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Disaster movie. I regret watching that horribly made movie


One edible down, that movie was fantastic!


oh my god date movie too, it just didn't have jokes, one of the first times I realised "films can be shit"


Epic movie too. Just painful


My mom brought me there with my sister in theatres. It was the only movie we ever walked out of.


I remember not laughing once. Also, you aren't supposed to say the movie you're doing a parody of "I got you a High School Musical!" This was terrible.


Adam Sandler's first movie. Going Overboard


I was gonna say the same thing, I was young when I first saw it and thought it would be funny. Even my young mind knew it was bad and stopped about halfway through.


Just to clarify, the movie is "Going Overboard", not to be confused with "Overboard" starring Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn


Madame Web. It was so bad that three people walked out. (And I saw it on a plane.)


It must have been a Boeing.


I saw that Madame Web came to Netflix recently so I figured I’d put it on to see if it was as bad as people say it is. Not joking, about 15 minutes into the movie my internet went down. I like to think my ISP was saving me from watching the rest.


They saw your web traffic and were "not on my watch!"


Yep this is it for me as well. I'm pretty okay to consume almost anything....except whatever the fuck that was. I got a free movie ticket from rewards program and I still feel like I got ripped off


I really enjoyed how much of a mess it was. The opening scene is such a shitshow mess of awful ADR, fake camera shake, comedic post crash zooms, and terrible CGI; glorious garbage.


Don't forget the spider tree people! 😆🤷‍♂️


"Let's put Sydney Sweeney in a movie and keep her as bland and fully clothed as possible. Stick glasses on her too. Oh yeah, let's build her up to be a sidekick superhero but not actually have her become that at all -- we'll just hint at it in somebody's dreams and then set it up as something that might happen in a sequel." That's how it actually plays out in the movie. WTF was anyone thinking?


I don’t get the hate for this one. It was bad but in a fun way. 


**Alone in the Dark.** Funny thing is that I've watched a number of Boll's movies, and while all terrible, none of them reached the utter awfulness of Alone in the Dark. The movie is pretty much unwatchable. [This is a real scene.](https://youtu.be/PHhhalwlVVQ?si=OdRN2qyMFNG7UrEh)


One of the best reviews I’ve ever read was for this movie. I believe it was from People magazine. It read: Alone In The Dark is what you’ll be if you see this movie in theaters.


Was this shown in theaters? And if so, how many seizures did it cause?


It was definitely shown in theaters. The one and only time I watched that movie was during its theatrical run.


Wow. Yea that scene is rough, it somehow can’t hide the terrible cgi even though it’s dark 50% of the time


The video you linked doesn’t appear to work. There’s some music but the visuals are just wild flickering with the occasional glimpse of humans.


Oh hey look, we found the scene that inspired The Long Night in Game of Thrones.


Alone in the dark was much easier to watch than a dungeon siege tale. Both absolutely horrible but alone in the dark provided some unintentional laughs at times. Dungeon siege was an incoherent and bland mess of a film.


Yeah, I would vote for Dungeon Siege to be the worst one just because it seemed like the biggest of Uwe Boll movies. He definitely threw a lot of Nazi gold in there to make it happen. A pretty stacked cast for an Uwe Boll movie, including Jason Statham, Ron Perlman, Ray Liotta, Burt Reynolds, Kristinna Loken and Mathew Lillard. With all this money and star power it still had no redeemable qualities and was a total piece of crap


Sleepaway Camp 4 is a clip show with like 5-10 minutes of new footage that doesn't really even have a plot. Absolute waste of time.


Nice deep cut. I'm pretty sure the only way you can watch that one was on the old dvd box set release.


It deserved better. 2 and 3 are some of my favourite goofy slashers.


Bloody loved 2 and 3!


Oh I've been waiting for this opportunity! - Point of Terror (1971) Huge chunk of this film is basically Peter Carpenter (producer and self-cast lead) singing the film's theme song at different moments throughout. Whole film is basically a self-promotion piece for Carpenter where he's trying to paint himself as some Sean Connery sex symbol. - Skullduggery (1983) Not really sure what this one was. It doesn't really seem to have any plot and no one in it seems to have acted before. A lot of the scenes seem to be randomly selected stock footage and then the 'acted' scenes are tossed in wherever. The whole film makes no sense at all. There's kind of a sorcerer and someone kills someone else sort of at one point. - Howling: New Moon Rising (1995) Really similar to Skullduggery in it's use of stock footage to pad the film out. The general plot is that someone in town is a werewolf and killing people, but you wouldn't really get that from watching it, because most of the film is just people having breakfast or whatever. There is one scene which is just of a bar band playing for about 10 or 15 minutes uninterrupted. It features the worst CGI werewolf transformation I've ever seen. Which is actually so bad you can't even laugh at it.


The full movie Skullduggery 1983 is available on youtube. I found my daily task!


Proximity Starts out as a generic ufo abduction flick, gets really wierd in the middle, then at the end it turns out the aliens were >!studying humans, believing that Jesus is important to the creation of the universe.!<


Seriously, Manos the Hands of Fate truly is absolutely dreadful and perhaps the Creeping Terror is with it. They are just oof. So so bad.


Great mst3k episode though


If we're going with MST3K classics, I submit Skydivers. Watching that without the commentary is a truly painful experience.


Manos means hands, so the title translates to "hands: hands of fate".


Battlefield Earth is… Execrable Excruciatingly cringey Unintentionally Hilarious at every turn


I've never even seen that movie, but [Roger Ebert's review of it](https://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/battlefield-earth-2000) is probably my favorite movie review of all time. Spoiler: He did not like it.


It is brutal > The director, Roger Christian, has learned from better films that directors sometimes tilt their cameras, but he has not learned why.


That review was brilliant Thanks so much for posting it


Battlefield Earth is like an advertisement for why you should run as far and as fast away from Scientology as possible.


Because ads are needed for that.


I've often cited it as the worst movie I've ever seen. But it's been a long time so my wife thought we should watch it to see if my opinion held up. I saw it when I was 14. My taste was a lot worse generally back then, but there are occasions where I didn't really get a film because I was too young or whatever. Not that one. My 14 year old self was correct. It is complete dog shit to this day.


I know it is shit but it's so shit it's good again. It's one of my guilty pleasure movies.


Agreed. It’s famous for that alone but the money they spent too, what a glorious potato


I’ve only seen clips of it but it seems it’s so bad it’s good


I went to the theater to see it. Notice how I didn't say that I saw it in a theater? Even when it first came out everyone knew it was bullshit so me and my gf at the time got wasted drunk first (we liked movies and saw almost everything that came out back in the day). I remember my breath sent the teen ticket taker back a foot... good ol Jack Daniels... And I remember waking up several times through the actual movie off and on. Frankly, I am surprised nobody peed themselves! Still, we were less of a mess than that movie was.


Not a movie but standup comedy special. Brendan Schaub Gringo Papi. It is only 25 mins, it is worth the watch to see how bad it is and how they decided to actually post it. They shot the set 4+ times in one weekend and this is the best he could edit together. He gets audibly booed for one of his jokes and they left it in because it was probably the best delivery he could tumble out of all the takes. It is on YouTube because he is doing great


Sack Lunch


So d'you think they got shrunk down, or is it just a giant sack?


Should've seen Rochelle, Rochelle instead.


I thought Prognosis Negative was a downer.


So d'you think they got shrunk down, or is it just a giant sack?


Oh, no. The English Patient is much worse. I can't take it, it's too long. Stop telling your story about the stupid desert and just d!e, already!


Dragonball Evolution


saw it in cinemas as a kid and its seared into my brain


Funny enough, Justin Chatwick was in a Doctor Who Xmas special wherein he's a superhero... his costume had a letter G on the chest LMAO


I was so hype to see this movie in theaters, afterwards I was legitimately just so upset and confused at how it was even made. It was like the opposite of a labor of love, whoever made it could not have even passively experienced a single episode of dragon ball z, worse adaptation than avatar or death note imo


If you set out to make the worst dragon ball movie you could, you probably still wouldn’t make a movie as bad as DB Evolution




Fatal Deviation (1998), the first Irish full-length martial arts film, is absolutely terrible: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IPne3Wh0lqk


Full movie on yt? Def watching this thanks, this looks fuckin golden


Holmes and Watson


I can't believe how much this movie missed the mark for such a usually funny duo


They for the roles reversed imo Riley should have played Holmes


This is my answer as well, really astonishingly bad


I never watched it but I watched an IHE video about it and its basically all I needed to hear


It’s like they took all the worst takes and made a film out of them. There must’ve been a funny film in there somewhere.


Highlander 2


There are probably worse movies than The Quickening, but the emotional and reputational damage it did was unforgivable. I often cite it as the worst ever sequel to a good movie.


I'd only ever seen Highland 2 on TV... which was the later 'renegade' cut which took out some of the alien nonsense and made the film very loosely make sense... ...then I saw the THEATRICAL original cut and boy! This has to be the single worst professionally made movie I've ever seen.


Yeah. My dad and I loved Highlander. We saw Highlander 2 in the theater and vowed to not mention it again after it was over. I just broke that rule. I somehow even watched Highlander 3 with Mario van Peebles and that was a better movie. How bad does H2 have to be to make H3 a better movie?!


I read an interview many many years ago thatsaid there was an entirely different script for it and the studio didn't like it and made them put in aliens and other stuff because aliens and sci-fi were super popular atthe tine for movies, and that why we got what we got. Don't know how accurate that interview was, but it does explain things,and studios DO love to tell producers and writers how to do their jobs like they don't know what they're doing.


Saw it when it came out in the theatre and I'm still depressed.


Damn I blotted that movie out of my memory until this. That movie SUCKED.


the love guru


Yes, this was truly shit


"This coffee smells like shit" It IS shit Austin!" "Oh good then it's not just me." "It's a bit nutty."


You can't mean John Oliver's oscar-worthy debut as Dick Pants?


It’s so bad


Alone in the Dark (2005) House of the Dead (2003)


There is a "funny cut" of house of the dead that is legit fun and hilarious because they use ridiculous alternate lines and sometimes totally different scenes and it's well worth a watch if you can find it. 8/10 recommend.


Neil Breen's Fateful Findings. But maybe that's a bit of a cheat answer. The difference between intent & means and result probably isn't quite big compared to others.


Meet the Spartans. 


This is when parody movies died


Agreed. I mean most of the movie movies were pretty bad but this fucking killed the genre.


After Earth


The Last Airbender. It would just be a bad movie if it weren't for the fact that it was based on ATLA. Everything got butchered in this adaptation, EVERYTHING!


I’ll never forget the sheer confusion of watching the fire benders use torch’s for the most lackluster attacks, incredibly non threatening antagonists. If it wasn’t an adaptation it would still be bad but it would mostly just be forgettable I think, but doing that to one of the best kids shows in the last 20 years makes it legendarily bad. Sheer disappointment


Earwig and the Witch


The matrix 4. Not only was it terrible but it tarnished the legacy of one of the best trilogies ever made. For that alone fuck this movie.


Matrix 4 gets a pass because Lana basically called out WB in the test of the film. It’s stated explicitly tha WB is going ahead with the new *Matrix* project with or without them. So they had no choice if they wanted any input at all.


It took Family Guy's "It insists upon itself" to a level that actually makes sense (and is still awful). If you watch it believing the Wachowski's never wanted to make the movie but were pressured by their studio to make it, so they decided to make a movie about hating being forced to make a commercial art project like a movie (or a video game, or whatever) then it really all makes sense... until they go back into the machine world. Watch the first half and think of it as a "fuck you!" to corporate studios and you'll love the movie. But then shut it off before it gets dumb again.


Yeah dang that was pretty atrocious. I didn't even finish it. Maybe I should go back to it and power through?


If you want to feel a rollercoaster of negative emotions sure. I remember ranting to friend about it and he thought I was overreacting. About a year later when that friend finally sat down to watch it, I had none stop text rantings from them for the duration of the movie. We now don't talk about it.


Dumb and Dumberer. EDIT: I meant Dumb and Dumber To.


Third one was the worst I've ever seen. I loved the first and went and saw the second three times at the dollar theater. I loved the chocolate in the bathroom and him writing a note to his dad in ketchup and then mustard to tell him they're out of ketchup.


I quote this movie so much it is wild. I also saw it in theaters, idk what it was but it's just stuck with me.


love the 2nd one as well - wearing the mom 1980’s power pants suit after the chocolate incident was the best!


This one was so bad… I couldn’t believe Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels agreed to do it.


This is the super awful prequel, not sequel, which did not star Carrey and Daniels.


Oh right, i’m thinking “Dumb and Dumber To”. Thought this one was the worst personally


The prequel one was way funnier than the sequel


Theodore Rex




There's this Indian movie called Rascals, if I didn't have core childhood memories with it then I would've wiped it off my memory


For some reason I skimmed past the word “Indian,” and had to google Little Rascals (1994) to make sure I wasn’t trippin.


**Gabal** (The Wig), 2005 A horror movie where the main protagonist, a woman with leukemia, gets a wig from her sister. It turns out the wig is possessed by a demon and seeks to take over. It might be the most boring movie I've ever watched, the scenes are lengthy for seemingly no reason, the acting is mostly crying or staring into the void forever and the cinematography isn't even that good to justify the excruciating slow pacing. It's been a while so I don't remember the ending but I highly doubt it was a saving grace for this terrible movie.


Andy Warhols “Lonesome Cowboys”. Fuck me the past sucks.


Battlefield Earth - worst I have seen at the theater


The Hottie & the Nottie and Urban Menace.


Fly Me To The Moon, a kids movie about Flys joining the Apollo 11 mission, bad animation, bad writing, bad voice acting, and downright disrespectful to NASA and the Apollo astronauts.


*Gigli* is pretty terrible. But the real answer is probably something really bizarre and rare. Like a [Coffin Joe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coffin_Joe) picture.


I used to work at a halfway house and every Sunday they'd give me $2 to go buy some movie from the DVD guy outside the local grocery store. Those afternoons were a constant barrage of sunflower kernels being split open and "What are we even watching?" The "worst movie ever" was probably one of those.


I just watch Alien Vs Predator 2 and it's definitely up there as worst movie ever, filmed in pitch black.


Going Overboard




lol, Asylum films are really something. I recently saw Road Wars, Max Fury


Lawnmower Man 2. It is the movie I use as a scale to rate movies from good to bad. Nothing has come close to it yet (at least for me) and took its crown as the worst movie I’ve ever seen


Dude if you hated the editing in Grown Ups 2, you should watch the Netflix version. For some reason they've cut and chopped a lot of the scenes and it just makes the whole thing worse. Don't even get me started on the TV cut.


'We Can Be Heroes' (kids movie on Netflix)


Robin Hood: Ghosts of Sherwood. As the IMDB synopsis says: “While battling the Nottingham Sheriff, Robin Hood and his band of merry men are slain. Distraught over these horrific turn of events Marian and Little John attempt to resurrect Robin and his comrades. In doing so they inadvertently turned the one-time heroes into the living dead and worse, the ghostly reincarnations are now out for blood.” Watched it with my grandparents like a decade ago, still can’t forget the terrible effects and writing.




A Wrinkle In Time was horrific


Grownups 2. After hearing about the podcast “The Worst Idea of All Time,” where they watched it every week for a year, I had to give it a whirl. Fuck I wish I hadn’t, and those guys are absolutely insane.




Dragon Ball: Evolution (for obvious reasons) and Lucy (zero stakes (she is invincible), scenes are too long and National Geographic parts add nothing to the movie apart from padding the runtime. Also, she turns into a flashdrive.).


Batman vs Superman. Some movies are "so bad it's good", but this one was just outrageously bad with no redeeming qualities.


Movie 43. Just awful.


I recently watched Unfrosted. That has to be pretty close.


I can't believe nobody has said Wonder Woman 1984. It was astonishingly bad - from the nonsense plot to the terrible acting. Movies like "disaster movie" know they are bad- ww84 thought it was the next big female led superhero movie which makes it hilarious


I worked at a cinema for 6 years, the worst film I’ve ever seen was one of them, slenderman (2018). I’d rate it 0/10


The Master of Disguise.


Was it not turtley enough for you?


This movie is so terrible, my friend that bought the movie. Only watched it up to turtle part. And shut it off because it was so bad. He gave it me and said I can keep it and doesn't want it back. I tried watching it but it's just not a movie you can not consume. I said to him you can have it back. He said just throw it away. And I did. Whats a shame is how good Dana Carvey is at impersonating famous people. But you can't build a watchable movie around this. It's not a gag that can carry a whole movie.


This is my answer too. We watched it in my bad film club and now every year my friend and I get each other more DVD copies - I have 6 in my possession and one day we hope to own them all. Just need to watch the extra scenes and the commentary but we can't bring ourselves to do it


I'm sure there are worse movies, but Tusk is my personal pick. I always give Kevin Smith films a chance, and I'm a big fan of Justin Long, but I hated Tusk almost immediately. I only made it through because I refused to abandon it until I at least got the payoff of seeing Long as a humanoid walrus, and after the reveal I was too preoccupied providing incredulous commentary to a friend via FB Messenger. It wasn't scary, it wasn't even unintentionally funny, and what the fuck was Johnny Depp and his prosthetic nose doing there?


Every scene with Johnny Depp is one of the worst scenes I’ve ever seen. Honestly Tusk could have been an okay b-movie kind of thing but Johnny Depp bringing poop jokes just ruined the any chance it had.


The wildest part was Depp turning in that performance and then deciding his character should return in *Yoga Hosers*


Aloha is the worst attempt at a film I’ve watched.


Jack and Jill or Tusk….


Silent Hill Revelations came to mind pretty quickly.


I haven’t seen it but I’ve seen the 2006 silent hill movie, and despite the difference between it and the games I was actually pleasantly surprised by it and really could appreciate the unsettling atmosphere and the “is this carbon monoxide poisoning?” Confusion that’s similar to narrative aspects of the games


Assassin’s Creed (2016) was so bad that at some point I even forgot that it existed


Nothing but trouble. From the early 90s with Demi Moore, Chevy Chase, John Candy, Dan Akyroyd. Sounds fun enough but it watching it was like a terrible fever dream. Akyroyd was a corrupt judge wearing this whack ass prosthetics nose, there was a roller coaster called the bonecrusher? which was some sort of punishment - I think it might have killed people, and rapper Humpty and an unknown Tupac show up in court. I think there were some fat twins too. Please tell me someone had heard of this


Meh. I like it. This is also one of those movies that gets tossed out there as a worst ever made, and I'm pretty sure whoever does is just jumping on the Internet bandwagon. The movie isn't bad, it's just weird.


I'll always say "Freddy Got Fingered" when this question comes up.


Aw cmon it has its charms


Which part, swinging a giant horse cock around in his hand or tongue kissing his best mates bone marrow while he’s sitting there screaming his lungs out with a compound fracture?


Gee, yes. I was told by my sister’s friend how amazing and funny this movie is, so I watched it. Like, half of it. I don’t know if she was trolling, but I never watched any movie she suggested after that.


the star wars sequels i was pausing like 4 times per movie then continuing some time later because it was just so infuriating to see the standards in star wars being torn down and rebuilt telling the same story in a boring way which removed much of the good of the OT and prequels


Rollerblade (1986)


Ghosts of Edendale is a failure in every single sense of filmmaking. It’s almost remarkable. It’s barely a movie. It’s…bad.


I hated Life as a House but I don't recall anything about it. I just recall that it felt like a bargain basement American Beauty that was worse on every level, from script to performances.


I knew nothing about this movie before I watched it and I never forgive my friend for promising it would be the most epic thing I’d ever seen, when she knew full well that my father, an architect, was dying from stage 4 lung cancer.


Moscow Zero (2006) They put Val Kilmer's face on the cover for a 5 minutes appearance. Saw it while on shrooms with some friends, I laughed so much that my face muscles got sore.


Witches sabbath. The worst movie for one great night. But my god that was an awful movie.




Snowman. So bad it's not even funny. Only good thing about it is Dan's video about it. Like, I've seen Plan 9 from outer space and Snowman is still a worse movie. I've seen Robin Hood with Taron Egerton and Snowman is still worse.


Endless Love with Brooke Shields, it's a sappy coming of age love story between two teenagers that unfolds in a way that ends up being funnier than it is tragic while trying to have a weird subtext of premarital sex, this is also directed by Franco Zeffirelli, same dude who directed THAT Romeo & Juliet, so it has very creepy undertones.


Pokemon: Hoopa and the Clash of Ages, or as a letterboxd review put it: “Poops and the Clash of my Buttcheeks”


January Man


I mean its hard to say which was the worst of Highlander 2, Eye of the Beholder and Siberia saying I've seen "Siberia" the Keuno movie is a bit of a stretch, watched like 30 mins, didn't want to watch the rest, went out came back for the final ten mins; after it was over I asked my mom about the IMDB review which said "Reading the phone book would be more entertaining", she said that wasn't wrong.


Snow White and the Huntsman


I went to a very small local indie film festival recently and had to sit through a 2 hour film that was absolutely god awful. I’ve never seen people walk out in the middle of a film festival before. I don’t want to name the movie, but it’s so bad and small time you wouldn’t be able to find it anyways.


December Boys.


Down to You with Freddie Prinze Jr and Julia Stiles. Truly, truly awful.


Alien 3000


I saw Geostorm at the theater. It was just pointless and dull. I can’t remember much, other than I hated it.


Fantastic Four and Mrs Browns Boys D’Movie


I don't do "worst" but the film Very Bad Things always sticks out to me as a bad experience. It's a dumb, dead hooker film filled with ugly people doing ugly things.


10 things we should do before we break up. Just awful not good movie that feels like it was written by someone who does not understand how humans work


The Mask 2


Bug, worst movie ever


The second fantastic beast movie


Suicide Squad (2016) , easily.


Why didn’t they just take the helicopter to the top of the building in the fucking first place?!


Suicide Squad (2016 version) With about 30 minutes to go, I walked out knowing it wouldn't redeem itself




Dark water with Jennifer Connelly, it was so bad that most of the cinema audience was talking through it when I made the mistake of going to see it.


Highlander 2. The story made so little sense that I wondered if the technician mixed up the film reels.




I've got two to go here. First, CW:SA Jesus Christ: Serial Rapist. The only thing good about this movie is its name. Rather than a bizarre biblical sexploitation flick, it's just really bad 480p slomo of naked women being poorly assaulted with occasional plastic severed limbs that are supposed to represent people the MC killed while lit candles litter every room and doom metal blasts full volume. I stumbled across another movie called Dick Shark and knew it was his when as soon as i started it was a woman in lingerie on bed with doom metal playing I'd stumbled into another of his. Second movie being If Footman Tire You, What Will Horses Do? which was a godawful christsploitation film of the 70s that's just 50 something minutes of an insane baptist priest talking about how communists are gonna come and kill all the christians. It was atrocious.


Rebel moon


I can't remember what it's called but I seem to recall a low budget horror that I think came out in the early to mid 90s about a group of teens being hunted down by a slasher villain type Mummy in a museum I think? (not Brendan Fraser's The Mummy). The acting was God awful and the death scenes were hysterical 😂 This Mummy character looked like something from a 1950s Horror classic film and it was the slowest thing imaginable. I remember one of the first female character victims screaming her head off for what felt like ages just standing in place despite a whole room of space to escape whilst this mummified arm slowly raises up with a dagger in it's hand. You could have probably made a coffee and finished it by the time it finally killed her lol Turns out the guy behind it all is a history nerd type who brought the Mummy back to life to seek revenge on the others for bullying him.


movie 43. Just a movie full of comedic sketches with a bunch of big celebrities, but the problem was that almost none of the sketches were actually that funny


Battleship. I'd rather re-watch Human Centipede 2.


A Prairie Home Companion (2006) I was working at a small arthouse theatre and someone else was working the projector so I was free to watch the movie in the theatre. It was so incredibly boring. The pacing was so slow, nothing really happened and I didn't like the music at all. It's the only movie I've ever walked out off. Just went back into the booth and read some magazines instead. Mind you I thought Highlander 2 was really cool (I was 11 at the time), Manos Hands of Fate was intriguingly odd and enjoyed Little Nicky (come on... it's funny)


Battlefield Earth with John Travolta. OMG it was horrendous.


I find all Woody Allen movies unwatchable. I see a big roster of actors..... And get a movie full of annoying whining..... Boo


Logjammin’ I never knew if he fixed the cable.


I just watched Russell Crowe's last movie and left the cinema thinking it was the worst movie I've ever seen. I knew it was gonna be shit like most horror movies are, but those end up being entertaining. This one was both shit and boring.


Clockwork orange. Shit evil person eventually gets “reeducated” by the government. Am I supposed to feel bad for him? Is the government good? Everything bad? Then just long sex scenes that make no since and don’t do anything for the story at all. Feels like someone gave a 13 year old angst teen a movie and said go wild