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The cat scream they use every time a cat runs across an alley in the background. Because of course the cat can't just run across silently, you might miss it! 


Except maybe the most famous scene of a cat walking by: Deja Vu in The Matrix


I'm Young Frankenstein, Mel Brooks made the cat sound himself. Edit: In. Damn autocorrect


Well if you are Young Frankenstein, I *have* to believe you.


It's Fronkensteen


What is up with that cat? Is someone throwing it?!?


Let's NOT keep moving, because there's an insane cat down here!


"My jacket! You're stretching it! *You're stretching iiiiiiiiiit!*"


"Jeff... still cool as a zombie..."


Ah, a reference I recognize in any comment. That episode gives new meaning to YA BIT from the Spanish teacher.


I heard it last night in City Hunter and it made me think it was a reused sound like the wilhelm scream. Meorrow.. mEORREEOWW


I'm Canadian. There is a morning weekend radio show where they play a lot of older music and do general 'what's going on' type announcements and such. It's pleasant and sometimes fun and relaxing to listen to on my way to whatever early morning errands are required. Anyway, Greg from Accounting is a featured co-host, always there. The thing is.... Greg is a cat. A real cat. (Or rather, a recording of a cat meowing). And anytime something that might be cat-related or accounting-related comes up, or someone just says "Greg", you hear Greg from Accounting interrupting to yowl in the background. It's a long-standing cute gimmick that works really well IMO. Never get tired of it.


Red tail hawk cry for any eagle/eagle associated image


Or desert. It's dusty so SKREEE


Usually followed by a slow slide guitar riff




That’s King of the Hill.


Do you happen to know how to find that sound? I can’t find it and don’t recognize


[Here. Eagle compared with Red Tail Hawk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CEmYEQ78zS0)


Having grown up near both Red Tailed Hawks and Bald Eagles this was always funny to me. But that's not typically what a Bald Eagle Sounds like. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RArGl2vkGI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RArGl2vkGI) Bald Eagles sound like sea birds and smell like poops. Epically shitty birds.


[Red Tail Hawk sound.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JyZZAD4tWDk) I feel like it usually sounds cleaner in media though.


And obviously not a sound, but whenever media is trying to convey desert or Southwest US, they show pictures of saguaro cacti. Saguaros only grow the Phoenix area of Arizona. You get too far from Phoenix in any direction, and they disappear! Just a little pet peeve of mine


Not to umm ackshully you, since it sounds like you're from the area too, but for others folks' reference the saguaro's natural range stretches all the way down through southern AZ and well into Mexico. Your general point stands though; using it as universal movie language for the southwest US is silly since it's very specific to one desert.


This drove me nuts when I got into Ornithology in college. I couldn't stop recognizing when tv and movies were using the WRONG bird sounds. And it happens a lot. Red tail hawk scream is the most common, but ravens making crow sounds is another. On a positive note, for people who play video games, in the Dark souls DLC, when you first wnter that forest by going across the bridge over a river, there's a rattling bird call. It's a belted kingfisher, and it's actually location accurate! Which I thought was awesome.


You know what, fuck you (plays loon call in scene set near the Amazon)


I really thought for some reason you were going to be like "Pickle Pee, Pump-a-Rum the Crow really does sound like a crow" and I was going to have to argue that one


> ravens making crow sounds Here's the thing...


Yeah, a bit ashamed to realize that the terms for them are actually not truly distinct. In north america we tend to be rigid in calling Corvus corax ravens and Corvus brachyrynchos crows


What do you mean it's location accurate? There are belted kingfishers in Oolacile?


I thought about that interpretation and considered putting an edit but decided that was silly🤣. I mean you can hear it by the water, and only by the water, and it's call goes away when you go deeper into the forest.


Yes! We had a red tail hawk hanging out near our house and I would hear that sound all the time. It felt like I was living in a spaghetti western, but without the desert.




Shhh, otherwise those weird bird people are going to show up.


Too late. I have always been here.


Or anything that is high or deserted.


Which they use to the best possible effect in Cobra Kai whenever Hauser is on screen.


Because eagles actually sound kinda lame by comparison


They sound as fierce as cheetahs. Pweeep.


The creaky door opening. I hear it on every ep of IASIP and in a lot of espionage films that just take me out of it


It was also used as a dungeon door opening sound in one of the early Elder Scrolls games.


The [ Daggerfall Door](https://youtu.be/F1G7UaywkZY?si=oX9hXZ8un25SeCCc) Edit: it appears to be #78 [here](https://archive.org/download/sound-ideas-the-general-series-6000-sound-effects-library-wav/Sound%20Ideas%20Series%206000%20General/6039/).


OMG it's called the Daggerfall door?! For years I've heard this elsewhere and I'm like damn that reminds me of doors in Daggerfall!!!


Same. It's ingrained on my soul.




Interestingly, the theme tune to IASIP is a free piece of music that's in the public domain, so you tend to hear it everywhere. I heard it once in a documentary and did a double take.


They use it on Drag Race all the time.


I worked at a place that digitized old VHS tapes and saw an airline commercial from the late '80s or early '90s using it.


It was in some cleaning commercial or something like that a few years back. Well, one of the random in show jingles


Are you talking about this one? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JkvjRWMzVKY


That's the one I thought it was. But they are saying it's the Daggerfall door.


Probably the same one I've heard in music from time to time. I think the group Twiztid used it on a couple songs


Easily this one. It's in damn near every movie.


The [bird sound](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jW7A2glZbk) you hear in African/South-American Jungle settings, which is a recording of the Australian Kookaburra bird which doesn't live in any jungle.


I thought the movie I was watching was using a kookaburra sound incorrectly but then I realized they were in Australia because it was Picnic at Hanging Rock.


This might be in an ad for a horror movie. That last bit of the clip.


Holy shit this sound is in every mall arcade I've ever been in. I couldn't even tell you what machine makes it but it's apparently everywhere in South Africa


The stock police radio call in. I’ve never been able to make out what they say but it’s everywhere. Games, movies, tv, adverts etc


“78.5 code 6, 105 north avenue 52” It was included as a sound clip in a really old Spider Man Cartoon Maker game on the PC, so I got used to the sound and then noticed how often it’s in movies.




Nice! Never knew for sure what it said at the start.


Yes! I loved playing that game 


Yep, that spiderman game is why if a pick that out in every movie. It played certain sounds every time you placed something.


Came here to say this. First time i heard it was when playing an old Sim City game, theyd make the noise everytime you build or click on a police station, so it was ingrained into my brain and i recognize it everywhere.


It's like you read my mind.


Thank you. I’ve been trying to source this for ages. It’s like Sim City 2000 or something!


3000 when you build a police station.


[This one](https://youtu.be/LzTD4MmWcX4?si=4hgbIYlMaOhydWGM)? I remember it from the x files, but it’s all over the place. I hear it more than the wilhelm scream.


It rolls during the end credits of COPS too.


I think I know what you mean. It's a woman's voice and pretty much gibberish? Definitely have heard it a few times.


On the City of Heroes MMO you'd hear that from police drones if you were standing near them. I also remember it from a Batman TAS episode.


Two come to mind: That crowd cheering noise that sounds like a hair dryer being turned on And the sound of children laughing and frolicking


There's one particular crowd noise that I can now pinpoint in an instant, and I loathe it. Your description sounds like it to me, with a sort of low "whooo" at the beginning of it.


> That crowd cheering noise that sounds like a hair dryer being turned on ^^WOO, ^^WOO!


the kids laughing, you know the one.


We call it the Diddy Laugh because im pretty sure its at the start of DiddyKong Racing. My gf HATES it and if we hear it in a movie or show that's it- it's over we can't continue lmfao


That’s what I know it as lol


Same! After hearing it at the start of DKR so much it became ingrained in my brain. Now whenever I hear it, it stands out SO much.


Yes, I'm glad I'm not the only millennial who heard that so many times upon opening that game on N64 that I've always been able to identify it *instantly*.


Apparently there are quite a few of us.


Apparently it's true. https://youtu.be/fQUFMA5VT4o and is actually called the Diddy laugh.


First time I heard this one was in RollerCoaster Tycoon. Impossible to miss now.


Yep, came here to say this too. This is the first time I ever remember hearing it.


So wizard, Ani!


Heh heh hee hee, hah haa hah hah


oh god that was the sound effect in the Trillian instant messenger


The one used in plague inc? I'm pretty sure i've heard that same laugh somewhere else but can't remember where


Pretty sure it's the same laugh as the curse jars in Dark Souls 2. I know for a fact one of the giggles those things let out was also on SpongeBob. And the opening "suspense music" when Ornstein and Smough are introduced in DS1 is the same music used in an episode of Scrubs some years prior. Give me a minute and I'll try to find a comment I made a ways back that has both of them (assuming that episode of Scrubs hasn't been removed from dailymotion.) Edit: Found it! ~~>I typically pretend that site (Dailymotion) don't exist, but if you wanna hear it its at about 2:11s in.~~ ~~>https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x81n9ug~~ Of course it's been removed; hold on, I'll see if I can find another... [Here we go.](https://youtu.be/gc-d15QI1xk?si=Bm5u6Y9TvjBEp844) It's at ~32 seconds in. Then here's the [scene in Dark Souls 1](https://youtu.be/5W_18-tAW7U?si=gToLBXtjBGNFr9RF)


I don't hear child laughter in the scrubs clip or in the dark souls. Edit: never mind I misread your comment


If it's the one I'm thinking of, it's used in episode I, the phantom menace


Not once, but twice in the same scene! That’s some bold sound editing, Cotton!


Pretty sure it’s used it Star Wars Episode 1 on Anakins planet.


When the kids are running around the pod?


Yea, I think that’s it. Always found it funny because even the non-human kids have the stock laugh too.


https://youtu.be/0jaHm67VNf8?si=4DF7TEXaIllWWhsr&t=29s It’s crazy I’m not the only one that remembers this from Star Wars ep 1


I first noticed the 'children laughing' sample in The Phantom Menace, the scene where Anakin's friends visit him while he's working on his podracer. The laughing the kids make arriving and leaving is identical.


The one at the end of all the Saban shows/movies?


Yes! [It’s this sound effect from Hollywood Edge](https://youtu.be/OXalPcxOUVU?feature=shared) [This one](https://youtu.be/xX2vav3zZgE?feature=shared) is also used a lot too


THANK YOU, this has driven me crazy for so long. Does anyone know the original source of the kid laugh?


There’s always that stock horse sound they use in fantasy and historic films.


You can hear it in Young Frankenstein every time they say Frau Blücher's name. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nx8LjVmoSZk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nx8LjVmoSZk)


Along with the obligatory neigh/whinny that horses *never* make when they’re working. In real life at best you’ll get a loud snort, sigh, and/or fart.


Stuka siren whenever a plane is falling


I remember when I was in high school reading up on WWII and about how the siren on the Stuka was meant to instill fear. So I was curious and when I found footage of the sound, I thought "gee, I thought all airplanes made that noise when they're diving!"


I swear it has been used for jets and helicopters, too.


The k’clunk k’clunk sound that indicates everything from an engine failure or running out of petrol in car scenes…


Dieseling, i had an old Chevy Station wagon do it when i shut it off every once in a while


Pottery smashing


That sound effect is used like five times in Wet Hot American Summer as a winky joke.. and I hear it in so many other tv shows and movies not as a joke!


Came here for this one Love it as a running gag throughout Wet Hot American Summer anytime anything gets tossed off screen


[There's a few mentioned here.](https://www.hollywood.com/movies/the-10-most-overused-sound-effects-in-hollywood-60409798). I wasn't aware of [The Howie Scream](https://youtu.be/aUTe2ndjRew?si=ECvSJ41GurEMbSEk). "Howie Scream (also known as the Howie Long scream or Screams 3; Man, Gut-Wrenching Scream and Fall into Distance) is a frequently used film, television, and video game stock sound effect for a scream. Often compared to the Wilhelm scream, its prominence in a number of movies has launched a few nicknames such as Howie Long Scream, in reference to Howie Long's character's death scene in the 1996 film Broken Arrow. It appears to have originated from a fight scene in the 1980 film The Ninth Configuration." [More stock sfx here](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stock_sound_effect#:~:text=Often%20compared%20to%20the%20Wilhelm,1980%20film%20The%20Ninth%20Configuration.)


Wtf that's the Half-Life 2 fast zombie scream


Pretty sure it is also in Starcraft...


Ya, its the sound for the academy 


Want a light?


Oh my god I was wondering why it felt so etched into my being. Thanks for making that connection for me.


>I wasn't aware of [The Howie Scream](https://youtu.be/aUTe2ndjRew?si=ECvSJ41GurEMbSEk). For the longest time, I thought this was the Wilhelm scream as I heard it everywhere. First I heard it on [Aaahh Real Monsters](https://youtu.be/8VfPz-2V8PU?feature=shared)... scream starts at 37 seconds


Ha me too. When I first heard the real Wilhelm I was like, "That's it?"




Yeah i call it the Tie Fighter Scream


It's similar but the TIE Fighter scream actually comes from elephant screams from the movie Roots of Heaven mixed with cars on wet pavement. [Here's the clip the TIE Fighter scream comes from, starts at 40 seconds](https://youtu.be/ZfHnEN9ecFw?si=M2ktD_YlLqXXkkPB)


Whoa, thanks for the link. Kudos to the sound designers for Star Wars for creatively using so many different sounds.


It's used as the fall death scream in the StarWars Dark Forces game.


I think I know the Howie one from StarCraft


Yea from the Academy lmao


With fancy music playing in the background. It's such a strange combo it's stuck with me as well haha.


Thank you! What a nice collection in that link.


Biggest thing that surprised me about the Howie Scream is that it's [original use](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZiWjZWQ3z0g) was as a battle cry rather than the anguished scream it's usually used for.


The specific "gasp" they list at number 10 pops up in the film October Sky (when the boys are messing with fuel in their high school chem lab), and it is SO distracting!


Howie scream is clearly a Tie Fighter


You know the Howie Scream was the first sound that came to mind but didn't have the name for it. Another commenter also mentioned this, but I've always known it as the fast zombie scream.


Lucasfilm reuse the sound of an old airplane engine starting, or stopping, in Indiana Jones movies a lot, and also as a noise the Millennium Falcon makes when the hyper drive fails in Star Wars.


Inertia starters, very distinct sound


It's in Empire of the Sun too and I think it's even in a Death Cab for Cutie song


X-wing blasters, Darth Vader breathing, and Doom door opening all got used in Toy Story 2.


During the 60s and 70s. There was only one sound used for a pistol gun shot and they almost always then used the ricochet sound effect in the same scene. From westerns to James Bond and all the cartoons it was everywhere.


The truck horn demonstrating the Doppler effect any time a semi is shown on screen.


This is the one OP was talking about. It’s everywhere.


Thank you both! I found it now with the use of "doppler effect" in my search. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ujx0chU-waw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ujx0chU-waw)


The dolphin call/laugh


Hey Patrick, how the *eee eee* are you?


An amazing amount of horror movies use the same sounds over and over. The door opening sound and some of the monster sounds in Doom (the original) have been used in hundreds of movies (and may have existed prior to Doom and were even reused for that, I dunno).


According to Decino, Doom devs used a lot of stock sounds, though most of them were edited substantially


Well sure. A stock camel sound is simple to obtain. Have you looked up the insurance premiums on Satanic summoning rituals and know what a pain in the ass it is to get bound demons to cooperate long enough to get usable sounds out of them? **Not** doing *that* again.


[Most of Doom's sounds were taken from the Sound Ideas Series 6000, originally created by Mike McDonough](https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Origins_of_Doom_sounds)


The one that drove me crazy was in the 2000’s where every single fire ignition had that exact same “tch-whooof” sound. It’s such a stupid, conspicuous sound effect that doesn’t even sound like a fire igniting.


The one that goes "pshwepp"?


Yeah, from [this clip](https://youtu.be/ZUKCW08_8Og?si=fs7n4Y6TGmExR50z) at 0:49, thanks to another commenter.


Yup, that’s the one! Tbh for me this is the worst offender, it’s such an unnatural sound. First heard it as a sound the final boss in Doom 2 makes.


Is this the one used in The Truman Show during the fake forest fire moment?


YES! I remember this from the original Stronghold game, when you would ignite the pitch ditches with flaming arrows. More recently, the BBC have a travel show called Race around the World, where they use it constantly whenever they zoom in or out of a map. It's just such an unnatural sound.


Exactly what I thought, its use in Race Around the World is unbelievably distracting (and excessive).


There's a baby crying sound that I've heard on multiple sitcoms over the years


I know the one! Funnily enough from being a kid and watching the show Arthur cause it was used all the time for his baby sister. I hear it in tv a lot and occasionally big budget movies!


yes! it’s called Kate’s Cry because it was made for kate in the show :)


A horrified gasp from a group of people/audience. I hear it all the time. 


[This one?](https://youtu.be/V5eaDhCVNJU?feature=shared)


The thunk sound that turning stadium lights on makes.


Or the clunk, clunk, clunk sound of a long corridor with several fluorescent tube lights turning on. Strangely one by one.


"Dr. Davis, telephone please...."


First time I heard it was Queensryche's Operation: Mindcrime, so I'm always thrown for a loop when I hear it in other contexts


It’s ten minutes past curfew, why are you still up?


“Dr Hart, please return to cardiology…”


The sound electricity makes in films. Not the mad scientist lightning zap but the general electricity sound. It's always exactly the same sound and it bothers me every time.  It's the second sound effect here: https://youtu.be/JQk6seenIeQ?si=dhrPBAqlEBGvwMHn


You're right but I feel like I hear the first sound more than the second haha


The Babadook uses a dragon sound from Warcraft 2 (the 1995 RTS game). It instantly destroyed every ounce of suspense and immersion. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=76rT5Icnl3I


A ton of movies and shows use the wolf sounds from world of warcraft too, every single time I forget what I was watching and think wow


Lmfao yeah man, took me right out of the movie when I heard it


that screen is used in EVERYTHING


That "bear" growl sound you hear in games


There are several sounds I got used to hearing in World of Warcraft that I ended up recognizing all over the place in movies and TV, the bear growl being the most common, but also the pig snorting sound, a horse neighing sound, and that bell sound you always hear at any kind of dock with boats.


“Castle thunder” has been around for a while


I don't know why this effect doesn't get more attention. It was in Star Wars ANH too during the trench run. https://youtu.be/B-0MZZ07dLE?si=FxsBrZMkg0wy2B8v


Came for this. From Frankenstein onwards, it’s been used thousands & thousands of times, in movies tv, etc etc.


Know of any films that uses the Wilhelm Scream, Castle Thunder, that standard telephone ring, the red-tailed hawk screech, and the Howie Long scream in the same picture? I don't.


The Goofy Holler.


Ahhhhh whoo whoo whoo whooieeee


I work in sound. There’s a howling wolf effect that I notice constantly. ‘Ooww…Ow Ow Owww’ I originally found it on a Hollywood Effects CD.


The dog bark over every nighttime neighborhood scene. Always same kind of dog bark, same number of barks and pauses every time. A lot of sitcoms used to used it during nighttime scene transitions


That weird fake children laughing sound you hear in Phantom Menace (and other things.) It sounds so fake. I've never heard children laugh like that.


Having spent years working with children, it sounds exactly like what you’d get if you put seven children in front of a microphone and told them to laugh.


There's one that's used for every dolphin ever.


There's a creaky gate/door hinge stock Foley sound that's used a bunch, in The X-Files almost literally any time somebody as much as breathes on a door or gate you hear the same exact sound.


There is a specific track of kids playing on a playground and in the background a kid sounds like he goes, "oh, NOo!" And I hear it ALL THE TIME


Sci-fi sliding door sound.


Every dolphin sound in every movie ever has been this sound effect that is actually a kookaburra. https://soundideas.sourceaudio.com/track/11487853 https://soundeffects.fandom.com/wiki/Hollywoodedge,_Dolphins_Chirping_TE015902


There is a mechanical/hydraulic sound I hear everywhere. First heard it in Doom 1 & 2 back in the 90s


Any time you hear orcas, it’s from a set if recordings from one particular pod in British Columbia that’s reused over and over. And yes, apparently orca pods can sound vastly different?


There’s a specific baby laugh that I heard for the first time in some online Barbie game in the early 00s and I’ve heard it in many movies and shows since. Tried searching for it but I can’t find it. There’s also [this one](https://youtu.be/ScQIKiIAJm8?si=FSO8CAjIHFQHAbzM) which I believe was used in the same Barbie game and I’ve def heard reused quite a bit. Not the main one I’m thinking of though. EDIT: Ah! [Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IpT4C6nYO6Q) it is at 00:18! Thank you mmmmmmbeans 🙏


The rooster crow you hear in Ocarina of Time is in a surprising amount of films


That semi truck is all over the early seasons of Law and Order, it's like their favourite stock sound before season 5-6ish. The scream I think is in Star Wars at one point when Luke shoots a storm trooper. Just looked that one up and apparently they really peppered it in there XD [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yn\_KD9eRubY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yn_KD9eRubY)


There is a specific door opening and closing sound that reappears in video games going back as far as the early 90’s It was in nearly every first person shooter since Wolfenstein


From videogames to movies I always hear the same bear growl sound.


Oh no, the aircraft, truck, Millennium Falcon, A.N. Other desperately important at this moment transport that isn’t a car won’t start at this very exciting moment in the film. That noise. You know the one. Ends with a fading engine whine.


The same sound of an 18 wheeler truck driving by with the Doppler effect. The same sound of a squeaky, rusty fence or gate opening The same sound of a child’s giggle in scenes where kids are playing In every fucking movie! I almost feel like it’s a Hollywood inside joke, like the “I’m okay!” line anytime someone falls or gets hurt. It’s so common that I feel like it’s Hollywood code for something at this point lol


The same owl hoot: Hoo hoohooHOO hoo. Hoo hoohooHOO hoo.


Im a fan of the “picking up a knife” sound of metal on metal regardless of how the knifes being used.


I keep hearing a police dispatcher on a radio sound everywhere. I first heard it when i was very young in the 90s on a spiderman movie-maker video game. Now i hear it everywhere. It goes something like "70825.. 12-6... A-105 north avenue 52" Edit: https://youtu.be/9FxgVS7bylA?si=rld5s9_JaxfRutZ2


[Here’s a whole hour worth of them.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?si=2z_H63Dw_l19N3D&v=8-HUM65Wwig&feature=youtu.be)


A loon call is used all the time when they want an area to seem spooky even if loons don't live in that area https://youtu.be/DVFBUIGfcJk?si=6CAWAzSB6lSxALvc


the sound of swords being pulled from scabbards.