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Skyline. A pretty dumb alien invasion movie where the humans re getting their brains sucked out to power the ships and other devices (or something ) until the main character gets abducted , his brain is removed and placed into a mech suit, where his consciousness kicks back in and he starts fighting back. AND THAT IS WHERE THEY CUT! SO FRUSTRATING !


I heard that they literally just ran out of money and that’s why they ended it the way they did.


Skyline died on the way back to its home planet.


There was also a lawsuit since the same special effects company was working on battle: los angeles at the same time and used SFX resources from Battle: Los angeles on Skyline. even some saying that people who were getting paid by sony to work on battle los angeles were actually working on skyline and were only working on BLA on paper as fraud by Hydraulx (the SFX company in question)


You may already know this, but there are a couple of sequels that does give you closure. https://m.imdb.com/title/tt1724970/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1 https://m.imdb.com/title/tt9387250/?ref_=tt_sims_tt_i_1


hahaha holy shit.


the sequels are actually better too. Not hard considering the bar was low, but they did improve.


I did not know these existed


I think you’re being quite kind calling it ‘pretty dumb’. It’s a *terrible* film - the script, acting, and pacing are just so, so bad. You can really feel the lack of money too, in how they observe most of the main (CGI) events of the film from a distance. The sudden ending is both a relief, and somehow makes it even worse.


I really liked the Drone +stealth bomber sequence. Edit: i just rewatched that scene, it sucks.


Up voted for the edit.


I legit burst out laughing at that edit, it sounds so defeated


Beyond Skyline, the sequel, was fun.


I remember when The Fellowship of the Ring came out, I went to see it opening weekend. Everyone was real into it because at the end when Sam and Frodo started making their way to Mordor and the end credits popped up everyone gave out a collective Awwwww because they wanted more lol.


The opening of Two Towers is extra badass because of this. Everyone was stuck in hungry “to be continued” mode for a whole year. It must be a gift for a filmmaker to have their audience already so invested.


And everyone bought tickets to some other random movie just to watch the trailer for Two Towers and then walked out


That pan across the snowy mountains as the opening title comes up is just *chefs kiss*


Absolutely. Ditto for the wide shot a minute later when Gandalf and the Balrog tumble down into that huge huge open cave…. remembering the music, and that shot just now gave me shivers for real.


I was working as a projectionist when two towers came out. One of our copies got damaged (brain wrap) and a huge part of the start was unusable. I did a little "edit" and spliced right to cavern. Not what the filmmakers intended, but it was a pretty fun opening


Yeah, honestly not a bad way to open in a pinch


What's "brain wrap" ?


It's when the center of the film starts wrapping tightly around the mechanism that intakes the film off the platter (the brain). This can damage the film and even result in the whole film dumping off the platter in a big twisted mess to untangle. Not something fun to deal with, but especially painful on a 3 hour film


I didn't know about the books / trilogy aspect - we got the DVD from Blockbuster and same exact thing happened to me.


I have a small anecdote very tangentially related to this, and the thread is old enough and this buried enough that sharing it is fine. My mother read the spanish translation of Fellowship when she was a teen, ***without knowing the book was part of a series***, just as random fantasy scifi binging. So for twelve years she thought Gandalf was dead by the end of the story, and the conclusion was that desperate hopefulness of Frodo and Sam leaving to maybe finish the journey. The turnaround when finally reading towers made it her favourite book series. She obsessed over the first book so much that I still have her copy with scribbles on the[ moria tomb drawing](https://i.ibb.co/7GtTCKm/image.png), which obviously didn't have its Cirth runes translated to spanish, so her first sentence ever read in english was rosetta-ing that whole "Balin Son of Fundin Lord of Moria" and writing it in pencil in the margin, knowing only the full names of Balin-Fundin-Moria. For her 60th birthday a few years ago, I gave her a Middle Earth big cloth map with a handwritten cirth inscription on the bottom. Also in english, which she nowadays more or less understands. Her absolute joy while deciphering was worth the world, though she did use the Cirth key in the Appendices this time. "To , for whom Moria had no secrets."


I was like that’s it?! (knowing absolutely nothing). Luckily my bud who was with me was an insane Tolkien fan and was like bro there are good times ahead. And bad.


Neither of my parents are big readers but the early 2000s had them reading Harry Potter on release day and trekking through LOTR just to find out what happens next in the movies.


I was 8 when my dad took me to it, and I had no clue either there would be more films I was very disappointed that I had to wait, I think I turned to him and said “that’s it?” as if my 8 year old mind didn’t already watch 3 hours of fellowship of the ring




I watched the series when I was an adult for the first time but had no idea what each film would cover. I literally turned to my bf at the end of the first film like ‘how are they not there yet?! How long does it take?!’


I mean they did get there... And back again. Aaaaw yeeeeaaaaaaah


I remember after the end credits came up, these two girls in front of us both yelled “what?? That’s it???”


I was going to bring this up. The Two Towers was similar. Just parts of a trilogy.


At least they came out yearly. Made today, it would be every 2-3 years.


Nah, the whole thing about LotR is that they shot the whole thing in one, incredibly long shoot. Pretty sure the actual first thing they shot was the Grey Havens final farewell scene from RotK because they only had Ian Holm and Cate Blanchett for a couple weeks right at the beginning. Edit: okay they redid the Grey Havens scene but Ian McKellen said the first shoot of that scene was on his third day.


The Grey Havens scene was filmed near the end of production, during reshoots. The actors have talked about the emotions in the scene being quite real, since they truly were starting to "say goodbye" to each other and the production.


I'm so glad this answer is the top comment because this is what I immediately thought of. My dad took me to a showing in theaters when it was released, I was 11 and knew nothing.... and I was mesmerized the whole time. Couldn't believe it ended before they even got close to Mordor. For sure I would have sat through another 2 hours at least without moving or complaining.


Not really the answer you were looking for, but the DVD of David Lynch’s Lost Highway confidently stated that it was 214 minutes. Except … some idiot forgot that there aren’t 100 minutes in an hour, there are 60. What they meant was, 2h14m, or 134 minutes. You can imagine how much that pissed me off, settling in for what would be the final hour that would no doubt explain all this craziness … only for the credits to roll.


A small fuckup by the person marking the runtime; A massive fuckup by you for expecting a David Lynch film to explain its craziness.


Elysium felt like it was setting up a big climax, and then ended it in the next 10 min. It feels like either the 2nd half of the 2nd act was trimmed right down, or the 3rd act got cut to hell, but the last half hour just seemed like it couldn't wait to just race through everything.


I very much agree with you. The setup was promising, but Elysium felt like it had an attempt at an ending that didn’t land. The main problem is, of course, that the resolution is at best a temporary measure (what are they gonna do when the Med Pods inevitably break down?) for a small number of people (those in close proximity to the machines), which is inadequate when there are billions of people who are living in misery. We all know how this story ends: a small group of people will end up take over the valuable resource and use it for the haves while keeping the have-nots from it. It already happened in the movie’s own story! And even then, what’s the point of being able to heal all your medical problems if you’re literally starving to death because there’s no food? The people down below don’t have access to any of the other resources, right? Just the Med Pods. How is an entire planet’s population starving going to improve now that your death rates are going to plummet (assuming all of the billions on Earth can somehow access these Med Pods one-by-one in a timely enough fashion). Maybe we were supposed to come away with this feeling of dread at the end because we know their happiness won’t last? But if that’s the case it’s not obvious at all. The movie seems to be presenting this as a straightforward, happy ending. Fleshing it out more would have made such a difference.


Who fixes the med pods when they break before? It's absolutely not the gluttonous people living on the station lol


I assume their robots? Or maybe they have lower caste people hidden away? I honestly never thought about it before. Somebody created the pods and surely is maintaining them, but who?


Neil Blomkamp. An **amazing** universe creator with District 9 and Elysium, but they never get finished. I’m still salty about his Alien movie getting canned, and the stuff on his [Oats Studios](https://youtube.com/@OatsStudios?si=KC2GX6NnVOezHM2T) channel doesn’t get enough love


Don't Worry Darling. Seeing what came next would have been more interesting than half of the movie.


Master and Commander. I would’ve totally watched another 3 hours of Crowe and Bettany chasing after that French captain.


That's the franchise we should have gotten


The Aubrey-Maturin Cinematic Universe


Yes! 20 books could make a ton of great movies.


We shall beat to quarters!


Try Hornblower, it's a British TV show with 100x less budget but the era is the same and the acting and writing is fantastic.


Weirdly good show


Fun book series too, IMO a lot easier to read than Aubrey/Maturin if you don’t know Jack about nautical terminology.


I hate that there really arent any other movies like it.


The surround sound mix on that film is still the best I’ve heard in any film to date. Intense and immersive doesn’t begin to describe it.




Well, it's all subject to the requirements of the service.


Do you not know that in the service you must always choose the lesser of two weevils?


The books are worth, if you have a craving for more that can't be satisfied.


I’m currently restarting my Pillars of the Earth reread/read through and I think these books will be my next historical series.


Alita Battle Angel. It just stopped mid action,with a promise of a sequel that never arrived.


James Cameron insists [it is coming](https://screenrant.com/alita-battle-angel-2-confirmation-story-cast-release-date/) and he held his promises on Avatar, but with the strikes and everything I guess we will see.


Robert Rodriguez pledged to keep making Spy Kids movies until we die of boredom and, so far, progress!


Tbf. Machete is technically a spin-off of Spy Kids. So we still got that going for us.


Writer's strike is finally over! Just gotta hold out a little longer for the studios to give SAG-AFRA all their demands.


To be fair this is classic anime experience. 12 episodes which end with nothing resolved lmao.


You mean "12 episodes which end with GO READ THE MANGA!" Though to be fair, that was mainly for like the 2010-2018 era, and an increasing number of anime are getting full, proper adaptations now. Including many older anime. (On a related note, I really hope Heavenly Delusion gets a season two greenlit soon... it's one of my favorite ongoing manga, and the anime had absolutely amazing production value, from animation to soundtrack and voice acting)


If I had a nickel for every film that ended on a cliffhanger featuring Edward Norton...


And in the usual Edward Norton fashion, his character will be recast for the sequel and then we’ll have another story of how he’s awful to work with.


James Cameron is helping produce a sequel. It should come in a few years.


>It just stopped mid action,with a promise of a sequel that never arrived. Alita 2 is actively being worked on. Cameron basically just had to re-earn the clout with Avatar 2, and now that he *did,* Disney's letting him do his "one for me." Also, even if we somehow don't ever get a sequel, there's a *long-ass manga series* it's all based on that's been going on since the early 90s. You can get the original Battle Angel Alita series in beautiful hardcovers for not that expensive, and then Last Order and Mars Chronicle are actively in print, too. The first hardcover of the original BAA covers what was in the movie, the second had some bits and pieces pushed up, and then everything else is material you haven't seen before.


Crazy that Cameron had to re-earn anything. His movies are hit and miss for me but they definitely make money


He didn't, it's just the classic "one for me, one for you" deal Hoollywood studios make with a lot of big name directors. People like Scorsese do the same thing.


Alita didn't, which is the primary issue at hand. It just barely broke even.


the second hobbit movie, when smaug heads toward laketown...and it just ends. then the third movie has about a ten-minute scene at the beginning with him attacking laketown. that ten minutes could/should have been at the end of the second movie.


I kind of liked how the second one ended with that "Oh shit" moment, but then it gets rendered moot with Smaug going down in the next movie's opening act. They were already changing the source material, Smaug could've been a villain for more of the movie.


that's also a big part of why as it was, it should have been in the second movie- because once it was done, the scene had nothing to do with the rest of the third film.


honestly that trilogy could have been one medium-size movie, they had no business stretching out that short book into 3 long movies. that was just a shameless money grab. they took a lot of liberties with the plot and put in a *lot* of things that weren't in the book. oh well, people like their Hobbits, and they made a lot of money, so whatever


i personally thought two movies would have been doable, with a little bit of embellishment here and there. but, yeah...three long movies was completely unnecessary, and didn't really work. and- they even also have *extended* versions of those three movies.


Fantastic Four(2015) is missing like an hour of movie before it gets to the climax.


I was honestly okay with the movie until it decided to go from act 1 to the climax within 10 minutes. It was jarring


The studio re-edited it last second. Pretty sure the director disowned it as he had no control over the final edit.


Back to the Future Part 2. I didn't know there was going to be a third movie till the movie was over and a special ad popped up. Really a flood of emotions for a little kid. Sad it was over, confused because it didn't really seem to have and ending, then excited there was a next movie, and lastly sad you had to wait for it to come out.


Probably it wasn't the first ever, but back then movies weren't usually planned as multi-sequel stories right from the start with unfinished plots to be resolved on the second or third part. It was weird and exciting to be promised a third movie even before you went to see the second one.


They did film part 2 and Part 3 at the same time tho. I believe that was a first.


Superman I and II were shot back-to-back.


Only six months later, not years later.


6 months is an eternity to a little kid, though


As a kid I didn’t really like the 3rd movie, but I have come to really enjoy the 3rd part as an adult.


Fast X ends in the middle of an action scene. At least Spider-verse ended the action scene, completed Gwen’s arc and set up things for the next movie. Fast X just has half the characters seemingly die and the main character looking on and decides that’s the best time to end the movie.


The only redeeming factor is that we get Jason Mamoa’s character for another film(or 2?). He single handedly saved that movie.


Apocalypto. A fantastic ending that gives its initially ambiguous title meaning. The movie probably could have continued, but I'm so glad it didn't.


The power of that movie is that it's so lean and simple


Exactly. It had very little dialogue and it didn't need it anyway. The pictures tell the story; all the audience knew what it meant when we saw conquistadors on the horizon.


I just rewatched this a few days ago. Amazing and brutal action scenes. You can see the pain and sorrow, with no dialogue, from the actors. Great film.


Although historically inaccurate, as is everything Mel touches, it’s still one of my favorite revenge films of all time. The villain is one of my favorites.


What’s inaccurate about it? I’m not disputing, I just don’t know


My understanding is it's basically a house blend of all the various cultures and histories that make up Latin America's past, and not particularly accurate to any one of them


I'd imagine there's other examples, but the first thing that comes to mind is it has the Spanish landing in the Americas 600 years before they did in real life.




Eastern Promises -Viggo Mortensen. Just when it was really picking up... credits. This movie really needs a sequel


Cronenberg wrote a sequel that both Mortensen and Cassell were going to be in that was ready to shoot before the studio canceled it (Focus Features): https://www.indiewire.com/news/general-news/exclusive-focus-features-pull-the-plug-on-david-cronenbergs-eastern-promises-2-107193/


How much dong was Viggo gonna hang in the sequel?


It was intended to be a trilogy I think. Probably too late now. Viggo is much older.


Maybe he could be reinviggorated.




Bourne Legacy felt like it stopped in it's second act, with Edward Norton's hilariously 'KILL THEM ALL' villain left undefeated and free to needlessly kill more of his own, where as every other Bourne movie has the CIA villain either defeated or made clear they're being watched.


That’s the point tho. It doesn’t end with a nice bow. Gilroy was making a comment how the CIA does get away with it. Hell even the first movie ended with the hearing scene with Tredstone being ended and Blackbrier being established showing there was no consequences for anything.


Yeah legacy really fell flat for me.


I remember feeling like Inglorious Basterds was only just getting started when we got to the final scenes. I wanted four more hours of the Basterds running down gnat-zis like Band of Brothers.


Yeah the trailers made it look like it was a Dirty Dozen type movie that followed the Basterds for two hours as they went on various adventures killing nazis. In reality that was one small portion of the story.


I like to randomly shout out ‘au revoir Shoshanna!’


You are harboring enemies of the State, yes?




Maaaar gaaaaa RHETTI


Dominic Decocco. Bravo.


It’s so satisfying in such a fucked up way hahahahhaaha


What was there left to do? It was the culmination of **Operation Keno** and all the leading Nazis were dead. Landa was captured, and Germany lost key figures of their dictatorship. To me, it was building up to the moment with a good payoff.


Kino. [Keno is something different.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keno)


Jurassic Park 3


Felt like they had 30 minutes left and realize the budget was gone so they ended it immediately


Probably has to do with the fact that the movie was still being written (and rewritten) while shooting.


Quiet Place 2. At the end I said "That's it?!" out loud in the theater.


Yeah like it felt like the climax of the story like halfway through but for it just to end I had to check to make sure it was the ending


honestly both Quite Place movies end like cliffhangers of a TV episode


I kept waiting for another twist since they basically just copied the ending of the first movie


Quiet Place 2 didn’t accomplish anything new compared to the first one, we already know they become weak when exposed to certain frequencies it’s just somebody new pulled the trigger which was a big ol wet fart honestly. Pt. 2 felt like 4 episodes of a Quiet Place TV show stitched together.


I remember watching Gravity and thought, man, this exposition feels weirdly long. When I checked the timeline, I was already 3/4 in.


Monty Python and the Holy Grail. The ending is a literal cop-out.


If you're familiar with the show, theu frequently just have the police show up and arrest everybody. It's a meta-cop-out.


In general one of their whole things is that their sketches almost never have endings. It's a classic problem in comedy in general, especially sketch comedy, that it's really hard to come up with a good ending. Monty Python's solution was that they just didn't end their sketches. They'll get interrupted by something (an animation, the police, Graham ~~Norton~~ Chapman's colonel character coming out and declaring that it's too silly), seamlessly transition to another sketch (sometimes by having its characters interrupt the previous sketch), suddenly say "and now for something completely different" and cut to another sketch, etc. On the rare occasion that a sketch did have an actual ending, it was often still some sort of meta-joke, such as "the restaurant sketch" which ends with a title card saying "and now the punchline" followed by a corny punchline. So really, one of their movies similarly just ending completely out of nowhere without an actual ending was a perfect fit. It's almost more out of character that their other movies *do* have actual endings than it is that Holy Grail doesn't.


> Graham Norton's colonel character I think you meant Graham Chapman.


I loved the ending. It happens right about the time I stop being entertained. Like a joke that's gone on a bit too long. Perfect timing imo.


I don't know... seeing Lancelot in handcuffs being hauled into a police car was hilarious.


Eric Idle's daughter supposedly hates that ending to this day.


My good friend is married to Eric idles daughter. Edit: So I went and [asked](https://imgur.com/a/ebxnnSS) because I was curious if this was true. She hated the ending as a kid but doesn't hate it anymore.


I’m going to choose to believe that this is totally legit. Super cool.


Well for what it's worth coming from a random internet stranger, this is legit. Not really proof but [here's](https://imgur.com/a/jOXbXyM) the rest of our conversation


I just watched Pride & Prejudice (2006) and honestly when it ended it felt like there should be another 15 hours left.


If you haven't you should watch the BBC adaptation with Colin Firth as Darcy. Six one hour episodes, that capture the whole novel.


That's an amazing version.


Just watch Succession scenes with Tom and Greg if you still need your Matthew Macfadyen romance fix


Crimes of the Future


If it continued it would have been a very different movie. Some kind of cyberpunk revolution or something. Ending it where it does keeps the movie about Viggo.


I think it ends at the right moment, but it feels like it’s missing an important scene or two right before the finale.


I didn't know that the latest Dune was only part 1 of 2 and I was very very confused




Doesn’t it say part 1 in the opening?


You can’t expect people to read things in movies.




"3, I pick Number 3"


Fant4stic is like 80 minutes of act 1, five minutes of act 2, and ten minutes of act 3. But as a whole, the film feels like a trailer.


Studio Ghibli's Porco Rosso. Great first half & pretty good second half & then it cuts to a small epilogue THE END.


This is true of basically all of Miyazaki's work... it works fine for several of my favorites like Totoro and Kiki's Delivery Service which are bright cheerful films without much in the way of conflict, but not for darker films like Princess Mononoke and especially Howl's Moving Castle which wraps up so suddenly it feels like they ran out of money.


> but not for darker films like Princess Mononoke I watched Mononoke when it was re-released on August; it was my third viewing. Mononoke's pacing was weird the first time I watched it, but now I think the structure of the film is pretty much perfect.


Too many people here don't know the difference between a cliffhanger and an abrupt ending.


Cliffhanger was the one with Sylvester Stallone from 1993, Abrupt Ending was a short film that came out in 2014.


2nd Garfield Spider-man. I kinda wanted to see that fight


An British action/horror called Lifeforce (1985) does a slow build the whole movie until all of London is in pandemonium. The hero goes to the source to end it, and the moment he does, the credits roll up. It's like ... wha...? Who survived? Is the city still in chaos? WTF just happened? I needed 10 minutes to wind down and someone to say "it's over" - but most people of authority were already dead.


It’s that the one that has Mathilda May as a space vampire who walks around stark naked for almost the entire movie?


And if it’s not, then what is the one that has Mathilda May as a space vampire who walks around stark naked for almost the entire movie?!


I feel like that had a pretty clear ending. The one main guy sacrifices himself to kill the lead space vampire, and then what's left from their ship leaves Earth to follow the comet to elsewhere in the galaxy. All the death and destruction and pandemonium that happened abruptly ends when the alien vampires are defeated.


Maximum Overdrive - the characters just get on a boat & the "ending" is explained in a written epilogue. Always reminds me of the Simpsons episode where the kids are stuck on an island and they just end with the voice-over "So the children learned how to function as a society; and eventually they were rescued by, oh, let's say... Moe."




Dune already feels like it's like 5 hours long and yet it still feels like it abruptly cuts right when it starts to get interesting


Tbqh that's something I don't like about the movie. The politics and intrigue are what make you turn Dune's pages, but the movie skimmed most of that out. Which leaves us with a lot of beautiful spectacle scenes that take a lot of time relative to how much they advance the plot.


Maybe with the second movie it can feel more like just a part 1, fitting in as a whole. But something like Fellowship of the Ring just feels complete on its own despite only being part 1, just with the obvious benefit that the books are already split


No Country For Old Men. I just watched this recently for the first time, had never read the book either. I was totally waiting for another hour for a satisfying conclusion and then it just literally ended


First time I saw that movie I was bewildered and disappointed by the ending. Retrospectively thinking about it and on subsequent viewings, it’s maybe the most powerful ending to a movie I have seen.


Can’t recommend the book enough. It’s an easy read and a bit more brutal.


The Red Dawn remake. Not a particularly great movie but Chris Hemsworths’ character randomly dies and I expected a vengeful final act. Then about 10 minutes later the movie is over and it’s just implied that the team keeps fighting with no end in sight.


I honestly wanted The Prisoner of Azkaban to just keep rolling for another week.


Interview with the Vampire for sure..


Did he finish the interview?


The plot twist is that he's with The New Yorker and needs another 20 pages for his article


Triangle of Sadness


Huh, really? I liked the movie, but boy did it feel *really* long.


Maybe I just didn't get it, but Asteroid City just seemed to finish without really ending. I know it wasn't the point, but I wanted to see how they broke the wider news of the alien and explained why he was there. Again, I feel I just focused on the wrong things in a Wes Andeson movie, but I thought half the plotlines just seemed to hang unresolved.


I didn't think there WAS a plot. It was one of those colliding worlds kinds of movies where characters on separate life paths suddenly end up in the same place for a short time. There's a lot of confusion, and maybe some new bonds made. It's not about the alien - that's just a comical mcguffin to draw the characters together.


I kept waiting for Asteroid City to really *start*. It just kinda meandered along and then ended; I usually love Wes Anderson but Asteroid City just didn't click with me.


I loved the visuals, didn’t like anything else


I genuinely thought that It Follows was setting up the real climax at the end because there's no way they really beat it that easily. When they cut to credits, I thought it was a gag ending and fast-forwarded through them expecting the movie to come back.


Supposedly the very last scene has the monster in it, still following, in the background


That’s made in a way to be up to interpretation


It’s like Inception ending. It asks the viewer to be optimistic or cynical. Couple notes though on that ending that people don’t notice that much: *The reliable guy friend who wins the girl in the end for staying by her side is shown cruising through Detroit and it’s heavily implied that he finds a prostitute to pass it on to just in case. *If it’s still alive, so many men in Metro Detroit are dead now. Like that group of dudes from the boat. They didn’t last long. *If it ever comes for Maika Monroe again, that means her friend is dead. There is space in there for a sequel where years have passed and Maika Monroe is married with children to someone else. And out of the blue one night that guy friend appears and says it’s back and coming for him. This creates drama between Maika and her husband because he won’t be able to see it and he doesn’t believe it and he’s threatened by the former boyfriend. I guess the question i have for the rules of the entity is can you only pass it on when you are being followed? Or would any other sexual partner after passing it on be threatened by it? Seems like it’s only when you are being followed. So it would be interesting if they kill off the friend, she doesn’t know, and then she and husband have sex and now he’s got it and he comes home one day saying someone weird has been following him. And in that moment it arrives at the house and they have to take their children with them who will never be able to see the entity.




Every movie by M Night, especially The Village. His movies feature nothing happening until the climax, at which point it ends.


Except for The Happening, in which nothing the happens until the climax, where nothing the happens.


Full metal jacket


No country for old men, just stopped on Tommy Lee Jones talking and I was like WTF


That’s kinda the point of the entire movie. There is no resolution. People have always had the capacity to be evil. Sometimes reason doesn’t matter. Sometimes bad things just happen. Fate comes for us all.


Close but I'd modify. It's about Tommy's character choosing to walk away. He realizes he just can't win, the violence at the border will continue without him, and there will always be another Chigurh, another Moss, another massacre. The ending comes when he realizes this and decides to follow a life of peace, unsatisfying as that might be. The fact that Chigurh walks away with a broken arm while Bell has a lovely breakfast with his wife suggests there's something redemptive in that.


I also felt there was a layer of "the brave get to be heroes, but they also get to die without pomp and circumstance" and Jones looks back and realizes he's never been brave enough to be the hero. He always takes the safe choice, even if the bad guys walk away. But in the end, he's still there. (I read the book first, maybe that informed my take. There's a scene in the book where he sees the killer's car, and instead of investigating, he chooses to keep driving. I remember thinking it wasn't included in the movie, but now I can't recall)


Good points. Though I'd also submit that maybe there's a kind of bravery in walking away. It's frustrating, it's obviously not how these stories are "supposed" to go. But he's still here, still carrying that fire that his father gave to him in the dream. Moss had the "bravery" of choosing to get into a feud with Chigurh and a cartel, and now he and his wife are dead. Bell is still here.


There is a similar scene in the movie where Tommy lee Jones goes to the motel crime scene at night and notices that the door lock has been punched out just like the doors at the other crime scenes. Tommy realizes that Chifurth is very close, maybe or maybe not realizing that chigurth is literally steps away ready to kill Tommy if it becomes necessary. Tommy decides to just leave the motel room and walk away rather than continuing to investigate and fight. The tension of that scene was unbelievable.


In fact, that's the point of a lot of the movies people are mentioning. I think people are reading the title as "what movies have you seen that were an intentional first act for sequels that were never made" or "what movies do you wish went on for another hour" instead of "what movies suffered due to having a truncated resolution".


For what it’s worth, it’s exactly like how the novel ended too. His monologue is word for word from the book.


The entire movie is almost a word for word adaptation of the book. The Coens recognised McCarthy's brilliance and didn't really mess with anything.


He wasn't just talking though. He shared an unsettling dream about his mortality that he had after being 'outmatched' by the Chigurgh situation. He's the Old Man of the title.


Tommy Lee Jones character was fated to have this climatic, old West showdown with Anton Chigurh. But he backed down and retired - it was a subversion of the Old West story trope. Jones' character has escaped the cycle of violence by "getting out of the game" while Chigurh is destined to die due to his violent lifestyle, either by accident or by someone finally getting the drop on him.


He became an old man so the country disappeared