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That would mostly depend on what bike you're looking at. Though asking for maintenance records is a good place to start as is inspecting the bike, particularly the rubber bits for rot and underneath for leaks. As for what you should ask... As long as you are healthily sceptical anything you want, just don't expect the whole truth. The seller's motivation often forces lies.


https://youtu.be/VKGZdsIkLog?si=IA4xFZCHIj0GL8Q This resource from Fortnine is great!


Before you ever even head to look at bike, make sure you ask if it has a clean title in hand and when the last time it was ran. They may lie about these, but if someone gives you a book about not having the title stop and do not pass go. No title, no sale.


Thanks, I appreciate the heads up!!


Make sure the bike is cold when you get there. So you can check how it starts and runs from a cold start. Check the tyres for wear, and check the manufacture date on them. Ask for the maintenance records. And apart from that just a general inspection of the bike. Look over it thoroughly for damage, leaking fluids, and if the chain and sprocket are worn. Worn tyres, chain, and sprocket are not deal breakers but can be a reason to negotiate the price down. My trick is to take a small flashlight and take my time to go over it. If you look over at the owner a couple of times and maybe just ask a couple of questions he can often reveal any issues with the bike. Or just generally look nervous which can tell you there is an issue somewhere.


Do you have enough money for safety gear? A helmet and a leather jacket is not enough.


My budget is the price of a new 2024 bike but obviously have taken into account gear which is why im going for a used bike. Thanks for the input, even if it was off topic…. Appreciate the concern though!