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"Squeal like a pig." I was way too young to be watching Deliverance with my parents.


There's no right age to watch Deliverance with your parents, I found out.


Deliverance is so fucking good oh my god


Yeah first thing I thought of was "squeeeal for me BOI, SQUEEL LIKE A PIGGY" so I'm glad to see this pretty high up the list


Bahahahaha oh no I’m so so sorry that’s terrible and also tragically hilarious


Gummo The whole movie


And Kids.


Kids feels no where near as helpless and nihilistic as GUMMO. And that's saying something.


I concur. Kids has some uncomfortable scenes, but since I was I believe in college when I first saw it, it was otherwise entertaining. Gummo just leaves you feeling wrong in every way possible.


Oh, I shut off Gummo when it got to the little girl talking about her dad. Fuck that shit.


Like 90% of Hard Candy lol


I was not prepared for that movie when I first saw it. I was in middle school and thought it would be like a teen revenge story but holy hell I was not ready for that


I bought it on dvd because I liked the cover. I watched it, was in awe, then put it back on with cast commentary. Such a brilliant film for just 2 actors (basically) and one setting.


Came here for this - that movie was so fuckin brutal


That scene in Wind River. I don’t even like talking about it


Yep. Great movie, but god fucking dammit that whole third act is intense and the scene your talking about is very hard to watch.


Which scene in particular are you referring to? I've seen the movie, but I can't picture it. I remember most of the ending (might have to spoiler tag it).


It involves a bed. That scene also upset me.




I’m actually glad that OP asked this question and I was able to see that other people had the same reaction to this as I did. That scene pops into my head randomly and makes me want to vomit each time. I’ve never had such a visceral reaction to a movie before, there was just something about it that was incredible traumatising.


“Why you flanking me?”


“You didn’t see it??”


He was yelling for his life, but she didn't listen 😭


That was pretty good, yeah. The whole scene just oozes tension, because nobody knows what's going on. Excellent movie.


That scene and the Rape scene(s) in The Last Duel really upset me for a little bit. The Wind River one especially broke my heart. :(


Should I not watch this with my wife? Just use spoiler tags to let me know


Well, it's not a typical Disney film, let's put it that way....


I certainly wouldn't. *Especially* if either of you have any instances of sexual abuse in your pasts.


I've seen some vile stuff, Irreversible, A Serbian Film, etc. but that scene in Wind River still bothers me to this day...


I think it’s because the other films you mentioned are just SO over the top. Like of course those things do happen, but the way they’re filmed is almost a step removed from reality, whereas the scene in Wind River seems more true to life of how rape happens.


I wanted to kill all of them


So glad the ringleader got it the way he did.


Am I an unfeeling monster for not remembering this scene?


Yes, this one.


I went into a random action movie and came out in awe.


I wouldn't call that an action movie. It's more of a thriller/murder mystery.


Good movie though


Watching that scene with my mom was rough


The tunnel scene in Irreversible


I get uncomfortable because of an anecdote that happened to me. I was in physical therapy, a reaction where my body was super tense after losing my mom to cancer, and I had bonded with the guy who was a nurse practitioner. I was telling him how I was a filmmaker in L.A. and he asked if I'd seen any good movies and I said "Climax, by Gaspar Noe. I don't even know if I liked it but I felt like I had experienced something, almost like I was high for the last 45 minutes." Living in L.A., I thought everyone was familiar with cinema so I said "He was the director who did Irreversible. Where the woman gets raped for ten minutes straight." His eyes got wide and he got uncomfortable and I felt myself smile because it was so awkward. And then every appointment on, HE NEVER MADE EYE CONTACT OR ACKNOWLEDGED ME again. I guess in his head, I was getting off on some horrible pornography. Every time people mention that film, I get a flashback to that social awkwardness.


When I saw this movie, I was in college, and my friend at the time had just got a vaporizer for Marijuana. Let me tell you. Watching Irreversible when you're higher than you've ever been is NOT advisable. Everything about that movie felt like a violation.


Personally I think it was made a very long scene on purpose, precisely to make the viewer feel violated.


The whole point of the production of that movie was to attack the senses. For the first half of the movie there’s a constant hidden frequency used in the audio that is known to cause nausea/tension/uneasiness. Same kind of sound frequency they use in weapons to disperse riots.


Gaspar Noe did that during "Enter the Void" and I literally got a headache and had to take a nap. Then I rewatched the entire movie from the start because I hated having to see it in two pieces. I had to watch "Lux Æterna" with my eyes squinted 'cause just scrolling through, I felt sick for an hour. In fact, I Googled the movie so I could copy and paste the title and the trailer began to play on its IMDb and even with just one second, I now feel sick. He's kind of a jerk as a filmmaker.


Well I'm hearing impaired so I'm immune to that. I felt violated nonetheless.


It's in the making of. The scene is intended to feel long and more uncomfortable than necessary. The penis showing at the end is digital.


It worked. I have never been able to watch that movie again.


That scene feels like it goes on forever and I guess that’s the whole point of it…


That movie gave me PTSD.


Fire extinguisher scene also


Any detailed rape scene is pretty rough to sit through. Think I Spit On Your Grave was the first one I ever saw and it’s still really disturbing to think about. Always meant to see what the actors who did that scene went on to say about it later


Funnily enough they had a hard time casting some of the actors who would be involved in that scene. They got the female role cast fairly easy but found it difficult to find multiple guys who were happy to play the rapists. In the end the idea is that what they did was so bad you cheer for her as she kills them in revenge


That kid being murdered in Dr Sleep. That was really uncomfortable.


It's just so fucking sad. And the thing is, you almost want to have some level of sympathy for the energy vampires up until that scene. But that scene sets the stakes for the movie and shows you who you're dealing with. They weren't just surviving. They were revelling in what they were doing. Watching it is heartbreaking.


Yeah, I was honestly mostly in thier corner up to that point. What a dark fucking scene.


Oh yeah... that one even horrified Rebecca Ferguson, the actress when they were filming it. It's in an interview, the kid was incredibly 'good'.


I was shocked by “Are you gonna hurt me?” “Yesssss”


I read that the adult actors couldn’t make it through the first take because his reactions were so realistic.


I can't watch it. I can't hear it. I have 3 boys and my oldest was maybe 14 when that came out. His brothers, 11 and 10. I saw that scene once and could not stop fucking crying. When my husband watched the movie, I just paused it and said, "I'm leaving the room, let me know when it's over." "When what's over?" "You'll know. I cannot watch this scene ever again." He came to get me after and just said "holy shit. That was bad."


Trembley went pretty hard. Allegedly he actually shocked and upset the adult actors, but the kid was fine and just hoped up after and had a juice box.


Saw A Clockwork Orange late at night as a 10 year old. So a few to pick from, but mainly the rape scene


Yes it was awful. People loved this film in high school and I always found the rape scenes so distressing


This is the scene for me.


Lee's apology to Randi (Michelle Williams) in Manchester by the Sea felt too personal/intimate to hear up close


“I’m sorry. I can’t beat it” fucking Christ man


Sometimes when I’m sad this movie randomly pops in my head and I just have a good cry.


The saddest movie I've ever seen


One of the greatest acting performances I’ve ever seen


The aftermath of the event (won't spoil it) when he's at the police station is almost unbearable to me. I can't stop myself from sobbing


I watched this film a couple of weeks ago hoping for a feel-good weepy...I cried buckets after it was over but I did NOT feel good lmao. The performances were incredible but I never want to watch it again


Splice made me feel icky.


That movie was one wtf moment after the next


It really was and then the scene at the end with the mother and child (if you've watched this movie *you know what I'm talking about*) grossed me out SO much argh I wish I could scrub my brain of this...


I didn't think it could get worse, and then *that* happens


I remember seeing this movie at the Dollar Saver theater. I had remember seeing short tv adverts for it. Looked like a hot ticket. When Adrian Brody made a move on the ... thing, I got half out of my seat and shouted a confused "No...?!!!" As if I could make him stop. He did not stop. I have not seen that movie again and I never will why did you make me think of that.


"Splice" needs some love. It took me ages to watch and it was as whacky and repulsive as I imagined. Another one that fits the bill is "Life". The ending scene of "Life" >!where the East Asians force open the escape pod, while Jake Gyllenhaal character shouts "not to" !<


The rape scene in the girl with the dragon tattoo. I was pregnant and saw it in theaters as a date night.


The rape scene in the Swedish version was even harder for me to stomach than the us version.


“I forgot to ask… do you like anal sex?” Gives me c h i l l s and not in a good way.


Came here to say this. I was not prepared... at... all. It was just so horrific and violent. I can't compare to the US version because I only watched the original, but I will never forget that scene, ever.


Lisbeth’s revenge was so cathartic for me.


"You see what happens Larry? This is what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass Larry!"


I saw it with my husband and some of his family members. On Christmas Day.


The scene from *Bone Tomahawk*


Did you make a wish? [Spoiler!](https://i.imgur.com/n1G5gAM.jpg)


Heads up: That image is exactly what you think it is


Deleted, just what I thought!


Just saw Oldboy on the big screen last night. Once you know what’s really going on in the sex scene, it certainly feels like a violation.


When they hit rewind in Funny Games. It violates the entire contract between storyteller and audience and is just so defeating.


That movie is just trauma after trauma to the characters, then they rewind and literally include you smack in the middle of more trauma like it’s your fault. Whenever people ask for a disturbing movie, original FG is top on my list. I’ve seen it twice- once in total shock, and again almost immediately after to confirm and help digest what I saw. I honestly don’t think I can ever watch it again.


"ass to ass" in requiem for a dream. but you have to see it. the feeling I got watching that scene was the exact feeling I felt for so much of my own addiction. I'm not supposed to be seeing this.


I was gonna go with the entirety of this movie.


the ending of that movie, where he still is shooting up in that huge hole in his arm. uh uh. not okay.


For me, this movie was 100x more effective than DARE.


I was more uncomfortable when the mother was going crazy in her apartment and tappy comes out of the screen. Hate it.


For some reason the scene in V for Vendetta where Natalie Portman finds out it was V that was torturing her I always feel like I am eavesdropping on a very private and vulnerable conversation. I feel uneasy watching it. Great acting I guess


After learning more about how it was filmed, *Last Tango in Paris* https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/news/last-tango-in-paris-butter-scene-b2270513.html


Wow I was young and not super into movies when this interview would've come out so I didn't know this. What the hell this is enraging


Lord of the Flies. When they push the rock onto Piggy's head


Several scenes of abuse in the Butterfly Effect.


Jesus yeah. The one in the basement and the one with the dog are really horrific.


I haven’t seen this movie in well over a decade but I can still hear that kid sobbing when he realizes what happened to his dog


That movie is so unreasonably grim!


Hereditary. There’s a bunch but for me it’s Charlie, the pole and the aftermath.


The pole was shocking, but I didn’t find it TOO crazy as the movie was still grounded in reality up to that point from what I can recall. But everything after that (with standouts being the mom clinging to the bedroom ceiling barely visible in the darkness, and then the whole Paimon ritual that the movie ends with) was DEEPLY unsettling to me. 100% felt exactly the way OP laid out the premise for this post. Like I watched something truly demonic that went beyond just a horror movie.


> with standouts being the mom clinging to the bedroom ceiling barely visible in the darkness for me it was the suddenly using a wire in a very creative way


I had friends try to say that it looked too goofy. But idk I think the "goofiness" of the wirework made it scarier. Like it's real, but really uncanny also.


I hear ya. It wasn’t so much just the pole itself but the brothers reaction and the trauma of the mother when she sees the car in the morning.


Those screams leave auditory scars in one's mind


Opening sequence of Antichrist


Beau is Afraid paint scene


The whole movie


There's some movies you don't even want to admit to watching.


Just say you watched A Serbian Film, it's ok






I try not to think about it.


Confession is good for the soul. I paid full price to see “Dude, Where’s My Car”. I still want my $10 back.


And theeeeeeen


"The last house on the left" remake, the scene in the woods where the guy was trying to teach his son to be a man, turned out the son was more man than the father. Hard goddamn scene to watch and made me feel an anger I hadn't felt before.


The home invasion scene in Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer. I actually watched it at school, which is quite something. It's a good film in its way, but that scene is vile. I don't care about the 'reasons' for it. I think it's easy to film these scenes and then postulate as to 'well we made it to ask why you're watching such things'. I genuinely don't think a week goes by where I don't think about that scene and it was over twenty years ago I saw it.


I saw that movie a few years after it came out and know exactly what you’re talking about with that scene, I have flashbacks from that scene to this day


HENRY: PORTRAIT OF A SERIAL KILLER IS SO FUCKING GOOD. it really does make an art of treading the line between reliable cinema and a snuff-film


Death Wish, where his daughter is violated.


Pretty much the entirety of The Nightingale


I was scrolling through this thread and figured this movie was fairly unheard of and wouldn't be mentioned. That movie is so good but so brutal - the beginning especially. And I think if it were a bit more popular, it would sit amongst the top of this list.


The rape scene at the end of the first season of Outlander. The “blood eagle” scene from Vikings. I’m sure there are others, but for some reason those two really left an impression on me like, I really…really didn’t want to see that, and now I can’t unsee it.


Saving Private Ryan. The knife. If you know, you know.


There's another one that flies by most audiences. Look for what the guy at the beginning actually said. The guy who's at the beach and raises his hands, surrendering and gets shot. They mock him after saying that he washed for supper. Look for that translation.


I watched that movie for the first time in '98 or '99 when it came out, and still can't watch that scene. It messed me up.


Just about every moment from the first half of I Spit on Your Grave


I caught the sequel at a horror marathon. The first half was incredibly unsettling and made me really angry. The whole revenge bit after that did not make up for that at all.


Sopranos Employee of the Month.


I love that show and have rewatched it many times, but after the first time I always skip that scene.




Same. It certainly makes for a better character for her to have not gone that way, but I wanted it so bad. I really enjoyed that episode *because* I spent the whole time wanting her to tell Tony and wanting the revenge


The first time we are introduced to Dennis Hopper’s gas-huffing sex-maniac in David Lynch’s Blue Velvet.


Don't look at me! DON'T FUCKING LOOK AT ME!


Pretty, pretty. Man, that barfly dancing on the car is haunting.


When that dude got a dick in the ear in Scary Movie.


without giving spoilers the end scene of Boys don't cry.


Boys don't cry was just a great goddamn movie, one of the first flicks to get me emotional as a teenager.


The “what happened to Travis Walton” scene in “Fire in the Sky”. Not a whole lot sends shivers down my spine like that long, drawn out, never ending… maybe only 10 minutes of movie?


We met Travis Walton at a convention a few years back. My wife and I were at the hotel buffet and I made her guffaw when I whispered "oh my God somebody get Travis away from the pancake syrup dispenser!!!"


Those 2 scenes in Irreversible and the whole of A Serbian Film


Just reading the wiki page for a Serbian film was enough


When the Predalien impregnants the pregnant woman with its eggs in *Alien vs. Predator: Requiem*. That scene still doesn't sit well with me whenever I think about it.


I wish I hadn't gone to look up that scene lmao


The turkey baster scene in Don't Breathe I was actually enjoying the movie until that scene then it was ruined for me.


The "death by water hose on a freezing day" scene in Sunshine (1999) (the Ralph Fiennes movie, not Danny Boyle's 2007 movie). I was expecting the man to be assaulted and hurt, maybe even tortured. Then as I was watching, it dawned on me that they were taking it all...the...way. I haven't watched the movie since but I can't get that scene out of my mind.


Compared to what everyone else is saying, I guess this is really tame. But the scene in Bombshell where Margot Robbie is alone in John Lithgow's office. I forget the nature of the scene, but I believe it had to do with his character sexually harassing Margot Robbie and instructing her to lift her skirt. It was even more emotionally resonant because she has such an innocence and excitement in her eyes when she enters the room, and when she exits you can see in her face the horrible violation she just experienced. It was so well-directed, and I had a pit in my stomach the entire time. Robbie and Lithgow did such an amazing job with that scene. In fact it is probably my go-to scene for explaining how good of an actor Margot Robbie is. It is so quiet and calm, and yet so dark and devastating. It definitely doesn't help that, even after MeToo, that sort of harassment and power dynamic still persists. It felt so real, and did an outstanding job at putting the audience through that same horrible experience and all the nuances that go with it.


The bear attack scene in Backcountry. Just disgusting


I watched Kids with some friends years ago, the opening scene almost made us turn it off


Blue Velvet. When Jeffery (Kyle McLachlan) is hiding in the closet we are meant to feel like we’re violating Dorothy’s (Isabella Rossellini) privacy, even though we’re just watching a movie.


Green Room. The ten minutes leading up to the door scene. The dread is just heavy from the moment they step into the venue and builds to that. Nope. Absolutely not. I’m not able to watch that.


That was one movie that left me feeling uneasy after watching it. I've seen plenty of war movies, slashers, etc but something about the violence in that was too much for me to see.


Watership Down. A lovely cartoon about a group of rabbits, until it's not. 8 year old me still hasn't recovered.


I watched Caligula and I still wish I hadn't.


The texas chainsaw massacre had me feeling like I'm watching something I'm not supposed to see.


It's funny, most of the other answers are scenes that are definitely disturbing, but didn't give me the feeling described in the question. The only one that did was not from a movie but was the (now removed) suicide scene in *13 Reasons Why*. It truly did feel "wrong," like something I wasn't supposed to be witnessing. I had to turn away, and that night I (an adult man) had nightmares and continued to feel "off" for the next couple days. Apparently they removed it because real people were killing themselves at higher frequency after it came out.


I hated that they removed that scene. Especially the part when her mom finds her. That bit with Kate Walsh is what people SHOULD see. The aftermath. The devastation.


I think it would have been fine to leave in the aftermath but the suicide scene itself was a bad move. It has been proven that depictions of the act of suicide is detrimental to people struggling with suicidal thoughts and on top of that they made it way to artistic, and clean, and quick.


NSFW [The Exorcist](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHBBH6-lO10) and this [scene also](https://youtu.be/iyIhgng4c1k?t=45).


The baby scene in Eraserhead. I legit felt traumatized.


50 comments, and nobody mentioned the human centipede? That whole movie violates the viewer


The first movie is really tame. The concept is violating, of course, but it's the second movie that people should be talking about in this thread.


Yeah. Human Centipede doesn’t even register for me. It was a bit boring honestly. Horrible concept but the actual film was pretty meh. The film is better as a “I didn’t watch it because it sounds too horrible” because your imagination is worse than the film.


I agree. Oof that movie. Yuck.


I felt it went without saying.


A particular scene in Strange Days


Ooof the scene with the girls dad in 'this is england' series. That was a rough one.




reading these comments it makes me relieved to see how many men openly hate the sexual abuse scenes- i have so much rage after watching any scene like that and particularly older films where it seems to have been a fad for a bit.


I love many Von Trier films because it gives this exact feeling (Antichrist was the first that came to mind)


The naked old lady scene in Midsommar


Oh man, that whole film has such a weird sense of foreboding and dread in bright daylight. Atmosphere is done so well.


Reservoir Dogs. When I hear that song.....


Basically all of Midsommer


A few scenes in the silence of the lambs


Poughkeepsie tapes


Hereditary. You know.


A few raoe scenes: Showgirls (the director's cut) - at least revenge is exacted for this one The Hills Have Eyes (remake) - just brutal




The little girl in the red coat on the cart from **Schindler’s List**. I didn’t feel violated, it was just shocking and devastating and definitely felt like something that shouldn’t have been seen - because it shouldn’t have happened! I watched this movie with my parents when I was pretty young and that image of the little girl has stuck with me ever since.


The Accused with Jodie Foster. I don't think I could watch that movie again. At minimum, I'd have to skip a scene or two.


This is probably a lame example, but on our lunch break at work I put on Carrie, and the opening scene in the high school girls locker room is weird and I felt like a perv picking this movie out.


The entire first episode of The Idol


I feel like I don't tend to get triggered by things I watch very often, but Mother! left me feeling utterly helpless and violated.


There was one scene in In the Company of Men, no violence or profanity just a conversation between a man and a woman - it's cruel (it was supposed to be) and so effective.


I rewatched Green Room recently and pretty much the entire initial punch feels like you’re being shown the story of a horrible article you came across in the news.


Straw dogs. That one scene is pretty intense.




Mother! - The moment the held aloft baby has its neck snapped. Nope... out of nowhere and upset me for a while. Felt needless regardless of the metaphor.


There was a particular part in Hostel where I thought, I'm not at all certain this ever needs to be depicted on film.


Those last few scenes in "Requiem for a Dream" Whew. Those characters were going through THE MOST. It was so chaotic.


Mother! Baby Scene... Enough said.


Anti-Christ when she >!smashes her husbands dick with a rock and then jerks him off till he jizzes blood!< Or in Men when >!the guy uses his mangina to give birth to a fully grown man who them proceeds to give birth to another fully grown man, which happens like 5 times in a row!<


Any scene in Nymphomaniac