder to steal than they are willing to invest. I put mine around two cast spokes so they'd have to cut those to remove the lock, but the lock then gets in the way of doing so.


Am I the only who locks my forks anytime I walk away from my bike?


I used to lock my brake discs all the time. But I need a new lock. My last one didn't have that cable that goes on ur handlebars and I kept forgetting it was on


That orange cable is just a reminder thing? I thought it was for the helmet. Never used my orange cable as i never thought someone would steal just a helmet. Has worked out so far


No its just a reminder lol. And people will most definitely steal helmets. Ask me how I know.


Someone stole your helmet??? Thats fucked. I always hesr people say to be safe because they find bikes more dangerous to ride, and the helmet is instrumental. Stealing your helmet, thus putting you in more danger has got to be the scummiest thing someone could do


Yep! That's what it's for!


You can buy the cable, and add it to the lock.


I know but I dumped my bike cause of the lock and I was mad so I threw it out lol


if you mean the steering lock, it is insanely easy to break the steering lock on practically any bike. You sit in the seat and kick the bars, a few solid kicks and they break. The steering lock is next to useless.


I dont understand what you mean?


He locks the forks on the motorcycle when he walks away from it.


I lock mine with the builtin ignition lock pin position, but after seeing a few videos of people breaking that with a little bit of leverage using their feet, I'm not sure what good it does me. I'm thinking of installing a kill switch someplace that only I know about, something that provides an interrupt to the ignition coil and starter solenoid. Hell, I'm thinking of wiring in an arduino so I can make an electronic combination lock.


I’m guessing he means a steering lock. My bike I can lock the fork to the left most position when I turn the bike off. If they break the steering lock, mines connected with the ignition so they can take the bike, but it won’t start again lol


My steering lock was on, I didn't see them actually Rob it, just going down the street with it, guessing they snapped it


F that chase em


![gif](giphy|ufD7HbP6ipYe996Om2) America has a metric fuck ton of other problems. But I’m glad I don’t have to put up with this shit.


> I'd rather get a video and a description for the police then try and sort it myself and get stabbed Fair enough, but what country do you live in? In the US, you can have video, full description, and even a name and the cops won't do anything. Even having GPS coordinates, it's 50/50 the cops will get involved (evidenced by the Youtuber that tracked his GF's custom Gameboy that was stolen at the airport, and the cops actually threatened to arrest him for knocking on doors). If footage and description of 2 dudes in balaclavas helps your police department actually do something, I want to move there.


I'm in England, I was more thinking the bike make and the clothes, the police station is literally down the street which helped. They were there within 5 minutes of calling and already had a police car going the direction of the bike. They were seen trying to kick-start my bike (which is an electronic start) so I presumed if they were that stupid they couldn't have gotten far with a bike that they can't start. And I was right, it's been spotted about 10 minutes away from the theft in some guys back garden. Probably figuring out how to hot wire it so they can have some fun in a field for a while.


What were they kicking?


Pair of shitty looking nike TNs


Did this shaky, unwatchable video help anything other than your internet karma?


50/50 depends on where it is and where you report from. Cops don't do jack here. If it's in a bad area they're not going in.


Buddy, you should seriously consider growing some balls. How easy do you think it would be to roll a motorcycle down the road and fight someone at the same time? I mean you have to get within 200 yards of someone before they can stab you. You couldn’t at least get a little bit closer and get a little more detail in your “evidence”? Maybe follow them for a little bit and see where they take it? Just running up and saying hey that’s my shit will stop a lot of thieves. if you live in a place where crime and violence are prevalent letting everyone in the area know that they can come up and take your shit and you won’t do a damn thing about it is not a good tone to set. I know if I were the thief, I would be glad every time I saw you because I would know anything you had was mine for the taking. I don’t know maybe I’m wrong maybe you just don’t really care about the bike that much I couldn’t really see what it looked like from how far away you were standing. Maybe it’s a pile of shit. Either way the biggest pile of shit is definitely the person stealing your bike and I’m sorry it happened to you.


Dude's British. If he prevents it, he can't complain about it. Then he'd have an identity crisis.


Slap some trackers in your stuff that you want to keep, it works. I can not tell you how many stolen bikes I have gone on missions with buds to recover, dont even bother with the police just go in and get your property but go in deep and ready to fade.


Definitely don't bother with the police, they won't do shit even with 50 pages of proof.


Why wouldn't you tackle them off the bike.


Oh yeah coz a 2v1 when they've probably got knifes would go great for me wouldn't it


This is why I at least use my steering lock when I park anywhere outside my garage. (Although I recently added GPS too)


Steering locks are surprisingly easy to break, I wouldn't put much trust into it if I were you. Just saying...


I am aware, but also, knobheads in balaclavas are surprisingly stupid. Where I live, it's common to joke that a manual transmission in a car is a premium anti-theft device.


I was in London last summer and I witnessed a dude get his bike taken from him in broad daylight on a busy street while he was on it. This was within the first hour I was there. Bad guys are brazen because they know they will get away. I thought it was some kind of internet meme to poke fun at the UK but it's real.


Is this one of the rare cases in which a wheel lock / brake lock might have stop them?  Why aren't you packing?


The wheel lock was on, im guessing they snapped it off. I'm in the UK so no guns


Life hack: Park your bike within the effective range of whatever weapon you plan to discharge on any would be thief.




Can you shoot a horse thief in Texas?


within reason. yes. https://txpenalcode.com/sec-9-41/




r/KeyboardWarriors comment of the day right here. They were wearing helmets ya dummy


Figure of speech


Surprise surprise


Did you not have a steering lock to prevent this? I know nearly all my bikes have had them, and that would prevent someone just rolling away with it?


Yeah did have one, key work on did since it looks like they snapped it pretty easily


They are super easy to break


Trackers are cheap nowadays


Michael J. Fox cinematography award 🏆


Michael J. Fox cinematography award


I had that happen to me. I chased then down,


AirTrag bro, they are so easy to hide


dang just thought of a 2nd reason not to get that Aprilia RS660 I've been obsessing about.


Ive been told pulling the starter fuse from under the seat is a quick precautionary measure


i just drive a 2 stroke, by the time they got it started i would of gotten lunch, walked casually to my house, called the cops, walked back then watch him get tackled


how do you know your nation is invaded uCreepy_Bar3730 your leaders brought this upon you.


That’s why you need an AR15 to take him down with one shot.


D locks are cheap and effective. I've been using one for years. They're not pretty. I also try and park next to an unlocked bike. That's generally good practice. Hope you get it back soon. We made a group for stolen bikes near here and have hundreds of pairs of eyes out. There's still one stolen pretty much every day.


Put tra kers in your motorcycles... give the cops locations with visual evidence of the theft.


Nah. You should’ve gotten stabbed. The pain of girls laughing as my bike gets stolen is wayyyy worse than death 😂


My worst fear


As someone who has been stabbed a couple of times, you made the smart call.


Just put a sign on it that says “if you steal you’re gay”. Bike thieves are notoriously homophobic👍


Just standing there and watching.. Bruh.


I just struggle to understand how someone stands there and accepts being a victim. Yeah. You might get stabbed. But you will certainly at least up the resistance against bullshit like this and make it harder for these assholes to commit crime. Well worth the risks. Evil prevails when good men do nothing. In a society, every person has a duty to stop crime.


Simple as man, I just really don't wanna get stabbed


“Knife crime” Jesus the UK is a joke. As far as the bike goes, that sucks man. I had mine stolen in 2015 so I know how it feels.