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Hey as long as they leave me enough room to get out then this I do not mind. The big ass truck that thinks because I'm a bike they can take half my spot and damn near hit me on the other hand? That fuck nugget gets their mirrors pushed into a new configuration so they have to redo them when they get in. Enjoy your minor inconvenience.


Do this, then fold in their passenger side, but not their drivers side. Odds are they wont notice until they start drivin, and itll cause them to have to stop and exit the vehicle to fix.


Some asshole put a sticker on mine, such a PITA to remove. I parked as nicely as I couldy but the person beside me was right on the line so when they left it looked like I am the asshole... Fucking people...


Just back in and leave like 3 inches between your and their passenger door. Bonus points if they drive there with someone else.


Nah, the problem is that after going remote I drive to work like once a week so it could be them, or 4 different cars that parked there during the week. But if I spotted someone doing this, [well](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DbcoONzOVp0).


I highly doubt this. I see people driving with folded mirrors all the time. They tuck em in to park on the street but then forget to untuck when driving.


I'd do this, but I'm legit afraid of getting a gun pulled on me by some psychopath for touching his brodozer. There are a lot of mentally unstable people roaming the streets where I live.


It's mating season so it's normal to see a moped come out of nowhere when you leave your bike alone.


This is how groms are made






If there is room it's a win win. If you leave and come back home and they're still there, bam, you got yourself a sweet spot.


Gotta stake out the two wheel territory and lock it down as much as possible


I always park so that if someone joins my bike, I can still get out. And yes, I've joined and been joined by other bikes in my space. No biggie.


I was a long time a scooter driver. The moment someone (accidently) waved at me made my day. I couldn't stop smiling for a long time


All scooters deserve waves. If your engine is between your knees or under your butt who cares, weā€™re all taking the same risks. Itā€™s like if people with front engine cars were weirdly biased against rear engine cars. Miata bros and 911 bros get along fine, so should scooters and motos.


I rode a scooter for a bit too. I still wave to all of them, some get so excited. It's great to see.


I used to drive a go-ped to work before I had a drivers license. more of a weed wacker powered kick scooter toy than a moped type scooter. legally a toy with no licensing requirements at 23cc and 2HP. I'll wave to scooter riders, imo they're out here taking a bigger risk with their even smaller size and bicycle helmets


Bikes together, stronk.


Am I the only one who gave the wave to a fellow motorcyclist only to find out it was a moped? Fuck it, two wheels, they are brothers too.


All in against the rage cagers


no racism in biking brotherhood


They are scooter-bros. They are like your kid nephew that is still figuring out life but you humor him anyways because heā€™s on the right track.


Thatā€™s a scooter




Read caption


And then?




Aaand thennn??


No And then!


I don't park so deep in a parking spot. Too many times a cager won't see the bike until they've already knocked it over.


My first thought. Scooter rider did OP a favor here by parking further out.


Admittedly I'm deeper than I should be.


Must be nice


Neither do I


Sharing a parking space with another rider is about the same as sharing a parking lot with another driver. I would t think once about it. Also, thats... not a moped. It's a scooter. Mopeds have motors and pedals. Mo. Ped. Calling a scooter a moped is kinda like calling any non sport bike a Harley


Ngl, I've never given much thought to scooters/mopeds/Vespas (?) or the like. I didn't know that. I thought the terms were interchangeable. This comment section has been quick to educate though. As an aside, it's interesting (to the scooter-ignorant person such as myself) that if you search for "moped" you are greeted with a ton of pictures of what appear to be scooters. How deep does the misinformation go!?!?!?


Yeah, but if you didn't have a big ol Honda badge on your bike, I bet you 70+% of folks would think it's a Harley. It's all good, folks don't know what they don't know šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I've got a Honda with a Honda sticker on the tank. It still gets called a Harley.


Cool nighthawk!


What year is it OP?


It's actually a 1983 cm450a : )


Is it easy to maintain? Parts widely available?


It is. Runs well and eBay/craigslist/local junkyards are laden with spare parts as it shares anatomy with a lot of the "CB" bikes of the same era of which there are many. Good aftermarket selection too as the aforementioned bikes are popular targets for modification.


Love to see it. Like the other guy said, bikes together strong.


It might be random but thatā€™s not a moped.


I fucking love reddit


I forgot to mentionā€¦you have a nice classic bike.


I do this with my moped all the time shit sometimes motorcycles park next to my moped i do it because if a thief comes along maybe theyā€™ll reconsider taking my scooter and go for the prettier bike šŸ¤£


https://preview.redd.it/ue1sqhh22u1d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc210cca82eea3e3034fc7b2fa4033d423f27dd9 Same lol this was last night. The S1K next to the holy scooter


I just giggle and brush it off if this happens, just leave some space and we good šŸ˜‚




You shouldn't park so deep into the spot, either. Dipshits in cars will pull into what they think is an empty spot and ram your bike before they see it.


I usually try to be farther out, it's a lesson I don't want to learn the hard way


Yes I would double park with a stranger, and I park considerately in the spot so at least 1 other bike can join


That's not a moped




Upon googling I've determined it's an Avenza 50, so yep a scooter. Very cool.




Does it matter where the pedals are? Can I put pedals in my friend's saddlebags to turn his cruiser into a moped, or do I have to glue them on the sides?




Those whitewalls tho




No harm no foul. I will offer a suggestion if you want exclusively don't pull all the way in the spot. The rear of your bike should be even with the cars beside it. It also creates visibility to prevent a driver from carelessly pull into that spot and damage your bike.


I do this all the time. There's enough space.


In my opinion it's kinda rude unless you know the person. However, if they leave plenty of room to get off the stand and get out, it might not bother me. Sometimes bikes like to snuggle.


Man that Vespa looks really beautiful. White walls look gorgeous!


The gf thought it was cute, and fuck it so do I.


It is cute lol. Your bike looks good as well but I have a soft spot for Vespas and scooters in general.


I would wholeheartedly consider one if I was closer to the city, but I'm in a smaller area for school right now. They look fun!


They are, and there are fast as fuck scooters too. Vespa 300 GTS, the Suzuki Burgman 650, Yamaha X-Max etcetera. They are fast, comfortable and easy to ride. I love bikes but as a daily I would get one of those. Imagine, you have motorcycle speeds, storage of scooter and comfort of a cruiser. Yeah that is my ideal two wheeled motor vehicle.


Oh hell yeah. You got me looking up scooter dealers near me šŸ˜­




It's a chinese clone of a Vespa, but it does look damn beautiful with that color scheme, makes me wish there were an original Vespa that looks like it.


True, I was kinda wondering if itā€™s actually a Vespa as it had slight design differences from a Vespa. Then I thought maybe itā€™s a model I donā€™t know lmao. I was right! Thanks for telling me man.


The telltale sign are the forks. Those Vespa clones can easily pass for a real Vespa otherwise, but all Vespas have the iconic mono arm fork which I don't think it's used by any other scooter brand, while Chinese clones have regular forks. [From that side you wouldn't see the fork on a real Vespa, just the wheel.](https://imgd.aeplcdn.com/1056x594/n/cw/ec/50108/vespa-sxl-150-front-wheel-tyre119.jpeg) Also, Vespa clones are all plastic like any other scooter, while real Vespas, even modern ones, still have metal fairings, but that's not something one could tell from a picture.


Yep the mono arm fork is one dead give away. Gosh I didnā€™t pay attention. By the way, are these ā€œclonesā€ legal? Like theyā€™re quite literally copying Piaggioā€™s designs.


Not sure about the legality of it but there are chinese clones for every popular motorcycle, specially on the low cc segment. Bikes like the Honda CG 150 for example have been copied to hell, and third world countries are flooded with clones of it. One exception are the Honda Dax clones though, they're actually legal because Honda gave away the blueprints and license to build it.


God damn.


Iā€™m more concerned with that Nisssn Murano. Gotta watch those r/NissanDrivers


Bike looks awesome what is it?


An Avenza 50 ;)


It had a baby


Iā€™ve only just started looking at motorcycles, and getting one myself. I can tell thatā€™s a Honda but I donā€™t know the model. What is it, if you donā€™t mind me asking?


It is a 1983 Honda CM450A "Hondamatic" - unique in that it only has two gears, high and low, and no clutch. The 450 was only made in the years 1982 and 1983, but a 400 version existed throughout the 70s. I figured it'd be a good first bike. I learned basics on a rebel 300, but the less I worry about shifting the more I can focus on not becoming a statistic - but that's just my thoughts on it.


Thank you! Iā€™m definitely of the same mind. Makes me want to start searching for one. I can be a bit of a uncoordinated dumbass at times so I like it. Thanks again!


If you want something more modern but same concept, the Honda rebel 1100 DCT is essentially an automatic bike. New they're like 10k, used maybe 8.


šŸ˜³ I think I might have just found my new motorcycle. That thing looks smooth on their website! Thanks man! I got get seat height, and peg measurements on it. Iā€™m 6ā€™ 3ā€ so itā€™s kind of pain to find something comfortable. Definitely tied for 1st in my options list though. The other is the Triumph Scrambler 900 or 1200.


Any time and good luck!!


I don't mind it, I'll park in motorcycle spots just fine. I just usually park to protect my bike from cars (center of the space, at the back of the space so the bike's visible from the driving lane) which precludes anyone else from sharing the space. In practice I'd only leave room to share if I were actually riding with someone.


I tought bikes shared parking spot as long as you donā€™t inconvenience other bikes around you


I could see that at like a grocery store or something - but for context this is outside my townhome. Also, to clarify I don't care, there is plenty of room. I've just never seen anyone do this even before I started riding.


Cool bike you got there. And itā€™s more common than just one bike per parking spot. thatā€™s kinda more of a car mentality.


\*pokemon red battle music\*


What bike is that?


1983 Honda cm 450a


Its your bikes girlfriend! Theyre so cute!


I always like to park with or near other bikers but make sure there's enough room just because it feels safer for the bikes to kinda be grouped so they are easier for people to see plus if we are leaving at the same time we can have a nice talk


If I'm parking in a car parking space I purposely leave room in case another biker wants to use it too. I don't see the issue tbh.


Your rear rim and wheel needs some attention




They're dirty


Think it's just angle / lightning - they looked totally normal this morning


I would welcome this as long as they are a reasonable distance apart just like this photo. Less opportunity for bad things to happen. They have to be a good 4 feet away and their bike cannot put my bike in the path of it falls over but this I wonā€™t mind if itā€™s not parallel and I would consider it slightly safer. This is all assuming itā€™s a well maintained vehicle. Anything less then this and I would not be ok.


for the last time its a scooter, not a moped, a moped is a pedal motorcycle.


Holy shit this has gotta be some sort of running gag now.


Moped driver trying to get motorcycle cred on Reddit... for shame OP.


Pssst.. be careful.. don't call it a moped. *They* will come for you...


If there are a ton of free spaces, probably not so cool. But as long as I can get out easily, I don't care too much. If parking is scarce, definitely go for it!


That's pretty much how I feel about it was well


is it parked behind the scooter


I generally don't because it's a big bike and I don't wanna be an ass.


Not sure why you are upset.


Who is upset? Did you read the caption?


You, you are upset. People who are not upset usually don't post on reddit when someone parks next too them.


I asked a question to a community of like-minded individuals. As a new rider, I'm experiencing this for the first time. I'm not saying I'm surprised some goober showed up trying to make it something it's not, but I will say I'm disappointed. Get a life dude.


lol, dude who post on Reddit when someone parks next to him says to get a life. Oh the irony lol


OP as a new rider asked his fellow riders about parking etiquette. Heā€™s living his life and had a question about it. You on the other hand are making comments on the completely irrelevant emotions of a Reddit rando. Who needs to get a life?

