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Channing Tatum in G.I. Joe Retaliation (2013) and Kingman: The Golden Circle (2017).


Golden Circle seemed like an unplanned, last minute swap to Pedro.


Channing Tatum's star was on the rise and they wanted him back for a sequel. They swapped the villain role to the lesser known Pedro Pascal, who is now a much bigger name.


Probably explains why Pedro showing up near the end was literally out of nowhere, and by the end, absolutely pointless. He just enters the diner after Julianne Moore is dead and the movie looks like it's coming to a closure, is suddenly a vengeful father villain, has a fight with Harry and Eggsy, and then literally becomes mincemeat after being thrown head first into a grinder. Seriously, it added nothing to the movie except a cool fight and kill/death. Served no purpose at all.


>Seriously, it added nothing to the movie except a cool fight and kill/death. You realize that's literally the point of those movies right? They're cool fight/action scenes tied together by a serviceable plot and great performances from amazing actors. Saying it added nothing to the movie *except for the whole raison d'etre of the movie* is just silly


What's wrong with that? Sometimes all a scene needs to be is cool, every interaction and every additional cast member doesn't have to add to the story.


It's almost like it's a movie that's meant to be fun and irreverent and not some oscar bait


Well, if it doesn't help, Channing didn't want to do GI Joe. It was a studio obligation that he couldn't get out. Its said that he hated his experience and demanded Duke get killed off.


And Side Effects as well for him


Angelina Jolie on the poster and having top billing for "Sky Captain and the world of tomorrow" while being in the movie for all of five minutes


She did wear an eye patch so that made up for some of it šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


Chick Fury.


I love that movie, side note


Wow. I never watched it, but I thought she was the main character.


I liked it, but always felt like I should like it more. It's just missing...something. something I can't place.


Bryan Cranston in the 2014 Godzilla movie.


Godzilla in the 2014 Godzilla movie as well.


You're not wrong




Yeah the son's character was really bland. All the human element was bland except for Serizawa. Brought the whole movie down.




Let them fight!


Or keep him longer, redeeming himself saving his son near the ending, making the son able to meet with his family.


From the point of view of the story, Cranston's character dying when he did made sense, because he wanted to find out what happened to his wife and he did. His death was meant to motivate Aaron Taylor-Johnson to carry on with the story, and besides, Cranston wouldn't be doing anything if he had lived; he'd just be standing around while Ken Watanabe did his thing. The problem is that Cranston's performance was the most interesting one in the movie. Aaron Taylor-Johnson didn't do anything 'bad' or 'wrong,' but he just wasn't interesting enough to carry the movie.


It worked, they totally got me to watch it in theaters solely because he was in it.


lā€™m still salty about that.


Gareth Edwards did it again with Mads Mikkelsen in Rogue One. So annoying.


Iā€™m a fan of Rogue One but was really annoyed at the lack of a Mikkelsen.


Came here to say thisā€¦ I think they hired him just to edge their chances a bit further.


They even edited him into scenes he wasn't in and put those in the trailer.


I remember some posters having a big picture of Brad Pitt for 12 Years a Slave and he's in it for like 10 minutes max


Wonder if he had a hand to play in that since he was a producer on it.


I mean he is also by far the most famous person in that movie, if you have a world famous A-list star in a small role you'll still use him for promotion... and at least his character has major plot signifiance.


Ben Affleck in ā€œSmokin Aces.ā€


Sure is purty up here in heaven


"Ahh fergive yew"


Kangaroo Jack


I believe this is the top false advertisement movie from the last 20 years. Everybody in my age, every kid wanted to see this movie because we thought its about a talking kangaroo as main character.


This was sort of a trend at that time. I know Snow Dogs with Cuba Gooding, Jr. pulled the exact marketing move a year earlier with talking dogs but then the movie came out and the dogs talked in one scene that was a dream scene.


Wait. Was it not? This was this reason I didnā€™t want to see it. Looked like some stupid kids movie about a talking kangaroo.


lol not at all. Crazy thing is that the kangaroo actually talked for maybe 2-3 minutes of the movie in a delusion. Itā€™s really a buddy comedy about two guys trying to get mob money back that a kangaroo stole.




They put the money in a jacket. They put the jacket on a kangaroo.


I put the diamond in the coat, and I put the coat on her.


I put the lime in the coconut


And now he's hopping away! :cries:


Yeah... it's a fun movie IMO. But it is not remotely close to what the ads made it look like.


If I remember correctly, he only talks once in a dream.


I remember that... what a friggin weird movie


I think I read that it was shot as an crude comedy in the same vein as Ted, but then the studio decided to make it into a kids movie after it had already been shot, so it took a massive amount of editing work to do so.


Brienne of Tarth in Star Wars The Force Awakens


"We have this absolutely badass character in badass armor who's supposed to be a badass. What do we do with her?" "Nothing except a few glory shots." "Okay. How does she die?" "Kinda offscreen, having accomplished nothing." "Brilliant!" Whoever greenlit the screenplays for the Sequel trilogy needs to be permabanned out of the film industry ASAP.


"Well, we have one badass stormtrooper fight with a cool electric stick thing that we've NEVER seen a stormtrooper use before, is it like her breakout fight moment?" "No! Actually that's an extra!" "Extraordinary!"


She had a slightly better death scene that got cut. It's not great, but it gives her some character. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzeIb-TZo_I


I can see why they cut that. It's not *great*, and the way her character goes out in TLJ it's ambiguous and would have allowed her to come back in the next movie. Had the next movie cared at all about what happened in TLJ.


I collectively want everybody that saw RoS to get their time and money back. Disney can figure out how to increase everybody's lifespan by like 2 hours to make up the difference in lifespan time wasted on that.


Gwendoline Christie was \*absolutely screwed\* by Star Wars. She's a real AAA caliber actress and they gave her nothing to work with. No good lines and very little screen time.


her real performance was during the publicity tour. christie's average interview about being in star wars was longer and had better acting than christie's actual time as phasma in actual star wars...


She got zero screen time, there is no way to even know if she was in the suit on set or if they dubbed in her voice like the OT did for Vader.


that movie where steven segal died like 5 minutes into it, got sucked out of one plane trying to get into anotherā€¦iā€™m blanking


Getting sucked out of an airplane half an hour into a movie is the role Steven Seagal was born to play.


I remember seeing previews where they didnā€™t even mention Kurt Russell. They just said Steven Segal in Executive Decision! Boy I was surprised to see him bite it at one point. šŸ˜‚


The movie even comes in a Steven Segal box set which I always found odd. It would be like putting The Expendables 1 in an Arnold Schwarzenegger box set.


Itā€™s a sci fi film. All of his clones are flying through the air with him. A flock of Seagals.


Genuinely laughed out loud at this. Well done.


Executive Decision


This was an amazing casting choice. Steven is a joke now, but at the time, he still had a ton of clout and was riding high on the success of Under Siege - an actually decent action movie. His face was all over the movie in the trailers. It seemed like a Segal starring movie. It looked like it was going to be Steven beating down the bad guys in an airplane. The trailer has him rocking and rolling with guns blazing. We got this crazy amount of hype. So, the movie starts, Steven is a decorated Spec Ops soldier. His character is larger than life. He is battle hardened and leading a band of green-ish but competent soldiers. Their mission is to board a terrorist controlled flight and save 40 million people from certain death if the terrorists can detonate over DC. High stakes. But we have Steven. We can't lose. And then, before the movie really starts, as Steven is preparing to board the plane, we lose him. He valiantly sacrifices himself for the greater good of his team and the people inside the aircraft. It is a bewildering moment for the audience. And a nuke to the morale of his team in the movie. For awhile, we cannot fathom the good ones actually winning. They lost their John Rambo and we lost our Superman. It was a superb casting decision. And possibly the last good movie Steven ever made.


Executive Decision is probably the best or second-best of the Die Hard clones that were made during the 90's. You could say that Under Siege is probably the best Die Hard clone of that time. And it really depends if you consider Speed to be a Die Hard clone, I personally think its too different to be considered one. Executive Decision is a really competent movie. And Kurt Russell really is at his best at doing his "everyman stepping up to save the day" routine; which, at that point in his career, he had perfected.


I will never forget that Cake


Erika Eleniak


Oh, šŸ˜Ž we šŸ˜ know šŸ¤Œ


The rental VHS of Under Siege I saw had been rewinded and paused through that bit so many times it actually affected the picture quality :D


My favourite Die Hard clone is Home Alone. Speed is definitely not a clone. It doesn't have the right person in the wrong place at the wrong time element.


Amazing moment in action movies. It's an overall great movie. Much better than it should be. Fun fact, he refused to cut his ponytail for the film. They had to digitally remove it, an expensive feat for the time.


I absolutely love the bomb defusal scene, it resonates with me as it's exactly how I felt starting a new job as a machinist technician and not wanting to fuck shit up lmao.


What made it worse for me was through the rest of the film, I was waiting for him to make some sort of awesome comeback!


One of the only times Steven Segal was sucked consensualy and everyone loved it


Isn't the rumour that Kurt Russell couldn't work with him and said he was gonna walk if Seagal remained and the Studio decided Russell was the bigger star and off-ed Seagal?


He was at his most assholish and physically assaulted John Leguizamo on set. They reduced his role to get rid of him.


That's not true. [There is a draft of the script from 1991, where the character Seagal ended up playing dies the same way he did in the finished movie.](https://indiegroundfilms.files.wordpress.com/2013/08/executive-decision-apr-91.pdf)


Segal had gone over budget directing On Deadly Ground and this was part of his penance. He knew going in it was a short role.


I saw this at the theater and remember being shocked Steven Seagal was killed off in the first 5 minutes. In hindsight, he had no business being in a movie with Kurt Russell and Halle Barry, much less headlining. Possibly the best part ever written for Seagal.


I think my favorite fun fact is that Seagal went to see a screening with his agent, and people cheered when his character died. His agent had to convince him that they were cheering for him, because. You know. It was a valiant death, I guess.


Oh, no, they're saying... Yay-gal, yay-gal.


Probably one of his better performances! If not his best!


Executive Decision, and the movie was the better for it.


47 Ronin Hiroyuki Sanada was shit on in the marketing for this movie. He was supposed to be the lead. The film was massively reworked to make Keanu the lead. Was Sanada on the poster? Nope, instead Rick Genest, a dude with a skull face tattoo, was the second largest character on the poster after Keanu. He had less than 30 seconds of screen time iirc, and no lines. I get why, dude looks badass on the poster, but seriously, come on. https://m.imdb.com/title/tt1335975/mediaviewer/rm1767496960/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk


Yep the skull face guy was in so much of the promo material.


Yeah, that was baffling. He's not even important as a cameo. He's practically an elevated extra in the film, he barely matters at all to the plot. I'd have forgotten he was in the movie if he wasn't, like, half the poster.


Scream fits in here but it was for an excellent reason.


My immediate thought. I wish I was paying attention when that movie came out. Drew Barrymore was front center of the poster, did all the press. Everything. Then got killed in the opening scene of the movie. Incredible. And that's not even the main twist!


I always knew Shaggy would be the one to snap.


You know he was in Hackers and his handle was Cereal Killer before this right?


He also played the son in *Serial Mom*


They made him use, what would you say? 10% of his power?


And then the rest of the series had these epic opening scenes but nothing will top that one. Just think about how many quotable lines are from those first 15 minutes or how it impacted movie culture in general. Scream launched slashers back into pop culture. Movies like Saw wouldnā€™t exist without it.


That was Drew Barrymoreā€™s idea. They wanted her to play Sidney Prescott but she pitched that she play Casey Becker instead


It was because of scheduling though iirc, she suggested it so she could still play some role - what a great move though.


That's actually what makes scream work so well. You learn early on that it's fair game for anyone to die.


Dune was advertised heavily using Zendaya...she was only in the last few minutes


She is an important part of the book but not featuring very heavily in the first half which is what the movie is of. She will be much more of a character in part 2, I think they wanted to show people She was important despite limited air time


And now the same thing is happening with Florence Pugh.


I think we'll see a fair amount of her this time around, in intercut conversations and journal entries (not unlike the book); but yeah she'll be way more prominent in the third film if they ever adapt Messiah (please adapt Messiah).


I wholeheartedly agree that they need to adapt Messiah. Without Messiah the story is incomplete. Rest in spoiler just in case: >!One of the biggest criticisms that I heard among some of my friends is that Dune is a white savior story. Which is hard to argue against, until you get to Messiah, which shows all of the problems with the White Savior trope and turns it on it's head. That's why I feel like the story is incomplete without Messiah and from what I've seen in interviews it sounds like Denis Villeneuve agrees so we should see it barring a major setback.!<


She was in several visions as well, and I think even the opening scene.


Yeah, but it all added up to like 2 minutes of screen time. As a huge fan of the books and old film, I was thrilled to see a remake. And my girlfriend was cool to go see it with me because Zendaya. After the movie sheā€™s like. ā€œWTF, Zendaya was barely in it at all!?ā€ And Iā€™m likeā€¦ yeah, wait for the next movie.


It's why I watched this without my wife. I've seen all the previous dune adaptations and knew the first movie she would be bored with. She'd like the couple scenes with Mamoa, but that would be it. The rest of the time, she would be bored. I enjoyed it and can't wait for the second part, but it will again be one I watch by myself.


The Rock in The Mummy Returns. Heā€™s there for a couple of minutes at the beginning of the movie, then heā€™s just badly done CGI for a couple at the end.


He was also in the Spin-off vehicle The Scorpion King. It was never clear to me how his character in that movie became the character in The Mummy Returns, but Kelly Hu sure was beautiful in that movie.


Really underselling Kelly Hu


Pretty sure after the first Mummy movie everything was basically just an excuse to film beautiful women and manly men with the plot and script as complete after thoughts.


Also in "fighting with my family". He was heavily featured on the promo poster but only appears in like 1 throwaway scene in the actual movie lol.


That CGI was bad but his spin off movie was fucking awesome.


Bruce Lee literally died during the filming of Game of Death


Yeah, it's not great example. With or without doubles and weird editing and archive footage etc, it's still very much a Bruce Lee movie.


Luke Perry in *The Fifth Element* Seriously, if you're one of the three people who've got cable still, pay attention if you see it in the programming. It stars Luke Perry and Ian Holm...


Crazy that they felt the need to do that for a movie featuring fucking Bruce Willis, Gary Oldman, Milla Jovovich and Chris Tucker.


Luke Perry was in Fifth Element?


* Orson Welles in [*Waterloo* (1970)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DcWJrzK0wU) \- He appears in two short scenes as Louis XVIII (more of a quasi-cameo than anything). * Bruce Willis and Adrien Brody in [*Da Hong Zha/The Bombing* (2018)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkwfFzTZK1c) aka *Air Strike* aka *Unbreakable Spirit* (one of the worst WW2 movies ever made, which covers the real-life bombing of Chongqing). Willis turns in a VOD performance as Col. Jack Johnson (a obvious fictionalised Claire Chennault). Brody on the other hand, briefly appears as a doctor named "Steve" (around 1-2 minutes before his character gets blown up) and it's fairly obvious that he had an entire subplot that was cut out - a la Malick's adaptation of *Thin Red Line* (adaptation because he wasn't the first; there was a previous 1964 b&w version that some people consider better).


Marlon Brando in Superman Marlon Brando in Apocalypse Now Marlon Brando in The Score


Kurtz in Apocalypse Now is a pivotal role and needed someone like him to give it weight (no pun intended). Even though heā€™s essentially only in the last act, the characters presence is throughout the whole film. And it was much the same in the book.


Interestingly enough, the reason heā€™s in the shadow so much in Apocalypse Now is because he had put on so much weight and he was embarrassed.


And didnā€™t learn the script and had to have cue cards on set


Which was par for the course at the time with Brando. And he only got worse in subsequent years.


Never did. It's why he was holding a crystal in his first scene of the Superman film.


Brando got an asinine 3,7 million buckaroos and 11,75% of the earnings from Superman because producers Alexander and Ilya Salkind *knew* that his name alone (along with Gene Hackman) who get butts in seats.


Drew Barrymore was pretty top billed in Scream, and her part was only the first five minutes of the movie. She did an entire media circuit for that flick. That was her big comeback.


I think it was purposefully a misdirection in the marketing to increase the shock of her death.


Yup! They were going for a whole *Psycho* effect, where Janet Leigh (iirc) was a big face on the movie only to be (spoiler?) hacked up in the shower.


Itā€™s cool and not ever mentioned that Screamā€”a movie about slasher tropesā€”opens by paying tribute to arguably the first slasher movie Psycho by using the same marketing trope


Wes Craven really knew how to do it :)


She did carry half of the movie. I was quite impressed the first time I saw it because the first part of the movie seems unrelated to what happens next


Right?? Obviously everybody today knows about Psycho. But can you imagine watching it for the first time back when it came out? You think itā€™s gonna be a thriller, or a bit of a mysteryā€¦ who is this girl, whyā€™s she willing to steal this money, whatā€™s her boyfriend mixed up in, are they gonna get caught. Then BAM, murdered in the shower by a stranger. My mind would have been BLOWN.


I need to watch Psycho again, because I was let down when I did for the first time a very years ago. A lot of it seemed very cliche and predictable to me as a for a horror/thriller. But then I have to consider, the reason some things seem cliches is because Psycho *created* the cliches that other movies have taken so much inspiration from. I imagine watching this movie in the 60s had to have been groundbreaking compared to watching it nowdays.


Sure made an impressive trailer, though.


Charlize Theron in The Road. Featured heavily in the film marketing, but out of the movie after 5 minutes. There are symbolic reasons for that little twist, but her absence would have been surprising based on the trailer.


Love that movie. Book is great. I never saw it advertised. I donā€™t even think she had 5 minutes. Have to be in a special mood to watch it. Itā€™s very hard to take in. Just unimaginable shit.


Extraordinarily bleak.


Clooney in A Thin Red Line 90 seconds at the end, at most.


Christian Bale in Terminator: Salvation. Expected to see a badass movie where John Connor is in a literal war against the machines only to have to watch Sam Worthingtonā€™s dumb ass have an existential robot crisis.


I was soooo thrilled and looking forward to this. This John Connor would have been fucking solid. Itā€™s a shame we didnā€™t get to see him fighting.


One of the ridiculously, "we haven't even finished filming yet!" early teasers for it had a voiceover line I still remember: This isn't the war my mother warned me about. I remember thinking that they weren't just going to make an actual war movie, but change things up so SkyNet does something *fundamentally* different. It could have rejuvenated the franchise. Instead, we got the Wish.com Transformers movie, and those were already pretty Walmart bargain bin. I haven't watched any of them since.


I still really liked the first 2/3 of the movie, the end was pretty dumb though.


I still ask myself what the hell is wrong with Hollywood. Ever since that first scene in Terminator 2, what everybody wanted and asked VERY VOCALLY on every fucking occasion is just a full fucking movie of that goddamn scene. It just writes itself, it's a war movie with fucking Terminators, literal seas of skulls, lasers, and a John Connor being very John Connor, fighting an angry AI. There doesn't need to be an inventive "twist", we don't need to ponder how SkyNet was perhaps right, deal with some weird nanotechnology, or discover an unlikely character to be a robot. Just make that fucking movie about shooting lasers at evil robots and people will go see it.


Darth Maul.


to be fair the darth maul fight is the only thing most people remember from that movie.


He had 3 scenes (one of which being the fight.) Him receiving orders, him using binoculars and getting on a speeder-bike were the other two. He was all over the posters and merch, and appeared on camera for about 5 minutes.


Conveniently leaving out the first fight right after binoculars...


Hooo boy... that one was memorable. Seriously though, I completely forgot it. Highly hyped character with minimal screen time, about 2 lines of dialogue, and that was it.


To be fair Darth Vader is only on screen for 8 minutes in A New Hope.


FWIW, the voice actor (Peter Serafinowicz) claims that he recorded a lot more dialogue as Maul than the two lines that ended up in the movie. He also talks hilariously about George Lucas being a cheap skate and a hack, well worth your time if you can google it.


[The story as told by him](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=t0wHqNi3x5M). (probably embellished a bit but heā€™s a funny guy and good storyteller) His sketch show wasnā€™t bad either.


I will never forget whoever was in charge of marketing for that movie. Showing Mauls double bladed lightsaber in the trailers ruined what could have been the greatest moment in cinematic history


It was meant to be, at one point, played by Benecio Del Toro. Eventually the role was cut down for the stunt actor to play it. The Clone Wars series reinvigorated the role.


Amitabh Bachchan as one of Gatsbyā€™s associates in the Great Gatsby. A well known leading star in India, he had a line in the movie trailer and a few seconds of screen time in the film itself. Felt like it was an attempt to draw a larger audience more so than to showcase a world-renown actor and his talents


A ā€œwell known leading star in Indiaā€ is a huge understatement. He is the most popular actor in the history of Indian cinema.


This always makes me think of Plan 9 From Outer Space, and how it was billed as "Bela Legosi's last movie", which mostly was body doubles and ludicrous cutting room snippets that the director, Ed Wood spliced in.




Al has two scenes in the movie, one is fhe dialogue, one when he watches this series episode and calls someone. Not the largest role but still.


I forgot he was in that


Yeah people think The Godfather and Dog Day Afternoon but forget all about the other great auteur pieces he was in like Jack and Jill.


Drew Barrymore's early death in Scream is an homage to Janet Leigh's early death in Psycho. Although, of course, Leigh carries the first act of Psycho, whereas Barrymore doesn't last much longer than five minutes.


Ryan Reynolds in Life


The 1999 epic buddy dramedy starring Eddie Murphy and Martin Lawrence?


Ya, Ryan Reynolds has a small part where he asks Eddie Murphy if heā€™s gonna eat that cornbread. You mightā€™ve missed it because he put on some weight and is in a lot of makeup for his scenes.


Guess he didn't like the cornbread neither


Damn. That got me


Jared Leto, suicide squad


Apparently Leto filmed enough scenes for it to be its own feature length movie, but his screen time was severely cut down in the editing room, according to David Ayer, the director. Now the ones that were hired to edit the movie were from a trailer producing company who were hired after the positive reception for the trailer they made for this movie. However, they were not professional film editors, they were a trailer-specific company. The whole production of this movie was a disaster.


>However, they were not professional film editors, they were a trailer-specific company. >The whole production of this movie was a disaster. We were in another countru and wanted to try a local cinema. It was either Suicide Squad or an unknown film called Train to Busan. I chose Suicide Squad because I remember the trailer being awesome to the beat of Bohemian Rhapsody. Fuck you, Suicide Squad. We could have had a good time with Train to Busan instead.


His absence only improved that garbage movie


Much smaller scale but there is a hilariously bad film from 2010 called Wrong Side of Town starring former ECW/WWE star Rob van Dam. The film also has, in an extremely small role, Dave Bautista (pre-Guardians). RVD was either on the indies or in TNA at the time and Batista was or had just been WWE champion. Can you guess which one is front and center in the poster, billed top and who is prominently featured in the trailer?


Hulk Hogan. Even if he's not in the movie, he doesn't put anyone over


That actually works for me, brother.


We're gonna see this happen with that new ["Henry Cavill and Dua Lipa"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWB90Oz-7kA) movie.


Jon Bon Jovi in U-571, and James Franco in Alien Covenant.


Steven segal in executive decision


Technically an actor for the purposes of the film, but Tyra Banks was heavily featured in the advertisements for "Coyote Ugly" and was gone ten minutes in


Gwendolyn Christie as Captain Phasma in the sequel Star Wars trilogy. Very little screen time, the character was barely used at all.


William Hurt got an Oscar nom for History of Violence. Dude only had a few minutes on screen at the end.


Ed Harris deserves an Oscar not William. Harris deserves many Oscarā€™s.


Ana de Armas in *Yesterday*. She was in the ads and trailer even though she was cut completely. I believe the studio got sued by fans over it.


Farrah Fawcett is in about five minutes of Logan's Run. Then Charlie's Angels came out. All of sudden it was Logan's Run starring Farrah Fawcett.


Josh Brolin in True Grit


His character was pretty essential to the plot. You want the audience to recognize him.


Lawrence Fishburne in Predators. He was all over the promotions but is in the movie like 1 or 2 scenes.


Eddie Murphy in Best Defense. He was only in the movie for a matter of minutes, when he was real hot at the time (not long after 48 Hours and Trading Places).


Sure someoneā€™s said it already, but George Clooney being on the poster of Thin Red Line was hilarious.


Samuel L Jackson in Deep Blue Sea


They ate me! A fuckin' shark ate me!


Itā€™ll get you drunk. Youā€™ll be fuckin Fat Girls in no time.


Mmmm Mmmmmmm, bitch!


How's it taste motherfucker?


Frickin' "Invasion" series on Apple TV. Heavily featured Sam Neill in the promos. Then killed him in the first episode. I suppose it's possible there's a "he's not really dead" sci-fi thing happening...


The biggest bait and switch this year for me. Iā€™m not even touching season 2.


Alice sweet Alice. Brooke shields dies in the beginning. Good movie though.


Keith David on Nope. >!His credit literally pops up as they show his dead body after he dies in the opening scene of the movie.!<


I donā€™t really recall him being in any marketing though.


Bryan Cranston in Godzilla


A few years ago Netflix was using thumbnails with supporting black cast members front-and-center when the algorithm figured out those viewers were black. Like, if you watched a load of movie with black people in them, suddenly Chiwetel Ejiofor was on the thumbnail for *Love Actually,* even though he barely got any lines.