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About Time. The stuff with the dad near the end utterly destroys me every time.


Uh, when they’re playing on the beach? I’m with ya.


Yeah, I can't imagine I'll be able to make it through when my dad passes


It’s hard and definitely a process but you’ll eventually adapt and move forward, that’s life.


My dad died in 1999. My mom died 2 years ago. You never really get past it. It just becomes a new part of who you are. I don't know if both your parents are still around, but just see them when you can. Make them laugh. Hug them. Just make lots of small memories with them. When you can't see them anymore, it's the small things you might miss the most. Build up a bank of those memories. Ok, have a good day.


Hugs to you, friend.


I watched that movie two weeks after my dad died, thinking it was a sci-fi time travel movie. Straight up rivers down my face, bawling my eyes out. It was cathartic, but man, too soon.


Same. Also I haven’t even attempted Field of Dreams since my dad passed. “Want to have a catch?” Sob.


Cherish the fact that a movie like that reminds you of your old man.


The one and only time ive ever seen my dad cry was watching this movie. Now that hes gone I cant even begin to imagine what watching this movie would do


Not wrong but I LOVE this movie


I can’t watch it since my daughter was born, the idea of travelling back in time and erasing her really freaks me out.


My partner at the time threw this on one night, and my dad was very sick at the time. Like the first time in my adulthood I had to come to grips with the fact that my old man, was in fact getting old kinda sick. This movie fuckin devastated me. He’s fine now, and I’ve made it a point to spend as much time with him and my mom as possible. This movie honestly played a big part in that.


The original ending of Mrs. Doubtfire was going to be them getting back together but Robin Williams told her direct her to change it because he said I would give kids false hope


Honestly, outstanding choice. Some kids probably needed to hear that message of “it’s not your fault and both your parents still love you” at the end of the movie


It's why the movie meant so much to me as a kid. And looking at it as an adult, he DID pretty massively violate her space so getting back together would make no sense.


Oh absolutely he’d be in jail


And the fact they reference non nuclear families such as kids in foster homes, kids living with grandparents, kids with one parent, etc


Yeah that would have completely ruined the message of the movie and it would have had no point.


My parents were going through a divorce when this movie came out. She always appreciated that ending. She said it made her feel like less of an asshole. Edit to add: of course by she, I mean my mom lol


Yeah, me too. Representation matters


As a child of divorce, this movie is very comforting. One of my favorites for a multitude of reasons. Robin Williams was one of a kind.


lol my mother hates the ending for the same reason. Definitely one of the more realistic ones.


That sounds like a very Robin Williams thing to do. Damn, I miss him. Great guy and so funny. Fuck depression.


My opinion of Robin Williams goes up, again


Amelie. Beautiful French film. My ex wife and I went to see it on our first date. It hits too hard.


I saw it when it first arrived in Portland in 2001. Whole theater to myself. One of the best years of my life. I can’t watch it for this reason. Life has been downhill ever since.


Maybe you should rewatch it and it will reverse the cycle


He has to watch the whole film in reverse for that.


Her face is on like every pirated game installer lol


Sorry it didn't work out for you two. That is a movie I could watch every year.




But The Parent Trap III, I feel like the triplets were just selfish bitches who didn’t like the chick their dad was gonna marry.


I was surprised by the amount of nudity and gore in *The Parent Trap IV.*


But Parent Trap V is like a soft reboot, so really you can start there.


Parent Trap VI ended up being a Saw prequel.


The less said about Parent Trap Se7en, the better.


You won't believe these step daughters.


I wish the Hayley Mills Parent Trap, and the two 1989s sequels, aired more often.


There’s a fourth one. But I don’t think it involved a trap. Edit: and how are these not in D+?


I’m still amazed Watcher In The Woods hasn’t been on there. Not even at Halloween.


Unfortunately, a lot of people think that The Parent Trap was made in 1998. Heck, even less people know that it's based on a German children's book (Lisa and Lottie) and assume that Disney just flat-out invented the story.


Yeah just don't read about what happened to the girl who played Mary. Too much reality there.


Old Yeller Who tf can watch that movie more than once? On second thought, any movie where the dog dies. Just scratch it off the list.


I will never understand why teachers showed this in class. I will NEVER watch it again.


To quote the great philosopher of our times, Phoebe Buffay “what kind of sick snuffy dog film is this?”


(Genuinely) sorry for being pedantic, but I think Phoebe says "Okay, what kind of sick doggy snuff film is this?" 😘


Where the Red Fern Grows, for me. I watched it too many times as a kid but I liked it because it reminded me of my uncle’s hounds. But then again it was traumatizing because I loved his dogs and couldn’t imagine them dying,


I was literally just discussing this with a friend, but in book form. Red Fern *traumatized* meeeee D: By the time I read Jurassic Park, I was prepared to read about innards becoming out-ards. I was not ready when I was FIVE, about a beloved DOG.


Also Hachi. The only thing sadder is the true story it is based on.


No John Wick for you!


This one actually gets a pass because his response is appropriate and proportional to the crime committed.




Was it beautiful? Yes. Was it well-made? Yes. Was it so emotionally devastating that I *never* want to watch it again? **Yes.**


Top 10 great movies that you'll never re-watch


My teacher showed it in class. I was in eighth grade/13yo. I have a younger sister. I’ve never ugly-cried harder in my life.


I, too, hate bawling my eyes out.


Yeah. Just don’t have the stomach for it anymore. One time was enough


Disney’s “The Fox and the Hound”


I know the scene, and it’s the same reason I can’t watch it today.


One time. Just one time have I watched it. my parents dropped me off at the movie to watch it when I was around 8 or 9. When they picked me up they were very confused why I couldn't stop crying. Damn that movie. Absolutely ripped my heart out at that one scene.


Land Before Time, since I learned about Ducky.


So All Dogs Go to Heaven too I’m guessing? And Jaws the Revenge??


Jaws the Revenge is even harder because it puts a face on the actress, whereas the other movies is just her voice.


I know it’s hard since Jaws the Revenge is an undisputed masterpiece of a film too!


Damn it I couldn't help myself thats so sad. Google can be a blessing and a curse at the same time




Don’t lookup what happened to the kid who did the voice. It’s not worth it.


Marley & Me First time I watched it, I bawled like a baby Figured the second time wouldn’t be as bad knowing what happens. Nope, bawled just as hard and never attempted to watch again 👍


First time my mom and I watched it ended up with us sobbing and holding my very confused dog 😂


I used to love the show 24. Seen all the seasons and spinoffs. Even played the PS2 game. I tried watching season 3 recently, and I had a weird experience. So, I work in IT. I'm in a large company, lot of crap going on all the time. I'm super stressed, I'm on anxiety meds, and I overall hate my job. The beginning of the season introduces Chloe and some new characters. And they're bickering over system permissions, formatting drives, running TPS reports and whatever TV nonsense they do. But all it did was remind me of work, and I couldn't enjoy it :( Maybe I'll fast forward to the action and spy stuff




Jack Bauer doesn't have time to say goodbye over the phone.


And he never poops


I tried watching Office Space as a corporate manager and couldn’t do it, just stressed me out


Same with Brazil.


Every 5 years that movie hits me different. It came out when I was in high school, my friends and I all thought it was hilarious but really did we actually related to anything in that movie? Nope. Then over the next 20 years I watched parts of the movie play out at different jobs I've worked at, literally had a job where they brought in two Bobs (by other names) and started finding redundancies to fire. I kept telling everyone what was happening and no one wanted to believe until they were walked out the door. The more time goes on the more I related to the red stapler guy.


Just tried to start The Office over and I let out a huge sigh and just couldn’t do it anymore. Have no idea how I binged this on Netflix every night over and over and over again


Schindler’s List for obvious reasons. Incredible movie, but I don’t want to see it again.


Mine's The Green Mile. I watched it for the first time a couple of years ago and after it was done I told my partner, "That was excellent. Let's never watch it again."


First movie that ever made me bawl like a baby. Everyone always says the red coat girl scene, which is definitely sad, but the ending where he breaks down while talking about how much more he could have done absolutely wrecked me.


The ending had me sobbing.


The walking dead TV series I used to watch it with my mother, she passed away we got to season 7 so I can't continue to watch it anymore without her. I miss my mum 😢


Man. Sorry for your loss.


"What Dreams May Come," starring Robin Williams, is far too painful now.


So much of that movie is about suicide...


Million Dollar Baby


The Batman, I saw it with someone special and I lost them.


I actually had the opposite reaction. My dad and I saw all of Tarantino’s movies on opening day from Inglorious Basterds through Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. That last one was actually the last movie I saw in theaters with him, so it *really* reminds me of him. I love watching it because it helps me feel close to my pops.


I love that for you ❤️ watch the next one for him


You and your dad have great taste. Similarly to what you are going through, my last movie with my dad was Smokey and the bandit, 8 Days before he passed on October 9th 2022. I will try to watch the movie on the same day every year.


We can all relate to that feeling.


Jurassic Park 2 for me I know that feel




I mean, you just have to see it like, this is an example of the one time it DID happen. It's not more adult to be so cynical, you know. As much as I greatly enjoy it, I do struggle to watch Wizard of Oz knowing what happened to Judy.


Wasn’t just Judy. The Wicked Witch had a horrible reaction to her green makeup which had high concentrations of copper, forcing her to be on a liquid diet. She also got burned badly twice, during a stunt and the studio did nothing for her. She had to miss six weeks of filming while in convalescence for her burns. She had her stand in replace her for scenes involving fire, well there was an explosion and she ended up in the hospital with chewed up legs. The Tin Man wore aluminum dust for makeup that poisoned him and threw him in the hospital. The studio yelled at him to get back to work despite his skin physically turning blue. The snow in one scene was 100% asbestos. The Lions costume was made out of actual Lion Skin, which caused to actor to faint from heat exhaustion on a daily basis. The movie went through 4 different directors by the time it finally wrapped. A few of them being pernicious to everyone involved in the production. The scarecrow had burlap scars around his mouth and chin from his mask. With the mask on he couldn’t sweat, dude was suffocating. The Tinman, the Scarecrow, and the Lion were banned from eating lunch inside MGM studios, because the sight of them eating in their makeup was deemed disgusting. Concluding in Munchkins dying in the after party for getting too drunk and people tossing them out windows. The entire movie was detritus for everyone involved.


Buddy Ebsen was hired to play the scarecrow, but the first Tin Man actor Ray Bolger wanted to play the Scarecrow instead, and Buddy didn't mind switching roles, and the studio apparently didn't give a fuck, so they did. The original Tin Man makeup they were using for Ebsen was actually mostly powdered aluminum. Like, actual metal powder that they caked on his face. Of course, a lot of it didn't stay on his face, since it was powder it got in the air and then into his lungs. He was hospitalized and literally almost died because of it. The studio publicly *claimed* it was just a allergic reaction, just a random fluke no one could have guessed at. But that wasn't true at all. While Ebsen was in the hospital, the studio hired Jack Haley to take the role. They quietly changed how they were going to do the makeup for the role, but Haley also had problems like you mentioned.  Ebsen didn't die, thankfully, though he had recurrent breathing issues the rest of his life, which is sad for anyone, but particularly for a dancer like Ebsen, who I don't think ever performed to the level he used to have again. You may know Buddy Ebsen for his later role as Jed Clampet from the Beverly Hillbillies! He's great in that role, very charming and funny.


>The Tin Man wore aluminum dust for makeup that poisoned him and threw him in the hospital. The studio yelled at him to get back to work despite his skin physically turning blue. It was a different Tin Man that had the reaction. The original actor was Buddy Ebsen. What they did was they painted his face white and then covered it with aluminum powder, in which he would breathe in. His lungs were so coated in aluminum powder that he couldn't breathe. While he was in the hospital, the producers recast the role with Jake Haley, and they used an aluminum paste as the makeup, and even then he still got an eye infection from the makeup and had to miss 4 days of filming


See no sources regarding the munchkins at the after party




As a teenage actress at MGM, she was given amphetamines to keep her energy up during the day and barbiturates to make her sleep at night. She struggled her whole life afterwards with substances and depression. Also, she was supposedly groped by the 40+ year old dwarf actors who played the Munchkins


She died at 47 after a life long addiction to barbiturates.


And the asbestos pouring in everyone.


Harry Potter.  When Daniel Radcliffe talked about the alcoholism he faced and discussed a few specific scenes where he was drunk, I was very invested in the series at the time and knew exactly which scenes he meant.  Now whenever I watch the films, instead of seeing a loveable, quirky Harry, I see drunk and slurring Daniel.  I grew up with an alcoholic. Edit: I want to say that I don't hold his alcoholism against him. I know the difficulties of addiction and I can appreciate his struggle and the work he did to get clean.  It just feels like one more thing from my childhood is tainted as a result of alcohol.  


John Q. Its not an incredible movie but Denzel does a phenomenal job giving a real moving performance as the father. Saw it as a teen, would watch it if it was on. Tried watching it recently and can't now. Since I'm older and can understand the struggles of our healthcare system more, makes me too angry.


Lord of the rings trilogy unfortunately they were my mom and my favorite like we would watch one every other day. She passed away and I tried watching them again and just the shire song was making me bawl like a baby.


All dogs go to heaven. Because it's fucking sad


What, the movie or the fact that Judith Barsi died young because her dad murdered her and her mom?


Now that you mention it.. both


Requiem for a Dream. Fantastic film, but not one I ever need to watch again.


Ass to ass!


The Blind Side


98% in protective instincts


“Ah yes, a totally measurable trait that we definitely test for when considering new students.”


I wanna know the question that got him in that percentile? Someone threatens your mother with a baseball bat. Do you: A) call for help B) avoid the situation and leave C) threaten the person back D) bash that m**********r’s skull in with a wrench. Nobody disrespects mama


Mag-fucking-nolia The last time I tried to watch it I lost it at the scene where Philip Seymour Hoffman had to give morphine to his patient that pretty much ended his life. I took care of my mom in hospice and I had to do the same thing and oh man that scene was waaaay to real for me to ever deal with so I stopped it and vowed to never watch it again.


*Pet Sematary* (the original from 1989). I was in college when it came out and was a massive horror movie nerd and Stephen King fanboy, so of course I saw it (several times) and dug it. Years later, my wife and I revisited it and seeing it through more adult eyes (as well as parents of two young kids who were about the same age as "Gage," the little boy in the film) ... was like watching it for the first time, and it hit us both like a brick. It opened up a whole slew of fears we didn't even realize we had about something terrible happening to one of our kids. I literally had tears in my eyes a couple of times. When it was over we looked at each other and said, "never again."


My mom let me watch it when I was about 7 years old and it fucked me up. Then back in the late 90s I went to a sleep over with friends and we all went to blockbuster to pick out horror movies. I told them I had watched it as a little kid and how scary it was but thought it can’t be as scary as I remember. I was wrong. That movie is terrifying. Several years later I met the kid who played Gage. He was a friend of a friend of mine who both went to drama school together. I let him know that because of him I didn’t hang my feet out over my bed for YEARS.


Don’t read the book man. It’s wayyyyy more intense.


Pet Sematary, whether book or film, is something you can watch pretty young then get pretty different experiences each time. I read it first when I was 13, maybe 14 and it scared me. Again in my 20s, loved it but a part of me was like "can't believe that scared me when I was young!". In my mind 30s, though? The kind of existential dread you only really know when premature loss feels like a real thing, looming over you. It was like looking at a magic eye picture, I'd seen the whole story before, but on that read through it was like I was *seeing* it for the first time.


Not a movie, but after what happened to the cast, I find watching Glee weird.


Yeah, I was trying to listen to the Regionals Version of Don't Stop Believing and had to stop. Half the soloists on that are now dead, and that's too young of a cast for that to be true for




Hayley Mills or Lindsay Lohan versions?


Basically any movie where a beloved dog dies


Marley and me. Never again


Mysterious Skin. Too disturbing, especially the violent assault/rpe scene and the sad truth that a lot of young guys who try sex work won't even report stuff like that happening, even if they're literally bruised and bloody.


Milo and Otis iykyk


This was my number one choice. I always wanted a pug and an orange kitty growing up because of that movie. I watched it a few yrs back and holy crap! Turns my stomach.


My issue with that movie is that the parents in The Parent Trap are monsters. What the fuck kind of custody arrangement is that?! Otherwise it's a fun movie.


probably a New Zealand movie called Once Were Warriors - a shocking movie that we have not plucked up the courage to watch since the first time.


Inside Out. When it first came out my kids were toddlers and they were always happy. Now my oldest is an angsty 9th grader, i'm 40 and mid-life crisising, and i just can't do it. And now i see the sequel will feature ANXIETY. No thanks!


The Exorcist. It just doesn't make me laugh like it used to.


It's all lighthearted fun until you discover that your mother does, in fact, suck cocks in hell.


I have no interest in watching or rewatching anything made by Woody Allen


polanski too


Sometimes, revisiting movies we loved as kids can feel different as adults when life experiences change our perspectives. For me, "The Notebook" is one of those movies I can't watch anymore. As a teenager, I was swept up in the romance and drama, but now, the portrayal of love and relationships just feels a bit too idealized and unrealistic for my tastes.


American Beauty. I loved that movie when I thought Kevin Spacey was purely acting, but after he was outed as a major creep, it feels incredibly uncomfortable to watch.


All of Spacey's best roles are assholes of varying degrees who usually meet a sticky end before the credits. That's how I continue to enjoy those movies.


"The Goonies". As a child, the idea of going on a wild adventure to with your friends to save the town - bonding both platonically and romantically along the way - really appealed to me. It still does, even as an adult; but I never realized how much everyone shouts and screams throughout the film... until I tried re-watching it as an adult.


That's funny, I love that aspect because it reminds me so much of being a kid in a group of kids. Yelling and talking over each other is such a realistic way for kids to interact with each other, and made me connect to the movie even more as an adult.


Oh man. You just didn’t watch it enough. I watch it every year, and it still magical


I somehow never saw it as a child and then saw it as an adult and was disappointed. Might have been better to imagine I was missing out on something magical.


Good Morning, Vietnam. I loved it when I was younger, but somewhere along the lines after Williams’ suicide his humor came across as more forced and sad and trying too hard to me. That on top of the already touchy matter of the Vietnam War made it unwatchable.


Honestly, seeing anything with him in it now just makes me sad.


Shrek 2, mostly because I loved it so much when I was younger there was a time I’d play the movie on repeat several times a day for several days. So I basically got sick of it and now I just can’t watch it anymore.


Ah, that's sad.   I have young kids, and recently they said something about Shrek and I realized they only know Shrek from meme and general pop cultural osmosis, they'd never actually seen the movies. It was a wild realization.  We watched 1 and 2 and they're really fun still, they hold up well. Puss in Boots 1 is decent. We haven't watched 2 yet. I'm debating whether or not I want to show my kids Shrek 3 and 4 lmao.


"Families are never this happy." Um, are you ok buddy? Yes, it's a ridiculous premise of a movie but a happy family is NOT where it falls apart.


into the wild. just a horrific tragedy that could have been prevented.


Thats sorta a weird one, cause it's a lighthearted comedy for kids from Disney. Not sure what you were expecting. Though, yes, im sure its not as funny now as an adult. Lots of kids movies are like that as an old adult. But they can have a nostalgic charm to them. But for me, this question goes to films like 'Grave of the Fireflies,' 'Requiem for a Dream,' 'Midsommer.' Movies I'm glad I saw, but I don't really ever need to see again


Any Kevin spacey movie


The Usual Suspects and Se7en were two of my favorite movies.


I still like baby driver


*American Beauty* is completely unwatchable now (and kinda cringe on its own merits, in retrospect), but *Se7en* is still pretty good.


KPAX - I loved that movie. Can't watch it anymore thanks to Kevin Spacey


*Call Me By Your Name* doesn't hit the same knowing Armie Hammer is a cannibal


Not a cannibal, just a rapist who inexplicably dirty talks about cannibalism. Is that better? No! There's a scene where Chalamet says "That hurts" and Hammer literally replies "Stop fighting" What the actual fuck...


Wat (Edit) well, then. https://www.complex.com/pop-culture/a/karla-rodriguez/armie-hammer-cannibalism-abuse-controversy


Leòn: The Professional, after watching the international cut.


why's that?


There is more to the subplot of Mathilda wanting Leon to sleep with her and "be her first". That entire plot could have been cut out entirely. On the other hand the international version does show her going on hits with Leon which is far more interesting


I read that Jean Reno worked hard to protect Portman from the director, including refusing to allow her to be alone on-set, especially with the director Luc Besson


Jean Reno, along with several producers had to reign Luc Besson in and tell him to cut a lot of the pedophilia parts.


Yes, Jean Reno is a strong enough actor that he downplayed all that on screen as well. Leon has a childlike manner to him that also makes the movie work. From what else I heard about the production, it seems that Portman's parents were more concerned about how much smoking she did rather than the squicky pedo director they were working with.


That can be cut out entirely but the subtext is still heavily prevalent. I’m a little surprised that people “discovered” that the director was creepy and the original material was weird, I thought that was incredibly self evident.


You're right. I think I ignored it, or couldn't believe that a pro pedophilia movie would be so popular. But once I learned about the director and the original script, the whole thing made disgusting sense.


The director married a 15 year old after knocking her up


They dialed up the creepy dynamic between the two lead characters. I think Mathilda tried to get him to have sex with her. Found out the director is a pedo after I watched it too.


I just viewed it as a one sided crush. Leon saw her as a daughter.


All the great but depressing movies, like Manchester by the Sea or A Star is Born, used to love them but ever since I got mental health issues myself, it’s just so hard to watch them without feeling like shit


Manchester by the Sea is a hilarious film for two hours except for five minutes in the middle and five minutes at the end. And holy moly, those are some brutal minutes.


OP you sound like you need a hug. Not quite a movie but I find the political optimism in Hamilton (which I loved and still do) more difficult to relate to than I once did. The ever-looming threat of fascist dictatorship and the wars in Ukraine and Gaza will do that.


Party Monster *Especially" after reading the Wikipedia page that describes in graphic detail how Michael Alig and Freeze (?) killed and dismembered Angel in real life. I'm ok with gory horror and stuff but reading about the actual crime made me wish Alig had died a lot sooner in prison rather than having the luxury of release. Also.... I was actually friends with a toxic drug dealer who loved the movie. I had it on DVD when we were living together and hanging out, he was such a sociopath. I mean yeah the film glosses over the crimes with bright colors and a poppy soundtrack but he totally ignored the parts showing how bad that type of lifestyle was.


I thought the Barbie movie was mediocre and I don’t think I need to see it again.


Something’s Gotta Give w Diane Keaton one of my all time favorites…. It is Sexist beyond belief.


The Scary Movies, at least around 3 and 4 onwards. Growing up I had a blast watching them, but recently I couldn't get through them.


Didn’t they go from R to PG13 with 3?


It's funny, I actually prefer 3 and 4 over the first two, probably because it was done by the guys who did hot shots/airplane and was a lot less crass.


That scene where she’s talking to the little ghost boy in “Japanese” is one my favorite jokes of all time! It’s so wrong but I can’t help but laugh


my favourite was the finale of 3 being a reenactment of Leslie Neilsen's most famous scenes from Airplane. stepping, "I just wanna tell you both good luck..." and then knocking the ring girl ghost into the well. That and cocking the shovel with shells flying out always gets me.


I still crack up over the Detroit with and without aliens joke. Love the third and fourth movie.


Saturday night fever. I thought it was great when I was a teenager. I saw it as an adult and it was the worst movie ever.


>...it was the worst movie ever. Hey, it's all subjective and I know you're almost certainly being hyperbolic and all... but... seems odd to make that statement when *Staying Alive* is a film that compares so well to *Saturday Night Fever* but clearly makes *Saturday Night Fever* a masterpiece compared to it.


I’m not sure I was being hyperbolic. The casual date rape scene put it over the top.


Dude, seriously I had never seen it except for all the fun dancing scenes and so last year a friend of mine who had also never seen it and I was like dude we need to watch this movie because we love dance movies and we were horrified!


It has not aged well.


Even people who saw "the original" in the theater can have this reaction, because they released a PG version a few months later. That drew in a lot of kids and families and later became the basis for the version played on network TV, so a lot of people are really shocked when they run across the original cut. I've always seen it as a companion piece to *Carrie* from just a year earlier. The Travolta characters are basically the same guy. I remember half expecting the Annette character to start blowing shit up in that sequence.


Any Star Wars besides the OT.  


Yep, I don’t have any good feelings towards the non-OT films besides Rogue One. And maybe Revenge of the Sith on some days.


Goodburger was one of my favorite movies as a kid. I can’t stomach it anymore now that I know what Brian Peck did. Bad enough looking at Dan Schneider and being reminded of his awful behavior off camera.


London after Midnight starring Lon Chaney. No one can watch it 😔


Collateral beauty with Will Smith, in college we used to do movies night on Wednesday. we'd picked cheesy movies or random recommendations. One roommate suggested it, at the end of the movie we each quietly got up and went to our room. I cried myself to sleep, suffice to say I will never be watching that movie again.


There's a French horror movie called "Martyrs". I watched it as a teen in high school and it fucked me up for weeks. Certain scenes were just burned into my brain. Now as an adult, I actually kind of want to get into filmmaking, and I'm always thinking about how every scene was created, shot, rigged, cost, actor placement, etc. when I'm watching things (which actually helps with horror movies a ton, almost nothing makes me scared because of that). But I tried rewatching a couple scenes of the movie and I couldn't do it. I started feeling the same anxiety and panic I did as a kid.


Oldboy, the Korean one. That fucked me up lol


500 Days of Summer is a movie I recall enjoying very much. Because I kinda was that guy at the time. But looking back it was such an unhealthy situation for everyone involved.


Not a movie, but I can't stand Star Trek Discovery


The first true love of my life showed me Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. We’re no longer together and even just thinking about this movie hurts so much


I’m a foster parent and have adopted 3 kiddos (2 more on deck). I was watching Problem Child the other day and was very sad at how foster kids are spoken of by the adults in that movie. I mean, I was a kid the last time I watched it, and it just lands very differently now.


Most movies with Tom Cruise in it I can't stand him