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Thatโ€™s an expensive prank


Could be an auto clutch like the Rekluse. Will let the bike idle with the clutch out, and auto engage once there's throttle applied.


my first thought


Mine too, but I'm not in the sport bike loop. Do they use them for stunting or something?


I've always associated them with offroad riding but looks like they make auto clutches for street bikes. I guess it'd help with heavy stop and go traffic commutes, disabled riders, and yeah maybe stunts


They are catching on for more and more. MV puts them on one of their touring bikes stock now too.


I put an EFM on my 660 since squeezing the clutch in my left constantly is a no go. You can use in tandem with the clutch but I didnโ€™t bother hooking mine up.


Stunting guys need a clutch so they can build up RPM and drop it for fast power application. Touring guys use a similar thing on goldwings and africa twins.


You need that for off-road too. The clutch lever still works with a rekluse.


> I'm not in the sport bike loop I see what you did there.


Specifically installed on this bike at quite the price though. Doubt it is standard on anything


Ejecto-seat cuz


ELIAN AND FIDEL. QUE PASA JOTA???? Jajaja. Can I clean your windshield?? ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ


One of the funniest parts in the movie.


This is known as prank-clibbins. Riders in groups beware of dem




Was it a prank, though? Guy on the left is helping rider get the bike turned back on, guy on the right was seemingly just giving it a little "primer" rev now that it's on, guy on the left appears to have shifted not knowing guy on the right was giving it a rev. Don't think it was meant to be a prank, just too many people handling a bike at the same time and impeccable timing between them. My question is, why was guy on the left handling the bike? Is it his and it's a bit โ‡œQuIrKyโ‡ at idle? Or did he get killswitched and now they're turning it back on for him after a little "jk" moment? Weird scenario they're in altogether.


The longer version of the video they hit the kill switch, the guy restarts his bike moments before this happens. so yes, it was a prank. Just both of them shouldn't have been fucking around at the same time.


I mean I donโ€™t think the revving part that resulted in the looping of the bike was meant to be a prank. I totally believe that they killswitched him. Do you know where the original is? Iโ€™d like to see if thereโ€™s more context and maybe a follow up.


Username is "itshollywood247" on instagram for the full video. It's not much longer. Just shows the Killswitch Edit: disregard. They both don't show the kill switch. Maybe it was something I had read in the comment thread on their post. His buddy restarts the bike before trying to kill it before kicking in into gear when the throttle happens.


Thanks. Looks like R7.moon commented themselves on it not having any type of auto/blip/slipper clutch. Just two guys that killswitched, revved and kicked bike into gear. The two are paying to get it fixed, which is good (albeit expected)


Yeah but nobody is touching the clutch. Would've sent him to the groundย  anyways if the gear clicked in


You can see the guy on the far left raise his right leg to put the middle guys bike in gear just before camerman twists the throttle.


You're totally right! I bet he was trying to get him to stall out as a bit without noticing that throttle guy was about to start


Those are two really bad pranks to coincide, or one that was masterfully timed




The original poster on instagram said they did not have a rekluse. It was a mistake by the buddies playing a prank. https://preview.redd.it/8nbmlydnsq2d1.png?width=1344&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b9ed912aab9933a6c2b85361ea6160b576697b8


I was thinking about a recluse clutch. Bike started thoโ€ฆ Bikes donโ€™t usually start when gears are selected How do you explain this


No. Rekluse never made auto clutches for post-2014 R1.


It's not even an R1, it's an R7


They don't make a rekluse clutch for this bike


One day they'll laugh about this, definitely not this day though, and tomorrow's not looking great either.






Would it be shared liability between the downshifter and throttle?


I'd mostly put it on the downshifter. That's just something you shouldn't do, even without throttle the bike would jerk forward and can cause you to lose balance. Even though he should still keep his hands off the other guy's bike, revving is pretty innocent, and the guy has both hands off the handlebars so you can assume it's in neutral.




Looks like the guy on the far side hit the gear lever just as the throttle was twisted, the unfortunate timing was so perfect that the bike did not shut-off until the throttle was let go, bonus points for wheelie but a hefty repair bill


With cassette style gearboxes you really only NEED the clutch when pulling away from a dead stop in first, to prevent launches like this. With cassette style, while the bike is moving all you really need to do is preload the shift lever>close the throttle(unload the gearbox) and it will slide into gear. You have to have good timing getting back onto the gas as with no clutch the bike will buck if you mistime it, or the rear will slide out under brakes. Bad enough mistimes and your gonna crunch gear cogs. Riding this way puts a ton of wear on sprockets and chains.


And with a quick-shifter the bike does all the blipping for you and you dont even have to let go of the throttle bc the ecu just doesn't fire for the actual shift.


Iโ€™ve seen this movie beforeโ€ฆ pretty sure itโ€™s called Dumb and Dumber.


Surprisingly something similar was in 007: Quantum of Solace


>pretty sure itโ€™s called Dumb and Dumber. And it's all about the guy in the middle.


Wanna see a wheelie?


I donโ€™t hang out with morons for this reason.


A jackass touched a bike he didnโ€™t own. Fucking swear to god this is one of the reasons why Iโ€™m very picky about who I ride with.


Damn right


To be fair to the guy. The bike was sationary with the rider resting both his hands on the tank. That should have been a clear indication that the bike was in neutral.


There is no to be fair, don't touch my bike especially the throttle while I'm sitting on it and the engine is running.


Personally I would put more blame on the other guy. It it's hard to see but, he seems to kick it into gear at the last second. Probably in an attempt to get the bike to stall. It was just unfortunate that at that exact moment langer 2 decided to open the throttle. I'm all for a bit of horseplay. But I wouldn't have much patience for this shit if it was my bike.


Y'all have no friends lmao


Don't know what retards you hang out with, but most friends would never even consider messing with your controls when you're on the bike.


I have tons of friends, know most of the Central Florida riding scene. Don't know a single person who would lay a hand on one of my bikes while I'm on it. Hurting your friends isn't funny and if you think it is, you're a child with an undeveloped frontal lobe and you're telling on yourself.


No, you donโ€™t touch someone elseโ€™s bike without explicit permission to do so especially when someone is sitting on it with the engine running. This is common sense.


Stay away from me and my bike




No he doesnโ€™t. They donโ€™t make rekluse auto clutches for 2015+ R1โ€™s


un, how do I upvote you, like.. a million times?


I don't go on group rides these days but back in the day some fellow riders would just hit the kill switch and shut the bike off at a stop. Messing around with another riders clutch/throttle is just straight up dumb.....Expensive lesson was learned here.


I was riding with a friend for the 1st time, we pulled up to a stop light and I looked over at him and just said "This is the part where I reach over and hit your kill switch right?" Didn't touch his bike, but we both had a laugh knowing it was indeed the time for shenanigans, and just verbalized it instead of actually doing something that could cause an accident or someone getting pissed off.


These are the people that get their riding personality from Instagram.


This shit right here. I know guys who transform into absolute morons once they hit the record button. Then itโ€™s all about getting that reel. I swear riding alone is much better peace of mind!


Yep I've been riding 15 years and I cringe when I see people doing shit like this and I know some


With friends like these who needs enemies


A very expensive lesson of "DON'T SCREW WITH ANY BIKE BUT YOUR OWN, ASSHOLE." But beyond that, somehow the yeeted guy, pre-yeeting, put the bike in gear/the bike somehow decided to go into gear, all while the other guy reached over to blip the throttle thinking it wasn't in gear. Which isn't a bad assessment, as the other other guy had just started the bike 'for' the soon to be yeeted guy. Very odd overall, but the very VERY clear moral/lesson here from this is DO NOT mess with someone else's motorcycle unless they ask you to. /Except the kill switch at a stop, of course, that's always hilarilous. :P


>the bike somehow decided to go into gear, all while the other guy reached over to blip the throttle thinking it wasn't in gear. The guy who started the bike is messing with the shifter (it's why he's looking down). Then the blipping put it in gear. They accidently/unintentionally achieved a clutchless shift.


/ kill switch, sure until a cage runs over your buddy. Don't fuck with riders shit! No one wants to die.


Exactly. A cager is looking at their phone, hears a bike take off so they gun it while tossing their phone in their lap while looking up, then rear-ending/running over the biker still sitting there because they got kill-switched. I wonder how many people these phones have killed or paralyzed.


Unfortunate timing - guy on the left wants to knock the bike into gear and make it stall unfortunately just at the same time the camera guy revs it. Lol.


What happened was two idiots touched someone else's bike.


That's an expensive lesson right there.


Whatโ€™s the lesson? Donโ€™t be around pricks?


Find better friends


Depends on who ur talking about. Lol. Someone is paying for that.


An Excellent addendum to the situation is the dipshits who pull "pranks" like that are usually too stupid to carry insurance that'll actually pay for anything, meaning that bike's probably gotta have full coverage if the owner wants even a penny back (it won't, nobody pays for it on sport bikes because it's too expensive, especially children, wonder why)


Depends on the area. In my area insurance on bikes is cheap af.


Fully insured? My Nightster is $50/mo fully insured, but I know super sports get stupid expensive to the point you pay for 1/2 a bike every year in insurance.


The guy on the camera just wanted a rev bomb not noticing the guy on the other side making a stall prank by stepping on the shifter, a very bad timing.


now you have to switch bikes.


For real that is probably the easiest way to settle this without getting insurance involved. Just switch the title ownership on the bikes. Now I own your bike and you own my bike that you just fucked all up and gotta repair.


Interesting concept of 'friends' these guys have


2 retards messing with someone else's bike. hope they paid the repair. while the guy was accelerating the other put it in gear.


Camera guy's bank account just dipped significantly?


Pricks to the left of me, dickheads to the right,. Here I am, on the ground in pain.


Stealers Wheelie


Good thing he was wearing his 2,300$ CAD agv helmet.


Would insurance even cover this..?


Not with this video on Reddit.


Usually if someone is touching driving apparatuses they are considered to be the drivers. So the guy on the bike is probably just considered as a passenger whose vehicle got involuntarily driven/crashed by someone without permission.


No clutch? Bike was either in neutral or should have stalled out. Something fishy


The dude with the camera revved it up and the person on the other side kicked it into first with the quickshifter while it was at high RPM so it didn't stall and immediately gave that much power. Guessing he also had traction control off to do wheelies which is why it shot up instead of limiting throttle


The REAL treasure is the friends we lost along the way


And thatโ€™s why you shouldnโ€™t touch another manโ€™s throttle


revving your boys bike at a red light, hilarious kicking your boys bike into first at a red light so he stalls, hilarious both at the same time: Whoopsy daisy... my bad


With friends like that.....


Very stupid! This is how people get killed


Dick move.


Looks like some prick yeeted on his throttle while an ass hat put his bike in gear.


pendejo time!


The prank:


Looks like his friend gave his throttle the ol' twisteroo


From the original poster. No Rekluse. Just stupid timing. https://preview.redd.it/al9l8z5zsq2d1.png?width=1344&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36ce52ddbba4c47b1f190aa376cbf423f6d5832d


The camera guy shouldnโ€™t have been anywhere near the other guys bike. Iโ€™m not sure if it was a prank or not, but heโ€™s a fucking idiot.


Asshole. Don't touch other people's shit, it's really not hard not to do ๐Ÿคท


Bro these guys are obviously good friends and the timing and coincidence for this to actually happen is so abysmally low itโ€™s insane. โ€œThis is why Iโ€™m very picky about who I ride with har harโ€ Hello, is revving ur buddyโ€™s bike so crazy it was just super SUPER unlucky. Why is everyone in these comments such a hard ass. Please go enjoy life.


I genuinely need to know how it's funny to put someone's bike in gear or hit the killswitch at a stop. How is that funny? Are you 5 years old? People that do stupid shit like that shouldn't be on a motorcycle. The idiots dying on bikes are rarely the ones being responsible adults.


Reving a friend's bike in neutral is funny and harmless. Putting a friend's 100+hp machine into gear without letting them know is dangerous, stupid, and irresponsible. POV person was just doing harmless fun at the wrong place wrong time. Person on the left is an asshole that no one should ride with.


There is no scenario whatsoever where touching another person's motorcycle is "harmless fun". Ever. This 100% includes hitting the killswitch or bumping tires. If you do these things you are a fucking tool.


Ohh I do that type of stuff all the time and it's funny and my friends laugh about it. Call me whatever insult you want. I'm not hurting nobody and we all do little jokes like that to each other.


Darwin Awards Qualifying Session.


Bro almost inked his friend


Hand your keys over to start with... don't play it off with Happy Birthday!..just quietly pass them to him. Pay the bike off, sign over title. You would have to do that 2 more times to really ever be truly forgiven.


You fucked with someone elseโ€™s bike, thatโ€™s what happened.


Bro chill, it was just a prank bro


Fuck around find out


Another one bites the dust !!!! I love it when those fools do something dumb on those bikes


I'd disown these 'friends' if they didn't pay for all the damage costs


Idiot american sport bike posers lol


kinda curious why he was at a stoplight with the bike turned off and not in gear in the first place. prank aside, why are they just standing there fucking around lol


As the owner of an electric bike, this is my biggest thing to guard against when on the road. Once itโ€™s on, thereโ€™s no way to shut it down if someone โ€œpranksโ€ the throttle. Itโ€™ll just do whatever the throttle commands.


All i know is that this is got to be awful for a guy that doesn't know 100% what he's doing and he's getting help from a bud then bam he's in the floor like he's drake and k dot dropped a diss album


Pretty much the guy on the other side put it into first at the exact same time the camera guy pulled the throttle


Dumbasses pulling "pranks". Why do people think it's funny to fuck with someone's bike while they're riding?ย 


Bro Iโ€™m so confused the clutch is not engaged. The bike is in 1st gear, but the bike is not moving or stalled, but he revs it and it goes.


Guy on the left dumps it into first I believe the consensusโ€™s is


Does his bike have a recluse clutch installed which doesnโ€™t โ€œgrabโ€ until it hits a certain RPM kinda like a CVT transmission?


I don't ride bikes but I want to know how this happened? If the bike was in neutral and left guy stepped it into first without pulling in the clutch, wouldn't it just stall or mess up the transmission? Why could the bike move?


I *swear* I can hear someone saying "Nyuk nyuk nyuk."


This is even dumber as it looks because it makes no sense at all. I ride motorbike, btw...


It's best to keep your hands on your own bike.


One homie on the gas the other kicking it into 1st so he stalls out smh. Iโ€™m all for killswitch jokes but donโ€™t touch my gas or shifter. Hope the rider is ok, his bike can be fixed. The homies should buy him a new one but thats just my opinion lol


Lol, three stooges


3 people operating different controls on a motorbike with no communication often goes wrong


The only explanation I see is that bike had cvt, because the engine was running and the bike was not moving so it was not in gear and all of a sudden it launches when the dude adds trottle


Asshole to the left, asshole to the right. CRISSSS CROOSSSS


guy to the left of the victim was putting him into 1st gear to make him stall, a common alternative to the killswitch prank when you're on their left and cant get to the killswitch. POV guy revved him out at the same time, thus causing a wheelie. the fact this happened at the same time is a really unfortunate accident


Yooo! I would have fucked that dude up. Friend or not. Straight to his mouthpiece and if was a man he would fully accept what's coming his way.


Do. Not. Fuck. Around. With. Other. People's. Controls. That includes the fucking emergency switch. It's not fucking funny. This was just less funny than usual.


Commence ass beatings


I know this is terrible and these dudes are assholes, but holy shit this was also one of the funniest things Iโ€™ve ever seen.


Middle dude was having some kind of issue with his shifter/indicator or some shit, far guy started it and was toying with the shifter, and the cameraman happened to hit the throttle...


Looks like dumbass thought it was in neutral when revving it.


Fucc ๐Ÿ˜ฌ


lmaooo wtf


The OP of the video said the bike was in a false neutral and dropped into gear when he revved it.


๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ Best friend!


Is a scooter with a sport bike Body!


Genuine question from someone who's never touched a sports bike. If the clutch wasn't pulled in, I'd assume the bike was in neutral hence the rev. With the clutch released, the bike just went, I don't get it.


I didnโ€™t get it too until I noticed the other one putting it in gear as a stall prank Bad timing lol


Ah, you're right he's looking down at it. Just an awfully timed event for the bloke in the saddle.


This same exact thing happened to me a few days ago, in fact just a day after watching this clip on Instagram. By bike was off, gear in neutral, the green neutral light was on in the cluster. I turn the bike on and give it a little rev and my bike lurches forward. I quickly grabbed the clutch and brake and I see the neutral light is still glowing. Can anyone explain what could've happened. I own a stock Honda cb350rs, 0 modifications, barely a month old.


Must have been a Brown Recluse


Nah you're buying me a new bike after that..


I'm shooting


He's buying his buddy a new bike, that's what happened ๐Ÿ’€


That's a rear tyre which has never gone round a curve.


What happened ? Probably a fight right after that




As somebody that sits on one you should know exactly how this thing in the right side works and what happened


Auto clutch? This is odd. How? Why? Daaaamn ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ


This makes me angry


This is why I ride alone. The more bike riders there are together the greater your chances are for something to get messed up. Even riding with just one other rider increases the chance of something happening exponentially. I have two friends that were riding together got too close and somehow managed to get their handle bars locked together while at highway speeds. Totaled both bikes. Be safe out there.


I realize this was kind of a freak coincidence, but it's stupidly funny how he twists the throttle as hard as he can and is surprised the bike takes off.


But how?


When the rider turned off his bike, the only thought in his head was "oh, I just eff-ed up"


i like how throttle guy seemed shocked that the control that makes the bike move made the bike move


We can thank all the Instagram and Facebook โ€œRidersโ€ for this shit


Does anybody know how to do anything in this world anymore. Like I just see people doing the most foolish things and being like I didn't have education for it. Bro when you're on a motorbike and you're stopped there's at least two things minimum you need to do one of the two breaks engaged and hold the clutch. Or Take it out of here and put it in neutral and still put your foot on the brake


i dont think he is alright lol


Real genius


The guy who originally posted the video on Instagram said the R7 comes with a slipper clutch so thatโ€™s why that happened


That was a stupid thing to do. Idiots everywhere.....




Don't fucking ride with people like this. Anyone that wants to fuck with my bike while we're riding is someone I never ride with again.


What happened to simply hitting the kill switch prank?


Never let someone touch the buttons, levers and controls of your bike. If you do at least have control on who's touching what.


Recluse type of clutch. Friend thought they were in neutral when they weren't .....


Oh hell quit complaining it'll buff out. ๐Ÿ˜‚


Bro who the fuck slams their buddies bike into gear at a stop light???


Keep your paws on your own bike...


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Friendship ended that day!


Bro why I think youโ€™re scratch your windshield


Thatโ€™s why I ride solo.


Someone has some serious impulse control issues.


Some is getting there is going to catch a beating


stupid morons, and whoever does shit like this won't be my friend any longer.


Lmao this was in my rider group and idk what the hell happened bc the bike shouldnโ€™t even have been able to do that


I'm guessing when the guy filming reved the engine, the person on the middle bike was looking the other way and got scared then an involuntary reaction and bumped the shift lever.


How would you react if this happened to you?


Don't ride with them anymore.


Oh damn wtfโ€ฆ. Either it slipped into first gear or he rides an automaticโ€ฆ donโ€™t touch another manโ€™s bike.


Shitty friends, truth be told. Other than hitting the kill-switch..don't play with my bike.