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Dude your roommate is a piece of shit.


"roommate" is actually a criminal Like saying hey my roommate was at a bank and for some reason he put on a ski mask and told them to empty the safe …derp Like wtf man?! hope the scum gets what he deserves!


Not basically. He committed grand theft of a motor vehicle - Felony 4 in my state. Source: am criminal lawyer


GTA 4 So it is




Yeah, not even top 3 GTA games, unfortunately.


If cousin Roman could read this, he’d be very sad. No bowling for you!


This person is correct. Source: I'm not a lawyer, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express once.


Damn you dated yourself with that one lol


Not basically, he is, he stole a vehicle.


A piece of shit that deserves to lose his job, and be charged with vehicle theft.


Absolutely this. Fuck OPs roommate.


And destruction of property.


He’s a tow truck driver, being a POS is the primary qualification 


Can confirm been towed 4-5 times. Something broken every time and the guy to talk to about filing a claim is somehow never in the fucking office.


Don't forget the maximum IQ limit for employment. Can't have smart ones transporting cars around.


I watched a tow truck driver fail to load and subsequently flip a brand new M-series BMW because it was parked in an apartment complex without a permit


Bet they taught them a lesson! Harsh but fair like all hoa rules /s


Can confirm. Source: Neighbour was a tow truck driver. Was an absolute POS.


Was. Not anymore!


He still is but he used to be too.


I found one that isn't! I think it was Stickles Towing in Pittsburgh. The owners MO is that he refuses contracts for policing plazas and parking garages etc, flatbeds are his first choice, he finds out whether it's fwd or rwd to decide how to pull it.. stand up dudes.


There’s an exception that proves every rule, apparently 


To simplify what you said is that he opportunistically stole someone's motorcycle took it for a joy ride and then totalled it completely. What a tit


I could tell when he said “my roommate is a tow truck driver”


1. Make sure his side of rent is covered for the foreseeable future. 2. Don’t trust him to wipe his own ass after a shit.


And lock your valuables in your room. I wouldn't trust this guy at all. edit: especially if you consider he'll go into **major** debt real soon: no job, needs to pay for the bike, damages and lawsuits.




The bike is the damages…


That's probably the major part. But if he crashed the bike into something else there's more. Also think of clean up, recovery, appropriation, maybe closure of the site etc., and probably legal costs of the opposing parties as well. These are all costs incurred and he'll need to pay for them.


You guys are over thinking it in a big way. The towing company’s insurance will cover this and the operator fired. It probably won’t go much further than that.


I don't think the towing company is to blame when an employer is committing a crime during work.


Same as if say, an employee runs a red light at T bones someone. The company takes the liability of the employee. Only thing the employee has to worry about is criminal charges. Which in this case would be theft from the tow yard. Basically, how pissed is the tow yard owner? They can press the charges but still not recover anything from the employee. On the scale of a business where each truck holds a $1M+ / incident insurance clause, a totaled motorcycle is a pittance.


Yeah the problem is that he was not doing his work while he stole and totaled the bike. So the work did not give a higher risk for this incident to occur.


I was sure this was going to be a bait bike story at first. You should start looking for a new roommate, he's going to have trouble making rent while he's locked up.


That was my first thought. This roommate has a world of problems incoming. OP should prepare for the collateral damage. He's absolutely going away and OP needs a plan to cover that income and what to do with his stuff.


Yeah, I would not feel safe living with someone like that.


Inside an OPG?


was he intoxicated himself? like how dumb do you have to be?


I always think i know how stupid people are but they always manage to surprise me


The real genius is the one who got out of their xx-10 payments lol


Why else would the keys be in it? Sounds like they wanted it to disappear.


If it’s a locked yard they usually leave the keys in it for convenience sake. They don’t expect their own guy to do something this fucking dumb


Most tow yards leave the keys in vehicles


*how dumb do you have to be?* Yes.


Hope he enjoys that felony charge.


Plus, his wallet will be in the negatives for a long time


Yeah I don't think he "stumbled onto the bike accidentally and took it for a ride". Your room mate sounds really stupid and probably also a piece of shit.


There is no “probably” about it.


I'm saying probably because if someone is really stupid they usually do not even consider consequences, i.e. they legitimately cannot understand why something they're doing could be wrong.


The potential consequences are just one factor. How about having the decency not to steal and mistreat someone else’s property? Stupidity is not an excuse.


Solid decision making. Bravo!


bruh if something is not yours you can not just take it. That's theft. It's wrong and illegal.  Aside from legally towing something obviously. Your roommate sounds like a bike thief if I'm understanding correctly. He should go to jail. 


My immediate thought is what if that bikes there as evidence for something, the moron just tampered and you are 100% right the dude should get charged at the very least.


The dildo of consequence rarely arrives lubed.


That’s advice to live by right there


Let's play "find the crimes" |**Charge**|**Description**|**Classification**|**Consequences**| |:-|:-|:-|:-| || || |Unauthorized Use of a Vehicle|Using another's vehicle without the owner's consent|Class C felony|Up to 5 years in prison / Fines up to $125,000 / Probation| || || |Theft in the First Degree|Theft of property valued at $1,000 or more|Class C felony|Up to 5 years in prison / Fines up to $125,000 / Restitution to the owner for the motorcycle| || || |Criminal Mischief in the First Degree|Causing damage to another's property exceeding $1,000|Class C felony|Up to 5 years in prison / Fines up to $125,000 / Restitution for the cost of the damages| || || |Reckless Driving|Operating a vehicle in a manner that endangers persons or property|Class A misdemeanor|Up to 1 year in jail / Fines up to $6,250 / Suspension or revocation of driver's license| || || |Trespassing|Entering or remaining unlawfully on property|Class C misdemeanor|Up to 30 days in jail / Fines up to $1,250 / Community service| Am I missing any?


There, i fixed your formating (just don't add empty lines): |**Charge**|**Description**|**Classification**|**Consequences**| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |Unauthorized Use of a Vehicle|Using another's vehicle without the owner's consent|Class C felony|Up to 5 years in prison / Fines up to $125,000 / Probation| |Theft in the First Degree|Theft of property valued at $1,000 or more|Class C felony|Up to 5 years in prison / Fines up to $125,000 / Restitution to the owner for the motorcycle| |Criminal Mischief in the First Degree|Causing damage to another's property exceeding $1,000|Class C felony|Up to 5 years in prison / Fines up to $125,000 / Restitution for the cost of the damages| |Reckless Driving|Operating a vehicle in a manner that endangers persons or property|Class A misdemeanor|Up to 1 year in jail / Fines up to $6,250 / Suspension or revocation of driver's license| |Trespassing|Entering or remaining unlawfully on property|Class C misdemeanor|Up to 30 days in jail / Fines up to $1,250 / Community service|


Not sure how bad it is in the US but riding a motorcycle without a license? that one's pretty bad where i live.


Around here it's a ticket and sometimes if the cop is in a mood they'll tow your bike


OP’s friend can save them the trouble and tow it himself! Oh.




If you get caught in my county riding a bike without a license, sheriff Grady Judd will take you to your new home.


Depends on the state. In Oregon it’s a class A misdemeanor with a $500 fine


Quick, tell everyone you’re not an attorney before you inbox is fucked


I believe he’d catch a grand theft auto charge as well. Had a porter take a Turbo S out for a joy ride when I worked for Porsche. The dumb ass took it to a bar, got wasted and flipped the car on the way back to the dealership. Hit 3 vehicles and cheese grated his arm along the highway since the window was down. Our GM told the cops to throw the books at the kid and I know he definitely caught a GTA charge, along with a shit load of other charges and fines. They were also going after him for depreciation on other cars that he had driven around for fun.


He is lucky to be alive. I guess there was no helmet. POS


I genuinely hope they threw the book at him, he didn’t “take it for a quick spin”, he stole it, some poor fuckers pride and joy is now a pile of scrap metal because your mate stole it.


If this is true your friends a jackass. Why the fuck does he find it acceptable to test ride a bike? He surly wouldn’t be like oh this bike in the Costco lot has its key let’s ride it so why the fuck would he ever think a tow yard the police uses is acceptable?


OP did mention he's a tow truck driver, being asshole is required job qualification


I guess I’ve been lucky with my experience with tow truck drivers. I have a bad habit of buying great potential cars (absolute shit that will break down) and it got to the point 2 different drivers gave me their personal numbers so I can just call them directly.


The guys who you pay to tow your project car are usually really happy to NOT be doing what amounts to legalized auto theft (tows for illegal parking, repo, "abandoned" vehicle). The tow company is generally gonna dispatch their better drivers on such jobs, keeps their top employees happy and is good customer relations. And if it's an owner operator you just made their day.


That is probably true I won’t doubt it because seeing how people act towards repos. I assume the people I pay are happy because they know I’m a quick and easy pay.


Nobody could have foreseen a tow truck driver being a scumbag. I am shocked


Bike thief’s deserve everything they get tbh Hope he learns from his prison time. 


Time to find a new roommate.


The cycle owner is hating life. Wonder if insurance will deny coverage for leaving the keys in it?


I don't think the insurance would be able to weasel their way out of that particular issue. The way the whole thing is worded sounded like it is in a tow yard, so keys *might* be left in vehicle for storage purposes.


That's gonna be on the tow yard then.


Ahhh, makes sense.


The motorcycle owner's does not have to cover anything. This is all on the scumbag who wrecked the bike.


Insurance would still act as a middleman if they've got comprehensive coverage - insurance pays out to the owner, then insurance goes after shit-for-brains to recoup to the payout (plus court costs).


Yeah, as the scumbag might not even have money to cover damage...


And that's why you leave it to your insurance - on top of the fact that it'd take years to resolve if it goes to trial.


If you use your own insurance as the middleman you have to pay deductible. If you are able to resolve it with the other party’s insurance then you don’t. Now if they won’t pay out, you have to get your own insurance involved. Source: my parked car was hit by a drunk driver.


It was probably the tow yard that left the keys in the bike. Oops someone already said it. Should've read the full thread before yappin'. :|


Oh their behalf, my yappologies.


Sounds like the bike was in a tow yard. Might explain the keys being in it. This would most likely be on the tow yard, the tow truck company, and ultimately the thief who took it.


Yeah he definitely fucked up.. in no scenario would I ever hop on a random bike and take it for a spin. Keys left in the ignition or not, your roommate made a horrible decision.I'm reluctant to ride my friends bikes I've known for years and frequently ride wirh.


Man, I wouldn't even hop on someone else's ZX10R even if they offered. I don't care how much exp I have, anything can happen and I don't want to be on the hook for a brand new liter bike.


"Take it for a quick spin", how eloquent. You mean, steal it. I'd consider finding a new roommate, before he somehow decides to "just take a peek" into your private stuff, "have a little taste" from you wallet or "get a feel" of your girlfriend.


Is this the correct usage of this meme? ![gif](giphy|XWwIzh5GIWWf6|downsized)


![gif](giphy|EouEzI5bBR8uk|downsized) No it's this one.


Lmfao wtf? That sounds like he tried to steal it and couldn't handle the powa. No one in their right mind hops on a crotch rocket, ESPECIALLY someone elses with assumably no experience


Hope the job loss is only the first bit of bad news for him


So this is what that impulsive hyper kid in elementary school grew up to be.


Same person who when they grow old lectures everyone about doing the wrong thing and not sinning.  A conversation most of us don’t require cus we know better. 


I was the impulsive hyper kid in elementary school. I guarantee you I'd have the thought and impulse to try out the bike if I saw the keys in it, but I'd never follow through in that thought...


Bruh this can't be real. Get that video ASAP


A Darwin award in the making..


I feel bad… for the owner of the zx10…


They will be alright, insurance should take care of it. It's usually a couple weeks for the total loss payout in clear no fault cases like this. Sucky part is the owner will have to eat the taxes, insurance don't pay out for value+ taxes.


I’d sue the tow truck company for the remainder in small claims.


Let's hope he will receive skin grafting in the prison hospital...


Other than that it was just a routine tow.


Mostly peaceful towing.


Which color crayon is his favorite flavor?


Jeez, stuff like this makes me realize I'm not a complete idiot. Somewhere out there, there is always someone way stupider than me. Also you need to change the title OP "My Roomate (former tow truck driver) F'd up Bad" Dude is never going to get another tow truck job again.


I lost my key on the grass after cleaning the bike the other day. The delivery driver found it and lodged it in the seat lock for me to see. Guess I got lucky.


he won't be paying rent. no job, theft of motorcycle...pooched!


He was getting too impatient for GTA6 and decided to give it a shot irl himself xDD


He just bought himself a wrecked bike! They will probably sue him!


Man why is it always good people who die in bike crashes and stupid pieces of shit like this who manage to survive.


Honestly it sucks but he def shouldn't be touching someone else's stuff


Looking forward to the follow up post to hear of the consequences


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^timesharking: *Looking forward to* *The follow up post to hear* *Of the consequences* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I've accidentally left the keys hanging from my bike a couple of times, and once or twice at bike events found that somebody else had done the same. I'm super grateful that your buddy, or someone like him, never happened upon the scene before I did.


Cool Story. 🍄🍄🍄🍄


I'll go off the board for $50 Jack, and go with: "Stories so ridiculous, that they can only happen on Reddit."


Do people actually believe life is just a simulation and repercussions don't happen???


I'm sorry, but I don't believe this. No way anyone is going to leave a wrecker, which is essentially a rolling billboard, right next to the place where he steals a bike. Not buying it.


Time to speak with your landlord and discuss options for subletting. Your roommate is about to be broke, even if he gets bond, he’s down a job and I doubt he has enough saved to cover rent. What a fucking dumbass man.


Tell him I said fuck him. Hope he gets 100% of what’s coming to him.


He'd better beg and plead they don't file criminal charges and let him pay for the bike instead. Grand theft Auto is a felony, and not many people will hire him once that's on his record. Unbelievably stupid. I'd distance myself from him if I could if I were you. People like this guy tend to drag others down with them. His life will be in the downward spiral for a while if gets a felony charge.


…why on earth would anyone do this?! If I walk by a Bentley with the keys in plain view, I’m definitely not getting in it and driving it around. It’s no different with a bike! That just sounds like bait for a sting operation. Even if it isn’t, what your roommate did was Grand theft. I wouldn’t take a tv from Walmart “just to check if it looks that nice *really* in my living room”. Bottom line; your (hopefully) ex-roommate is a dumbass and makes bad decisions.


Wasn't raised right. "If it's not yours **don't touch it.**"


Better start looking for a new roommate cuz I think he is gonna be busy for a bit!


He made his bed now he's going to have to sleep in it


Time for a new roommate. Ge's gonna get every last fuck sued out of him in a court of law and if he doesn't he used up quite a bit of luck. More luck than most people go through in a lifetime.


Grand theft auto. Felony property destruction. Probably some other stuff. If he has a clean record he probably won’t do time but he could. He’s certainly is for a lot of probation and a big fine at the minimum.


Whew that’s life changing. Hopefully he didn’t need a skin graft to boot


What an idiot. He knew he had no right to take the bike.


Even if he didn’t wreck he would still be a complete pos.


I don't believe there are any "respected" tow companies


Big if true


This is really dumb but it reminds me of when my friend tried to impress this girl he was seeing and tired to do a wheelie in the middle of winter and dumped his bike and it always makes me laugh.


The ultimate fuck about and find out..


Tow truck drivers are scumbags.


He deserves everything that's going to happen to him


How did you end up seeing the video though? Like, did they give your roomy a copy and he's sharing it around?


Lol what the fuck


They should make a movie kind of like Sully, but the opposite about your roommmate.


Tow truck company installed the cameras to keep outsiders from breaking in and taking back their property, meanwhile they have a POS working on the inside. I’m guessing the roommate isn’t older than 24.


Your roommate stole a brand new bike and then wrecked it. He's an enormous piece of shit. It's unfortunate that he lived through the crash, but I guess we can hope that he gets significant jail time. Unsure why you'd think you'd find any sympathy here.


They definitely did endgame this Financial Darwin Award






Tow truck driver is huge piece of shit, and water is wet. Fuck your room mate, hopefully he gets jail time for auto theft.


Sorry to hear about this. Great example of play silly games win silly prizes


ain’t no way


What could go wrong? How much time you got? Beyond the fact that nothing needs to go wrong for this to be seen as a crime, the thing that happened could be the thing that goes wrong. What a dipshit.


!RemindMe 1 week I can't wait to hear what he gets charged with..


That little bitch better cough the rent money.


Got the video?


Life is hard. It’s harder if you’re stupid.


Who the fuck does that 😭😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣


If he's fired he should definitely ask for a copy of the video.... so you can post it here. ![gif](giphy|AzKdgBuMjU0eKPxtpV)




Don't f with other peoples stuff.


https://i.redd.it/su3hrmdmwr7d1.gif Never thought I'd use that seriously.


I found a CB1000R with the key left in the passenger seat lock. I just got his info from his registration under the seat, left my number in his helmet, and took the key. It's not rocket science


Man, if you can get that video. comedy gold


Less roommate more cellmate i guess. Total POS


Straight to jail




stupid people doing stupid things


One of those stories you just hope is made up because damn... There's stupid and there's this. The disrespect to the bike owner, to his boss, to the neighborhood. I wouldn't excuse this behavior drunk or high, but (hopefully) sober on the job? What can make you think that's remotely okay... How big of an asshole are you.


He will get criminal charges and have to pay restitution to the owner. It will likely be reported as stolen and crashed by the tow yard so that they aren't liable and that puts all liability on him. He is dumb and deserves what is coming to him. If I am on someone else's bike, the owner knows I am on it and the last thing I would ever do is try to wheelie. Someone already is having a shitty time with their bike impounded and this piece of shit totaled it.


You should probably make sure his portion of bills are gonna be covered while he's in jail. Also. While he is in jail. Start looking for a new roommate or place to live. Your roommate is a criminal and would probably take your car or motorcycle if he felt he wanted to just because you left the keys around the house. For all you know, he may have already done so.


Tow truck drivers are pretty scum anyway so that checks out


Average tow truck driver. Not surprising


ngl, having a hard time buying this story. A: Who leaves a bike with the keys in it. B: What working man decides to just jump on in the middle of a job, while being recorded? C: Does all of that with no safety gear and then decides to do a wheelie on some strangers bike? Like... There's too much going on here for me to believe it. Is there a police report you can link to or news mentioning this? I'm just having a hard time believing this happened.


“Who leaves a bike with the keys in it?” Happens more often than you might believe. I know I’ve started to walk away and realized it wasn’t in my pocket.


I call BS story who the hell leaves their keys in their ZX-10 in the middle of the night. I mean really who would do this?


It might’ve been at the tow yard and someone else left the keys in it.


That is a good assumption I didn't think of that. Thank you!


I used to accidentally leave my keys in my bike all the time …took me years to break the habit.


I'm just a bit too paranoid I guess so many bad people in todays world. Cheers\~


I don’t want your follow up. Why is this even in here?


Would never be friends with a tow truck driver, fuck him.


In the first sentence OP destroys their own credibility by posting “drives a tow truck for a respected company”. There is no such thing, never has been never will be. They then proceeded to undermine their credibility further by stating that they are also connected to the local PD.


This isn't taco bell


Do you often room with congenital idiots?


Dawg.. Tow truck drivers are already scum… god gave him a choice to test his character and he showed his ass—to the pavement!


Fuck your soon-to-be roommate and I hope he becomes homeless.


He won’t. At least not for the next 5-10 years while he’s serving time for grand theft auto


Piece of shit deserved worse


Roommate (tow truck driver) OP that’s all we needed to know to realize your roommate is a jackass who deserves all the shit life will throw at him for a decade.


Your roommate is a bad dickhead who deserves the repercussions he's getting.


What a scumbag.


Now the city owes the owner of the bike. Nice.


cool story bra