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Gotta give the road dog bigger legs


Track cyclists. Serious competitors have tree trunk quads. My old friend would strap into his and downhill. No brakes, no release clips.


But think about the aerodynamics!




Do you like my drawing? It’s quite generous…


Suddenly always sunny


Shaved bulging dog legs?


With an aero suit on


As someone who primarily road bikes: I can't build stronger legs, if my calves get any larger I'll lose even more aerodynamic efficiency.


Clearly you need to evolve yourself some active aero on your legs. I recommend 30mg plutonium lotion per leg, applied twice a day for two weeks.


Well… That’s a bold move! You will definitely shed a lot of weight when they remove your radiation poisoned legs, but you may find it harder to pedal.


Titanium legs are lighter than the stock legs


Made me remember that Star Fox pilots theory


you shave your legs, that brings 0.1 Watt....if you ride 5000 km with an average of 45 km/h you can even measure the difference


"Get stronger legs"? Don't you mean "get a bike with a motor"?


How did he know this shit if he ain't roadieng POSER 🤣


Hello, police? I’d like to report a murderer.


Every time I blow passed one of these "bikers" on my electric unicycle I laugh at them getting "exercise" 🤣 the future is now old man!


Tour de France is the televised e-bike race


I read an article about a company that rent out road bikes with motor and the small battery can't be seen. And a lot proud folks who tell their story how they could beat much younger riders on the mountain (yeah when I get a +200 Watt to my own power....I can also beat people). But they were actually proud of it.


or hear me out, BOTH?! 🤯


I get one because I don’t have the other /s


Sad thing is. I am exactly both of these. Burly enduro bike on every trail bringing all sorts of extra stuff. While also being a weight weiny on my road bike taking the second bottle cage off for weight savings. Two different styles of riding. One for jumps and rips in the woods, the other to see how fast and far you can go.


Might have been true before e-bikes. I joined a group ride last week where 8 out of the 12 riders where on e-bikes.


For real. Also so many people on here even without e bikes talk about not enjoying the climb, just slow rolling up the fire road so they can get to the descent. “I just move aside on my climb despite the standard etiquette so they can enjoy the descent, and hope others will do the same for me”. I know it’s a big community but there’s a loud subset who very much do NOT embrace the challenge. (Which is ok, it’s fine to like what you like)


Finishing a challenging climb is very rewarding. Long climbs to the top of a hill are super chill too. Almost as chill as downhills. Almost


When you get to the points of the hill where it’s just a mild to moderate incline and you can actually catch your breath while still working at it, that’s the satisfying part.


When the 5% slope is a relief lol. So true.


I would much prefer people e-biking up a trail than some of my favorite downhills having road access to the top. 


I just want e-bikes to tag their Strava rides as e-bike rides. There’s so many around here clogging up the analog leaderboards. A 60 something year old woman currently holds the QOM on a local climb, beating 7200 other women including a pro. Lol I know they can be reported, but it would be nice for them to tag it appropriately in the first place.


Doing a hard sport just to find shortcuts is really sad.


Not really, some people like going uphill, some people like going downhill, some people like techy sections, some people like really smooth flowy trails. As long as everyone is having a good time who really cares?


I like all parts of biking, climbing, descending, sweating. It's fun!


Congrats here’s your medal 🏅


HELL YES BROTHER LIGHTWEIGHT BABY 🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆


Tbh I haven't met one mtb rider who doesn't like going DH. Every beginner who gets into it also says "I like going downhill I don't really like the climbs" (basically a dead giveaway for beginners) So guy you're replying to has a point, a ton of people are just looking for shortcuts to one of the biggest challenges of mountain biking. But yes you're right if they're enjoying it, sure, who cares end of the day.


I do, it pisses me off


If you’re not competing it’s more of a hobby than a sport


I don’t race. I’m always competing against myself, though.


And sports can't be hobbies? Come on fella. No need for the elitism


I mean I think those people are just choosing to do a different subset of the sport. And it’s fine. But it’s funny in the context of the meme


That is fine, until it starts to affect access for all bikes because ebikers ignore the rules. "No ebike" signs up at my local parks, but half the bikes there are ebikes. Dogs are supposed to be leashed at all times but since there's no enforcement you have to rely on people to follow the rules. Wildlife attacks an unleashed dog, then the wildlife gets removed from the Earth. That's not right.


That I agree with. I’m just saying that if some folks walk up to zoom down or whatever - if their hobby is just riding down hills - I’m not going to hold that against them, we like what we like. They don’t have to enjoy what I enjoy. (I too have for sure been annoyed by e-bike and trail dog poor etiquette a few times)


Not everyone wants to min/max their life. Plus, for a lot of folks it’s not a sport we could do otherwise. Especially after getting Covid. My lungs will never recover 100% from that. I just wanna have fun.


Your perspective may vary. I had a quadruple bypass 6 months ago with complications. I purposely purchased a non e bike so I can fight the sweet fight. Build back my crap endurance and go slay some hills. Being able to keep up with my kids on a climb makes the recovery worthwhile.


Well yeah, everyone is different. My immune system went a lil screwy and attacked my GI system and brain, and Covid left me with a fun thing called POTS. Some days I’m left with either zero energy, puking my brains out, or seeing stars from the resulting migraine and have to go home. There’s a chance I could be better in a few months, but it could take a few years. Or I might just never get better, we don’t know. E-bikes make cycling accessible for me, and if I’m having a good day I can turn the assist down or off and have a normal (albeit heavy) bike.


ride on brother


E-bike helped me recover. Still have ebike, but tuned assist lower and I'm grabbing my regular bike more often now. As long as you can keep enjoying the trails, there is hope.




Calm down.


I feel like the people who say this don't have jobs or families. Or bum knees. Or back problems. For a whole lot of people, probably the majority, the choice isn't riding ebike or analog. The choice is ebike or nothing at all. The really sad part is looking down on people for how they have fun when it doesn't affect you. Get over yourself.


How are you equating having a job and family as needing an Ebike? Or that the majority of riders have the choice of Ebike or nothing? Like E bikes are fine and I have no beef but those are both wild claims to make and exaggerating like that makes you seem less credible


Didn’t say majority of riders, said majority of people. As in, if we want to open the sport to people who would love it, but lack the time or fitness to do it on an analog bike… e-bikes are an answer there. Or at least part of an answer.  I ride an analog bike. I can do it because I have miles of trails literally right outside my front door, and miles more behind my back door. If I had to drive half an hour or an hour to get to trails, I’d only be able to ride on weekends, and then only for an hour tops. At that rate I’m never getting fit enough to enjoy climbing. Yeah theres gyms or running for general fitness but that supplements bike time, it doesn’t replace it.


The majority of people have the option to not mountain bike and that's it. If anything more people are priced out by E bikes than by being too injured or having more important commitments. I still have no problem with E bikes or the sport being accessible but counting billions of people as suddenly being able to mountain bike because they're electric is silly and still undermines your own arguments. E Bikes are fine for people who need/want them full stop, you don't need billions of imaginary bikers to back up that point. This dude just has different priorities and is being inconsiderate of others and making groundless points to appeal to his emotion isn't going to change his mind an inch.


Let’s be honest. We want enough people to discover mtb for it to be sustainable with respect to a healthy marketplace, product innovation, and sufficient trail access. More than that, and we turn our noses up at the “newbies” who are ruining the “culture”. In all seriousness, with e bikes, people are accessing trails that previously required a lot of commitment to fitness and technical skill just to be able to ride. As a result, you get newbies on highly capable bikes that now have the ability to ride in a manner that is dangerous or disrespectful to other trail users, and damaging to trail systems. This can cause reputational harm to all mountain bikers, and the veterans of the sport now feel the need to “gatekeep”. With COVID, something like this happened with fishing. People suddenly had a lot of free time on their hands, a fishing setup could be had at Walmart for little money, and outdoor activities were encouraged. Suddenly, the good fishing spots all got blown, were overfished, and were littered with cigarette butts and tackle. The (local to me?) reputation of anglers as responsible stewards of the environment was destroyed. Of course I get stoked when people show interest in my hobbies; it makes me feel good to be the “expert” in this context. It also feels good to find novel ways to accommodate those for whom barriers to access are otherwise a problem. It’s a matter of educating the new arrivals to the sport, I suppose.


I think this right here sums it up pretty well


The more difficult the climb, the sweeter the reward IMO. Glad there’s out there that value the uphill. Honestly, that’s the best part about MTB is there are so many different areas of enjoyment which fit all walks of life.


Same in parts of Utah. Despite signs that don’t allow e-bikes on any single track


Then there’s me, on my old lugged steel ten speed that weighs as much as an e-bike lol, christ I hate carrying it up stairs


Road or MTB group ride? I try not to gatekeep and be inclusive, but good grief


I’ve seen a bunch of dudes on e-bikes without helmets, idk what’s going on.


Sounds like natural selection


I understand e-bikes for commuting to the office or cargo. I'll never understand e-bikes for road cycling as sport.


Look my front wheel did not disintegrate! (yet)


The real chads are the guys that ride rigid drop bar mountain bikes and do the distance road bikers do, riding their 100lb loaded bike on singletrack with no motor or assistance.




I do this with flat bars and I have no clue how they do it!


Bmxers: Am I a joke to you?


Dont even start with slopestyle riders


The famous bmx background®


We don’t need gears, suspension, brakes, or dropper posts dammit


My wife's boyfriend borrowed my mountain bike. He returned it with a carbon water bottle cage.


How does carbon Water taste? 


More like dh or enduro, xc riders can be worse than road bikers at times


take my upvote, i'm a xcm MTB'er but I need to drive 2 hours to have some elevation. So I ride my road bike alot for training. And weight matters if you are going to ride uphill on your MTB in a 4 hour race.


Oh yeah, sometimes i hate to ride with my XC friends who wear Spandex suits and SPD pedals in the middle of the forest tryharding climbs being pissed at me for having to wait until i climb myself. But then on the downhill parts they either don't want to do the harder stuff even tho they have a way better spec bikes then me or they do them off the bike/extremely slowly. Like its a 180 mentality between me and them, i want to go down an unending descent, they want to climb an unending ascent.


Sounds like gravel grinders that bought the wrong bike


This needs to go in r/MTB instead haha. That sub somehow has so many more cocky, snobby, ignorant meat heads of the mountain biking world. 


It’s the saltiest adventure sport sub on Reddit, which is saying something 😂


But you forget, they don't allow any photos which aren't people riding bikes


Ah yes that’s true. 


What the hell is pedaling


The leggy whirl to make bike forward


Is that what it’s called when the shuttle takes me to the top?


Dunno man, I was either riding down or walking up, idk nothing about that leg swirly thing


I hear you need a chain to pedal. I haven’t used one in ages. What’s even the point?


Don’t mountain bikers either have e-bikes or push uphill? 🤣


They just hop on a ski lift. 


where has this Roadie bullshit about a lack of strength come from anyway? Yeah, we're weight conscious but all the Roadies I know are obsessed with Climbing, pushing big watts and how much they can deadlift in the gym...


As someone who is primarily a roadie - take my upvote and GTFO


OTOH I am good with a 20 mile MTB route while my road biking friend casually rides 100 miles for something to do on a Saturday


Gravel is the unloved child with both of these as parents


I’m gonna say this real quick. Cross country.


The only people that should be that worried about grams are drug dealers and Olympians


Tell you what though road biking has made me walk on people uphill everytime I mountain bike now. Blows my mind how out of shape most people are that mountain bike.


What are you if you like both road and mtb


But also, roadies who take up mtbing and can’t seem to compute that weight pedantry is stupid


Depends on the discipline. I replaced the tires from Minions to Ikon/Ardent Race and the bike is so much quicker and more responsive, but I don't ride on steep berms and stuff where grip matters.


100%. Run appropriate tires for your bike. Fast tires are addictive on the right bike, even as someone that loves dual ply tires on my enduro bike. They'll teach you proper brake control and cornering technique which will make you faster on DH tires.


>Ibis just released a new Ripmo that's 0.5 lbs lighter, excuse me while I go pay $7,500 to upgrade from last year's model.


Lol the hosts on GBN are so skinny! One dude is like 7 feet tall and 160lbs! Like wtf!


meanwhile the embn dude...


That's NormalBiker from YouTube?


no not quite, steve jones.


Hey hey, not allowed to shit on seniors here, dude is what, 75 yo? LOL


[what road bikers think about mountain bikers](https://imgur.com/a/RgyHLi1)


Thats because their mind is already busy thinking about how cool their wife's boyfriend!


Jerker located.


I don't really get these memes, why does it have to be one or the other? I like both MTB and road riding, and gravel above all. And there's more categories of MTB as well, XC racers are definitely concerned about weight.


The circlejerk sub has breeched containment


It’s just meant to have fun bruh, not meant to be life changing.


> gravel Git’m boys!


>and gravel above all Well that explains it (/s) Being serious, if there is anything, a sport or otherwise, where there are 2 main disciplines, even if the division is blurred, of course they are going to joke about the other one. That doesn't mean they hate each other, just they prefer their discipline and want to have a laugh about it, and I don't think there's anything wrong with that. For example, in sailing there's dinghy and yacht sailing, which are very different sports, and despite the fact the division is somewhat blurred and they both enjoy each other's sports, and would rather people do that than other sports, they still relentlessly mock each other, and that's fine, cause it's light hearted and funny


Heh I like the gravel comment xD


I hate roadbiking. My adhd can't handle the monotony of it. I'm happy there are people who enjoy both though.


Yeah I can see what you mean. I need pretty specific roads to enjoy it, in the countryside, or in the forest, lots of turns and varied elevation and views. I can't stand riding behind 3 guys in a straight line for 4 hours.


Good luck finding elevation in the Netherlands on open roads 😉


Not that near :) there's plenty of hills in Slovenia, I have to carefully pick my routes if I _don't_ want climbing.


Oh yeah for sure. You seems to have everything over there. Waterfalls mountains and endless forests to explore.


Forests are my favourite :)


I’ve said many times that if I didn’t live in a hilly, countryside, low traffic area, there’s no way I’d be a roadie. But as it is, I f’kn love it. Went down to the beach last week and said out loud “riding a bike down here would be boring as shit”


I think the straight lines is a US thing? Because in Germany there is almost never a straight line.


I'm closer to you than USA, there aren't any straight lines here either, but a roadies tend to stick to main roads with full of traffic, which isn't my jam.


Here it's not the case. I see a lot of roadies in the back streets with no or almost no cars. But I'm also in an area with lots of good roads for riding that aren't full of traffic. MTB however isn't really fun here because you are extremely limited where to ride. You're only allowed to ride on forest paths that are at least 2m wide unless they are official trails and there are almost no official trails.


I'm closer to you than USA, there aren't any straight lines here either, but a roadies tend to stick to main roads with full of traffic, which isn't my jam.


It will be always funny mate. I'm riding road and enduro, I jokr about both categories out of fun, depends with who am I talking.


I suppose you're right. It's all in jest after all.


How do you feel about triathletes?


They're better than I am for sure.


XC racers are just gravel grinders that bought the wrong bike. Gravel is a way to build a road. Therefore XC is still road riding.


Meh. I race XC, ride a lot of road, race Duathlon, and I have no interest in gravel. The fun part about road is ripping around at high speed, and trying to get PRs on climbs. The fun part about mtb is going up the super steep stuff, then managing grip coming downhill and doing some technical features. And the pump track! Gravel is kind of like slow road or nontechnical mtb. I just don’t care. Also, people will say under-biking is fun, but IMO under-biking kind of sucks.


Mtb guys get annoyed if they see a car when crossing a road on a 300km trip. Meanwhile roadies inhale the fumes of a tractor straight from the exhaust for an hour to drive in the wind shadow. Oh no my contact patch is the size of a jelly bean gotta pump up my tires to 15 bar. Why did I crash in that slight bend with slightly wet conditions??? Meanwhile the mud crusted MTB pilots are happy that the feet got only slightly wet on that river crossing. Roadies marvel at the nature that is around when it's all just fields. Mtb guys jump with the mountain goats over the rocks and wonder if it's a new species of mushroom they found... again. This unbiased report is entirely the whole truth.


This is hilarious. I did a Zwift mtb training plan (on a road bike) and it fuckin launched me on the trails. I took off my water bottle cage while in the trainer bc it was too much weight at first……


I’m into bike touring so subscribe to neither clan. But is this serious? Mountain bikers; who have shuttles, chairlifts and electronic motors as an ingrained part of their sport telling road riders to ‘get stronger legs’? Or is this a circle jerk?


I think the meme is describing a traditional mountainbiker, wich is closer to XC riding.


XC riders are at least as bad as roadies when it come to weight weenie-ism


While this mountain biker vs. road biker garbage is funny satire to experienced cyclists, it often gives the wrong impression to beginner mountain bikers. Road cycling is in no way lame. Plus, I've seen my fair share of gear snobs, and they're evenly spread across any type of cycling, be it on pavement or off it.


The best mountain bikers are also road bikers. Even the downhill guys understand the benefits of road riding.


weight doesn't matter when shuttle to the trailhead lmao


Lol, you mean, "Let's go to the park with a chairlift" or "let's put the bikes in my friend's pickup truck and drive them to the top"?


Idk most mountain bikers, i see have ebikes


Or rear cogs the size of dinner plates


Hey man that cog is nice when you’re peddling up a wall


Not true. In XC rolling resistance, weight and aero play a key role.


MTBers are hilariously less powerful and in shape than road cyclists. I do both and there’s just zero chance anyone from the mtb group is going to consistently maintain high watt output for any distance beyond 10miles.


Because riding 40 miles on smooth asphalt sounds like the most fucking boring activity imaginable


I do both and they appeal for different reasons. Neither is boring to me.


Watching a road biker trying to mountain bike is fucking funny though. And yes, that does make me feel superior.


Have you watched Tom Pidcocks MTB race?


Pidcock is the exception rather than the rule though.


Pidcock is a mountain biker who road races.


I know. Excels at both.


I thought all MTB are electric now /s.


I also ride my 1990’s trek road bike as if I just learned how to bicycle, I know a few road guys turned mtb that are still big parts nerds. Just depends on the person. Mtbers have basically accepted 29ers because they “just make everything so easy” while I’m trying to have F U N on my 27.5’s (Yes, I know tall guys like 29ers, at 5.6 it feels like riding a unicycle idc how good the geo is, give me 27.5)


As if MTBers don’t care about weight or pedal efficiency… we’re the fucking ones going up dirt slopes!


Ha, I know plenty of mountain bikers who act like road bikers and worry about how heavy their mountain bike is. It's a 150mm travel bike, it's going to be heavy. That titanium bottle cage isn't doing anything.


They do have some complexes. I also do mtb


It's different sports. Both have they're place and there's snobs in both.


This is true IRL but if you look at this subreddit you'd think you need a $2000 full suspension to roll over a log.


This tribalistic idea that if you're one, you can't be the other is stupid. Everyone I know does at least some of both. Also, the reflexive "if you wear Lycra you suck" attitude of the enduro bros irritates me.


Didn’t downhill racers start riding in an aero onesie recently


its always the mtbers, never the roadies who judge. why?


I’m doing a 270 mile bike ride this summer on a 15kg full suspension 29er with 2.8 chunky tyres and couldn’t be more excited for it. I don’t think I’m better than anyone, I just don’t care for a couple extra kg and more rolling resistance. It still goes when I pedal 😂 I’ll just pedal harder.


Mountainbikers have exactly the same problem !


It sucks being the slowest dentist in my lakefront neighborhood. I missed the pre order on SWORKS… I’m gonna KMS!! 😭 My son will be without a father, my wife’s boyfriend will be without a barbecue pal 😭😭😭


This but then you show up on a dirt jumper and all the mountain bikers start saying you’ll die trying to pedal it anywhere Just get stronger legs


I put 30 psi in my tires like 2 months ago. They are probably at around 23-24 psi rn. Yesterday I rode from Maryland to DC and back. The urban mtb in dc is pretty good.


Hell yeah! Get that pump going




Back in the day roadbikes weren't a thing in my country and my family perceived bikes as "bigger and more off-roady it is, better" so they have gotten me a biggest mountain bike they could find and we used to live in a very very inclined city and me being 11 at the time spent ungodly amount of time riding that not knowing it was incredibly unoptimal especially for a 11 year old, now fast forward to 11 years now I have incredibly thick and strong thighs/legs that can crush watermelon, thanks mom, at least all the effort wasn't for nothing.


It’s not a complex if it’s true


I'm pretty chubby, but my legs are two tree trunks of solid muscle.


I love cycling, but I avoid "clubs" or "groups" of whatever, absolutely no one can tell me that I am "better" or "worse" because I like road cycling, that foolishness of many people is the only thing I could say I don't love about cycling. Dislike (x99) for this type of "funny" memes


Says the ones who take ski lifts to the top of the trail


I’m upvoting you just because you spelled pedaling right


Nah son, real road bikeing gives you the proper efficient "biking" technique to be better. U dont see nino shurter winning road races stages. But tom pidcock?


Haha!! Most mountain bikers get off and push!


Just lift, get jacked, weigh 220, buy steel bikes, don’t care about weight.




Went from MTB to Road and my advice is get the bigger sprocket, pedal like its your last marathon and feed them dust


Hu? Most Mountainbikers I know take the lift up


MTB? Is that the pseudo competitive sport that gets cleaned up by a British road cyclist every time he bothers showing up to an event?


I enjoy my mtb and as a new rider (been years since i lost road far) as i can go off road and on road. i ride roughly 30-50miles on my mtb and safe to say i am dead at the end of it but i enjoy the outdoors and different scenery i can take on my mtb. i used to have a road bike and got bored of the same roads and cars passing dangerously.


is completely freaked out by taking any weight off the bike uses disc brakes


We Mountainbikers are just built different


Sorry, roadies. This is just funny:)


I feel like we might be eating crow on this meme, cause there is only very few serious toad bikers who even consider getting a bike with an engine :(


Some other riders were talking about watts the other day and I was like 'wtf is a watt'


Well, mountain bikers get injured more so there’s that


Just wait till you meet the old man that shows up at the velodrome on a 1980’s steel Raleigh with some bulletproof super heavy velocity rims and busts out a sub 11 second 200m like it’s nothing. Some of those old heads at the track swear by their dinosaur gear- always a crew at my track rocking 20 pound corimas that cost them ten grand


Wow. Never knew there were so many petty bike snobs around! Seems exhausting tbh. Just enjoy the ride.


The road biker's paradox: giant legs are the ultimate goal, but they are neither light nor areo.


And the career bike messengers look like they've been through the apocalypse, live on cigarettes and cheap booze, and are faster than everyone else.


My advice to the weight weenies.. quit chasing grams, just take a big dump 💩.


Is it even a complex if it’s true? 🧐 My mtb buddies seems to have little issues with their own masculinity, and often do nice jokes on the gay side of bromance, in a sweet, tender loving way. Meanwhile, I had some roadie colleagues (for a very short while) who seemed quite preoccupied with calling each other faggots and being misogynistic. This was a stark contrast, and kinda funny to hear from these armless skinny leg shaving lycra boys (😘) I know that I’m generalizing hard! -This is just my anecdotal experience and I know mtb riders can be pricks too! Truly hoping to one day meet a roadie who isn’t!