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Fuck Tik Tok. It's far more harmful than bikes.


Well said.


Funny enough I’m sure you can find even worse shit about the negative side effects of riding on Reddit lmao, but I appreciate the response anyways


Get off TikTok.


No. Watch less tik tok.


Tik Tok is cancer and Chinese Spyware. You could walk outside tomorrow and have a completely random aneurysm and drop dead right there on your porch with no prior history or risk factors to speak of just because fuck you, times up. We're not promised tomorrow, so spend today how you want.


My entire family are bikers, all of them had some close calls and some had accidents but they all wear their gear where ever they're riding, so they all made it out with minor injuries. The only person in my family that died riding was always only wearing a helmet, shorts and even flip flops. So wear your hear, even if it's a short ride, and don't overestimate yourself. Of course there's still a chance that you might die, but it's far less likely


Thank you for responding and I’m sorry for your loss, I always ride within my limits and with proper gear, do you feel like the more that you ride the easier it is for people around you to feel at ease and therefore less of a reason for yourself to think about leaving them wondering if you’re safe or not?


Thank you. And yes, with more experience you're gonna feel more safe, and the people around you will see that you've been riding a lot and haven't had problems, so they'll most likely feel better about you riding. Ride safe


Oh, friend, get your head out of those spaces ASAP! Social media that feeds on negativity is super bad for you. We are hard-wired to remember all the bad shit in the world to help us stay safe. But "safe" isn't always what we think it means, and our "safe" isn't always what others define it as being. No one ever saved someone else by wrapping themselves in bubble wrap. Get rid of those social media accounts, go get on your bike, and live your best life!!! Just LIVE LIFE.


Life is inherently risky. You may as well enjoy the ride while you're here. That said, if you feel this type of content is getting to you, I'd say either sincerely reconsider if this is the hobby for you, or simply stop consuming that type of content. Make no mistake: it has already gotten to you, and you will continue thinking about it every time you throw a leg over. Continually thinking about it will cause you to eventually have an accident. Be it subconsciously or otherwise.


When I’m out and about I don’t really dwell on it because I’m always on high alert and it’s obviously really fun and relaxing despite it all, it’s more so once I’m home and laying in bed one of these videos will pop up, or an article/Facebook post about a ride out for someone who unfortunately passed close by and it just makes me think about it and the impact it has on people around you. I was just curious if others feel the same way at times and how do they deal with it, thank you for the response


Maaan don't let yourself think this way. Wear protective gear, be smart and have no regrets about riding. There are many very old riders, I chat with the oldtimers a lot. Guys ride for decades and they are fine, some of them dont even wear gear... There is risk with anything in life and in the end we die because of the donuts and shitty food clogging our hearts. Riding smart, dressed well and not speeding is enough for you to be as safe as any other sport. People also talk this stuff to me and I tell them, I wear gear, crashed before and I still had less injuries than those assholes during their skiing trip. Compare it to skiing and how people break their legs all the time...


Enough Tik tok! Just go and have fun, be safe, take care and be good!


I commute on bike. You get over this feeling when you need to get to work everyday. Likewise, statistically, most accidents are us failing to negotiate a curve or riding with alcohol in our system. Wear gear, ride within your limits, and the chances of an act of god from another driver are slim. Oh, and be careful about intersections.


How dangerous is it really to ride motorcycles in the US? Right here it is seem mostly as just another way to commute. lol edit: So it seems that the number of fatalities per 100,000 registered motorcycles is like 6 times higher in the US compared to the EU average. god damn you guys are in trouble


It really varies by location within the US. In my area, car traffic has gotten bad enough that I avoid riding during rush hour because cars drive like absolute morons. If I ride to work, I go in late, and then head to the gym before going home in the evening so I miss the rush. When I joy ride, I take a route I know has sparse traffic. 


Much of it is many states allow no helmets, many incidents are just caused by alcohol and/or extra speeding, and a few people get too fast of a bike w/o having good throttle control or such.


Not guilty, but I'm cognizant of the safety risks. I do what's in my control to ride safely, including avoiding rush hour and wearing full gear. But at the end of the day, I enjoy riding, and life is about balancing risks. 


I feel you. That's why I don't even get out of the house.




If you fear then you should stay the fuck away from your home. Most fatal accidents, including but not limited to vehicle accidents, happens around 2 mile radius of your home. Every time you pick a fork, think about how it can be stabbed to your eye, or you can just drown in a small puddle, maybe your car’s hand brake will fail and you will die stuck between your car and the door (ref: Anton Yelchin). News and other fucking things like tiktok create sensation by making everything fearsome and exaggerated. Always in gear, always careful, always fun is my motto on the bike. Ride safe and have fun


Theres been different studies now that social media really had a negative impact on young people causing more and more anxiety. All you’ll see there is negative stuff and the algorithm will feed you more the more you look at it. People have been riding motorcycles as long or even longer than cars.


Just overall yourself be safe and responsible. Majority of the self caused deaths on motorcycles are the ones who do dumb stuff like speeding and reckless riding. (I see way more of these videos than you guys reading this in my job, which is why you don't see it. I flag and prevent it from being seen by you in my job, but some vids do still slip through) There's nothing any one rider can do about the dumbasses who drive their cars or trucks drunk or otherwise impaired. That's a risk we take every time we saddle up our iron horses. All the more reason to put safety first. Just remember this. Riding is a Privilege. It's not a Right. You are responsible for yourself regardless of what you see on the internet for posts. It sucks people lose their lives, some to dumbass drivers being distracted or impaired, or maybe they were dumbasses themselves and crashed. Just do your best to be the one who doesn't crash and not do dumbass things and always be alert to your surroundings to better prevent other dumbasses from crashing into you. Overall, don't feel guilty about riding just because of other people's misfortunes or bad decisions. Just do the best you can to be the best rider you can be, and that will lead to no guilt. Just enjoy the journey, but most of all, respect the privilege of the journey.


I've had 5 offs in my biking working/racing career. I was told its not if you fall but when you fall. The worst thing about falling is when the ambulance guys cut you out of your new leathers. Ride smart, wear a good rubber so no injuries. ( something like that)


Suck it up and ride or give it up. Bad shit happens every day. It’s life and we can’t control everything.


Get off TikTok. It's a cellpool of shit, especially involving any activity like riding motorcycles. Just remember, everyone has the same AVG helmet and has a massive lien on their Ducati. 


Fuck all that dude… ride smart and if shit happens it happens.


I got as far as "Tiktok" and couldn't read anymore. Whatever the problem is, getting rid of Tiktok will cure it.


What point is there to life if you don't spend it living?


I hate to break it to you, but you're going to die. It's guaranteed, no sense leaving a pretty corpse behind living a safe life


No, why? Learn how to ride well and the danger is minimal. If you're thinking in terms of safest times and safest routes, you need to take a rider course.


I should have elaborated but when talking about “safest” routes I usually choose to take a slightly longer route if it means avoiding expressways because in Chicago they can get pretty dodgy especially being that I’m only on a 400


Interestingly enough, highways are the safest place to be on a motorcycle because everything is moving more or less in the same direction and at similar speeds. 30 and 50 (mph) roads on the other hand see a magnitude more accidents per mile than highways because of the level road crossings and myriad opportunities to turn on and off the road. Thus, taking B roads to avoid highways for the sake of safety is counterproductive. If you don't feel confident in traffic, take a rider course.


We’re all doomed.


You don’t owe anyone anything, if somebody makes you feel selfish for riding a bike you probably need to have a conversation about boundaries. If you’re just trying to mitigate the risk then there are some many other things you can min max which you might conveniently avoid. I bet if you clean up your diet, exercise routine, sleep schedule etc you’ll cover the risk difference between being a cager and a biker 5 times over.


Like I said it’s not so much other people around me making me feel selfish but more so myself questioning myself if I’m being selfish by willingly choosing to do something that while is a lot of fun could end up with me being hurt and therefore them having to lose someone over something so avoidable, obviously I don’t see myself giving it up but more so asking if other people feel that sentiment at all, thank you for responding


They’d respect you more if you did what you wanted. Giving up something you love for someone else puts a lot of pressure on that person, as well. They gotta see your heartbroken face and forlorn longing gaze every time you see a motorcycle


Ah well, then I think your logic, while coming from place of compassion, is wrong. If they are not making you stop riding and understand the risks - you have to respect their agency. You feeling bad for them feeling bad in the hypothetical situation of your crash creates an unnecessary burden that neither of you should carry. If you like riding and your family is okay with you riding, the philosophizing should end there.