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I feel like Colin Firth's character should've stayed dead in Kingsman 2


What's even worse is they actually resurrected Mark Strong as well, in the original version he's present at the wedding sporting a pair of bionic legs. It was a step too far even for Kingsman and test audiences hated it, so they CG'd him out of the scene.


Killing him in the first place was pointless too. At least the way they did it. He could have just stayed on the mine until they had time to come back and defuse it properly. All he did was distract like 4 guys by the gate. The very next thing that happens is Harry and Eggsy shoot their way past like 30 more dudes. The few extra at the gate wouldn't have even slowed them down.


This is exactly what happened to that barrick dundarian (sp?) in game of thrones. What a fucking stupid way to be "fated" to die, holding the door for a few zombies for 3 seconds and then stumbling into the next room behind a door that they all could have gotten behind easily if they kept running, PLUS he didn't even really block the door, the zomboes could get around him. He didn't Even really slow them down. Dude was resurrected SEVEN times because his purpose of fucking around wasn't fulfilled yet.


Jon had to be rezz’d for big purpose as well. Which was nothing


Mines do not work like that anyway, you don't have to step off a mine to activate it but simply trip the detonator. But it's a stupid argument, movies and all that


Movie mines usually do and explicitly did in this scene. Within the logic of the movie there was no reason for Merlin to blow himself up.


That's such an odd oversight by the Kingsmen franchise which is known for its realism


If you're gonna resurrect anyone bring back Roxy after fridging her 2 minutes into the movie. At least she died off screen so you'd have an excuse.


It's retroactively made the first one worse. His death scene is robbed of all drama and pathos when you know that Halle Berry and Channing Tatum are about to swoop in and make the save.


I prefer to think there’s is no Kingsman sequel. It was horrible


I also think this when I think of Roxy's death, which was as unnecessary


It was the same with Kickass. First one was fantastic, sequel was bad. Same creators I think.


Colin Firth should’ve either been his characters American twin brother or a mind controlled henchman.




Anytime someone escapes from being held by knocking the bad guy out. They always try to run and always get caught. Take a moment and bash the guy to death. Hell, break his leg at the minimum so he doesn’t just run and catch you.


"If an injury has to be done to a man, it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared." - Donald Duck


"Get wrecked lol ez pz" - goofy


Hyuk around and find out. - also Goofy


Best response.


I love how this trope was played with during the 2nd season of 24. “Shoot him again!” Loved that scene.


I loved zombie land Two taps


This is a good one. Also, when the other person has a weapon and the escapee doesn’t bother to take the weapons with them when they go. You don’t have to use them if you can’t/won’t, but at least get them away from the people who are actively trying to kill you!


Yes! All of the time


The infamous final episode of the original run of *Dexter*. Dexter has the killer dead to rights, but has a change of heart and suddenly decides he doesn't want to be a serial killer anymore. The killer then escapes and shoots his sister.


While I agree, I do see why the choice was made... After all, up until this point, Dexter cannot choose whether to kill or not. It's a compulsion. He walks away in that moment because for the first time in his life, HE CAN. It's meant to signal that he actually has been cured of his psychopathic impulses... Then when Debbie dies, he takes her out to sea, like all his other kills. Instead of a black enclosed bag, she's encased in flowing white sheets, as this is his first death that he caused, but is not actually responsible for. For the first time, Dexter feels grief. It's quite beautiful actually.


That’s the most positive description of the most laughably bad ending of any show in existence. This ending is literally the ending that wins every “what is the worst ending of any show” type of question on Reddit. Remember when Dexter almost banged his sister, didn’t kill the serial killer who then killed his sister, then became a lumber jack?


It would be, if it weren't A. So very, very contrived and stupid, and B. At the tail end of a steep decline in quality including that awful choice to make Deb realize she's "in love" with Dexter all of a sudden.


It fits with the books. Not the plot, mind you, just the stupid veering off course of character.


Yeah I’d argue the books ended just as horribly as the show did. Although Jeff Lindsay made no bones about the fact that he was over writing the Dexter books and that he didn’t particularly like the character. So he ended the books accordingly and unsatisfying.


Yeah that makes sense, if a publisher is forcing you to keep putting out specific content you're going to eventually resent it (I wonder if that's what happened to Odd Thomas too.) I never read the last book, I just couldn't go on after Dexter's Final Cut.


I finished the series. The final book was basically Lindsay saying “I’ve had enough of this, here’s your shitty ending.” The book was literally called Dexter is Dead, so that tells you everything right there. In one sense I get where he was coming from, why would a serial killer get a happy ending? But at the same time, it was a bit insulting to fans who had followed the whole series.


I LOVE scream. Love it, it’s my favorite franchise. Leaving Chad alive in 6 is one of the biggest wastes of a cool sequence. I was incensed. Spoilers obv https://youtu.be/ayJgzv81heY?si=bwCr_GEzMn6ShO9e (But how fucking cool is that?)


He’s a Chad, mere knives aren’t enough to stop this apex predator.


He lived through 5 being stabbed a bunch of times and I was like... hmm I guess technically plausible but then 6 happened and it was just so ridiculous that I'm kinda glad they won't be in 7.


His sister should’ve died in the train as well, literally alone with one of the killers


Mindy bothered me less than chad, but yeah having no core four deaths was eh


The Battle at Winterfell when everyone lived


I swear there were at least 3 separate occasions where Brienne (or most other named characters, really) was in an impossible situation, just for the camera to cut away and her be fine the next time you see her. Ironic and incredibly frustrating to see how low the stakes were for the penultimate battle of the show


and she sticks around for what? so that she can hook up with Jaime and then get ghosted the next morning lol


Exactly, I thought her finally being knighted was leading to some kind of impactful sacrifice or last stand at Winterfell. Would have been a great way to wrap up her story, better than what's present anyway. I'm probably asking too much from s8's writing to begin with though lol


Yep, her death would have almost completely cured the Jaime problem too. Now he has a *reason* to go back to Cersei. His respect for Brienne not paying off and showing him that the world ultimately doesn’t care what is just.


They had years to figure how to land this plane and crashed it in the Pacific Ocean


> I'm probably asking too much from s8's writing to begin with though lol The writing was on the wall long before that, I checked out about the time the Lannisters marched an army on the old woman with none the wiser and then Jamie survives with plot armor when he should have been turned to crispy bacon. There was other stuff too but that was the straw the broke it for me and by that time the shtick was glaringly, blindingly apparent. Where essentially and for brevity they flipped the script on who had plot armor and/or they attempted and failed IMHO to weave the story in unexpected ways. Because I've seen lesser daytime soap operas doing it in less contrived ways!


Beyond even the terrible battle plan, this was the big sign for me that the ending was going to suck. The first few seasons had major deaths EVERYWHERE, and it set an amazing tone, then the biggest battle against the scary supernatural baddie everyone survived fine? Crap.


The long night was literally just one short night. It should have been a whole season of white walkers existing South of the wall.


The directors thought they were getting Star Wars and rushed it. And it shows.


I’ll never not find it hilarious that they tanked GoT to go do Star Wars and then got hit with “No, Disney likes money and you just tanked your franchise, why the fuck would we trust you with ours?” Haha, you pair of pricks.


Right?! They had an award winning series. They gave us a war in black. The death of a queen that apparently nobody mourned. (The red wedding did it better ). And then dumb kid in charge. I rewatched it recently so I could see the fight and yeah I missed nothing.


I’ve never seen something that big disappear so quickly from pop culture. It’s like it never even happened, except for all the bitter bitches who’ll never let it go and will carry that grudge to their grave. It’s me. I’m bitter bitches, and I will *never* forgive them for what they did to Sansa. And that’s just for starters. They ripped Ghost’s ear off and wrecked Jon’s entire character. Arya, who found something to admire in every woman she met going “Most girls are stupid”. No Lady Stoneheart, but here’s one dragon’s nuanced take on geopolitics and how maybe traditional monarchy is the *real* enemy? I mean, the dragon’s not wrong, but that’s hardly the fucking point. Don’t even get me started on Cersei: squashed like a grape under falling masonry, really? Literally the only thing I enjoyed between Sansa’s second wedding and the end of the show was literally every single second of Tormund Giantsbane, and they don’t get the credit for that guy’s charisma. Edit: I forgot about the enormous Wolfpack ripping Freys and Lannisters apart along the river. Fuck them for leaving that out too. And also what they did to the Greyjoys. Euron’s a fucking terrifying character on about 18 different levels but okay, let’s make him Jack Sparrow.


Oh girl I’m a bitter bitch with you. I was talking to a nice young man about it today. He’s like are we ever gonna get the real ending. I said nope. He will die and all we have is his notes.


And I think it would have been plausible if they didn't put the main characters in a mortal plight. Sam surviving a horde of wight walkers would have been ok if he was in a stronghold helping other soldiers from the back. Instead he's buried in them and still survives. Just stupid.


The last 3 seasons were a big sign the ending was gonna suck


Good thing there were so many fights in that battle so the camera could just cut away whenever a hero was written into a corner and miraculously escape their situation while off-screen about a zillion times. Edit: That episode was 81 minutes long so maybe we can call it an honorary bad movie


I have no idea what you all are talking about. In fact I have no idea what happened in this episode, as the screen was completely dark.


lol exactly personal favorite of the battle was when Arya played Silent Library during it


That killed the show for me. I was a bit wary after the Waif/Arya thing, but I remember watching Sam, Brienne and Co just getting hounded and thinking 'oh shit, they're actually going to kill them like this' and was shocked by it, only to just have all of that tension deflated when they just popped back up in another similar situation. It changed the tone for that entire episode and the rest of the episodes, not that it would made any difference. Either way, couldn't see shit through that whole episode with how it was shot.


Every scene is absolute carnage and then in the end a whole army survived, including the Dothraki we saw getting killed. Absolute shit show.


It would have been better if Arya put on the white walkers face that was hunting her through the castle to get close to IK. It would have been better if you could see what was happening, it would have been better if heroes died at the battle. 


Agree. I was expecting way more death. I also assumed that the WW were still gonna win and march to Kings Landing.


Plus the never ending supply of unsullied and Dothraki.


The zack snyder army of dead. That girl goes through a pretty bad ass montage and ends up out of a window like 3 feet behind the rest of her party still fighting off a zombie. Rest the team... Leave her.


That was like the one cool moment in the movie and I was actually rooting for her and then they just let her die? Like wtf she was five feet away


They had guns and had shown at least some to be quite good shots, nah nothing we can do.


Not shooting the escape pod in Star Wars


Lol that family guy episode was lit. Ehm... blue harvest?


What, are we paying by the laser now?


You don’t do the budget Terry, I DO


The Empire being too bloated, bureaucratic and apathetic to be effective against the rebellion definitely has been established as a solid trope by modern Star Wars.  That joke is still funny as hell rewatching Ep 3


Yep, whenever I discuss this with people who have served in the military they point out all the paperwork those guys would have to fill out if they shot the pod.


That reminds me of the movie... Jarhead? Where they were in the middle East doing nothing for God knows how long and they finally get a mission to snipe some HVT and at the last second the order is rescinded and the guy is like, please, let me take the shot, but no. Orders are orders


["Did you scan for droids?"](https://youtu.be/0oQtGCtnF2Y?t=95)


Would’ve ended the franchise pretty quick lol


They could’ve just shot John Wick in the head


Reminds me of [that scene in Austin Powers](https://youtu.be/5xAMYHJYesM?si=Za9w-qpgtX0xeeFy)


Same with the inspiration for that scene -- like every James Bond film lol


This actually takes me out of it so much. They have him caught and tied up, they want nothing from him and he’s sitting there talking about how he’s back to his killing ways. The kid is even running away as John wick is breaking free. Just shoot him in the head, what are you waiting for? John wick isn’t an elite killer, everyone else in that universe is just a clown.


No specific example but the whole "I've laid waste to many people on my way to get to you in order to get my revenge, but if I kill you here and now, then I'm no better than you" trope. Seems like a common issue in battle shounen anime, too. It's fine if they don't want to kill someone out of revenge because it wouldn't make them any better a person, but if they've killed countless people up to that point just to get the person they intended to get revenge on, suddenly choosing the pacifist route seems weird and forced.


This is the trope I hate more than any other. No, if you kill my greatest enemy i am still better than him/her because: - I'm only killing those who'd kill/rape/torture/other violent acts on innocent others to get what they want and - when big bad guy/girl is dead, I stop killing.


Gaming related but in FF7 Rebirth when Cloud kills some Shinra soldiers in a cut scene the party thinks he's gone too far. I'm sitting there like "Wait what have we been doing this whole time?"


A related thing that bugs me in FF7 is when >!You run into Professor Hojo at Costa del Sol. The party decides to just let him go, and acts as if this is taking the moral high ground. Uh, no, it isn't. The man needed to die - not just because of the horrible things he's done in the past, but because of the horrible things he *continues to do* and openly admits has no intention of stopping in the future. Letting him go meant he was free to continue his human experiments and other horrific crimes that would kill and disfigure countless additional innocent people. As soon as Hojo gets back to his lab he's going to turn even more test subjects into mutated violent monsters (many of which the party will eventually have to put down themselves). Letting him go was an act of grossly irresponsible moral cowardice. They 100% should have killed him.!<


They could have reworked that scene so that the relevant info was captured and he still managed an escape too.


Knocking them out?


They're just a little tuckered out.


I actually unironically thought this was happening.


Haven’t played the game but doesn’t the MC literally use a giant sword as a weapon?


I keep wanting to make a sketch or an animation that starts at this scene, the hero takes the moral high ground, the triumphant music starts, and they proudly walk out of the big bosses office. And then it's just them walking past and stepping over like 30 dead henchmen. Some of them like bleeding out and begging for help. Just a mess of blood and bodies. I can't be the only one with that idea so I haven't gotten off my ass about it lol. But since I came up with it I can't help but picture it when these scenes happen. Like 'and they'll still feel high and mighty walking out past that goon they shoved a grenade into'




Spoilers for Moon Knight... >!This really annoyed me at the end where, after killing _dozens_ of people, he doesn't want to kill Ethan Hawke because that would... make him a murderer? Those guys probably had families, but killing the guy responsible for every bad thing that happens in the show is too far?!<


Yeah but he kills him at the end anyway as Jake.


Yeah I don't think that one counts because I don't think ~~Marc~~ Steven had killed anyone.


>!wasn't it a third personality that the other 2 were not aware of?!<


It's one thing Furiosa got really right. It's not that she isn't willing to kill him, it's that when revenge is finally at hand it becomes clear how hollow it is; killing him doesn't fix anything.


Furiosa got a lot of things really right tbf.




This specifically worked imo because it was a prequel, and the film is an especially strong prequel because it alternates between pure nihilism because the audience knows the outcome and this awesome mythic quality for this legendary figure where again we know her outcome. The film completely subverts the bland nature of prequels by leaning all the way into it and it was great.


Why did Arya & the Hound ride across THE ENTIRE CONTINENT and get to the castle WHILE IT'S UNDER SIEGE and *only then* have a heart-to-heart about the nature of revenge? That was the biggest piece of corn in that bowl of shit soup, for me.


Not a movie, but Arya in the [edit: 2nd to] last episode of Game of Thrones.


The first Mission Impossible - Jim shoots his own wife and punches Ethan a couple times, knocking him to the floor. If he takes a second to also shoot Ethan in the head, he gets away. Instead he leaves to make his getaway, giving Ethan the opportunity to stop (and kill) him


I always thought the same thing. But I watched cinema wins review of the movie and he points out that the gun fired both shots one at Claire and the other during the scuffle between Ethan and Jim.


MI3 - the bridge scene is dope, but the team helping Davian escape has helicopter filled with assassins all armed who look DIRECTLY AT ETHAN, but they decide to give him time to go grab a case for a gun in his truck (launching an extremely slow missle) then allow Ethan to not only construct the gun but fire at the helicopter while the baddies just watch him despite having him easily within a direct shot.


The Boys keep too many of the main cast characters alive for way too long. It just seems like poor writing and that they're afraid to kill anyone off.


Even though I love the show I have to agree. The underdog narrative in S1-2 took a big hit when nobody in the group managed to die. Still, really hyped for S4!


Brian in the fast and the furious series sitting at home babysitting, while literally all of this friends and FAMILY are out saving the world and flying into space and shit makes no sense to me.


Yeah but what are they going to do? Can't just replace the actor and given how close his death and the movie release was they considered it would be insensitive to kill the character. And if they kill it now it would also be kind of weird.


Oh I am not blaming them. It was a lovely sendoff to him and his character. Its just silly to think about him not helping in 8-10


I know why obviously but I agree 100% with you. Like in story it makes no sense how Brian is just out there but his wife and family are still fighting.


It so weird to have [SPOILER] come back to save the world and then [SPOILER] comes back to save the world and after that [SPOILER] comes back to save the world and while the Rock is punching submarines and Luda is throwing Pontiacs into space, Bryan is canonically just streaming *New Girl* and ordering lumpia


Easy fix, open the next movie with: ‘The one thing Brian couldn’t outrace… cancer’.


Rocket sparing the High Evolutionary. Motherfucker you've killed hundreds of people over the five movies you've been in, plus all the ones we haven't seen, AND all your friends there too, and now you think you're above it? I would have been ok with right after Rocket said "Because I'm a freaking guardian of the galaxy," Gamora killed him saying "I'm not."


>I would have been ok with right after Rocket said "Because I'm a freaking guardian of the galaxy," Gamora killed him saying "I'm not." That... would have been completely reasonable for me. But I imagine they didn't want Gamora to do something like that. Still would have fit, though, and maybe given that last tap on the head of the nail that she is not the Gamora they all knew before.


"you're not that guy... I am that guy."


Damn, Amos was the best


Still annoyed at The Boys season 3 finale, leaving Homelander alive.


Early in the season, I was convinced they were gonna keep homelander alive, but he would lose his powers after getting blasted by Soldier Boy. Would have been a wonderful way to get to closure plus have Homelander stay on the show. Would have been super interesting to see a powerless homelander - a fate even worse than death for him.


A powerless Homelander and a juiced up Butcher could have been a very interesting scene.


The Boys got too cowardly in killing off main characters. There were several in S3 that should or could have died, but didn't.


like wonder woman. there was no way for her to survive that fall after losing her powers


Yeah, I didn't want to name names due to spoilers, but she should definitely just have died.


I don't have a problem with Homelander being alive personally. He's clearly the big bad and his time wasn't up yet. My problem is how every other 'death' or character change was a fake out. Maeve sacrificed herself to kill Soldier Boy but actually she survived, oh and Soldier Boy also survived making that scene have significantly less weight. Kimiko loses her powers but actually she just gets them back a couple of episodes later. A-Train has heart problems where he comes to terms with his own mortality and ego but actually he gets a heart transplant and he's back to normal (albeit with a new perspective). Butcher is being told he's going to die but you damn well know he's going to be given compound V in some way to cure him (which seems contradictory to his whole character so far). It's like they're scared of making decisions that would force them to change things up because aside from some superficial changes, it feels like each season mostly ends on a restart to begin another attempt at getting Homelander. The only 'major' death was of Black Noir and that was after they built up a mystery with no payoff and used him as an exposition dump for another character. I love the show but parts of it feels like it's wasting its own time.


It's typical of any series like this. There's no direction or destination for the wider story arc so they don't want to make any decisions that they may regret later because until they write the next series they don't know who they can afford to lose.


I actually like the Butcher one, if they do “cure” him with compound V. That level of hypocrisy (if done willingly for power) or character growth (if done with the understanding that not all supes are inherently evil) can both be great storytelling.


But I feel like Temp V in the last season already covered those themes and he learned about that hypocrisy. I fear they could just be repeating the same point they already made and I think Temp V was a good way of doing so without actually fundamentally changing Butcher's mission. This is all speculation from me though, maybe season 4 doesn't go this route at all.


The show runner regrets killing off lamp lighter now I think he scared to kill anyone else off in case he wants to use them again.


The worst for me was leaving A-Train alive in season one.


No I think it was an important moment for Hughie to save him. It showed Hughie's heart and what ultimately separates him and Butcher. Homelander and Butcher will probably end in both their deaths. A-train and Hughie I feel will end with both in a better place.


I believe we're thinking about different scenes. The one I'm refering to happens by the end of season one in Hughie's house (or his dad's house, I don't remember). Kimiko breaks A-train's leg and just leaves him to escape.


Oh yea. I thought you meant when he had his heart attack. Yea that scene could have been smoothed out.


Killed the show for me ngl. I'll come back once it's all done cause DAMN that finale was truly awful.


Why didn't Rick shoot Negan when he came out on that freakin' balcony?


Bullets travel at like 120 feet per second in that show. Good enough to hit zombies at range but I dont think anyone important has ever died at long distances.


That was the last episode I watched.  It made me realize that I was only still watching because of how much time I had already committed to it, and it felt more like homework than entertainment.


I stopped with the introduction of Negan. The show got too masochistic to me as viewer. And Rick got more and more implausible in his decisions. It looks like a trap, let us go in. Not like somebody who led his group succesfully through an apocalypse for years. Glad to see i did not waste even more time for some artificial plot.


Imagine a more grounded series having an episode where a new threat gets introduced. An evil community with a crazy leader and heavy weaponry.  The main characters see all this and instead of going TWD path of spending a season fighting them they just go "Yo, this shit is nuts, lets get outta here." and you never see or hear of the baddies again.


Come to Terminus!  Totally not a trap!


What about in Kiss Kiss Bang Bang? (starring Robert Downey Jr. and Val Kilmer) Everybody was brought back to life, even Abraham Lincoln Lol


That movie is perfect lol


Captain fuckin' magic!


Do you see any other fuckin' narrator around here?


Kenobi has Vader defeated at his feet. He finally realizes that Anakin is no more, that his friend is truly dead and in his place is a monster who brings death and destruction everywhere he treads. So he shrugs and wanders off.


I'll go a step further and say Reva in the Kenobi series. She got stabbed by Darth Fucking Vader and managed to survive because she was angry. Disney have done a pretty excellent job at nerfing lightsabers.


What's worse is that he does this exact same thing twice within the span of several years. I get the point is that Vader has to live in order for Luke to redeem his father, but still, I don't think Obi-Wan was aware of this at the time.


> but still, I don't think Obi-Wan was aware of this at the time Actually during the fight on Mustafar he found the script to Return of the Jedi.


If they murdered Gilligan in the first episode and made a raft out of his corpse and some coconuts, they would've gotten home a lot sooner


Why does Gilligan have to suffer? Didn't he help save everyone? The Howell's actually had next to nothing to offer of value. Skipper and Gilligan were shipmen, The Professor was hella smart, Mary Ann could cook, and Ginger was kind of a seamstress who could fashion clothes out of the limited supplies. The Howell's were just rich. Which didn't matter at all in their cashless society on the Island. They also just kinda bitched all the time. (PS: The older I get the funnier I find The Howell's actually)


Noone wants Gilligan to suffer, he just has to die for the greater good. Time and time again we see the castaways fail to escape because of his incompetence.  It's not his fault, but that doesn't change the fact that his death would hasten their rescue. Depriving Gilligan of his remaining years of life is acceptable only because of the years his incompetence steals from everyone else.  Or some other lawful evil logic, I dunno 


If the Professor was so blasted smart, why couldn't he come up with a way to fix the *Minnow*?


First of all, not every attempt they made to leave the island worked, so there was no guarantee that an effort he wasn't attached to would. Secondly, Gilligan has saved the castaways a fair amount of times as well. Nowhere near the number of times he has sabotaged something, but just enough that it might be relevant to have him around. It's not like the other castaways haven't screwed things up along the way, too.


Saving Private Ryan. The German POW that comes back and kills them


Blew my mind recently but the German that kills the guy with a knife when Uphams on the stairs isn't the same German they let go but the guy Upham shoots later is.


*SPOILERS-House of the Dragon* When Rhaenys on the back of Meleys, busted up through the floor of the Dragon Pit where Aegon was getting crowned, thus usurping Rhaenyra's throne. She was RIGHT THERE on her dragon and had the PERFECT chance to ROAST Alicent and the rest of the Greens alive, but she decided not to, and soon after, all the killing starts. She could have stopped the ENTIRE DANCE of the Dragons right there!!!!😳🙄😱😱😑 Yes, I know… if she had done it, we wouldn't have gotten such an epic storyline.


Can I give a TV show answer? Doctor who - arachnids in the UK Didn't let giant spiders be euthanised (they were suffocating due to their size) Instead they did the totally more humane thing of locking them in a vault to let them starve to death


I watched The Two Towers last night and they just let Grima Wormtongue go for no reason - and Aragorn's all like "Stop. Your people have suffered enough" when he just showed up there 10 minutes before. No, hang that wizardy bastard from the ramparts.


"Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise cannot see all ends."


And in the end, Grima kills Saruman, so it was the better decision on Aragorn’s part.


"But kill all the orcs you want"


To be fair the Fellowship didn't enter many scenarios where they attacked the orcs first.


If the orcs are kidnapping your friends and/or literally attacking you, yes.


"unless they are orcs, then each one is worth a point!"


this makes even more sense if you know what Grima does in the books later on


A common theme through all of Tolkien's writing was that "Villains" were given many chances to redeem themselves by the Good leaders. Grima was an abused pawn of Sarumans held in his control by his Voice, so Aragorn and Gandalf likely believed that the good man he used to be deserved a chance to live. He does fail in the end though and follows Saruman to both of their dooms.


They make it pay off in the extended edition and books by having him backstab Saruman, but the theatrical release of the movie gives no such pleasure


Scream 6 like every five minutes


How the fuck is the the male twin still alive? In 5 he gets stabbed abunch, then in 6 theres literally 2 killers holding him stabbing him in the chest and he fucking lives again


In 5 he built up an immunity to stabbing so that by 6 it had no effect.


Not specifically a scenario that led to a death later but so many action movies (especially in the 90s) you'd have the good guy and bad guy shooting it out, going for the kill, and then as soon as they're both in close range, they're just pointing a gun taking their time, making their monologues. They're ready to kill each other and then soon as one of them has a chance to do it they stop to build more tension.


When the good guy is incapacitated on the ground and the bad guy is standing over him and he just gives a manifesto or gloats to give the guy a chance to gather himself and counterattack




The last Ant-Man film was in separate need of a major character death or two, especially as I really can't imagine Marvel has much more planned for any of the Pyms.


Patrick swayzee’s character in point break. Keeanu shooting his gun in the air just makes him look like the rookie cop that he is.


That’s because I believe he’s either scared or he was getting too goddamn close to this surfing guru buddy of his. I don’t think he’s scared.


The entirety of SPEED happens bc Dennis Hopper's character doesn't immediately kill Keanu and Jeff Daniels after the elevator trap goes wrong.


A recent one. In Furiosa. >!when Furiosas Mom let the woman live when Furiosa was captured as a kid and she immediately went and told Dementus they escaped. I should've known there wasn't going to be a happy ending going in since we know where she ends up but that sucked to see!<


I bought that one only because she brought up being a mother. Furiosa's mom probably thought she was being genuine. Then again, if you watched Fury Road, you knew that her mom only "lasted three days out there.", so you knew it wouldn't be a happy start to the story.


Oh for sure, it definitely made sense. It was just frustrating to see lol. I guess I forgot her talking about her mom in Fury Road. It's actually been awhile since I've seen it.


I would have forgotten that convo too but I rewatched it right before seeing the new one. When she's talking to the ladies that she was raised with, one of them asks about her mom.


It was intentionally frustrating but I thought it made a lot of sense with what Furiosa does in Fury Road. It was an impossible choice and she chose wrong but without knowing that it would have been equally off putting for her to kill the woman.


This is sort of the opposite of what you’re asking possibly, but the movie “Thanksgiving” left the majority of its teen characters alive, which was surprising for a slasher movie.


Umbridge. Both book and film.


In the book at least it's implied the centaurs tortured her mercilessly. I'd say she got an almost worst fate.


Classic Greek mythology centaurs were very rapey.


Not killing worm tongue King theoden stopped by Aragorn


Considering how it plays out in the books/Extended Edition, it's the right call though. Plus it reinforces Galdalf's words about not being too quick to deal out death in judgement.


I mean, in the movies it kinda works out. In the books it’s much worse. He and Saruman escape Isengard and sack the Shire.


Justin Chatwin in War of the Worlds Might Guy in Naruto


Mr Potter in It's A Wonderful Life. Not even SNL had the decency to put a cap in his ass for good.


Any time a super strong and lethal bad guy resorts to tossing a good guy around. That shit didn't fly with the original Alien or Terminator. If you were in arm's reach, you were dead. I can barely count the number of times when a fight should have been over if the bad guy had realized, oh right, I can just choke them, cave in their chest, etc. Probably the most recent one that drove me nuts was Boogeyman, where it's shown very clearly that the monster can kill instantly, and it has a chance to off the youngest character, but of course it just tossed her against the wall. So stupid.


I know this sounds cruel, but Finn from the newer Star Wars movies. They did such a great job with him in Episode 7 and I was really excited to see his story develop and then they just kinda...did nothing with him. I feel like he and Rose Tico were on a dumb side quest in Episode 8 and he just kinda faded in the background in Episode 9. What was the point?


If they had balanced the storytelling and development properly among their three new leads, those movies could have been truly epic. Nothing against Rey, but I was way more excited about Finn having potential. And they just absolutely squashed that entire plot point, and him in the process for.... \*checks notes\* ...rehashed storytelling, literal disillusionment of fantasy, and a zero-chemistry romance. Yeah, that makes sense.


It seems that lightsaber wounds are not fatal anymore.


Okay I've been waiting years for this. 13years it's been. Leaving wormtail alive in Deathly Hallows. His death in the book was significant because he betrayed voldemort, then the hand killed him.


Such a major character to just bonk on the back of the head and never see again. His death was perfect in the books. He hesitates for a single moment strangling Harry and is punished for his “weakness”. Harry and Ron even desperately try to pull the hand off of him even though they both think he deserves to die.


In Blue Beetle, he’s constantly whining to his suit that he’s not a killer. In the meantime, his abuela is going HAM on some clueless corporate security guards.


The imperial who didn't blow up the escape pod that had R2 and c3


The ending of Guardians 3 leaving the big bad alive after slaughtering minimum wage workers for most of the film is such terrible logic I’m fully worried about Gunn having control of DC. I hated the end of that movie enough to retroactively stop trusting movies from the creator, lol.


Teenage son in War of the Worlds popping back up at the end of the movie just fine.


"Rhaenys...what is you doing?!...light 'em up!! Fuck!"


This is one of the most frustrating ones recently


My interpretation of that is that 1) she sympathizes a bit with Alicent, 2) she's kicking the can down the road for political reasons, since she doesn't want to set that war in motion without talking to her husband and Rhaenyra, 3) she doesn't want that act to be something she gets punished for and/or her legacy, since we know "Kingslayer" is a title that sticks around in Westeros, and 4) she's legitimately less bothered by the non-royals she killed getting up there due to her social class. It is a bit frustrating but I feel like there is logic there.