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I saw it last night. I had very low expectations based on the trailer but I ended up really liking it. Much different than you’re probably expecting, for the better in my opinion. Worth a watch, won’t spoil anything


Woot woot. I don't like watching trailers for movies I know I want to watch just so I can go in with no expectations. I was invited buy a group of older riders so I'm going to join along and see what it's about. Thank you for the info.


Cool, that sounds like a good time. Hope you all enjoy it!


Yes Sir!


I will. It was filmed the city I’m from so it will be cool to see local places.


Oh that's awesome. That's always fun to look out for.


I loved the location and architecture. I thought it was for sure in MY hometown


It was filmed here in Cincinnati but it’s definitely possible they shot there as well!


Oh nice nice. What is your home town if you don't mind my asking?


Looked so much like Pittsburgh or a Pittsburgh suburb!


Hmmmm I've never been so excited ti see.


I had to stay and see watch all the credits to see the film locations and, yeah, like I was saying, the architecture and city streets looked so similar! I’m not surprised it was in neighboring Ohio. I just thought, while I was watching it might be my town.


Nice!!!! Any end credits video?


Ill watch anything with Tom Hardy


that other dude was in that masters of the air show that was good


Couldn’t get into that show. Maybe I’ll give it another shot.


eh it's slow. my grandma is into that Era of stuff. has some good parts tho


Beginning takes a while. It's never Band of Brothers level but it's good. Cool to see the air portion of it.


Yea Austin Butler is decent


This here


Report back and let us know what you think of the movie.


Or Austin, or Jodie...




I might see it today while my bike is getting serviced.


Give it a try and let me know what you think.


THE BIKERIDERS is not bad! Cool fictional story of a motorcycle club in the 1960's/70's based on a book of photos taken of a real MC during that time frame. The plot moves along almost too quickly in some parts, but the casting and acting is really good. Certainly worth watching, but it's not anything that "must be seen on the big screen". Probably a good one to watch at home when it comes to one of the streaming services. Still, I enjoyed it.


It was a great movie definitely enjoyed it for sure.


Going to see it Saturday evening. I've only heard good things so far.


Nice nice. I'm excited to go watch it. Report back with what you thought about the movie.


My brother went to see it last night and said it was amazing!!! I’ve only heard good things as well


Plan to see the movie, it’s based on a book written in 1968 and I bought it around 1970 when I started riding. Saw a review on YT and at least the first half of the movie appeared to be true to the book which is nonfiction.


Yeah that's what I've been hearing that they did a good job sticking to the book. Aside from the HDs starting on the first kick. Lol pure fiction 😅


Hey I have a 49 Harley that starts on the first kick with the ignition on after two kicks with the choke on when it’s cold. After it’s warmed up it starts on one kick if I’m lucky lol.


Lol. That's funny. But sounds like it's a well taken care of machine.


Omg so good 😊 I liked Cockroach 🏍️ 🥰




Tom Hardy is my favorite actor. I’ll watch it when it’s available to stream.


Yeah popcorn is way expensive and screaming kids is a solid pass. But I don't have other plans and it will be a bit hot today so why not.


Nothing wrong with seeing it in the theater. I didn’t mean to imply there was. My theater visits nowadays are for things like Minions, Wonka, and, this Sunday, apparently, Inside Out 2. I wonder if they’re also showing this and if I could silently sneak away from the fam for a while. 😂


Yeah I'm not a huge movie goer myself. My friends with their kid invited us to see inside out 2. It was pretty good. Love the writing for it. And for those that deal with anxiety it's a good watch.


Hmmmm. Thank you for that. I am more looking forward to it now. Have to watch the first one tonight.


I honestly prefer the first one but the second doesn't disappoint for sure.


I have always been fascinated by the histories of the major US motorcycle clubs. After finding out it's a movie adaptation of a book published by a photojournalist who actually joined the AOA and rode with them for several years, I think it's something I want to see. Seems like I'd find it more entertaining than SoA bullshit where there's hookers and cocaine everywhere and half the club rides around in a van while wearing their patches. I'm just wondering if it'll be fairly historically accurate like "Band of Brothers" or be more fictionalized like "Saving Private Ryan".


I'm curious to see. One of the guys that watched it said it was pretty true to the book


I really don’t like the name. Def gonna see it however


Yeah. Unfortunately that's the name of the book so they had to stick to it. But great movie for sure.


I've had plenty of friends over the years who ride Harleys. Saw the trailer, and it didn't look particularly interesting to me. But, hey, if it gets good reviews, I'm happy to see it.


From what others are saying seems to be worth the watch.


Unless it’s universally panned, I’ll watch it.


I honestly haven't seen anything up until I was invited.


Just watched it, pretty good, Jody Comer is terrific


Nice. I'm excited to see it. Glad you liked it.


I enjoyed it.


It was great for sure.


Pretty much the goodfellas of biker movies


Yeah. That's definitely a good way to put it. It was a great movie.


There’s a funny and sort of positive review in the nyt. [https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/20/movies/the-bikeriders-review-austin-butler.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/20/movies/the-bikeriders-review-austin-butler.html)


Is there a link without a paywall?


Lol. That wasn't biased at all. 😄




Nice. I look forward to it.


Going to watch it today for norman reedus and tom hardy. It looks good though and seems hard to mess up as a concept


Sounds like it will be a good time.


When's it set 1960s? Count me in


Yes Sir!!


I'm going to see it tomorrow with my riding buddy. Got high hopes!


Nice. Let me know what you guys thought about the movie


First book adaptation I've ever heard of that had a soundtrack before the film. Looking forward to seeing it.


Oh wow. I didn't know that. I'm excited to see it for sure.


I should've said song instead of soundtrack. Jeff Nichols brother, Ben, is in a band called Lucero. He wrote a song based on the book several years ago, and usually has several songs throughout Jeff's films.


Oh that's cool insight. Thank you.


Oh! I was leaning towards seeing it, but that Lucero connection cinches it. What a cool thing to learn randomly on a Friday. :)


Favorite song from my favorite band. The song has been playing in my head all week. Going to see the movie tomorrow. I can’t wait.


I was a super fan for years. It and smoke play in a loop in my head when I ride.. lol


Potentially interesting for sure.


For those that have seen it they seem to like it so far.


They can all act, so only open question is the writing.


True true. I guess I'll find out soon.


I watched it and loved it. I loved the music the most honestly


Nice. Second good comment I hear about the music. I'm looking forward to it.


I will never not be irritated when movie posters don't put the actor names over the actual person.


Wait!? Her name isn't Tom?


I have the Danny Lyons book. I'll probably see the movie, but I'll likely wait until it's in the pub theaters in town so it's not as expensive.


Not a horrible idea.


I'm gonna print your comment and frame it, as proof that I have one every now and again.


Yeahbits nice to have a little affirmation every once in a while.


I seen it today. God it was good. Not what I was expecting but me and the misses enjoyed it


Nice. I'm glad to hear. Very excited to watch it!


Austin Butler on a bike? Yes please.


No Diddy but I'm not opposed to it.


Seeing it tonight. Also it’s my birthday, love that it release on my bday.


Woot woot. Enjoy and happy birthday!!!


Thank you 😊


Well do enjoy and have a great weekend!


It’s getting great reviews and the cast lineup is fantastic. Will probably see it, and I don’t see very many movies in the theater these days.


Yeah it's been a while aside from Wednesday for me. I can go years without going. Lol


Can’t wait. Support your local triple nickel


Haven't seen much about it, but I've got a ticket for a showing in 3 hours.


Nice. What did you think. I enjoyed it very much. Great movie and amazing acting.


I liked it, wasn't really expecting to be as pleased with it as I was.


I'm glad you enjoyed yourself.


Looks good. Nice to see it was shot on 35mm film as well.




I watched the charlie sheen one "beyond the law" it was actually pretty good


Hmmmm. Never heard of it. Might have to check it out. Thank you for the suggestion


Saw it today, I really enjoyed it! I would for sure watch it again when it’s available to stream.


That's for sure. It was a great movie for sure. Very satisfying


me and my friends are gonna ride there on our motorcycles when we’re all available. A sportster 883, a Vulcan 800, a zx6r and a Triumph Tiger (idk the size). I’m leaving my grom at home because I don’t want it stolen so i’ll have to ride my brothers vulcan and he’ll ride my friends zx6 so my friend can ride his dads triumph because his dad doesn’t trust us 💀. Its complicated but it’ll be fun I hope


Lol. That's funny. Or just chain the grom to the sportster


The trailer and marketing make it look awful. So no plans to see it unless I hear it's exceptional. I find this side of motorcycle life extremely lame too, bunch of try hards.


I mean it's based on a book. But yes. Advertising for it was not the best. But I truly enjoyed the movie for sure.


The marketing doesn't really do it justice. I went in with tempered expectations and walked away pleasantly surprised. It felt more like a period accurate biker movie than the sons of anarchy spin off the trailers tried to market.


I'll probably watch it. I suspect the bikes are more of a story enabler than a focus but I like a good crime tale from time to time, good actors too.


Yeah it's was fun to watch. Not too much motorcycle scenes but enough to remind you it's a motorcycle movie.


Just saw it. Won’t say much but was decent, era was correct, liked Tom Hardy the most


Well I'm glad you found it tolerable. He did a great job.


It's the talk of instagram chopper pages. It's already starting another Sons of Anarchy fake patch wearing idiots paying too much for a 70's Ironhead sportster.


I can definitely see this happening. But hey, whatever gets them views I guess. Even if it is them getting their a$$ beat.


Looks awful and really cringey.


I guess it's a good thing I'm not using your money to go watch it then 😉


Yeah but ain’t that culture these days


No thanks. Is Butler still talking like Elvis?


I'll report back 😉


Zero interest


I honestly never heard about it until I was invited a couple days ago. I said why not just to hang out with the friends that invited but now I'm getting excited


The trailer looks dreadful and motorcycle movies are almost universally bad, so it's an avoid for me.


I don't tend to watch trailers to avoid any shit. I like to go into the movie with limited info


The movie has nothing to do with motorcycle riding. Only 1 part really gives you a feel for what it is like group riding. 90% of this movie is talking. The whole "gang" is more a social gathering type crap than Sons of Anarchy. By the time you get to any SoA type stuff the movie ends. There is zero reason to see this on the big screen. OK movie, not a kickstart a trend in Biker Boyz type of movie.


Lol. That's good to know. Thank you. I'm going in with no expectations 😁


Motorcycle club not gang


>Over the course of a decade, a Midwestern motorcycle club evolves from a gathering place for local outsiders *to a sinister gang*, threatening the original group's way of life. I think a lot of people are expecting to see more of the "gang" aspect. I had no expectation, but it was what I was expecting. Had I known this was a love triangle story I would have waited to stream it. :) There is no reason to see it on the big screen.


I thought this sub hated Harley riders and the culture?


I don't like what Harley riders and cruiser culture *became*, but originally they were interesting.


Hells yeah. And I'm excited to learn a bit about it. 😁


What did it "become " exactly? Please, do tell.


Clearly it has become a joke, if nothing else.


Not really, you must be new here. I see insecure pricks shiting on Harleys and Harley riders all the time. Because they didn't wave one time or because their bike is loud...waaaa waaa waaaa.


I think the laughing stock is more often the Harley riders than the haters of the Harley riders themselves. This is manifest in responses like yours.


It became primarily an apparel company that also produces overpriced bikes. I’ve never had a bad experience with Harley riders, in fact I’ve had some fun and hilarious ones. But it’s not hard to see how someone ridding a JDM bike they got for $2,000 off Craigslist that makes 100hp and runs flawlessly scoffing at a “lifestyle brand” selling 30k bikes with a bunch of technical drawbacks. I think it’s cool Harley still makes flawed designs just cause someone likes the sound even if I’ll never buy it especially at what they charge. The culture is also pretty damn hokey let’s be real. Like they’re definitely trying to emulate this Bikeriders movie more than Easy Rider which is lame as hell.


I've met a bit of different people. Coming from JDM to USDM and Euro and personalities are all over the place regardless of the bike so I do my best to not judge based upon the bike but the rider themselves.


My experience has been the Harley people you meet out on actual backroads are rad as hell, the Harley people you meet that have it parked outside the bar are giant douchebags.


Lol I don't really do bars so I guess I don't have to worry there. I did a cruise with 20 mini Motos on a Navi, broke down and a Harley pulled over to help right away.


You're the one in r/Harley you should be the one telling us. 😄😄


r/Harley is legitimately a good subreddit with a lot of positivity, much more so than r/motorcycles. Every other post on r/motorcycles seems to be ragging on Harleys, and I would hazard a guess that almost everyone posting negative comments has never even been on a Harley.


I know I've never been on a HD. I don't "hate" them. But a ✌🏽back would be nice. 🙃


I wave to everyone. When I'm on my Kawasaki almost everyone waves, and the ones that don't are a mix of all types of bikes, not just Harleys.


Yeah there are a couple that miss the wave but I've noticed it to be HD more often than others.


At some point in life you just stop giving Harleys a wave. Waving back is generally not their thing, which is fine, no water off our backs.


It doesn't bother me. But when they do it makes my day. Specially when I get PD on a Harley to nod or give the wave back. My mood boosts up like crazy.


Why does it make your day?


Because they normally just ignore me so when they wave back it makes me happy. I'm a simple person. Be nice and I'll be happy.


I've never had a problem or am offended with Harleys, Harley riders or the culture. Not sure wtf you're getting at?


Just your parent comment came off a bit aggressive. But hey. To each their own.


Oh now we're back peddling. Sweet. Have a good one.


You’re doing a great job at changing people’s impressions of Harley riders lol


That part. 😄


Thank you. Enjoy your weekend as well. 😉


Hate is a pretty strong word. And if it wasn't for HD we wouldn't be where we are no. So good to see a bit of the story of what got us to where we are.


You must be new here.... There's plenty of hate, yes, hate for Harleys and Harley riders.


Damn Clibbins. You do you Hoss and say hi to Barb


In the book half of them rode Triumphs.


There is a difference between "Harley Riders" and motorcyclists who ride Harley's. A Harley rider is almost a pastiche of midlife crisis, a middle management graduate, who's either recently divorced, or who is fully aware of his wife's affair with her tennis coach, but due to not having a prenup, can't divorce her or he'll lose everything. So, he over compensates by pretending to be a bad ass on his very shiny substitute sex aid, wearing denim and leather with mirror shades because that's what they did in easy rider and thinking that his daughter's college friends think he's virile and sexy, and his son's football team think he's the cool dad in the street, whereas actually, they all see him as a balding pathetic wannabe. They meet up with their golfing buddies on a Sunday morning after polishing the chrome after breakfast and ride for about an hour before missing the Aircon and heated seats in the Tesla, so head back for a quick shower, then fit in the back 9 before cocktails and dinner. The thing is, "Harley Riders" or more importantly, the mentality of "Harley Riders" don't always ride Harleys, there is an increase in them riding BMWs. In contrast, a motorcyclist who happens to ride a Harley, doesn't care what anyone actually thinks about him or her, they see the road, they feel the breeze, they ride. They may or may not have a partner, if they do, then they either hop on the back, or ride together, but if not, they have the camaraderie of all other bikers that they know they can fall back on, no questions asked, they know that irrespective of age, race, sex or colour, it's a brotherhood of the soul. The thing is, most genuine bikers/motorcyclists can see both and differentiate between them at a meer glance, even at speed.


I will probably skip it. Not exactly good PR for motorcyclist.


Lol. I guess we'll have to wait and see


Yeah it seems like a Sons Of Anarchy prequel


Such a stupid name for a movie


It’s the movie adaptation of the iconic Danny Lyon photography book with the same name. To call it anything else would be sacrilege.


Not really if you know the history. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/real-story-behind-bikeriders-danny-lyon-photography-book-inspired-it-180984579/


Honestly was one of the reasons it didn't catch my attention


As much as everyone shits on Harleys in the sub, I would expect no one would want to watch it.


There seems to be more positive than negative comments so far.