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"Dragonheart" is a frequently goofy movie. Still was tearing up at the end when I first saw it.


"To the shatrsh, Bowen. To the shatrsh."


"Agh! I can't *see*! Are the stars shining tonight?" "Brightly, my Lord. Brightly."


I will fight for this movie until my last breath. I still call David Thewlis Einon. I remember being *pissed* as a kid when he was cast as Lupin, because he was so incredibly awful as Einon. I was too young to know that was just how talented he was and he'd completely win me over. EDIT BECAUSE I MUST: "But... you spoke the words...you spoke them from your heart!" "I vomited them up because I couldn't stomach them! Because I knew it was what you wanted to hear!" "Liar! I taught you!" "You taught me to fight, that's all. I took what I needed from you! You taught me to fight!" Watching this as an adult I see young Thewlis running rings around Quaid. He carried so much of this movie.


This was one of my favorite movies as a child.


I am the lasht!


The soundtrack is op!!


The soundtrack has been used in a ton of promotional material for other works over the years, for good reason.


Childhood favorite. I can confidently say that this movie shaped me as a person lol


Oh what the heck . I didn’t think this would be so high up . Same here .


"Brother Gilbert . . . you're a natural."


Eurovision song contest: The story of fire saga When Rachel McAdams sings the last song "My home town". Really caught me off guard.


When the song switches to Icelandic? Every time.


And the 'Points-Out-The-Obvious-Things-On-The-TV" guy = *"She's singing in Icelandic!"*


I have that song in regular rotation on my playlists


I LOVE that movie- it's such fun but really has heart. My husband and I regularly shout "the elves have gone too far!" The final Eurovision song makes me cry every time.


Yeah, for real. Overall, it's an okay, not great, but definitely not bad movie. A decent way to spend Saturday night, but not a whole lot more than that. But this made me tear up. I loved seeing how proud everyone back in Iceland was, especially when she started to sing in Icelandic. The older I get, the more sentimental I get. Ten or fifteen years ago, I'd have thought nothing much of this.


The soundtrack is absolutely full of bangers. **PLAY JAJA DING DONG!**


I cried during Wreck-it Ralph when Vanellope got to race and was living in the moment. I never cry during movies but apparently watching people enjoy the thrill of racing is what does it because the same thing happened some time later while watching Ford v Ferrari. When Ken knew he he was going to win and he was able to back off and just enjoy it I couldn't help it, that scene did a great job of making feel what he was feeling. Other than those two movies, I literally cannot think of any other time getting so overwhelmed with emotion I can't help but cry.


Also Wreck-it Ralph, but for me it’s when Bug King Candy is holding Ralph up and says it’s game over for both Ralph and Vanellope, and Ralph says, “No! Just for me!” as he breaks free to fall, intending to sacrifice himself for his friend. And then he looks at her cookie medal and recites the bad guys’ affirmation as he willingly falls to his certain death. Gets me every time. I’m a sucker for the hero’s sacrifice.


“I’m bad, and that’s good. I’ll never be good, and that’s not bad. There’s no-one I’d rather be than me…” Floods.


This is the moment that makes me cry


Same movie, but when he smashes her racer thinking he's protecting her. She hystericaly sobs and begs him to stop telling him once he's finished "You really ARE a badguy!"


Same part for me! I think I started tearing up when King Candy was explaining the situation. When Vanellope starts pleading for Ralph not to smash her car, the waterworks start!


For me, it’s the bit where Candy is explaining to Ralph what will happen to Vanellope if the game gets unplugged. Watching a scared child trapped in a world getting unplugged, beating on the wall…so much more intense than I was expecting. Wreck-It Ralph is a great movie.


I Robot Will it hurt?


The bit with the abandoned robots in the shipping container that stand to one side to huddle a little closer together gets me. I found that haunting.


Oh man that was hard. Poor things.


I was the *logical* choice :(


I'm sorry, my responses are limited. You must ask the right questions.


I know everyone hates The Flash. I get it. It’s not that good. But my mom had cancer when I saw it and that scene when he decides to go back in time and allow his mother’s death to happen had me bawling ugly tears.


Dude... I didn't realize how many movies use brain cancer for a terminal illness until my Mom was diagnosed. One time a few months before she passed she wanted a fun action movie to watch so I put on Guardians of the Galaxy, completely forgetting HIS DYING MOTHER WITH A BRAIN TUMOR that the movie opens with!! Fuuuck. And yeah, now anything with a parent dying completely wrecks me


Then GotG Vol 2 makes it worse. Sorry about your mum. For me, since having kids, anything with kids dying or getting hurt is unwatchable.


I totally get it. Didn't cry over animals dying until I had my dog put down. Didn't cry over kids until my nephew was born. And now after my mom, parents dying sets me off. I guess the more you can relate the easier it is to get completely rocked by something in a movie


Fuck it, I'll say it...I had a great time with The Flash. It's a really fun movie that just had a lot of bad stigma attached to it (if it had a different lead, I bet it would have been a smash). That scene got me too.


Same with the TV series. "You look like my father" with Grant Gustin's acting had me absolutely broken. That first season was so damn good.


That first season ending is what made me a fan. It just lets the emotional agony and heroic sense of responsibility on full blast. Barry is destroyed but he knows there is something right he has to do. A bold season 1 conclusion…and then it gets stuck in a bit of a pattern


I think the Flash gets more flack than it should imo. I've seen it twice and both times I had a pretty good time. It's not top tier but I enjoyed it a lot more than expected both times and that final part with the mother is pretty sweet. It's just distracting seeing Ezra Miller and the really bad and noticeable CGI


I liked The Flash. It was a fine mid-level superhero movie. I loved how it brought back Michael Keaton, and what we got to see him do. I also loved all the references across the history of DC entertainment. It is deeply unfortunate that the movie was sunk by Ezra Miller. A different actor, one without all the pending criminal actions and negative associations, would have made all the difference. I think it was a fun movie that’s poisoned by a nearly radioactive lead. It was a fun comic book movie.


Babe - Not necessarily dumb more like a childs movie but the ending scene brings tears to my eyes every single time Also used to cry at the ending of 12 Angry Men


That'll do, pig. That'll do.


Wow. I literally just posted mine was Babe: Pig in the City. Was not expecting to see Babe mentioned in here again


When mom loses her puppies


May I call you mom?


Team America: World Police I was going through some shit lol


I love the sad version of the theme song lol


*sobs* America... fuck yeah... comin again to save the (blubbering) muh-fuckin day yeah...


This is even funnier in text


But sometimes dicks fuck assholes.


I cry at everything, too. I can't think of a specific embarrassing example but I do know Hook makes me cry every time.


“THERE you are, Peter!” 😭


That scene tears me to pieces every damn time. The second the music changes and he starts to get closer to him and touch his face, it's just so powerful even more so because of losing Robin.


John Williams, ladies and gentlemen.


Hook is brilliant.


I mean let's be honest, the definitive answer here is Click. But apart from that, Furious 7. Maybe justifiably, considering the circumstances, but if you take into account the actual movie, it's pretty dumb.


Click kind of traumatized me lol.


Don't fast‐forward through your life is the lesson! Embrace it.


There's something that hits different seeing a funny man like Adam Sandler cry and get emotional.


It is so utterly baffling that the scene where he farts in his boss' face is in the same film as the scene where he sees his father for the last time. That second scene is one of the most heartbreaking put to film, and the first is one of the most shlockiest things I've watched. *"Would you look at the man?!"*


I think about Click all the time and just thinking about it for too long gets me tearing up.


I saw click on a “first date” when I was in like 8th grade. Wasn’t expecting to be emotionally destroyed like that at 13.


Furious 7 because of real life but also that song. It also was shot very nicely in perfect light and the diverging roads bit was spot on. Touching scene.


Yeah, Furious 7 was relentlessly stupid for most of the runtime, but the ending scene was legitimately sad just because we all know what happened in real life. I really wish they had just let the series end there.


But if it ended there they wouldn't have gone to space?! 


Yeah, wasn’t expecting to cry when I watch Click


I felt real stupid as a teenager that I shed some tears at this "stupid movie" click. Poor young me did not realize how powerful that movie is.


Fast and Furious 7, yeah. We binged all of these during the pandemic, having never seen any of them. And dammit if they didn't make me misty eyed at the end there.


Spongebob Squarepants. That scene where Spongebob and Patrick are drying out under the lamp, and they both accept death and hold hand and start singing the goofy goober song, before their own tears rehydrate them. Got me when I was 10 and it still gets me now lmao.


OP said "dumbest" movie. Not masterpiece


The opening to Guardians of the Galaxy. I lost my mom to cancer just a year before. But I feel you. Ever since my daughter was born I tear up at anything in a movie involving any kind of sacrifice or emotion involving children. (Fuck you Dr Sleep, that kid actor was amazing)


Home Alone made George Costanza cry 


“*that old man got to me!*”


I have seen Home Alone countless times. I had it on vhs as a kid. This last Christmas, I was watching it at home before heading to my parents house and started crying uncontrollably at the end when the mom comes home. My husband thought I was losing it. I sent him to Walgreens for a pregnancy test. We’re due in August!


This is the best story I've ever seen on reddit. Congratulations!


Alita: Battle Angel. I bawled with Alita when she tried to save Hugo. She whispered, “I love you” seconds before Hugo fell to his death….I was going through a break up at the time…


Armageddon. Every damn time.


If the story is true, Steven Tyler also cried. The tale I heard is that Aerosmith weren’t sure if they wanted to record “I Don't Want to Miss a Thing” as it wasn’t really their style and it was written by Diane Warren, who was best known for her work with the likes of Celine Dion - not very rock ‘n’ roll. But someone on the project really wanted Aerosmith on the soundtrack, so the band agreed to watch a cut of the movie and then decide if it was something they wanted to be a part of. When they got to the scene where Bruce Willis is saying goodbye to his daughter (played by Tyler’s actual daughter Liv) and she starts weeping and saying that she loves him, they just hear someone crying in the back of the theater. It’s Steven Tyler, *sobbing.* And through the tears he just mutters, “We’ll do the song.” Someone says, “Are you sure, Steve? Because it’s not really our—“ “We’re doing the fucking song!”


And then the song was primarily used in the scene where Steven Tyler's daughter gets plowed by Ben Affleck.


Fuck yeah


I don't wanna close my eyes


I rarely actually laugh at something I saw on Reddit but that did it. Come to think of it though, weird stuff like that happens when they’re working on the same thing, the video for Crazy was…odd for a father to get his daughter a part in.


I hadn't heart this story yet, that's awesome lol.


People give Michael Bay so much shit but he played the FUCK out of peoples' heart strings


I came here specifically to say that. Like if I'm in a weird emotional funk and I can't figure out why, I will literally watch Armageddon specifically to make me cry and to trigger whatever stuck in my head because it makes me ugly cry every. Single. Time.


Knowing what happened to Bruce IRL makes it even sadder.


Same here... It was with my dad and my uncle so I was embarrassed as fuck about it too. Core cringe memory


There's a fairly well known story that Bruce Willis put a picture up of his kids and gave that monologue to them. Nailed it in one take.


It’s not a movie ,but an emotional speech on a tv series from 80s-90s Night Court. Where Buddy finally speaks and gives an emotional speech about what’s real.


OMG, this was my first answer! I cry at the end when they show the pics of all that died EVERY. SINGLE. TIME!


but only because it was new year’s eve and it started snowing exactly at midnight


Always when Chick's little boy comes running to him after the shuttle lands...tears always flow.


The SpongeBob movie. And I’d do it again.


I’m a goofy goober, yeah


My wife and I exited our wedding ceremony to Ocean Man.


Independence Day. Damn patriotic speech got me.


as a kid, I teared up when Cousin Eddie sacrificed himself




As an adult woman I *still* tear up when he sacrifices himself.


His son is finally proud of him. :-(


Joe Dirt. "Come home, Joe. You had a home all along. You just couldn't see it."


You like to see homos naked?


Lego Movie. Damn you Will Ferrell


Such a sucker punch. You think it's all fun and games and boom....."so.....president business is the bad guy?" I will never forget multiple dad's sitting around me in that theater literally weeping just blindsided. Most emotional men's bathroom after a movie ever.


I wasn’t ready for the movie to tell me I was the bad guy


Even dumber for me. I cried at the Lego Movie 2. I'm a younger sister, and the girl just wanting to play with her older brother hit me way too hard.


Backdraft... Brother dying gets me every time man, dumb asf.


When William Baldwin fixes the coat of the probie firefighter, dammit when everything comes full circle!


I cried after watching a Bo Burnham comedy special .


I cried at the end of What., Make Happy, Inside, and Inside Outtakes. Dude knows how to end a show.


TBF Inside is an absolute existential nightmare


Wouldn't've got the lettuce if I knew it wouldn't fit.


Inside destroyed me for well over a year.


I want to know which one because there are several plausible answers.


For me, it was turning 30. I'm the same age as Bo, and it came out around my birthday. I get depressed around my birthday because I feel unacomplished in my life. The last line "its 2020 and I'm 30, I'll do another 10, 2030 I'll be 40 and kill myself then" hit me hard.


“I’m sorry, Wilson! I’m sorry!!”


I cried my eyes out when i was a child. But i think its somewhat understandable. And movie itself is not that stupid.


It's the moment when he truly loses hope, even after all those years on that island trying to keep his sanity and maintain his humanity. Wilson was holding him together, and when he lost Wilson, he lost his whole world, however small it had become. When he's laying on the raft the next morning when the whale peers at him, he's completely empty, he's a husk. Cast Away is one of my favorite movies and has an enormous amount of depth to it. It's really brilliant.


I saw Wilson as him losing his first bit of hope, since he still has the locket and the package with the wings. Once he finally gets to spend time with her at her house and realizes he's lost her all over again, then he has one last piece of his previous life to get rid of before he can move on, and that's the package. I always saw it as 3 things that kept him alive, and the scene at the crossroads to me means he finally doesn't have anything holding him to his previous life, and he can go anywhere now without being held down by a schedule or plan, which is what ended up taking him away from his old life.


The scene of Alfred crying in Dark Knight Rises broke me.


I cry every time. "I've failed you." Fucking hell.


“You trusted me, and I failed you”. I was 12 and watched it with my friends in the theater. You know how hard it is to make a 12 year old boy, with his friends, cry in public?


Toy Story...3? When they're on the conveyor belt and about to be incinerated and they all hold hands. Every goddamn time.


Bawled like a baby, in front of my daughter and her young friends (bday party). Also Big Hero 6


Ugh mine is in Toy Story 2 when Jessie sings the when somebody loved me song . My daughter was entering her horrific teenager stage and it really got to me .literally sobbed .


Paw patrol: mighty pups. >!When Skye is taking on the giant meteor, and says no pup too small!<


lol I had to hold back tears, not because I didn’t want my son to see me cry, I didn’t want him to see me cry because of a paw patrol movie


Same here. Right in the feels!


Ernest Goes to Camp - When he got his license taken from him. Saddest thing I ever saw.


"I sure am glad it's raining..."


Lady and the Tramp when I thought the Scotty dog died. I was like 24.


It's Trusty the bloodhound that gets run over.


When all is said and done, Jack Frost is a movie where Michael Keaton comes back to life as a snowman because his son played his harmonica


"stop touching my shit!" *Melts


Transformers, when they caught Bumblebee.


Transformers, when the rest of the Autobots arrive on Earth and Steve Jablonsky starts cooking. [https://youtu.be/ZHyaVvekWek](https://youtu.be/ZHyaVvekWek) Transformers, when Optimus sends the message and Linkin Park start cooking. [https://youtu.be/CMe6FrVDlTU](https://youtu.be/CMe6FrVDlTU) Bumblebee, when he has to leave and Simple Minds start cooking. [https://youtu.be/t4RPZIDfjCI](https://youtu.be/t4RPZIDfjCI)


Yes! The score is so powerful. I can’t even hear the music from Avengers Endgame without getting emotional. The scene where they all arrive. Still gives me chills and makes my eyes water.


When Kylo Ren saw Han Solo and tried to say that he loved him and Han just says "I know". https://youtu.be/yENbL9YwEg4?si=vXW9F2FWKa7PWGfA


>Kylie Ren


JJ's Star Trek. The opening scene where he hears his child cry right before he dies. My son was born the week before and it just hit me hard at the time. In hindsight its not so impactful.


An utterly magnetic opening that hooks you immediately. It's the best scene in any of Abrams films.


It's one of the best moments in Star Trek, period.


“Tiberius? No you can’t name him that, that’s terrible”


No that’s a masterful opening.


Still can't watch those without crying about Anton. He was such an amazing actor that was gone much too soon.


Cars..... Don't ask


Cars 3 when McQueen passes the torch to Cruz. That emotional grenade came outta nowhere!


I listened to a lot of James Taylor with my family on road trips as a kid, so that song "Our Town" hit me like a gut punch when I threw Cars on while sick as an adult.


Black Phone, when Robin calls Finney on the phone to encourage him to fight back.


That movie was all over the place emotionally!


I cried during A Very Goofy Movie when Max went off to college because Goofy was so sad. Lmao


ITT: mostly good movies, some classics


The first movie I went to out of the Pandemic was Shang Chi, and before the movie started there was a nice montage that was kind of a welcome back to the movies kinda thing. I cried during that.


I don't know if this counts. But the ending of 300 got me teary eyed. Macho man movie with macho men doing macho men fighting directed by a macho man and his macho man camera work. Yeah that movie got me teary eyed


Big Fish. The movie is good and bad at the same time. The dad is a POS. His son is like "love me dad" and he goes "Nah, son. Let me tell you about how everything was better *before* you were born." But still the waterworks come when the son is basically letting go. He's never gonna get that "I'm proud of you son"


I don’t think the dad was a POS. I think he was coping as best he could with his shitty job taking him away from his family so often. I think it really hit me when, near the end of the movie, he is talking to his father’s doctor, and the doctor is like, “Want to know the real reason your father missed your birth?” And basically tells him he had car trouble or something stupid and mundane. The son finally clues in that his dad felt so bad that his travelling salesman job took him away so frequently, he made up these amazing, ridiculous, out-of-this-world stories so his son wouldn’t hate him for being gone so long. And maybe would look forward to seeing him when he came back each time. As a middle aged parent I’ve really felt hard how much my parents messed up while absolutely doing their best. And that my kids will probably hold something against me for messing them up while I’m doing my best. It’s the paradox of parenting and of growing up. Before my own dad died, we had a lot of similar moments you describe where I wanted to talk more deeply, and he just wanted to go on living the way he always had. Dying with a terminal disease is, by necessity, a selfish thing, I think. You don’t really want to stand face to face with your flaws, and it’s not really a time everyone takes for real introspection.


It is just such a fucking *realistic* way for the grief of an adult child to go... Your parent is never gonna be what you wish they were, what they wanted to be. Growing up is seeing they are human and then having the empathy to let them live those fantasies in their last moments. The love he showed his dad, after everything, buying into his story *for his dad's sake* was just... yup, that unzipped me.


Big Fish isn't a dumb movie. 


As an adult? Short Circuit 2.


The Pixar movie Onward wrecked me. When you lose your dad as a kid you never truly get over it. And the idea of having one last conversation with him? Not to mention everything else that comes with not growing up with a father. Yeah, that movie nuked me right in the feels. Granted, it was very, very cathartic. But if you haven't seen it and also lost your dad when you were a kid, just be aware that it might destroy you for a little bit.


Crying to anything isn’t dumb, it obviously had a deep emotional impact on you and that’s important and to be taken seriously 🩷 That said I did bawl my eyes out during Trolls when Branch sang True Colors 


Super by James Gunn, it’s also one of my favourite movies


James Gunn is king of this is stupid and damn you made me really cry over stupid


Terminator 2


100% agree. "I now know why you cry, it's something I could never do".




Me too. When Adam Sandler is old and crawling after his family, then he dies while telling him to put family first.


The Day After Tomorrow. I love that ridiculous movie and I get teary every time.


I always yell MY FATHER IS A CLIMATOLOGIST at my boyfriend when I want to make him believe me about something.


Peter Jackson's King Kong.


Dang, is that something to be ashamed of? I thought that movie was perfect. And to be fair, wasn't it the plot more tragic than almost every other movie out there?


Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them There's just a scene at the end that gets me every single time, because it's just so nice. Jacob:  "Hey. This is for the best. Yeah. I-I was... I was never even supposed to be here. I was never supposed to know... a-any of this. Everybody knows Newt only kept me around because... Hey, Newt, why did you keep me around?" Newt:  "Because I like you. Because you're my friend. And I'll never forget how you helped me, Jacob." As someone that never had a lot of friends, I just liked seeing someone have a good one.


I was going to say Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them but the very end when Queenie walks into the bakery and Jacob smiles when he sees her.


I thought Bone Tomahawk was going to be a corny action western. There’s a scene where a married sheriff is dying from wounds and he says to a widower, “Tell my wife I said goodbye. I’ll say hello to yours.” That line got me.


I don’t personally think it’s dumb, but the original Ice Age gets me every time. It’s way less childish than the sequels, and the story is simple but just works. The animals find an abandoned human and end up tracking down its tribe and reuniting them at the end. It’s basically the Three Men and a Baby story with animals, but I think it was done so well (plus nostalgia lol).


Ben. A movie about a rat. Michael Jackson did a song for it. The rat dies at the end. I cried. I’d say it was the dumbest movie I’ve cried to but I was 6.


Lost in Space when future Will says..." Hi mom," and then the portal closes. The one with Matt Leblanc.


...okay, so there's a Coke bottling plant in Georgia. on their tour, one of their stops is a theater room where they play a couple short videos, one of which was a really corny video obviously made to try and manipulate your emotions...and it 100% worked for some reason! I had to run to the restroom and wash up real quickly cause i didn't want people to know that i feel things, and think of me as that weird guy who started crying because he watched a crappy coke commercial lol.


Elemental. It was a very ok movie but a few minutes near the end were emotional


Ratatouille. When Ego eats the final dish.. every freaking time.


"Superman" from The Iron Giant. Deadpool 2 when Wade finally dies and meets Vanessa in the afterlife. "Is this Heaven?" "It is now."


The Iron Giant isn't remotely dumb, that's a masterpiece and anyone who doesn't cry at that bit - man I don't know what you're made of.


When the big minion exploded at the end of the Minions movie, and all his little minion friends cried because they thought he was dead. I'm a strong sympathetic crier. It's like a reflex.


Muppets christmas carol. Holy shit I went through something.


Fuckin Divergent. I'm in my 30s.


In two movies, sentient inanimate objects with googly eyes have gotten me. Marcel the Shell With Shoes On, and Everything Everywhere All At Once.


Cars always makes me cry when there's that montage with the old Radiator Springs and then no more cars visit when the new motorway gets built :(


Spirit an animated film. My Mom took my 5 year old nephew to the bathroom and when they came back I was crying too hard to tell them what happened! I was in my 20’s at the time LOL


When I was a kid I was a huge comic book collector. Marvel. Especially Spider-Man. I had almost all of the first 130 issues or so. When I saw the trailer for the first Spider-Man movie, the one with Toby McGuire, and directed by my favorite director, I, as a grown ass man with 2 kids, wept. To a TRAILER!


I cried to Terminator 2 once when I was a kid when Dyson dies because I couldn't stop thinking about his son not having a dad anymore. Even though he blows himself up in the most bad ass way.


Jurassic world 2 the 🦕


Spider Man: NWH When Tobey shows up


Not the dumbest movie, but the part. The Lion King. No, not when Mufasa dies or when Simba sees him in the clouds as an adult (OK, yes, those parts too), but at the opening when Simba is lifted into the air and presented to everyone and the chorus of Circle of Life starts. My boyfriend at the time used to stare at me during that part to see me cry because it happened every single time! It's just a beautiful scene!


Have you seen the theatre production? Even more emotional, especially the ending of the first act.


Moneyball. When Jonah Hill's character talks through his own self doubt turning personal triumph... He took me on that rollercoaster with him.


I only ever cried at one movie in my life and it was the CGI Lion King. Hearing the score in a theater with surround sound got to me and I don’t know why because crying isn’t a way that I express emotions. My wife has never seen me she’d even mad even a single tear but that one time. Not that there’s anything wrong with crying, it’s just not something I do. I think I was just going through a lot. It was my final semester of college, we were moving back home soon on the other side of the country, I worked at a stupid job that I dreaded every day, I was uncertain about the future. That’s the only reason I can think of and for some reason that’s how I decided to let it out.


Wall-E when he ran over his little cockroach friend and squished him. The second he ran over him and he made a little squeak, my eyes were brimming with tears. Even though he, in total cockroach style, came back to life immediately, the damage was done.


America Ferrara's monologue in Barbie nearly brought to tears because the struggles she mentioned, especially regarding women not being thanked or grateful, hit close to home with dysfunction between my parents and seeing the toll it took on my mom


Not a movie but I cried for the series finale of Apple TV's "Trying". I cried like 3 separate times in the same episode. Trying is a comedy series, I had no reason to believe I was going to cry at any point. Ended up being a total wreck. I'm terms of dumbest movie I choked up for, it was Avengers Endgame. When Pepper and Peter go over to Tony after the snap, it's rough. Especially when you re-watch the movie and see the shot of Iron Man and Rescue fighting back to back. Love that they brought the kid from Iron Man 3 back for the funeral as well. Was a nice touch.


Clerks 2. I found Clerks around 01 and had to special order it on vhs. I truly loved it. I felt so close to the characters that I was weirded out, like, did Kevin Smith somehow go forward into the future and see me with my friends then go back and write a movie based on our personalities? So when Clerks 2 came out, I was all over it. Putting the donkey show in there? My friends and I made jokes about that shit for ages before seeing the movie! So at the end when they were in a holding cell Dante asks Randall what he wants to do with his life Randall blurts out that he would buy the Quick Stop to keep Dante and them around so they won't leave, it hit me like a ton of bricks. I understood that. Having a great life, but things keep changing and it's no longer the same but it's so slow it's hard to tell when it became something different. People.coming and going on to new things, I was going through a lot at the time and it shook me to my core.


50 First Dates ending.