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>!"John Doe" succeeded in destroying "Wrath" by essentially causing Det. Mills to ruin (destroy) his own life by causing him to strip himself of his own freedom, livelihood, and reputation -- all of which were things Mills had up until that point more or less was able to maintain within his control and hold in check for the most part!<


Thanks, I didn't think about it from that point of view. Mills won't be the same person so we can also say he died in a way.


The life that was taken for Envy was Mills wife. The life that was taken for Wrath was John Doe. No more deaths were needed.


Wrath isn’t suicide. He made Mills kill him in wrath, where he normally would not have done it. His anger was so intense (wrath) that he went against his cop ethics and killed him. I recognize the irony in today’s world of stating cop and ethics in the same sentence, it could cause others to wrath.


I thought it was more of a corruption thing, like if Mills gets mad enough to kill then he will essentially become (create) wrath.


I don’t think his plan was ever to see all victims dead, just punished in extreme and attention-grabbing ways. He gave pride the chance to live and sloth survived. Greed may have lived if he was able to extract the pound of flesh correctly.


We don’t know what his original plan was, but we do know he changed it when they found his apartment to what it was in the end.


Another thing I can think of is that John's true plan was to die as a martyr instead of killing people who commited the 7 deadly sins, but in this case, why would he borrow so many religion-related books from the library?


Hard to say since he was mental, but it could have certainly always been his plan to die at the end.


The better question is; How did John Doe’s plan, which is set years and years in advance all hinge on a guy that was literally starting his new detective job that week.


He could have been planning to kill the family member of any of the detectives assigned to the case. Reasonably, anyone who found their loved one in that condition would have embodied wrath and killed John Doe


But considering how meticulously he planned everything, to have it hinge on that…. All I’m saying is he got lucky.


What's in the box??


It's Goop. Goop is in the box.


Yes that was Gwyneth's head.


"It's about sending a message." John Doe claimed he wanted to show people how decadent and corrupt society had become. Killing each "sin" wasn't required.