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On the streaming services I find a title that I like, and then I look at the "more like this" or "related" section. If I see something that looks potentially interesting, I add it to my watch list so that I have a curated list of things to check out later. Then when I'm struggling to find something to watch, I can just look through that list. That said, I find it really difficult to settle on what to watch. Especially with so many programs and movies these days being low quality filler material. Netflix also has secret codes for various categories. You can use those codes to view titles from a specific genre to narrow it down if you know what you're in the mood for. You can Google how to do that. Generally the algorithms never suggest stuff that I actually want to see based on what I've liked before, they only push the crap they want me to watch. So, for best results you really need to go digging around and spend a lot of time searching.


Letterboxd helps me the most with selecting a movie. There is a “watchlist” feature where you place movies you want to watch but haven’t. If you’re a fan of film then the app and lists on it really can be a pleasure to browse. And you can learn as little or as much about a film as you’d like. Just wanna read a short synopsis? Ok. Want to see the trailer too? It’s linked on the movies page. Want to read user reviews? They’re there too, and more. Personally I don’t read reviews prior unless I see the scores are all over the place. Once you have a watchlist built (and building it is fun too) you can just access it to remind yourself what you want to watch. I will sometimes be browsing an app to see what I want to watch to then be remembered of my watch list. Not to say it’s not fun to pick something random on an app sometimes, but as for you and I that is sometimes very hard to settle on. You can also search user lists for things such as “horror movies on Netflix” or “new to tubi 2024” if you want to narrow down an app or search an app more extensively. I don’t use any social media but I enjoy the user reviews and user lists on letterboxd, it really is a place for film lovers.


For movies I check the Metacritic score since my movie tastes are similar to the typical movie critic. My rule used to be never consider anything with a score under 70 but movie critics have gotten really lenient franchise movies so those now the need scores above 80. Few TV shows get enough reviews to get Metacritic scores so I often need to search for individual reviews.


>factors Creative team's work output, concept, trailer


Tbh i only use one streaming service, the Criterion Channel, and they don't have a suggestion or algorithm. They make small curated collections and I look through ones that interest me. For example this month they have a set on movies that heavily use Synth music for effects and soundtracks so like Clockwork Orange, Assault on Precinct 13, Solaris, etc.


i typically only watch shows/films that have been out for a few years. if people are still talking about it 4-5 years later, i'll give it a shot. for example i just started euphoria this week. theres just too much garbage to sift through. so i wait it out. when i was more gung ho, i would stay on top of all the indie flicks coming out. check lists towards the end of the year on the best indies of the year. i say indie because everyone hears about the studio films. i mostly follow directors. directors who have done great stuff in the past or are considered 'up and coming'. plot and subject matter are mostly irrelevant. also, film friends. make enough film friends and you will find some that have similar taste.


I curate my own IMDb watchlist based on recommendations here, by lists via Google search for things like “underrated horror movies of the 2010s”, and through word of mouth from people I work with.


Based on directors and actors or if I want to watch a movie of specific genre I'll look them on IMDB lists.


I listen to The Watch (podcast) for TV and The Big Picture (podcast) for movies