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Ear plugs protect you from developing hearing loss caused by wind reverberation. You can still hear outside noises. Well, YOU may not after 17 years without protection.


Yeah I'm pretty young and have hearing damaged from riding street bikes and dirt bikes for 30ish years. Back in the 90s we thought a helmet was enough for your hearing. Definitely is not. When I started racing sport bikes I started using ear plugs but that was 10-12 years in to riding and the damage was already started. I score within a normal threshold for hearing but tinnitus is always there reminding me.


"I'm pretty young" "riding street bikes for 30 years"... I hate to be the one to break this to you dude.




I just turned the big 6-0, still young.......


Hah! I still have a few weeks to give you crap about your age. I can send you a boomer meme, if I can find it in my forwarded forwards. Which I have saved in a folder on my computer, because I don’t know how to find it online on google.


Plot twist - the "folder on his computer" is an actual manilla folder in which printed copies of said memes reside. He takes a pic with his phone and attaches it...


"takes a pic with his phone" and "attaches it" - I don't understand what either of these phrases mean. I guess I can use my phone to attach a picture to a folder, when the phone is flipped closed it acts like a large but very weak paper clip.




"The files are INSIDE the computer!!"


Hell yeah. It's just a number.


"FJ1200" yeah......


Yup. *"I've been riding THAT street bike for over 30 years..."*


Meanwhile..... I'm 25 and I have owned 8 different bikes since I was 19.....


I haven't even been *alive* for 30 years and I wouldn't call myself young. Bro is an optimist.


don't worry kid, some day 30 will seem young to you, and you probably look underage to me. Trust me, the way it works is you blink and your 20s is over.


I blinked and my 20’s zoomed right past me man. Now I’m 31


...then 30s, then 40s ... and you're now that old guy looking back judging the kids for knowing everything (...and get off my lawn!)


I'm in my 30s and already feeling this way. Lol. Just let me play with my toys in peace and quiet, damnit.


I mean he said 30 years of riding. So he's probably like 48 right now


I stated dirt bikes and street bikes. I started just before I turned 5. I'm 34 now.


30 years is young, especially when you are talking about hearing loss and medical conditions that don't start hitting most people naturally until their 60s and 70s.


Hey, I’ve been riding 21 years and when I tell people they they look at me like I’ve grown two heads cuz they didn’t think I’d been alive that long, from looking at me. (I’m 29, at last count, though I stopped counting birthdays a hair over a year ago)😂🫡 I’ll still call myself young lol


Very young: 0-10 Young: 10-20 Kinda young: 20-30 Pretty young: 30-40 Not so young: 40-50 Was once young: 50-60 Young at heart: 60+


I’m 19 in the building game, tinnitus is real as well as deafness and vibrating white finger.


Degloving is very real too. PPE isn't a joke and those that skip it aren't hard, or cool. Was a carpenter for a while, the number of Billy big bollox on site was shocking


I'm 34 in a blue collar part of the energy sector. Do everything you can to protect your hearing. If someone's giving you shit it may suck but ultimately they're the one who's gonna really be fucked. The ringing never goes away man.


Right there with you, grew up on dirtbikes with no ear pro, and I've started wearing earplugs on my street bike. But between working in a crusher for 5 yrs, and everything else my hearing tests follow the same trends, but have declined, and I have definitely started to notice this year. Im trying to take the steps to protect the hearing I have.


I use earplugs for riding and concerts now. They make different decibel level plugs for concerts and I absolutely love them. I feel more focused when riding and less tired when I'm done.


Exactly, i rode for a year without earplugs, when i got them "Alpine Motosafe earplugs the race model" it made a huge difference in fatigue, who knew only the wind noise for 2 hours on the highway could fatigue you so much! Never again, always wear earplugs. Its part of the gear.


Exactly. Ask the 62yo biker who doesnt wear a helmet for 40 years. Earplugs now. Its nice to hear what the cashier at the gas station is saying instead of tweety bird noises.


+100 wear good ear plugs people, they improve your audio perception of what's going on, not reduce it.


Earplugs for sure helps.


Is he asking about earbuds or earplugs?!


Earplugs still let ambient sound go through. To me, it tone it down like if you're in a car, windows up. I'm still aware of my surroundings.


I wear earplugs and can hear cars and sirens and shit. If I pay attention I can hear tire noise from cars around me on the freeway. What I don't get is how anybody can not wear earplugs while riding. Wind noise is deafening and then your ears ring like a mf for hours after


Wind noise depends on your lid too


Most of the world doesn't wear ear plugs when riding on streets. In fact, first time I heard of it is through this sub..


Most of the world also doesn't do 80 mph on a daily basis either


Or 160


most of the world probably has hearing damage and doesn't realize it or maybe they may not correlate it to their riding. Anything above 35mph you're damaging your hearing. This is relatively new research too so it takes time to spread.


Most of the people I see don't ride with helmets either.


The rule I've heard and abide by is if you're going highway speeds for more than ten minutes you'll start incurring permanent hearing loss. I usually don't wear earplugs for my ten minute commute to work or a 30 minute drive in the city even. But if I'm going to be on the highway, earplugs go in. I should probably wear them all the time, but everything about riding is a compromise


Having earplugs in just lowers the decibels, it'd be like turning your music from full blast to halfway, you can still hear everything perfectly fine without the hearing loss. Also studies have found that having earplugs in on long hauls leads to less rider fatigue so that's good for not making stupid mistakes when doing long road trips. I'm going to assume that you only do city riding if I'm correct?


This! I can stay alert so much longer when I have the earplugs in. I consider them safety equipment on long rides.


Can confirm, you don’t realize how much that noise wears you out on a long ride.


Idk if it’s just the speaker set I have in my helmets but even on full volume, the world around me is still fairly audible. For me, having music helps me focus when riding simply because silence/ambient noise makes my brain really busy. I get so busy with my thoughts that I’m barely aware of my surroundings and that’s not good especially on a bike.


Yep, same here. Helmet also makes a huge difference with wind noise. I dont feel like I need earplugs with my shoei


"removing your ability to hear takes an already dangerous activity, and somehow manages to increase its potential danger by 100x." Brother, I've got bad news for you...


You have 17 years of riding, I’ve got 17 years as an aircraft mechanic. I am very used to wearing hearing protection. Usually foamies and a head set to keep the sound holes working. I always wear foamies on my bike, to the point where I feel uncomfortable when they aren’t in my ears. For example, I moved houses a couple years ago, it was just down the block, less than a mile. I popped on the helmet and moved my bike, no problem. I wasn’t going fast enough to get road and wind noise, so I didn’t wear ep. It felt so odd and I did not like it.


every time I ride the bike withOUT plugs now I hear the valves and wonder if the engine is ok (right now it's not but that's not the valves' fault) edit: without


Lol same, I sometimes forget my plugs or just don't put them in for quick jaunts and everytime I go "has my engine always made that noise?"


Yea, the poor valves don’t need to be blamed for anything. My guess would be the plugs are preventing you from hearing the lows, so all the other noises are less hidden.


Sorry, typo: without, not with


Same haha. Ignorance is bliss!


Fellow A&P here. I work on bizjets, so just the right amount of tons-of-loud-noises. I wear earplugs regularly at work, and I can't imagine riding without them. Full face helmet and ear plugs, I can still hear my surroundings. No less than in a car with the windows closed. It isn't totally about the in-the-moment loud noises being bothersome. It is partly, of course. But between jet engines, hydraulic pumps, and other equipment I work with everyday, it's the most minor thing to protect my hearing from wind too. I hate not having them in.


Today the sub is petrified with fear over... *checks posts* ...Earplugs.


Literally shaking with fear and anxiety because music lol


The fucked up part is he’s not even using earplugs, he’s using earbuds with music 🤦‍♂️


literally shaking and crying rn


Lmfao I can't understand this sub. Reddit is the only place that could turn motorcycle riding nerdy.


Sure I think it's silly. I honestly can't remember a time *before* I rode with earbuds. I think I started doing it like.. immediately. But everybody's different. Some people get severe anxiety over stuff that may seem goofy to us, but not to them. Again, I think it's silly and not that big of a deal, but there's also people that think riding motorcycles period is extremely scary and anxiety inducing.


I always ride with earplugs, and I can hear everything... maybe the problem is that you're suffering from hearing loss after years of riding without protecting your ears?


You get used to it. I felt the same way but the earplugs I use are designed to lower decibel levels from wind but I still can hear stuff like horns and other stuff on the road. It is not 100% perfect as I can barely hear people talking to me while at a stop but it beats damaging my hearing more as I already have tinnitus from riding.


Is this a joke or something? You were "literally shaking" from listening to music while riding a motorcycle? Maybe this isn't for you.


been riding since i was 14, im 40. i've always used ear plugs. i can hear cars around me. the ear plugs take the top end off the noise (the LOUD WIND) so i can hear. hearing doesnt come back. once you loose it - its gone. ill protect it.


I wear ear plugs and hear BETTER with them in. Even the music (from the stereo not ear buds) sounds clearer, and traffic noise easier to pick out. Earplugs eliminate the white noise of the wind which masks those other things


This. I can comfortably listen to a podcast with highway speeds when I have earplugs in. Without them, it's tough to hear music, let alone someone speaking


Nope - love riding with music, on long trips I use in ear plugs these eliminate any road and wind noise. Rode a majority of my 20's & 30's with nothing after a long day I'd have noise in my ears for a few hours after the ride. Luckily I have not damaged my hearing, but I started using just normal plugs and then found some great in ear plugs that fit well and I now use this with my Sena it works brilliantly.


Wear ear plugs, not earphones. I tried wearing earphones while riding, even with nothing playing it still felt weird and wrong. But the moment I put on ear plugs, I knew this was it. Also try different types of ear plugs as it can be tricky finding the ones that work for you. I tried different density foams and silicon. For me denser memory foam plugs or moldable silicon (the type divers wear) worked for the best fit into my ears. With the silicon wax (I know it's not wax but it's the best way to describe how they work) incouod mould them to fit into and around the earnhole so they sit firmly.


I can hear pretty much everything with my earplugs in. Just way less wind noise and the exhaust is less harsh. Horns, people yelling at me, tires screeching are all audible. If I ride for a good amount of time without earplugs my ears will ring for hours after.


That’s not what earplugs do. They don’t block out all noise around you, I can hear engines, pedestrians etc I just can’t hear wind noise.


I urge you to try these: https://www.sportsbikeshop.co.uk/motorcycle_parts/content_prod/212436 They cut the dangerous noise level but still allow you to hear most things around you. Permanent hearing loss is not something too fuck about with.


I think it's time for some meds.


17 years without earplugs... Well the wind noise obviously is no longer a problem, for you... I can hear just fine with my plugs in. It just dulls the wind whistle


>literally shaking and crying?


if you have an intercom system, it's just like a car stereo. it's not playing music directly in your ear canal, it plays it behind your ear pads, through speakers. But honestly, after 90kph, you don't hear much, so it mostly makes me more patient in slow traffic. And i think you underestimate how soundproof cars are, and how loud their horns are compared to ours. I wear earplugs because the wind is so damn loud. ear plugs don't actually "muffle" quiet sounds, they just reduce the amplitude of soundwaves, and let low amplitude sounds pass. therefore, the wind doesn't damage your hearing as much. And with earplugs, i hear better than in my car


After riding with quality ear plugs, I refuse to ride without them. As counterintuitive as it sounds, I think they help me hear better.


What brand are quality ?


I'm almost deaf in one ear and trying to protect my remaining hearing


I don’t know about you but above 35 mph I can’t hear anything anyways. The wind and engine noise will block out everything so why not wear earplugs and save my hearing.


That is like saying you prefer to weld without a welding helmet because you can see the light better. Hearing loss and tinnitus are a bitch, but you do you.


I've never heard this argument before and it makes me laugh. Buddy thinks foam ear plugs and some van halen turns you into hellen keller or something


What kind of ear plugs are you wearing that you can't hear a car horn? Lol Imagine your anxiety when you have permanent hearing loss because you didn't protect your ears. Or the constant high pitch of tinnitus. It's common sense. This excuse sounds similar to, "I can't see when I have a helmet on!" Yes, you can. I have comms in my helmet so my husband can check in with me or give me advice on the road. It's goo's for group ride check ins too. I have ear plugs in and can hear him just fine.


You were so anxious you were shaking because you listened to music on a motorcycle? Huh?


Earplugs are an essential piece of riding kit. I ride better, far better, with earplugs in. The loud ass wind overstimulates me and freaks me out. I still hear traffic. Get hi fidelity plugs with lower db rating. Or some made for moto specifically.


The fuck? Get some good ear plugs and you can hear the world around you better since the wind harshness is cut down. I’ve never had an issue.


Earplugs are protective. Hearing loss is permanent, it only moves in one direction. You can still hear the what you need to hear with good earplugs. Custom earplugs can be more comfortable.


After years of riding finally having music was a game changer, taking an already loved activity to another dimension. Like I dance while I ride. Fuck no it’s not safe. I ride a god damn death machine.


I have a cardo but mainly for navigation. Sometimes i turn up some music when im in the mood or on the highway for a long time but 99% i prefer listening to the bike and hear my surroundings as well.


ear plugs does not = deaf I still hear the world around me just volume turned down


I hear better with ear plugs in and I don't want anymore tinnitus than I already have. My helmets are loud as fuck too.


I listen to music quietly and don't have issues with anxiety.  Worked fine for 25+ years.


I guess your bike is silent


I can still hear cars etc. with music on... Adjusting the volume might help.


I don’t understand how to get any earplugs or in-ear headphones to stay in the ears when putting on your helmet. The helmet is supposed to be a tight fit. When I have tried it felt like the earplugs would be pushed inside my ears and disappear inside my head. Or they were pulled out, or it hurt. Cant do it


I dunno, I only started listening to music in the last few years and it hasn't changed anything, I'll use the old mark 1 eye balls before trying to hear anything, any day of the week I can rely on the mental picture I build in my head over what I hear around me


Riding without earplugs makes your ears ring. Not good long term


I recall the days when I had no music, and enjoyed every minute of it. Now that I have music, I really prefer it more. No ear buds, just through the speakers. I do turn it off now and again to hear the sounds of the road.


Earplugs: I like being able to keep my hearing Music: I like not listening to the highway for the thousandth day in a row. Mind you, even with earplugs in, I can still hear stuff, I just can't hear as much stuff. To top it all off, I maintain situational awareness by keeping my head on a swivel anyways because the things that you really want to watch for are not slamming their brakes far in advance.


My hearing is damaged enough from neglect over the years. With basic ear plugs you can still hear a car and sirens and such. They reduce noise, it completely block it. I do not however listen to music. Don't want the distraction.


Been riding for over 35 years.. in all those years I've never found a helmet that blocks the wind noise and started wearing ear plugs for that.. also for racing .. a little music in the background is always nice


You can still hear with earplugs in


I have a helmet with a comm system and wear earplugs. I listen to music and use it for GPS directions. I like preserving my hearing and not being bored. This does NOT make me any less aware or attentive of my surroundings. I can still hear wind noise, engine noise, and horns. Your all or nothing view is odd. But I guess that's what happens when you have 17 years of hearing damage.


When people ask me "isn't it dangerous riding with the music playing in your helmet?" I reply "it's like driving in the car with the windows down and the radio on" It's the closest thing I can think of


I wear ear plugs that are motorsports specific. I don't have any problems with hearing ambient noise, but I'm not getting beat up by loud exhaust and wind noise. It makes a huge difference in fatigue on longer rides.


I love hearing.


How do you think the 70 year old straight piped harley rider does it? Every time he accelerates nobody can hear shit from 50 feet away, let alone him from right on top of his thing.


Moto plugs are tuned, means the typical road noise is attenuated more than other things. Other than that, well, I hear horn in my car, I hear it in plugs. Ears can hear pretty quiet sounds IF there is no other louder sounds to mask it, and plugs just lower the total volume while still keeping proportions between sounds. You probably are deaf enough that *now* plugs put some stuff at level that is hard to hear for you, but for people that still have good hearing they are a earsaver.


Music playing in helmet is like music playing in a car. Do you drive with no music so you hear the road and wind noise?


My apple watch measured 104 dB during my last commute to work. Traffic noise, wind noise, engine noise all combined. From a quick google: "Prolonged exposure to sounds louder than 85 decibels can damage your hearing" I always ride with earplugs and even then I have a ringing sensation when I ride longer trips. I need 'stronger' earplugs.


I just got some ear plugs that I'm dying to try.... but I still don't get the music/phone use.... my main thing for riding is being away from technology... all I wanna do is feel the wind, and hear the engine.... I don't want people calling me.


Music helps me calm down on the bike lol


My helmet is so fucking loud I can't hear anyway. Might as well protect my hearing.


Main character syndrome


With earplugs I can still hear, without earplugs all I hear is wind.


Well bad bunny speaks Spanish that might be why


30 yrs of riding experience here :-) did you try the ordinary foam earplugs? They just turn the volume down by about 30 dB... you still hear everything, but at an acceptable level. When you're riding over 80-90 km/h, the wind hitting your helmet produces a 95-100 dB SPL noise... well over your ears' redline.


Earplugs are not the same as earphones. I'm not sure why you have them in the same group


Is the 17 years like a “you kids these days” flex? I’m 30+ years in and good ear plugs save your hearing and filter out some of the noise so you can hear better. Same thing at concerts, you can hear better with them in. I use earpeace now and love them.


if everyone says the noise is too loud and you say it's fine, take a guess who has permanent hearing damage ...


Just drive a car


Generational thing. Times and habits change. We're just old.......


You hear noises better with earplugs, and the windnoise is reduced so you dont damage your hearing


Hearing protection makes riding 100x more dangerous? Ok guy. Do helmets next!


Always one earbud, one earplug for me. That way you get tunes and everything else.


Do you alternate which side you protect?


I never relied on hearing to be aware of what's around me I suppose. I just keep checking mirrors and do my headchecks. I guess it's like walking while listening to music. I don't rely on my ears to cross the street.


Not even a little bit tbh. In reality you can’t really hear a car coming up behind you when moving unless there’s a hole in the exhaust or it’s already filling up your mirrors, it’s really the lack of wind and general back ground noise you’re used to freaking you out.


I think others said it but earplugs let ambiant sound/noises through, just not wind. I am always riding way below my limits or abilities too so a little music never bothers. It has happened that I spent the entire day (+10hr) riding twisties, and in that case I might pause the music if there is a section that requires 100% of my focus if I want to go faster. In the end anything can be a distraction, you just need to know how to be safe about it


I recently learned when AirPods/Beats have a live listen feature that makes them work like a hearing aid and you can have your music on and hear around you. I have not tested it on my bike yet but maybe this weekend I’ll give it a shot.


Earplugs for me are just for the highway wind noise. If I'm around town or putting backroads its just the bucket


I don’t know I just ride. I can still hear cars and stuff but i don’t feel like listening to wind for hours on end. I like listening to music while i ride, it’s like therapeutic.


I generally wear concert style ear plugs if I’m blasting my favorite canyon and I can hear my bike just fine and am aware of my surroundings. If I’m commuting I use my AirPods with noise cancellation so I can listen to music and podcasts. To be honest I still feel I hear enough to know what’s going on around me but I don’t prefer to do aggressive riding with them.


You don't lose all hearing with earplugs. Even if you did you don't lose situational awareness from losing hearing. You look with your eyes where people are around you and look at what they are doing and predict where they will be. If they're honking because you didn't notice them, you already fucked up.


Depends on the ear plugs. Cat2 plugs will let in more noise than cat5 foamies. I wear plugs designed for moto use which block wind noise but allow road noise and they work great.


Because hearing is one of your senses but nothing beats vision and situational awareness. If you're slacking yeah the sound of a horn might save you but I can't think of a close-call I've had in the city where a horn would have done anything to stop me. Then, it's never me who needs the horn blown on them so... That being said, if you can't hear _anything_ with your earplugs you're wearing the wrong ones. You're not looking to deaden sound, just reduce it, notably in the mide to low tones where wind noise is doing all that damage. So what I lose out on is some engine noise and wind noise but I can hear a horn and siren just fine. Do I also listen to music when I'm doing that? Sure, on the highway where I'm not hearing much of anything over the wind anyway.


You can hear the world, its just way quieter. Horns and shit still come through loud and clear. When you're doing 100 for an hour straight you get sick of brrrrrrrr woooooosh. Also some people have fatter or thinner heads and get better noise protection from helmets


Are we talking about earplugs as the protective device, or earphones as the plug in audio player? With plugs you can hear the traffic and will for many years to come. I always wear them over 30mph. On the top of that I can listen to music/audio books through my helmet comms on long stints even if I have the earplugs in.


If I'm using the speakers in my helmet I use earplugs.  They filter out the wind noise and I hear voice,  music better. Traffic just fine. If I use music ear buds with the soft rubber cups they also cut down on wind noise and get the speaker sound closer to my ear.  I can always hear outside of that as well.  I were plugs at band practice cause the fools turn up so loud no one can hear anything.  If I wear earplugs at the bar/ club I can hear what the couple next to me are fighting about (not that I'm a always happy to hear it's just funny.) I often leave them in at work,  mostly small test equipment and PC fans, but a lot of it.  It often chills me out... I use muffs/plugs even shooting a 22 pistol.  For how long and how often I've used hearing protection,  I'm surprised that I'm now starting to experience tinnitus.  It comes and goes,  gets louder,  quieter, but it's there.  I mostly use good fitting foam generics but maybe I should start using the ribbed type...


>Doesn't it trip you out NOT being able to hear the world around you? No, but I wear earplugs, meaning that I *can* hear the world around me. Hearing a car horn won't be the difference between staying on your bike and getting hit. Cars never see you. If a car can get close enough to use its horn and you didn't already know it was there, you've just suffered a dangerous loss of situational awareness. If that happens routinely, maybe take out a life insurance policy - your loved ones will appreciate it.


When I'm riding and I always have my music on. It's at a level that is drowned out by wind noise as anything louder would defeat the purpose of using them for hearing protection. I also don't ever put myself in any situation in which a car needs to honk at me as I don't ever ride near other cars if I can. If I am, I'm aware of everything around me through mirrors and turning my head so I always will make the first move. So ya, no issues for me.


Proper earplugs help, i.e. ones with filters that actually allow a ton of sound through, but lowers the decibels of certain ranges and loud sounds. My plugs pretty much just take away the wind noise. Without plugs, I hear LESS since the wind noise overpowers everything else, including my engine, traffic, music, or people I'm speaking with via intercom or phone. As for music, I tend to not crank the volume to 11. I prefer being able to hear my engine while riding. I will occasionally turn it up when just blasting down long and empty roads. In total, with the music, helmet and plugs I still hear a whole lot more of everything around me than I do while blasting music inside my car.


Ear plugs is like driving with the windows up. I got the fancy hifi ones so i can still hear everything around me. I’m like you, I can’t ride with music on


Is legally deaf people barred from getting motorcycle license?




Look my exhaust is so loud I can’t hear my music from my cardo anyways


Earplugs are a must for anyone who values their hearing


My friend races with music blaring. I asked the same question and he said he wouldn’t be interested in racing otherwise


OP thinks wearing ear plugs means wearing ear buds and listening to music.


I have them inbuilt into my helmet. So i still hear the world around me. Music helps me concentrate more (somehow) on riding. I can still hear horns, etc. well, whatever I can hear over my bike, which is louder than the music 🥲😅


Better than earlier plugs is a tall screen. Literally 0 wind noise


Riding for 7 years now, did first 2 without proper ear protection, now I have tinnitus for almost 5 years👍🏻 I endorse all new riders to wear proper hearing protection. If you get motor specific custom molded earplugs, these will filter out the wind noise, save your hearing, and you will still be able to hear all around you :) I ride with music all the time, and with the motor-earplugs I have, can hear the music and all that is happening around me. Just like you would if you were in the car. Do your self a favor, get the plugs!


You can listen to music without blasting it


I can't ride without them. My hearing loss is already atrocious from my profession so I can't risk anymore on the bike. Helps the music sound a bit better at speed too.


I mean I don’t blast music. It’s more of a background noise to just vibe too.


Uhh did you have the music turned all way up? Of course that's a bad idea. Try a helmet headset that has a volume dial.... turn it down so it's not over powering the world around you. Get with the times, Grampa 


I've been riding since 1989 and have never had an issue. Earplugs (actual foam inserts, not music buds) are a must to make it ***easier*** to hear traffic and music. It's counter-intuitive, but they actually block wind-noise, which is a real issue that can cause hearing loss over time. Music is delivered via speakers in the helmet, never by earbuds. It may help that I'm also always checking my mirrors, and have always viewed other vehicles on the road as just dangerous objects to be avoided. Again, I realize that may sound weird, but because I never associate cars with people who drive them, I'm not distracted trying to see inside. Those seconds trying to see beyond window glare to identify the driver can be critical. I've had friends get mad because they think I'm ignoring them - which in a way I am - but they usually understand once I explain my reasoning. There are many reasons to remain frosty while riding, but don't let fear and anxiety destroy the joy.


On the open road the wind noise is such that for me ear plugs are essential ... but my ones have filters so you can still hear what is going on around you.


I can't hear sirens with earplugs on until they are extremely close to me. It IS not safe. But there are special filtering earplugs that are supposed to allow sirens etc to get through whilst blocking wind noise. I have them but the filter is kinda hard and hurts a lot after less than an hour, they also can increase the noise in my ear by creating a bridge between the shell and my cranium so i get more bone conduction of noise.  But if you don't wear something or do something else against the noise you will lose your hearing. You get well above 110 dB on highways. Hearing loss stars at around 80dB. Regular helmets are 90 ish dB at country road speeds of 100kmh


There are special types of earplugs the dampen wind noise more than other sound (don't ask me how that works) and i hab good experience with those. However the level of wind noise is also dependent on your choice of helmet.


Learning how to control your anxiety and be calm is a good place to start


I have tinnitus, and it gets horribly worse if I don't wear the plugs for a few rides.


I ride with earplugs and a helmet headset playing music and I can still hear everything I need to. Earplugs cancel out the white noise from the wind and make everything else easier to distinguish. They even make the helmet music sound better.


I wear hearinflg prot buds that mostly reduce wind noise, ive noticed with them in i can hear sirens from further away. Im planning on putting a comm system in my helmet to also play music and from what ive tested with my friends helmet this doesnt really impact the sound from outside


Earplugs don’t block sound completely, they reduce noise by few decibels. They won’t make you deaf. The music is the same as using headphones or listening to the music in car with closed windows. Sure, you can blast music in your helmet and in your car so you won’t hear a thing but we normally don’t do that, do we?


I can’t wait to see the repost on the other sub.


Ear plugs as in ppe worked well for me on a cruiser, I don't worry about them on my gs though. I can't do music while riding though, for the same reasons you said.


After 40 years of riding I feel comfortable wearing headphones. Don’t have to though, bought speakers for the handlebars


What ear plugs do you use that don't allow you to hear horns!? The standard "27 dB" ones just take the edge off.


You can hear the outside world perfectly fine with earplugs in. The only things I need to hear are car horns, and emergency vehicle sirens. Both perfectly audible. I wear earplugs to prevent permanent hearing loss from wind. You should too. Maybe you used a type of earplug that blocks out too much noise? There are varying levels of noise blockage with different earplugs. Buy one specifically designed for motorcycles designed to still allow some sound in, but still protecting your ears from wind.


Motorcycle-specific earplugs are great, because they are designed to drown out the most harmful wind noise, while allowing other noises through. I use Alpine "Race" earplugs, they offer the most sound dampening from their lineup. The wind noise and engine sound are low, unintrusive background noise. Yet I can hold a conversation and hear every car and horn just fine. Listening to music or other stuff is another story, I don't do that while riding.


If you want to preserve that hearing so that you can hear the things you describe, then wear earplugs. They won't prevent you from hearing what you need to hear. I used to go without. Never again. The ride is now much more pleasant, and, funnily enough, my tinnitus has calmed considerably!


I've been ridding since 2000. Last summer was the first year that I had a Bluetooth head set in my helmet as well as wearing ear plugs to keep my ears from becoming fatigued. I will listen to a podcast when not in the city or music some, but having the ear plugs in was a game changer. I have two 20+ year old Guzzis, one makes a nice deep rumble and one is just LOUD. My other bike is. 16 BMW R1200R for long distance. Even though it's totally stock and beemer quiet I still love the ear plugs when ridding it all day. I can hear everything around me.jist fine but it takes off that top end wind noise that wears your ears out. I was blown away by how wearing the reduced fatigue after I tried them out for a full day. can't talk up the Alpine MotoSafe ear plugs enough!


Riding my friends bike I only ever wore one ear bud to still listen to the road, having the same mentality as you but needing some music 😅 now I have my own bike I have to wear both noise canceling earbuds because my bike is pretty loud. Found out someone had drilled the pipes to make them louder 😬 it is a 18 year old bike…


Unless you plug it so deep you can't hear anything, even with music I've always been able to hear everything around me. However even deaf you should be able to ride and be aware, I've had the pleasure to teach an amazing young man who was fully deaf and he passed his full license.


I can hear just fine.


Nevermind all the constant futzing with the playlist, station/channel, or volume that's required. I can't be bothered! Just ride and focus on the sights, sounds of my motor, and smells etc. I sing (loudly!) to myself when songs come into my head too. My voice sounds amazing (to me!). Lol


I use aliexpress knockoff of Loop earplugs and they work flawlessly. They reduce wind noise while I can still hear my surroundings and motorcycle. You can also try Alpine earplugs but they don't work for me, my ears start to hurt after 30mins. Point is to reduce wind noise while still hearing stuff around. Haven't had ringing in ears after a ride for last 2 years and couldn't be happier


You should be able to ride without hearing. If hearing a car coming is gonna save you from an accident, you weren't looking in the right directions anyway. Focus more on riding defensively and train looking far ahead. I've done over 25k km's and have always had earplugs in + music on, never had any issues. The only time i had some "close" calls were when i rode when i was tired (not doing that anymore), and when i rode after a longer period of time (like after a month without riding).


Use 'earpeace' (name of the company) earplugs, they do not block sound, just reduce the db's, still can hear everything clearly, just less LOUD. It's mainly what musicians use when on stage.


I have been using a headset for comms and music in my helmet for decades. Believe me, I can still hear everything around me just fine. Listening to music while you ride and listening to traffic and the sound of your ride are not mutually exclusive endeavors. As a bonus, they also don't force everyone around me to listen to my favorite tunes like the fairing speakers!


Earplugs everytime for me but I can not listen to music while riding.


I use speakers on my helmet and earplugs to tone down the wind vibration. I play my music only as loud as I need to in order to hear it clearly, not going full John Wick night club with it. Since we're on the topic, try some Casiopea on the twisties! Truly a match made in Heaven.


Do you turn the air off in ur car to see better? Lol it’s not a crippling experience to have music, in fact if u didn’t know, people listen to music in cars too


Did you use actual plugs made for MC riding? I can hear horns and stuff around me. They just help block the wind noise etc. Sounds like you used generic ear plugs to block all audio.


I need a link for these earplugs that are so good you can’t hear a car horn.


No problem for me. If the horn is what tells you a car is there, you’re doing it wrong.


Just one headphone


"With the music blaring", Don't you have a volume control? I always wear earbuds, but generally, the volume is tuned down so I can barely hear music. I will turn it up sometimes, but then turn it down again.


I can hear around me better when the wind isn't reverberating in my ears, I have enough tinnitus without adding to it with the wind.


Depends on the ride. Cruiser I have onboard music and not super loud in the saddle. Dirt bike and dual sport I do wear hearing protection unless we’re slow and single track. I like to hear the hits I take on the skid plate or motor work. Sled it’s zen with earbuds……..I have hearing loss from a career in industrial settings, shooting, and riding for decades without hearing protection. I try to wear hearing protection as much as possible now but too late. I’d error on using protection vs NOT unless you like ringing in your ears.


I wear Earpeace plugs that only drown out a little of the overall noise. Mostly cutting the wind down while still being able to hear my surroundings and the occasional phone call


Mine is anxiety. Having my earplugs in, because of my exhaust, and my music going helps me chill and I am able to focus on the road more. I know that sounds like the opposite, but when my phone messes up and my music stops, I can hear absolutely everything and it feels overwhelming.


You hear more with ear plug over about 40mph because you don’t have all the wind noise.


My earpeace earplugs knock around 20dB off the sound. So I can still hear things, just slightly muted. It's awesome as I get way less fatigue


You probably didn't wear the right earplugs for you. The ones I use (Alpine motosafe tour) just reduce wind noise, and I actually can hear other sounds better, like engine sound, ambulances or music on cardo. Sounds weird but it's true. Now I can't even ride without them, if I do I get headaches.


For me, it’s the opposite. Music calms me down and I enjoy my ride more


Depends on the plugs. I have some silicone ones from eargasm and another silicone pair I got a dubstep show, they’re about the same. Then I have emergency foams I keep in my jacket and tank bag. The foams are WAY too quiet and it scares me how deaf I am with those in.


I prefer earplugs. They only block out the wind noise which really is all I hear without them. Ironically I hear the things I need/want to hear better with plugs than without.