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There are powers in this game some consider... Unnatural. https://greendoggaming.com/guides/how-to-divorce-unmarry-in-mount-and-blade-bannerlord/


Do console commands disable achievements?




They do, same as sandbox


Is it possible to learn these powers?


Not from a vanilla playthrough.


Bannerlord may be a prequel, but Jeremus still exists in spirit-form. Instead of dying like you'd expect her to do, she instead just gets knocked unconscious.


Love it hahaha


PS, also had the same issue with Tara in another game, figured she was a bug but when it happened the second time I came here


wtf how did you become a serial wife-killer?


They stop making more clan members to give land


you can just send them away maybe? or stay away from them? :D


The answer is yes and no but it's also very frustrating and very complicated, i will share my dreadful attempts on PS4 but hear me out first. It seems that we on consoles suffer the most with wives not dying. Yes this gets asked alot but sadly none of the possible set ups or solutions work and that's because; Battle death chance is extremely low to begin with that it doesn't even work after the update. I have done it trying all of the suggested methods for at least five hours until i gave up like stripping my wife naked then throwing a javelin to the head while galloping at full speed in a battle many times. She even got couche lanced to the face by vlandian charges in many of my battles but she is always wounded. Then there's the best optimal method that requires you to create a party with your wife in a hostile territory while setting her AI to aggressive, which is easy enough. Your wife is captured very soon and now is roting in a dungeon, you can't waste anytime because for some reason Lienna breaks out within a day, but even if you managed to align the stars right, even if you have kicked all of the troops from your party in order to be discreet, you simply can't sneak in the town to do the failed prison break to let your wife die because the guards always recognize you. I joke you not even when iam at clan tier 2 the guards always recognize me. So good luck with that. I can't bother to kill my wife before clan tier 2 because i have to have her give me 5 children at least before i consider killing her, the clan tier 2 comes passively because i have to earn some money via tournaments to start leveling my smithing in the early game and utilizing the stamina regen wait time to get the pregnancy notification. The only way for this to work is to have high Rougery skill, which isn't the part of my build sadly because iam already heavily dedicated into social and intelligence skills in all of my playthrough so that's not going to happen either, so if you are going for Cunning traits like scout and trade then go for Rougery as well. The only other solution that doesn't require you to build your character in a specific way, which thankfully works for us console Bannerlords is,, save scuming when your wife is about to deliver a baby. After several reloads the notification will pop up that your wife has died in the child birth. But you have to plan for it at the beginning of your game. Save scum until your wife dies in your fourth child birth before having a 5th child because the chances of her getting pregnant after the fifth child are literally impossible, at least in my playthroughs. The same is true about my brother and his wife so i will have to start a new game to do my companions and family members only with no troops world conquest. Iam afraid nothing of the above will help you either because you are at the point where your wife can't be pregnant so no death while child birthing or because you don't have high Rougery to do the failed prison break then there's one last alternative that works like a charm but at the tremendous cost of your reputation so if you don't care about negative traits ,negative relations and don't mind other lords for wanting to kill you, if they don't kill you then they also won't join your kingdom later so if you don't mind those then the following is for you. Capture an enemy lord that has many friends and execute him/her, preferably either fake butter lord Derthert or Caladog, this will entice the members of his clan and friends to hate you and want you dead. Now go to a hostile territory of who's clan member you have excecuted and make a party of your naked wife without a horse while setting her AI to aggressive. They will capture your wife in no time and return the favor by executing your wife. Edit: Iam sorry if this was hard to read but i was at work while writing this so i will format this later to make it easier to read and understand.


After a few hours of loading the same week over and over on a new game, and by a few I mean 5 god damned hours. My new wife simply WILL NOT die in childbirth. Even tried getting her wounded through the birth on multiple occasions. We seriously need a way to henry the XIII these ladies.


Yeah i feel that because i have done that, usually childbirth has a fair chance that your wife will die and it has worked for me before, but sadly it's pure RNG gamble and it's vastly different experience from one player to another. At this rate i think the best thing we both can do is to wait for the update to come to consoles, it will include some cheats and i hope heroes death is one of them, i will have to start another playthrough for my family and companion only playthrough as with my current save i can only field almost 30 clan members which won't be enough.


Yea spent most of the day loading, accepted i was just gonna live with her, then got the idea to go to the retreat.... gave up my character thinking "hey maybe this will work" should have looked into it. They were still married and i lost my character completely....


Honestly though, I'd rather a cheat that impregnates and causes twins than to become a widow 20 times. Just imagine the giants created by an army of 30-50 children with Svana


That would be hilarious and amazing at the same time haha. You would have three parties (four if you get the 250 leadership perk) all four children with maxed out Steward and Leadership, add some kingdom policies and clan tier 6 to increase the maximum amount of troops that they can muster. Man you will have an army only with your clan that requires no influence to clean the map for you. Then the rest go to be captains specialized in every military formation, after that is done the rest of your overpowered children can become your personal body guards with the best armour that money can buy and best weapons that can be made by your legendary smith child!


Please, don't forget the ones raised simply to be stewards *ahem* govenors


Haha almost forgot the children that will be raised as governers. Mostly i don't need them because you can set polices to take care of loyalty, security and militia but they do come handy for finishing and fully upgrading the towns so why not. Have those specialized governers to be maxed out at engineering so they can help finish the projects faster. Also with a selection of perks you can have a governer hold an unbreakable prison from which lords can't escape, let that governor sit at your capital where you throw your noble prisoners as you take their lands. That makes it so you don't bother leveling Scout and Riding very high yourself, leaving room for your main character to specialize in other desired skills. Family really is OP if you grind and plan it out from the beginning of the game haha. 😂


There's an exploit that works on PS4/PS5 which allows you to call your former main character that you retired back to the party and give him a role. Retired character must have at least 30 Rougery and shouldn't have Merciful trait. That way you can take over an alley in the towns, you should have the option to assign him there and then you can call him back to the party.


No, easily the best I've heard, thank you, I try to avoid executions as I prefer to be a merciful lord, but maybe next play through I'll give it a go unless console cheats work it out before then. But for now, my two brothers and I have a combined 15 children, all males, so... My line is safe and my options for an heir vast ( still going to be my firstborn though).


Only way is to chop off her head she is obviously a vampire and normal means of attack doesn't work or pierce her heart


I typed this into Google to help you and all I got was a visit from the police.


is clan member death on in the campaign options?


Thanks, using console so I can't use commands. And the guide literally told me to do what I've been doing. I appreciate the comment and help though


Another note, previous characters I had 0 issue, maybe four battles wives died. I had a character that had over 6 wives. I'm not doing anything different so really I'm wondering was it patched somehow


This reminds me of the time playing the campaign mode that my brother had like 4 wives die during childbirth and my wife is over here pumping out heirs for me at age 19 no problem 💀


It does happen took me like 20 resets, I just saved before a battle


You need counseling man


Same thing happened to me. Took an insurance on my wife, but she refuses to die.