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An Albanian here: 😁 The guys are speaking in the Northern Albanian dialect, so I find it difficult to understand them entirely. Nevertheless I can get the picture of what is happening between them. The guys that are following her are 3. They enter the room and don't see her. So the first guy asks **Marku**: "Are you sure that the girl came here (in the room)?" Marku probably (because what he is saying is incomprehensible due to background noises) said: "Check under the bed one time ". To which the first guy gets irritated by Marku and repeats his reply in a rethoric way: "check under the bed?! " Then, the same guy says something (probably about leaving and checking for the girls somewhere else) . Marku probably was not convinced, because the **third** guy upon leaving says to him: No matter, Marku, never mind now! (in a way which invites him to leave the room with them). These 2 leave, but Marku, probably still convinced of her being under the bed, stays. She talks, he hears her and we know. 🧐 Sorry for my broken English.




Yeah lol my bro your English is better than a lot of native speakers, well done for real


Has anyone else ever watched something on Netflix with subtitles on, and when they say something in a foreign language, it says something like "speaking Spanish" instead of actually translating it.


My favorite is when it's something like, "Gracias", or someone just saying a place name like Barcelona, and it says "Speaking Spanish".


This drives me insane, like surely Netflix has enough money to pay for a translation???? It's like, thanks for nothing, I guess I'll just go fuck myself and lose part of the show because you can't tell me what they're talking about. Especially when it's a long scene! Like please just tell me what they're talking about I'm sorry, this just really annoys me


Oh, they have the money - it's just that they don't want to spend it on translations. I mean, seriously, I am an American living in Germany and my Wife is German, so we watch with undertitles all the time. The translations are mostly incredibly bad (to horrid) WHEN they even exist. And the reason is one of money, of course (and as proof, any AAA movie that comes out internationally generally has ok to good under title translations).


AAA is for games.


But you understood the reference anyways, right?


> This drives me insane, like surely Netflix has enough money to pay for a translation???? It's not that they can't, it's that they won't. I have a friend who does Japanese-English translation for them and she says their attitude is "bad translation doesn't significantly impact viewership and we're going to replace you with AI soon anyway so we'll pay you as little as we can and if you don't like it fuck off".


Wow... fuck Netflix


Thank you! I was hoping someone who spoke Albanian would answer! Your English is very good, well done.


Thanks for translating!


You are the hero of this thread.


Thank you. Take my up vote and award. 👏🏻


Never apologize for your English. Most English speakers can only speak English, and poorly at that.


Am from the dirty south. Can confirm all comments that you speak good American.


Thank you-your English is very good! Better than most americans-we only speak bad English!


How do you feel about your country men depicted as violent sex trafficking gangsters?


Bruh shut up. If you, or anyone else, thinks one movie with some bad guys in it accurately depicts the entirety of a gender of their nationality then you, or they, are complete idiots.


Why shouldn’t they? You are speaking as if portrayal in movies and television have no impact in the real world. When propaganda has very real consequences, you think depiction in movies won’t? Tourism can shoot up in some places because of positive publicity in movies. Its obvious negative depictions will harm it too.


Albania has been picking up as a more and more attractive tourist destinations the past 10 years. Beautiful country.


“Why of all bands are they following U2 on tour? Aren’t they, like, 20 years too young for that?”


I always assumed the U2 thing was a lie she told her parents and she was just going to party around Europe.


IDK, what's the meaningful difference between following a band and partying around Europe, to a parent?


Well this might be poisoned by my perspective but it's because U2 is lame and tame and partying is fun and dangerous.


I was not much younger than Kimmy when this movie came out. I would have loved to have been able to follow U2 on their European tour. I have almost all their albums on vinyl, have multiple of their greatest hits/singles albums, and just enjoyed their music a lot when I was younger. It was around this time/not long after they REALLY started to put out music that was not in anyway what U2 fans were expecting or hoping for. So yeah, I would have followed an early to mid 2000’s U2, but after that I would rather not.


That always bugged me! What a weird choice of band for people her age to want to follow around Must have been one of the writers favourites


Non offensive softer rock bank from a neutral English speaking country that goes on a lot of tours to the third world. It was kinda the perfect Hollywood choice when you think about it. Edit: I was talking as if I was the studio in charge of approving a script. I would want U2 to be the band mentioned for the reasons above. I originally thought they toured 3rd world countries. That’s not quite true but they made more visits than most bands from what I know. I never meant to make a 3rd world Paris/France joke. I actually was just trying to highlight how U2 actually tried to give people in dire situations a fun megaband concert.


Did you just call Paris third world?


Genuinely not my intention. U2 goes to France and third world countries. Sorry French people reading this


Isn't it? :-P /s


Well it is in France.


Every time I see this movie I joke about how they turned France into a third world country.


And U2 soft rock??


Have you seen it lately? Paris is well on track to be called 4th world.


Hah dumbo thinks 1st world means best


Omg. I know language can evolve, but yea, the idea of 'First Worl means Best World' slays me.


Don’t they have the highest murder rate of any city in Europe? I swear I saw that yesterday in a thread of Europeans talking shit about each other. Or maybe it was in a top ten, and like three of them were in England. I can’t remember actually.


By that logic, America is a third-world country.


I didn’t offer any logic, I was just making conversation.


Compare that to America's murder rate. If they are third world what does that make us?


A country with a massive inferiority complex?


It's called Paris Syndrome for a reason, but France is certainly not the third world...


yeah, i rather believe that choice was because of the target audience, not because of a writers preferences


Fair, this is peak middle age masculine "that's what I woulda done too" fantasy.






Bro calling you out for calling France a third world country doesn’t make anyone a dick. You do look pretty ducking dumb for saying it though. I get why you’re lashing out though; you’re too immature and ignorant to recognize your mistake and have just decided to insult others despite showing everyone you lack the knowledge of what a third world country is.




Stay mad bruh. Funny how a guy who thinks France is a third world country decided to stalk another person’s comment history in a sad desperate attempt to make themselves feel better about their stupidity. Also, boomers should be mocked relentlessly for being assholes. It appears you’ll be one (or the equivalent) someday yourself.


You’re not doing yourself any favors when it comes to looking like an asshole, either




Your brain




after a quick look they’ve only done a few stops in certain african countries that could be classed as “3rd world”. Mali, Mozambique and Ethiopia. Most 3rd world countries are in Africa or Asia with i think Haiti being the only one outside of those 2 continents


What is the third world nowadays?


South America and Africa


Honestly the definition now is pretty similar to what it was back during the Cold War.


Is it? "Third world" or "developing countries" is such an outdated term when people in the US are starving and unable to own a home.


"Third world" doesn't actually mean anything related to economics. It was originally a reference to all the countries that were part of neither NATO or the Soviet equivalent, the Warsaw pact. It just so happened that the majority of developed countries aligned with one or the other, leading to the misconception, but not all. Switzerland's technically a third world country.


I am aware of that. We both know how the term is used, however.


I thought third world was a descriptor for countries not aligned with with either western democracies (1st) or Soviet countries (2nd). That it just so happened to be developing countries often was sort of coincidental.


Nobody in the US is starving because of poverty alone, the only starving people are severely mentally ill or have serious addiction problems. You literally have to be too messed up to ask for help in order to starve in the US. Home ownership on the other hand is completely unaffordable in a lot of major cities.


Tell that to the 13 million kids facing food insecurity


Food insecurity is a very specific definition with all sorts of political ramifications. There are starving kids in the US but it's not because their parents are poor, it's because their parents aren't asking for help.


The term is no longer used, instead people refer to the poorer countries as developing etc.




Ah! Gotcha, you're just biased. Have a good day.




I can assure you I will! Lay off the Fox News


Isn't Bono a controversial political figure? Isn't he fairly liberal? I'm not hating I'm just saying I would think that would be the opposite of what you just said.


That was my thought too. Writers in their late twenties, early thirties, looking at each other and guessing, "Who do teenagers follow these days?"


Late 20s/early 30s?! Luc Besson was 50 when he wrote Taken.


I am simultaneously shocked and not surprised to learn that Taken was written by Luc “The Professional” Besson. It’s the right level of dumb. I’m also shocked at how many writing credits the dude has.


Oh sure, but he's not the one writing the screenplay, just the story.


He co-wrote it with Robert Kamen who’s even older than him!


I think he meant, and I agree, that usually Robert and Luc would write in the script - Kim goes to a concert of a popular band. And then they have a team of marketing/research/analysts that would fill in what “popular band” to use.


The script might have been written 20 years before it was finally made


It was around the time Apple forced the U2 album on everyone's apple account for free.


Taken was released in 2008, the U2/Apple thing was in 2014.


There was an Apple/U2 ipod back in 2004. So Apple/U2 collaborations predate Taken by a few years even if that album wouldn't come out for another decade. So if their idea is that maybe the writers were leaning into U2's popularity with Apple, that could still be the case (though I don't believe that is why). https://apple.fandom.com/wiki/IPod_U2_Special_Edition


That's not the thing they're talking about


I'm aware, but if point is that maybe the use of U2 in the film was born from Apple/U2 collaborating, that could still be the case, just not because of Songs of Innocence. But Apple was putting all their discography on iPods before that album. That's what Im saying.


Ok but they were clearly talking about the Songs of Innocence release, not some branded ipod.


>Ok but they were clearly talking about the Songs of Innocence I know they are. I am not disputing that. I'm saying their point that the use of U2 specifically because of Apple's placement could still be true (I don't believe it is), even though Taken predates SoI. All I am saying is that Apple/U2 have been collaborating since *well* before SoI. So even if their example is wrong, the rest could be true.


Might be a long shot but liam neeson and u2 are both from Ireland and Liam and Bono have been friends for a long time.


Not a long shot and it’d be my first guess


Because her dad is from Ireland. It’s the only band he would allow his daughter to see.


Perhaps 'cos they're Irish, and Liam Neeson's character is Irish-American?


I've never met a group of people who hate U2 more than the Irish.




I was roughly the same age as the daughter when it came out. I'd have happily followed U2 around on tour if I'd had the money/opportunity.


"They've been fans ever since they got that free album from Apple!"


“Which comes out in 6 years”


Also , what does it mean when you 'follow a bands tour' ? You buy tickets for all their shows ? Sounds awfully expensive and kind of boring ( I don't see the point of watching the same concert over and over)


It’s something you do as a groupie of an up and coming band, I think. Not a multi-platinum group that’s been around for decades.


I just rewatched this movie and it all panders to baby boomers and their fears. It makes sense in that context.


What happens in this movie happens in real life


Sure bad things happen but people massively overestimate the threat. Boomers were on the leading edge of it with the rise of cable news and they raised my generation to be scared of our shadows. Western Europe in 2008 wasn't Estonia in 1990. The plot is plausible but it's targeted at a specific audience. Which is fine.


I think the world mostly likes to hide human trafficking and may governments cover it up. So, I don’t think one movie showing that world is overblown or boomer fantasy


This movie came out 16 years ago and she is in college if I remember correctly. Seems plausible!


She was 17 and no. U2s biggest hits when they were cutting edge were in the ‘80s


They were still huge in the 90s and early 2000s. They were in the middle of a huge US tour when 9/11 happened, I was in college and saw them just a few weeks later. They played the Super Bowl halftime show in 2002. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elevation_Tour By 2008 I’m not sure high school aged kids would have been following them so much. But it’s not totally implausible or out of touch.


While they weren't as cool anymore and critically acclaimed, they were still popular though. Only a couple of years prior to filming, their song Vertigo was huge because of the Apple advert. 


That’s beside the point. They weren’t exactly popular with high schoolers at that time.


I remember most people disliking them for being forced to have a U2 song on their iPod.


Drakkar Noir


I don't get it


Family guy


I enjoy this journey for you. 


I Will take two bottles drakkar noir


Came here to say this. You beat me too it!


Probably something like “Hey (name), it’s you last day, what are you going to do in your retirement?” “ potter around play some golf, this is your last day as well. I hope it’s not like one of those cop movies when they retire, and things go terribly bad. “


Putter around* /r/boneappletea Edit: Apparently this is a US vs UK thing so both are correct https://www.worldwidewords.org/qa-put4.html


No, it's potter? Certainly in the UK.


It's the same in Aus unless I've been saying it wrong my entire life haha.


Whoa, apparently I stepped on a UK vs USA difference https://www.worldwidewords.org/qa-put4.html


Wtf is potter around?


I hate "putter." Yours is better.


I think they're doing a pun


But that's not what bone apple tea is. That's just... A pun.


I think they're dense.


Indeed it is potter in uk. But it was punnier saying a pun.


I am tee’d off now I should have thought of that.


First Albanian: "She must be here somewhere." Second Albanian: "Search the rooms. Go!" According to chatgpt (so with the grain of salt)


Serious question: what's your reasoning for using chatgpt instead of Google translate?


Google translate would require him pull up the scene and attempt to manually transcribe a foreign language as opposed to just asking a question


Ah, that makes sense. With Google you can use the audio, so doesn't require transcription, but does still require pulling up the actual scene. I've just seen so many examples lately of chatgpt giving answers that sound plausible but are factually inaccurate. My favorite was my cousin (who's a professor) asking it to suggest some articles for his students to read, and it gave him a full bibliography. But when he started to look for the articles so he could read them before assigning them, he found out none of them existed. They had very realistic titles though!


Yeah, ChatGPT doesn’t actually research things, it basically uses millions of similar questions/answers/discussions to reply with what it predicts to be the most likely response to your question. So based on all the data on Taken, it’s basically guessing what the Albanians would say. You can see this if you ask it multiple times (use different windows) it always gives a different answer. It is good at translating written text though, although it makes errors.




this behavior has been wildly reported by multiple people in multiple instances, including multiple attorneys who have been sanctioned for filing briefs written by chatGPT with a bibliography of cases that it hallucinated and don’t actually exist, you can easily find these stories online if you're interested.


Multiple attorneys have been sanctioned for filing briefs written by ChatGPT that hallucinated cases that don’t exist.


sorry, i'll note that


No worries; just pointing out that it’s somehow happened more than once, which is mind-blowing. I wouldn’t have thought anyone would do it, let alone someone doing it after the first story blew up.


Why would they be lying?


They absolutely do make stuff up. It's pretty weird, but it does happen.


Interestingly, the Albanian subtitles for Taken don't include this dialog either, so that isn't a translation vector either. It's probably just because the Albanian titles are a direct translation of the English titles instead of independently generated from the script, but it would be cool if the real reason was to try to generate the same suspense.


I'm not OP but I assume it's because in chat gpt you can ask something like "In the movie Taken, what do the Albanians say to each other while dragging Kimmy out from under the bed? Can you translate this to English?", whereas (I assume) for google translate you would need to the actual text to translate it. So chatgpt would hopefully both find the text and then do the translation. or find the translation directly if it's around.


>So chatgpt would hopefully both find the text and then do the translation. or find the translation directly if it's around. It doesn't do the translation. It gives you the answer that is ***likely*** to be correct. Sometime that answer is not correct.


Yeah, that's what someone else said, which makes sense. I don't think chatgpt actually works that way though, it's a language model, I don't think it knows how to look stuff up? But maybe my info is out of date.


ok now I'm curious. I've been using Chat gpt more and more for targeted searching with reasonable success recently, I'll give it a go. Chat gpt question: "In the movie Taken, what do the Albanians say to each other while dragging Kimmy out from under the bed? Can you translate this to English?" Result: "In the movie *Taken*, there is a scene where Kimmy is hiding under the bed, and the Albanians find her. As they drag her out, they exchange some dialogue in Albanian. Here is the translation of what they say: One of the Albanians says: * "E gjetëm njërën." (Translation: "We found one of them.") Another replies: * "Merri këmbët." (Translation: "Take her legs.") This is followed by them roughly pulling Kimmy out from under the bed. The dialogue captures the urgency and ruthlessness of the kidnappers as they execute their plan." EDIT: Although I just realised I used "while" as opposed to before which might be reason for the different result. Ah well who knows.


The thing is, ChatGPT doesn’t look things up or research. It has a huge database and it answers basically what would the form of an answer to your question look like, based on millions of similar questions and references to the movie Taken.  So when I ask ChatGPT the same question, it will give a similar answer but it will not be the same nor will it be factual. I will test this now! ChatGPT 4o’s response to your exact question above (I copy pasted) is: “In the movie "Taken," during the scene where Kim is dragged out from under the bed, the Albanians say: "Shih këtu. Shikoje këtë. Këtu poshtë." This translates to: "Look here. Look at this. Down here."”


Chat GPT is bringing plausible bullshit back! Kids these days don't even know! There was a time when we couldn't look up the correct answers to literally every single question at our fingertips. No, we used to sit around, pass the time bullshitting with friends about lies that *sounded* true. I remember me and my buddies one time got into a knockdown drag out brawl because we couldn't come to a consensus on how much it would cost to fill an airplane up with gas. Thanks to ChatGPT we're going back to the age of bullshit baby!


Well, they said nothing of this. 😂


Thanks for this!!


This is completely made up, just so you weren't aware.


Well, then. Lol. Just call me gullible.


Not the poster but I've personally been using both google and microsoft AI to do translation. Since AI can understand context, their translation makes more sense vs raw google translate, especially for longer blocks of text


>Since AI can understand context It doesn't "understand context". It's giving you what you what the answer might be.


Yeah, I feel like a lot of folks don't realize that "AI" in practice isn't something out of a sci-fi movie, it's a marketing term for math that would take a really long time to do by hand. And by "a lot of folks don't realize" I mean "tech funders intentionally mislead people into not realizing."


Oh don't worry, I've had my share of AI chatbots spewing utter nonsense. AI chatbots are a tool and like any tool it has its own applications and methods of using


Exactly, instead of translating word for word and resulting in soup of grammatical mess or nonsensical translation. I happen to understand both languages that I used gemini and bing chat to translate (translating corporate profiles which is often in my native language into english or vice versa) so I can verify whether it fucked up or did it well. Way more often than not, it translated what I wanted well. I'm not an idiot, I know these chatbots aren't some sentient superbeing stuff and I don't take whatever it spews out at face value. AI chatbots is a tool and like any tool you need to learn to use it properly.


ChatGPT doesn't understand anything. It's a predictive text software that takes available internet resources, & then formulates responses based on thousands of comparisons. This inevitably leads to utter nonsense, although it is sometimes correct.


Just like others already pointed out, just copy-pasted the question. Figured that it might produce a better result than simply googling, but not always the case.


Here’s what ChatGPT 4o told me:   “In the movie "Taken," during the scene where Kim is dragged out from under the bed, the Albanians say: "Shih këtu. Shikoje këtë. Këtu poshtë." This translates to: "Look here. Look at this. Down here."” 😂😂😂 Edit: Interesting. If I ask it if its sure, I get this reply which is repeats if I ask it to continue checking itself: “In the movie "Taken," during the scene where Kim is dragged out from under the bed by the Albanian kidnappers, the dialogue they exchange is in Albanian. They say, "Mos e vra," which translates to "Don't kill her" in English [oai_citation:1,Kim and Amanda Kidnapping Scene | Taken (2008) - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMpG-1RLE38#:~:text=URL%3A%20https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DYMpG,100) [oai_citation:2,Taken 1- Kidnapping Scene - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rzIaMCGVw_Y#:~:text=URL%3A%20https%3A%2F%2Fwww,100). This line is part of the intense and crucial kidnapping scene that sets the stage for the film's plot.”


Is everyone watching this before it expires on Tubi or something? Why did I just fall asleep to this movie LOL


LOL I was watching it on Disney Plus. I guess it was just that kind of night!


"Hey boss, this is Liam Neeson's house, we shouldn't take her!" "Taken hasn't been released yet. For all we know he's just an old man" "Oh, right. Where is the bitch?"




No, why are you making this up? 😭


Thanks to this thread I'm curious if there's notable examples of actors speaking their native languages to fill out "foreign language" space in English movies but just saying nonsense or completely unrelated things.  I think they do this in the What We Do In The Shadows TV show. 


I don't know FrostyPolicy9998! What DID the Albanians say before they took Kimmy in the movie Taken?


Get off the side of the road, you stupid chicken!


"We've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty"


My question is why didn’t Dad teach Kimmy how to defend herself. This dude had insane skills, he could’ve taught her in one weekend how to fight off those guys.


Good question!


"Good luck, Kimmy! You're about to star in the worst Airbnb experience ever!"


Drakkar Noir


Dracar Nuwar


*Albania is real country*


Al-BAY-nee-ah, Al-BAY-nee-ah, you border on the AY-dri-attic


I had to search too much to find this, Coach


I get this reference.


You’re a communist republic You’re a red regime


Bruhhhhhhhhhh 😂


Did you fart... Because I didn't.


It was Drakkar Noir that they said. I don't even know what that means unless I have to use Google Translate to find out 😏. 




AI comment bot. Downvote and report. These things are fucking everywhere now