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Wonder what the driver will tell the cops.


The driver told officers that she was trying to calm down her two dogs in the back seat


Dog1: "Dude, she's gonna crash into him" Dog2: "BARK HARDER THEN, MAYBE SHE NOTICES"


Needs a 5 year minimum license revocation. It won't happen, but it should. Folks need to be terrified of what could happen if they get caught distracted driving.


Then they'll just drive without it. They already do. Need to start putting these people in prison.


They mean license to own dogs. 5years w/o dogs that hoe gonna learn.


This… this may actually work. Also some garbage people who get pets and abandon or surrender them over and over should be banned nationally from owning pets.


That's a decent thought


As seriously as we treat DUIs, it seems outrageous that distracted driving is only seen as a mild faux pas. It seems like literally everyone is just drinking around staring at their phone instead of the road.


I wouldnt say DUIs are treated seriously since there are people with MULTIPLE DUIs who still have licenses for some reason.


We treat DUI seriously? On what planet are you living, because it isn't this one


America is too lenient on driving offense because nearly everyone needs to drive to survive. Not a chance this will happen. A douche that attempted to kill cyclists and then hid from the cops only got 10 months jail.


Why do you think there’s so many hit and runs already? Perceived consequences I guess cuz we know typically there’s none.


I’ve been saying since I started riding that cars need manual transmissions as an “anti-distraction” safety feature. Folks with disabilities can get automatic trannies. Otherwise, manuals. They’re better anyway


I distinctly remember in high school pulling out of the drive-through, trying to eat, talk on the phone, use maps, and drive manual. I got about 2 blocks before I decided to pull into a neighborhood and just finish my meal and get my nav set up while stopped. All 3 of my vehicles are manual, and I know it forces me to take advantage of hands-free features when I otherwise wouldn't.


What's crazy to me when riding is that I can see every single driver looking at their phone as I ride by. It's not nearly as noticeable from in my car.


how is the biker?


He's pretty sore


I guess at least she didn’t lie and blame the biker.


She did try. She said the motorcyclist slammed on his breaks, which he did not.


Tbf it looks like motorcyclist came to a full stop. Totes his/her fault for obeying a red light.


I'm putting money on checking out Instagram or TikTok


I thought it was a joke, but no, that’s exactly what happened https://www.wwltv.com/article/news/local/northshore/motorcyclist-hospitalized-i-10-ramp-blocked-following-accident-in-slidell/289-5cc641e5-afe8-4d9b-89e4-1eebeedbe023


Username relevant 


No fucking way


"I wanted to run the yellows but that biker was a pussy"


I'm sorry, I didn't see him.


I thought I just watched a guy die, but somehow he apparently only had minor injuries. [https://www.msn.com/en-us/autos/news/distracted-driver-plows-over-motorcycle-rider/ar-BB1o76Gn](https://www.msn.com/en-us/autos/news/distracted-driver-plows-over-motorcycle-rider/ar-BB1o76Gn)


Slammed on his brakes? Ridiculous statement.


That statement is infuriating. That's how you know they don't think it's entirely their fault. Using the braking as an excuse. Even if they were slammed on, you should be at a distance to stop.


On video! And they say he "slammed" on his brakes... That looks like a normal yellow to red stop to me. If anything, I'd be willing to bet that if the SUV driver wasn't checking Instagram, she was trying to run through the yellow. If they aren't distracted they're impatient.


She wasn’t even trying to use her brakes judging by how she basically drove right over the bike (or the biker I can’t tell)


Tbf even if she did hit her breaks it wasent till after she hit the bike and by then her front wheels are off the ground and hitting the breaks wouldent do shit lol


people like this should get "dishonest" tatooed on their forehead and be banned from wearing any hats that cover it for life


Infuriating really.


Not even that, they wrote "breaks".


Alarmingly low bar to be a reporter with WWL Louisiana, apparently.


It is maddening that the cop was willing to parrot that line to the media.


Very lucky for him. Always glad to see these things with a less than awful ending.


What how is bro still alive. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I watched that happen. Glad he’s alright.


He got vaulted not run over and was dressed for the crash is how. Plus being very lucky.


Let’s hope he gets on a bike and rides again. Really lucky she didn’t run him over after he got thrown off the bike.


Very lucky


"guy slammed on his brakes" my fucking left nut. If *that* is considered slamming on the brakes then wtf are the emergency stops people pull? Ejection seat!?


when you decide to run the red light... but the guy in front of you doesn't.


One of my buddies was on a training mission in north Florida a few years back. The whole squad was assigned to drive different military vehicles and one of the Humvees did that exact thing. Lead car stopped but 2nd car tried to push it, unfortunately a Wonderful Man loss his life that day. I’m not one for braking the law but this is almost why I wouldn’t be upset IF that motorcyclist blew the light. Because if he had t been slowing down he would have been way through the light and not have to worry about some granny and yappin ass dogs. She should be charged criminally IMO


> Lead car stopped but 2nd car tried to push it, unfortunately a Wonderful Man loss his life that day. Wait, in a humvee ? how fast were they going that it caused fatal crash ?


Humvees have all the safety tech of a 1960s c10. If they roll over you're done, hard impact from the corner and you're screwed. No crumple zones, no air bags, shifty seats and no rollover protection.


I’m guessing they’re so heavy that you can’t really provide adequate roll over protection without making it too heavy?


With the soft top on they're basically as protected as a miata. With the up-armored ones they have good rollover but now you're dealing with sharp and hard edges on yhe interior lol. Designed by taxpayer committeeeeeeeee baby


oh wow, that bad? Damn.


So you had me wondering and I’ve done lots of searching and can not seem to find it for the life of me. I’ll reach out to my pal and see if he has a rough date. Everything I lookup is from recent and tbh I don’t remember the year. Could be anywhere from 2019-2022 But I do remember reading the article after he told me about it so I know it’s somewhere.


This is exactly the reason I will "California stop" most stop signs, and almost never stop for yellow lights - ONLY if I have good visibility of the intersection, of course.


I don’t stop at yellows when riding, and I’ll accelerate pretty hard to make to make a yellow if I have to. I have way better vision and control over what’s in front of me.


Sounds alright until you have a left turner in front of you.


btw breaking the law and not braking the law. anyway, chances are if motorcycle broke the law and ran the red, he'll get smashed by being T boned.


As I agree with you… you can see the light change. There’s clearly enough time if the motorcycle hadn’t slowed down he would of been clear going through the light and no chances of a Tbone The cyclist did everything right I just hate to see other people carelessness almost cost a life.


That’s why I like to position my bike between two lanes, so others still can run red lights


This is why I always run yellows on my bike... This is one of my biggest fears.


I've been hit from the rear three times in my life by drivers not looking at the road, once while on a bike and twice in cars. The first was clear back in the 1970's while on my Yamaha RD350 by a VW Beetle full of high school girls while I was stopped at a stop sign. Then again while in a car early 1990's by a girl reading a damn book while driving. The third was just about 10 years ago by a teenager looking at his damn phone. Then there was the time a few years back that I was stopped, turn signal on, waiting for traffic to clear to make a left turn when a car shot past me on the shoulder of the highway on the right and went off into the ditch. At least that guy must have looked up before he hit me and took evasive action. So when I'm riding I spend a whole lot of time looking in my mirrors whenever I slow down or stop. It's become automatic due to all the incidents. I'll probably be the one that hits something because I'm busy looking behind me.


I do the same on my bike. It has translated to also driving my car. It has helped me avoid shit on both. No matter what though, idiots find a way.


That needs to be decades in prison


And an unobtainable license if they don’t rot in prison


Why if done with a car is it not considered attempted manslaughter? Just an oopsie.


I had an uncle/aunt that I don't think were related to me. I think they're just friends of my grandparents that we called aunt/uncle. Well, they were DUI-ing, as shitheads like them do, and rear ended an old couple that had stopped for a train at the tracks. It went even worse than you'd imagine. They didn't push the car up into the train. I'm sure the couple would have greatly preferred that. Instead my uncle's oversized pickup went on top of their car, and then caught fire. With a long ass train keeping the "town" side from reaching the accident side, the old couple burned to death under the truck. Drunk aunt/uncle made it out just fine.


Well that's some nightmare fuel. Sheesh


Nah, anytime I’m coming to a stop at a light or stop sign I’m constantly looking into my mirrors for this exact reason. I’ve avoided being squished multiple times because of it. Stay safe and ALWAYS look out for yourself.


Works in a car too. Wasn’t me, but my brother. Rolled up to stop at a yellow-turning-red light on a 4-lane 50mph highway. Randomly noticed a police car waiting at the crossing road. My brother was tuned into that because he was always riding his dirt bike on the street, and from time to time had the occasional interaction with law enforcement. They would chase him, but they couldn’t catch him because he’d just head off the road onto a trail. They eventually figured out who it was, and had a little catch-me-if-you-can thing going. [The police sergeant pulled me over once, for no reason, while I was driving a car, just because he recognized the car and thought I was my brother. ] So anyway my brother is in a car, now, right? He’s at the intersection, stopped, first in line at the red light. Looks in his rearview and sees a distracted driver approaching him rapidly. Calculates this car is not going to stop in time. So brother looks forward and pulls across the intersection, changing lanes too, just as the light was going green for the police car. A second later the distracted driver skids through the red light, across the intersection, and stops. Distracted driver was ticketed. Brother got an atta-boy. Just looking in the mirror and reacting avoided a big mess.


Looking into your mirrors to do what? Run the red light and get t-boned? If someone's slow to come to a stop but still decelerating, maybe you could avoid it, but in this case, there's not a damn thing the rider could've done. Hindsight is 20-20.


Pull off to the side? Plenty of grass to drive into. Like what?


You honestly think there was enough time from the moment it became clear she was not going to stop for him to start moving from a stop and maneuver into the grass on the side? No chance. 


I honestly think there was enough time, I’ve literally avoided this exact situation. Im not saying there’s 100% chance he woulda avoided it but at least starting to move out of the way would have minimized the damage. I’m not saying the rider did anything wrong, just coulda at least had a chance had they been checking their mirrors.


Oncoming traffic was stopped


Did you see when that light turned green? He would’ve been in the middle of the intersection when they started moving. Why would you assume oncoming traffic would be paying any closer attention than the lady behind him?


Did you see when the light turned green they were all stopped?


Because there was a massive accident in front of them, hard not to notice that one.


If someone did that to me, i honestly don't think could keep cool, at all. Assuming i survived.


Always check the rear view when stopping.


Always check the front view when going.


Always check the side views when laying her down


If she has love handles


gotta see them CLIBBINS


And the side view before proceeding on a green.


Every time I hit the brakes I glance into my rearview. Just for a half second. “Who’s back there and how far back are they?”


That’s a good practice.


And then what? Magically phase out from existence in the 0.2 seconds it takes to the following up vehicle to go from following up to smashing into you? EDIT ITT: We pretend we have super powers and make up scenarios where we could have avoided this.


I was stopped, the guy behind me was stopped, then saw in mirror someone was about to hit the guy behind me full speed so I darted into the bike lane. Like 5-6 cars were involved total. It's important to look behind you and have an escape route.


If you have good lane positioning you can switch lanes he still had alittle room and momentum to do so or just blow the light


As I anticipate a red light change I check my mirrors before I apply my brakes to see if I need to change lanes or run the light instead of getting hammered by a tailgater and monitor my mirrors as I slow down and after I’ve stopped to see if I need to squirt between two vehicles ahead,etc. Always defend yourself - no one else will.


The US seems like such a terrible place to be a rider, a shame cuz you guys have cool roads.


its probably a factor in why they have so few riders relative to the population size when compared to European countries


So many massive yank-tanks. They are becoming popular here too unfortunately so here's hoping other US culture like loving school shootings doesn't similarly come into fashion here


Always check your rear when coming to a stop 🛑 light.


Damn! Good thing it knocked him off I guess.


If I’m being followed closely at a light that is about to go yellow to red, I’m running it.


As part of my riding course it was constantly reinforced to watch your mirrors when approaching an intersection and if stopped watch for any cars from behind and be prepared to bail. Throughout the training instuctors would haze us from behind to see if we were watching. We also practiced bailing from a stopped bike (a beat up old 250).


I got hit from behind about 3 hours ago... I was stationary at a T junction. Fucking sunday driver's in England....


Not totally safe but i'd rather run a yellow/borderline red than stop with people behind me


This is why I watch my mirrors heavily.


I think his bike saved him as it kept the vehicle off the road and probably stopped it crushing him as he was dismounted….thats what I think😀saved by his faithful bike👌


Doesn't guarantee to save you, but whenever I stop, I make sure I can touch either lane divider.


Y'all love your horror stories huh


"why do people on bikes always drive so fast and crazy" they say "why do they always lane split and weave in front of cars" they say "why do they drive and act so aggressive to people on the road" they say "theyre going to kill someone cuz theyre not driving like normal people" they say people on bikes should always have high alert and stay as far away from cagers as possible....cuz they have everything in their car to distract them....be alert my friends.....


post this on r/videos and you'll have people saying the motorcyclist is a fault somehow.


I've been rear ended 3x on my bike. Once at a red light and the woman asked me 'why did you stop'.. Once at a roundabout, due to the driver behind not looking ahead but to the right and once by a bus when the driver apparently wanted to occupy my lane, on top of me. That video is gut wrenching to watch!


Def true but also whenever I’m coming to a stop or slowing a lot to do something I check my mirrors


I got hit stopped at a red light from behind. Thank God she was going slow. Bumped me and I fell over but no injuries. Loud ass, bright red Ducati. Still didn’t see me. This poor guy got creamed.


This is what I think about whenever I see a bike at a red light in neutral, both feet down, rider oblivious.


WTF is wrong with American drivers. 🤷‍♂️


I would be hesitant to ride a motorcycle in much of the US personally. Driving over there is scary as shit. Oversized vehicles with terrible braking capabilities, poor road etiquette, next to no training and everyone is fucking on their phones or eating or drinking or something. Sure, some lovely open roads here and there but low-med traffic, high speed, multi-lane intersections are fucking lethal when someone stupid or distracted gets involved.


That one is a cop?


My buddy and his girlfriend were the 3rd vehicle through a green light. They got broadsided by a car that blew the light at 55 mph according to the cars computer. He lost his right leg from the knee down, broken femur, pelvis and back. His girlfriend got thrown off the back of the bike, broken leg and traumatic brain injury.


mirrors...because I trust no mofo on the road.


Dude, that bitch! Speeding and not paying attention. Ruining life for everyone. WTF!?


That rider has to be dead


The article that says the biker "slammed on his brakes" is infuriating. The rider stopped just fine and the cager RAN THEM OVER. Ugh. This is why I can't stand people. This article btw: https://www.msn.com/en-us/autos/news/distracted-driver-plows-over-motorcycle-rider/ar-BB1o76Gn


I’m not saying that this accident was preventable from the bikers perspective. But by paying attention to your surroundings including behind you, and by thinking proactively about safety, you have a better chance to avoid situations like this.


He’s not a 360 camera


Then he should be, why didn't the rider see it coming and teleport away ? Rider's fault


So? Nothing that I said was incorrect.


Nope, just unrealistic 


No. Nothing I said was unrealistic. Read it an again, and quote the unrealistic part. You won’t be able to.


People are idiots fr but some will learn lol it’s not hard to pay attention and make something a habit even when it’s something as simply as taking a second to move your eyes or turn your head. Yeah the motorcyclist was far from at fault. But there is always something to learn from a situation good or bad. You’ll either learn from someone else’s or your own.


That’s a dumb ass take 😂 I’m sorry lol it’s very realistic to maintain situational awareness. Someone could easily have this happen or come from behind with a gun and take your bike. I always check my mirrors multiple times when stopping and while stopped. It simply takes moving your eyes or head for a second to look 🤦🏾‍♂️


Yeah, but realistically practically nobody consistently checks their rear view mirror at a red light.


I’ve seen tons of comments here on this subreddit, talking about leaving the bike in gear and keeping watch over traffic approaching from behind.


Nah bro I ain’t gonna lie I do. Not just for situations like the one in the video either even though I’ll definitely checking when stopping and when a car is approaching but mf crazy. You never know if someone will run up on you and try to finesse you. Gotta always keep your head on a swivel even in a car or walking on the street.


![gif](giphy|QUF1D4DNdMpnlRS597) I cannot stand Monday morning quarterbacking. Dude just stop. You can't look in all directions at once. This is a dumb comment and you should feel stupid for even saying it. "I'm not saying it was preventable..." *blames the rider anyway* I wish you'd find this guy and say that shit to his face.


> You can't look in all directions at once. I never said otherwise. >This is a dumb comment No. It’s the simple truth. >and you should feel stupid for even saying it. If truth makes you feel stupid, then that’s on you. >blames the rider anyway I never blamed the rider. You need to read my comment one more time, more slowly this time.


Nah I read it as well as did everyone else downvoting you. No one agrees with you. Read the room scooter.


Then the room is full of idiots like you, plain and simple. I. Did. Not. Write. Anything. Incorrect.


When pointing a finger at others try to remember you have three fingers pointing right back at you.


I wrote a generic statement about situation awareness. I stand behind that statement. I didn’t point my finger at the rider. What exactly did I write that was incorrect? Copy paste that sentence verbatim and show me what is incorrect it. A bunch of people come at me here, but no one has been able to show what I wrote that was incorrect.


Your right, it’s not you it everyone else….


Well, if ***NO ONE*** (including you) can show the incorrect part, then why should I care about a bunch of hot air comments? You all sound like MAGA idiots, offended by something vague and not being able to correctly articulate exactly what was wrong.


Yes. You. Fucking. Did. *Aww the snowflake made an angry post and immediately blocked me. Classic childish reddit behavior.* The incorrect part was the entire post kiddo. Now run along. *Head pat*


No. Don’t be silly. If I did, you would have quoted the incorrect part. Is clear that you attempted to read between the lines, failed miserably, then got upset and directed that silly anger towards me. Edit: You are not blocked by me. What a silly thing to lie about.


Agree he wasn't blaming the rider. It's natural to trust and expect people to stop. As a brand new rider I am on full alert mode and I check behind me when stopping. Even when i drive my car and arriving at a stop I check and try to see the eyes of the driver in car behind me. Maybe rider is experienced and didn't do this because he had 10+ years of riding where people actually stopped. Once, When driving my car I slowed down at a light, but glanced at rear mirror and saw that driver was passing a joint to his passenger and wasn't aware it was a red light. I immediately ran the red light a bit and swerved. So as tough as 360 awareness is, we need to try..


Yes. Thank you. Finally a voice of reason in a sea of anger based on misunderstanding my comment. The funny thing is that most people who write here seem to be from the US, a country famous for its bad drivers (at least from a North European perspective), and I constantly see posts here about distracted drivers not paying attention to us riders, or the traffic in general. But when I advocate for better situation awareness among riders to better handle those drivers, a bunch of people get angry.


Yes I'm in US and distracted drivers are a big problem, so is road rage and reddit rage. But I don't want to paint a bad picture, majority of the drivers out there are safe and not distracted and do not have road rage issues, I think every country has some percentage. It's a human issue in the end not country specific. Because of social media maybe US issues get highlighted more.


You can’t stand Monday morning quarterbacking, but I can’t stand veterans who think they’re tough because they were in the military. Ironic, because I actually agree with you – but calling him a kid is more childish than whatever he did. This condescending behavior would be disgraceful to your branch.




You’re stupid as fuck and completely missing the point. Is this the motorcycle riders fault. ABSOLUTELY NOT. The car is to blame for not paying attention. However in any situation in life something can be taken from it, learning can be done as a result. I look at this video and say hey I NEED TO MAKE SURE I LOOK OUT BETTER. EVEN THOUGB I ALREADY DO VERY CONSISTENTLY I SHOUKD CONTINUE CHECKING MY MIRRORS WHEN I STOP, and also leave myself an out. Was this fucked up yes, could it have been prevented most certainly.


The reason people are downvoting you is not because people think checking your mirrors is bad, but because it's not really a very helpful advice in this situation. Nothing about this video shows the rider lacking in situational awareness and not checking his surroundings or behind him, he could have been checking his mirrors pretty frequently and still have this happen to him because he didn't at the moment it happened since he was obviously paying attention to the traffic light, or he may even seen the car and still have no time to react because of how fast they were going. Even if he had managed to see the car, by the time it was clear they weren't stopping he only had a split second to accelerate back to speed and get out of their way, and again, he had to look at the traffic light so it's unlikely he would have been able to direct enough attention to that car.


>The reason people are downvoting you is not because people think checking your mirrors is bad, but because it's not really a very helpful advice in this situation. You're the first one who said that. So, either those other people who commented weren't able to (or willing to) articulate their dislike in this way (ie saying "that's not very helpful advice"), or they had a different reason. >Nothing about this video shows the rider lacking in situational awareness and not checking his surroundings or behind him, And I never said that he was lacking that. (But we can't know for a fact that he wasn't.) All I said was basically that your chances are improved if you pay attention to your surroundings and think proactively about safety. That can improve your odds even in situations like in the video. Thats all I said. What I said was factually correct, and **can** be helpful. I made no claim about the motorcyclist in the video.


Beep boop


You are a beginner, according to a post by you a while back. Yet you seem to disagree with something I wrote, when my comment was about improving one’s situation awareness. Odd.


You don’t have to be a chef to tell if the food is shit or not


Sure. But one can still articulate what is bad about it. And in a discussion one can pinpoint the logical fallacies, the incorrect statements etc. But you guys all refuse to do that, because you know that there wasn’t anything incorrect in what I wrote. Feel free to read the comment again, and try to find something. I guarantee you that you won’t be able to.


The thing is. In your original comment you invalidated your first sentence by starting your second with “but”. So you are saying it was preventable from the bikers perspective. Maybe it was, maybe it wasn’t. It was a tone-deaf comment.


>The thing is. In your original comment you invalidated your first sentence by starting your second with “but”. No. That’s not how the word “but” works. >So you are saying it was preventable from the bikers perspective. No. That’s not what I said.


Are you by chance, a virtual agent?


If you disagree with something I wrote, use the quote function. If you think I said something incorrect, point to that part and use logical reasoning to show that I’m wrong. No one here has been able to do that. But still my comment struck a nerve, obviously.


Whatever you say, virtual agent


You are one of the angry ones I see. The ones who are upset at *something*, but can’t articulate *what* that is. It’s fascinating to see it.


While I simply thought that this was a two part response. The first line you're just saying you simply don't know enough as you weren't in his shoes, so you don't know the details. After that is just a general observation from what I'm reading, and I didn't take it like you were blaming the rider. Although, I can understand how it could've been, and just by adding something at the beginning like "But generally speaking, by paying attention..." would clarify everything. Still, I don't understand why some are wasting energy by taking the time expressing their opinion about it though, but I suppose that's just social media for you. 🤷‍♂️


This is why Im never one to stop for a red if a car is behind me, I always assume they are flat to the floor, and unfortunately, 90% of the time I am right.