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When I went to see Man in the Moon (the Andy Kaufman biopic), there were maybe 10 of us in the theater. 15 minutes into the movie, the sound slows down and the film on the screen looked like it was burning/tearing and then just silence and darkness. After a few minutes of this, a guy sitting towards the front calls out, "Is this part of the movie?" In walks the manager, who apologized and they restarted the movie. But I (and everyone else, apparently) legitimately thought it was part of the film, which would have 100% been an Andy Kaufman thing to do.


During the Green Book two women near us were having a full on conversation during the movie. Then another guy took a phone call talked for about five minutes. Avengers End Game some teenagers sitting next to us were *heavy* petting as in hands down each other’s pants. Wife laid into them with Mom voice and they knocked it off. During the movie Dumbo a dad was straight up play chasing a toddler around the theater. Honestly the last several times we’ve gone to the movies it’s like people don’t realize they aren’t at home and are very inconsiderate of others.


I went to a midnight screening of *Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas* at the Sunshine in NYC, and about 5 minutes into the movie, the guy next to me passed me a joint and said "pass it along." This was happening in several rows, and after about 15 minutes, it filled the room. We basically hotboxed the whole theater for two hours.


oh man, I saw Pineapple Express in Denver and there was so much smoke the movie looked like it was 3D. people were passing a whole 10" bong around the row I was in it was fucking nuts. took me like four watches to actually remember any of that movie lmfao


Something similar happened when I saw Beavis and Butthead Do America in the theaters. I ended up leaving the theater because I don’t like weed. Man, the 90s were a wild time.


Oh man the White Zombie desert scene would have been epic


The Ring in theaters when it came out. Holy shit dude, people were jumping up out of their seats and screaming at the top of their lungs at that last kill scene. Too good. Great memories, and in retrospect what an interesting time capsule of a movie. VHS on CRTs, land line phones. Right at the end of all of that.


Haha yes, I was 19 and went with my gf into a packed theater. During one of the transition scenes where it says what day it is someone near the front screamed at the top of her lungs, her friends laughed and then she said I HATE THIS MOVIE! 😂  I was kind of scared of the dark for a while after 😆 


I spotanously decided to watch Iron Man, about a week after the movie was released. When I got my ticket, I was also gifted a free beer and it turned out, it was a men's night-event. Since I was alone, a group of about 12 guys simply included me. We had a great time and went drinking aferwards. I made a couple of new friends that night, some of which I am still talking to every now and then. During the premiere of Fellowship, there as a guy in plate armor in the row behind me, who did not quite fit into his seat. He clanged on and on, until somebody yelled at him, at which point he finally went out to get rid of the armor.


My wife went into labor about an hour into *22 Jump Street*.


please tell me you named the kid Jeff


Did she finish watching the movie?


Seeing The Faculty in theatre. Some kid was pointing a laser pointer at the screen during the movie. A huge mountain of a man stands up directly in front of me and yells “if you don’t turn that off, I’m going to rip your head off your body and shove it down your neck.” The theatre was dead silent after that.


when 2 Costanza and plot lines merge


I'm with the mountain on that.


Based mountain.


That’s gotta hurt


Definitely had to be the Southpark premier. The set up was great, the movie opens with a typical song about Southpark, letting everyone in the theater get comfortable. But then the movie takes a turn when the boys get a homeless man to buy them tickets to the rated R Terrence & Phillip movie, and Trey & Matt's genius is shown with their second song Uncle Fucker. Almost immediately, people in the theater started standing up and leaving, apparently at least half the audience was adults who brought their children to see this rated R movie. The rest of the movie plays out as if Trey and Matt knew exactly what had happened in my theater, like they knew that half their audience was going to be children who parents had know clue what it is they were actually watching. Just so dang smart, there was no doubt in my mind after that they were going to be incredibly successful. 


I went to see the first Borat movie on it's second weekend. I went with 7 friends. We all took mushrooms beforehand. 7 people did not fit in the car, so I rode in the trunk. By the time we got to the theater the drugs kicked in, and I was left alone, locked in the trunk, trippling balls. It was horrifying. My boys came back CRACKING UP. Good times.




It is a fond memory. Drugs are weird.


That's not what McKenna meant when he said you should take mushrooms alone in the dark. It's the funniest story I'll read all day, but just because you're such a good sport about it.


I remember it very fondly. When we got back to the house we left from, his mom was home. She knew something was up and we all fessed up. She yelled at her son, and sent everyone down stairs. She made me stay up in the living room with her, made me soup and forced me to drink some water. After about 90 minutes I was fully coming "down" and cried a lot and she gave me a big hug, then called me a "retarded asshole just like her son" and then gave me some of those fancy farari rocher chocolates... I am not sure any lessons were learned, but I had fun, kind of, I think?


I live in Japan for the last 22 years, so no one does anything crazy, just respectful of other viewers. I mean...laughing at a comedy is extremely frowned on here as I have learned. The "craziest" theater experience has been Rock Horror back in university days. The only movie I saw in the U.S. in the last 20 years was Guardians of the Galaxy which had a bunch of young people having a great time watching the movie, and I enjoyed the vibe. As someone turning 60, I got a laugh at your dad falling asleep during Avengers Endgame, something I could never do. I gained the enmity of the entire country of Japan when I got hyped as Steve picked up the Hammer.


A few decades ago, a revival house in LA was doing a retrospective of Blaxploitation movies. The night we went, there was a rowdy group behind us who kept talking during the trailers and this guy in front of us kept shushing US. We kept telling him it wasn’t us but he eventually stood up screaming at us and threw his soda at my wife’s face and started storming out. I jumped up and grabbed his arm to keep him from leaving but realized he was too strong. I asked for help and looked right at Wesley Snipes who immediately looked away. Another person grabbed his arm to march him to the lobby; when we got to the lobby I realized the other person was Christian Slater.


I went and saw The Dark Knight Rises in a theater about three weeks after the shooting in Aurora. Sat in the back row with my wife because I snuck in a couple beers. Theater was about 95% empty. Ten minutes in, a guy in a baseball cap and sunglasses wearing a backpack came and sat in the back row, but all the way at the end in the corner. Put his backpack on his lap. Sat the entire movie unmoving with sunglasses on and his backpack on his lap. Just...odd. I spent the whole time on edge waiting for him to pull a gun or something and planning on how I'd react if he did. It really heightened the tension of the movie.


How did you not just 'nope out'? That guy was either: - Hoping for something to happen so that he could be a hero - Hoping for a full theater so he could be a villian - Hoping to attact a Karen or Nervous Nellie to get searched and find nothing just to cause trouble - Generally a creep - Somehow oblivious to the world at large and his impact in it None of those are outcomes I would have stuck around for.


My money’s on the dude recording the movie.


>Hoping for something to happen so that he could be a hero If it were this one I wouldn't really want to do anything that could be interpreted as a sudden movement.


I feel like I wouldn’t care about any of those scenarios except for, obviously, the one where he shoots the place up. The other 4 scenarios don’t impact me at all.


THIS! I had a very similar experience. 1 day after the shooting I went to see it with my mum and sister. The row was at the side of the screening and only had 4 seats and of course the one weird dodgy guy was sat next to me. He brought in a big rucksack and sat with his hood up the whole time. He kept shaking his leg too. Made the whole experience very uncomfortable




And you stayed???


Yeah. In hindsight probably not the smartest move. Youth makes people dumb.


Batman V. Superman Dawn of Justice. I went to an evening showing on a weekday, so almost had a whole theater to myself. Until one whole family came and sat right behind me. I could have ignored that, and watched the movie in peace except for one detail that killed the entire experience. Only the father could understand English, and he proceeded to translate all of the dialogue to Grandma, Wife, and three small children, who often asked him to repeat, or the kids just flat out weren't listening. Went out and told the Usher and he tried to give me shit because the only other showing was 3D, as if I was just complaining to get an upgrade. No. I escalated to a manager. He went and spied on the family. His solution to solve the problem was just to put me all by myself in the 3D showing and let the other family have the one that started 30 minutes prior. Just leave them alone. He didn't even want to confront them. I just took my 3D glasses and went and watched 30 minutes of movie I already saw just to get back to where I was, and proceeded to get a migraine from a 3D movie I didn't even want to see in 3D because I don't like getting headaches.


Watched The Matrix Reloaded opening weekend, at the scene where the massive party/orgy is happening at Zion me and my buddies could smell an essence in the air, about 4-5 seats away from us in the same row a guy was fingering his girlfriend as if there was no tomorrow, my dude looked like he was sawing wood with a hand saw


UHF the theaters, there was a guy sitting in a wheel chair in the aisle. He laughed so hard he fell out of the wheel chair…needed some assistance to get back in. He was cool


I love Weird Al's stories about that movie.  >*It tested through the roof! Best scores Orion Pictures had ever seen. I was waking up in the morning with fresh strawberries next to my bed. Then the movie bombed. No more strawberries!*


Strangest. I was shopping for groceries and decided spontaneously to see a movie that was running its last session. So I go to the session and its empty except for me. I hadn't bought snacks so I'm sitting there eating my groceries. About half way through the movie, I look across the row and there's a woman straddling her boyfriend and riding him while I'm eating a hot cross bun. I have no idea why they picked the same row as me when there was a whole cinema available (although why were they doing that at all was a bigger question).


I think the worst experience was being subjected to the "short" *Olaf’s Frozen Adventure* before watching *Coco*. If it was ever advertised that patrons would have to sit through a 22-minute mini-feature starring a singing cartoon snowman, then I (and many, many other people) somehow missed that notice and resented the fuck out of Disney for forcing it on us. They ended up pulling the short in response to the outcry. *Coco*, however, was *amazing*.


That was something that should’ve just went to Disney plus or something. Seriously what were they thinking


They were afraid not enough white people would see a film about Mexicans. Turns out, if you give people a quality movie, regardless of who’s in it, people see it!


One of my top ones was also Avengers Endgame. The theater was packed, it was opening day at an 11am showing. The person next to me was narrating everytime a character they knew were on the screen, and singing and dancing anytime music was on. It was horrible.


not crazy in a good way, but I was just floored recently at a new low. Went to see Fall Guy and someone took a phone call in the middle of the movie on speaker but "whispering" to respond ...and the call lasted 5min. Also, 2 of the 5 adult age people in their group milled about between the seats chatting w/ each other.


Arrived late to see Dunkirk at IMAX. Only available seat was in the front row. My god, felt like I was actually in the war. Super intense.


Midnight premiere of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows pt. 2. Every single theater in the building was sold out and the line extended outside and wrapped around the building. People were all dressed up and someone had a live owl. A guy proposed to his girlfriend in the front of the theater before the show started. The manager walked in before the start and announced that this was their biggest night ever. It was unforgettable.


The South Park movie. as soon as the opening song (uncle fucker) started, everyone knew what we were in for, and it was the most fun, noisy crowd experience i've had at a movie


I'm pretty sure that was the second song and it started with "Quiet Mountain Town" (not sure if that's the actual title).


wow I actually just had a huge revelation when typing my reply and then had to delete it because of the revelation. My initial reply was about how when I was a kid and saw Truman show in theaters it was the first time I ever saw the thing at the end of the credits that says “the characters in the film are fiction and not based on actual people”, and somehow my adolescent mind interpreted that as they were based on real people. However… I then I remembered, that when I saw Truman show in theater the film strip actually burnt up and we had to exit the theater early without finishing the film. Even as a kid I could comprehend the bizarreness of the plot of the movie and the film strip burning up in real life, almost as if someone was trying to hide something by burning it up like they do to thwart Truman in the movie. I’d actually forgotten about that until right now, and so when I remembered seeing that part at the end of the credits I was like wait… we never finished the movie in theaters… I can make no sense out of this at this time. I also watched inception in a movie theater in a cruise ship, and the tilting of the ship along with the tilting effect they’re doing in the film was pretty surreal (also watch interstellar on a flight, and the turbulence affect was insane, but not in a theater. )


Can't say I've had any crazy experiences.. but in a theater of about 30-45 people at the end of The Fountain, someone let out a loud "what the fuck was that" which received a good bit of laughter


Scary Movie and Napoleon Dynamite in theater was pure insanity. I have never heard a theater full of people laughing as hard or loud for as long as they did. In both cases, the crowd laughter was so loud that I literally could not hear what was being said. I had to wait until both movies came out on DVD in order to hear a lot of dialogue that was drowned out due to laughter. The theater crowd during Free Willy also really stands out in my mind. There wasn't a lot of reaction throughout the movie, but at the end when Willy made that big jump to get to the ocean, the entire theater stood up and erupted with cheering and applause.


It was an opening night showing of one of the earlier X-Men movies. Lots of people were dressed up as different mutants. About 10 minutes before the previews were starting, a Gambit walked in with a group. Another Gambit, a few rows up, stood up and shouted, “There can only be one!” He, then, took his deck of cards, and he threw them (with pretty decent accuracy) at the group. Everyone was howling with laughter until the aggressor Gambit was escorted out by security which produced one of the loudest boos from the crowd I ever heard.


First date with my partner. Bunch of young teens (12-13) in the front row, making a ruckus, and we'd see the telltale sign of phones going on. It was frustrating. Finally, one of them just throws up. Made for an interesting first date (and yes, somebody went and got an usher to help clean it up).


Best: Someone did a backflip when Tobey Maguire came on for No Way Home. Worst: Some kids behind me kept talking nonstop for the Mean Girls remake. They were very loud during the quiet moments, kept moving to different rows and singing along to the songs like it’s a karaoke. 


While watching Batman vs Superman there was a young kid around 6 or 7 that was sitting on the ground with his back to the screen saying stupid things like "my favorite color is red!" the entire movie.


“The red capes are coming”😭😭😭


When I saw Everything Everywhere All at Once there was one man loudly convulsing with laughter the entirety of the dildo assault scene. To the point that he was almost as loud as the movie and almost falling out of his seat. He was the only one laughing in the theater.


Craziest experience I ever had was going to see Trainwreck (remember Trainwreck?) by myself in a theatre that was maybe half full. There I was, sitting by my lonesome, and just as the trailers finish and the movie begins a woman comes in an sits right next to me. Now, there were plenty of open seats, so sitting right next to me was weird already. But then she proceeded to just be a little, I dunno, too comfortable during the movie. Leaning into my personal space, laughing a lot, occasionally even nudging me. And the weirdest thing was she didn't seem like some strung out crazy person, either. The second the movie was over, she jumped up out of her seat and left. It was just so weird.


Took my son to see Jackass 4, and per modern policy we bought reserved seats. We got there early, because that's who I am as a person, so we didn't have this problem. But people were coming in and sitting wherever they wanted, and when someone else would come in and want their seat, that person would just say "oh nobody's actually using the reserved seats, we're just sitting wherever we want." So they move, and it cascaded to where it happened to everybody. The part that got me and made me never want to return to this particular theater (aside from the crappy patrons) was that when we walked in, it was a small room with a very small screen. I'm exaggerating a bit, but I swear it didn't look much bigger than those projection screens from elementary school. And the seats weren't elevated. There were no stairs, so you just walked down a straight corridor to get to your seats. So if there was a tall person in front of you, you wouldn't be able to see the movie because they were directly in front of your face.


I took my 6 year old and 3 year old daughter to see the Cats vs Dogs movie. We were the only ones in the theater and my 3 year old was bored so I let run up and down the aisles. My 6 year old and I were paying attention to the movie when I all of a sudden realized my 3 year old was not in sight. I didn't panic... she's hiding in one of the rows of seats. It was a small theater... I call for her.. no response.. ha ha funny game... call again a bit more sternly... nothing. I get up and walk up and down the 20 or rows... no sign of her. Then I start to panic... WTF is happening? I was still not considering that she left the theater... how could she possibly have gotten past us... we were sitting toward the back and she was last seen playing down near the front! My hear is pounding so hard and I'm freaking out... grab my six year old and head out the door only to see her climbing the stairs from the concession area back to the theater with a box of popcorn! What?! Somehow she had got past us... took it upon herself to go to the concessions... ask for popcorn... get it without having any money... and start to come back. I asked the teenager at the stand "what the hell?"... "She was so cute and seemed to know what she was doing." Lordy. My heart still skips a beat when I think about it. My daughters are adults now but I keep tracking collars on them now.


I remember seeing The Exorcist when it was re released, and they had to stop the movie 3 times and turn the lights on because people were fighting.


Why were people fighting?


Rocky 4. The final fight people were reacting like a it was a real sporting event. Jumping out of their seat cheering and high-fiving, hooting and holllering, etc. I was only 12, but even at that age I remember being incredulous at how bizarre people were behaving.


Snakes on a Plane, on opening night. The whole theater was going nuts, laughing out loud, yelling every time there were snakes, and clapping and cheering when Sam J said "the" line. Great night.


I was in downtown Denver when the day Knight was released waiting to go into the theater and some dude jumped off the outdoor walkway by the entrance (right in front of Coyote Ugly) and tried to swing down on the string lights but just smacked the ground super hard instead. had to be at least 40 feet. ambulance was called while he laid there completely motionless for like ten minutes but then he just got up and ran away. shit was crazy


Seeing Napoleon at the Vista in LA When there was about 20 minutes left, there was a woman sitting in front of me whose seat just straight up collapsed. Like just completely came off and smacked into the ground. She quickly stood up and just sprinted out of the theatre. As far as I know she never came back. But there were plenty of free seats around. Such a wild thing to see. Glad it wasn’t me.


LotR: RotK - Midnight screening opening. Completely full, a few high school kids put on a full on cosplay reenactment of a few scenes from the book before the start, kind of fun. Throughout the movie a dude in the front kept laughing at really odd times that ruined it. Borat - A family walked out during the hotel scene with an 8 year old and 5 year old…that scene is over halfway through the movie and that’s where you draw the line? Dracula 2000 - Absolute shitter of a movie. I went with my uncle Christmas Day and only one other person was there. Pretty sure the guy was masturbating.


I can't remember the movie itself, I just remember the person on their cellphone behind me narrating THE ENTIRE MOVIE to whoever they were talking to.


A friend of mine would habitually fall asleep in the movie theatre when we went out as a group. I mean, he paid for his ticket and his girls’ too. I’m just like, dude, why even bother?


Fight during IT CHAPTER 1 at the Arclight Culver City — think some guy said a racial slur to the couple in front of him and that set off a fist fight that spilled over the seats… All of this was happening during the scene where the bully gets his knife in the mail and Pennywise is on screen in the kid show telling him to kill his father (KILL HIM! KILL HIM!)… It was surreal. The fight dissipated (think it went into the lobby) with the movie never stopping and stayed thru the end.


Most cringe: Opening night for The Fellowship of the Ring and a guy I recognized from my comp sci classes was cosplaying a hobbit. However, the cringe part was his unsolicited welcoming of the audience to the movie just before it started.


Worst? 2002. Went to see The Ring; theater is packed. It was the first big scare of the movie and the audience SCREAMED. Seconds later, a cop walks into the theater shining a flashlight in people's faces and announces to the packed theater"I'm only gonna say this one time. Shut up!" Cop continues to flash his light in various people's, (obviously bewildered) faces, I suppose to see if anyone was going to complain and 'give him a reason' to show he meant business. Maybe it's completely unrelated, but it was a black owned theater, in a black neighborhood and the cop was white.


There was this single-screen indie theater in my city that, unfortunately, is closed now (RIP). Every weekend they’re run cool stuff at midnight. Among others, I got to watch: The Warriors, Akira, The Thing, Halloween, Fire Walk With Me. I loved this place. My friends and I would usually hang out at his house, about a mile away, and we’d drink, smoke weed, do blow, whatever, to waste time before the midnight show. I’ve been there on many different drugs. The audience was always unpredictable. Sometimes it would be 10 people in the theater, sometimes it would be totally packed. And the audience was always on some combo of drugs (just like me). But it was never truly disruptive. The wildest screening I ever went to was a midnight showing of Labyrinth. Not only was it a packed, enthusiastic house, but people showed up in costumes. People were literally dancing in the aisles during some of the songs. At one point, two women, both dressed in different Bowie costumes from the movie, got into a shouting match IN THE AISLE about something. I literally expected a fight to break out between two Goblin Kings (Queens) at 1 am in the dark of this theater, but I think one of them left before it got physical. Labyrinth fans are fucking crazy. What a show.


Was on vacation in Big Bear, CA. Was raining one afternoon so my wife and I went to see Jurassic World. Theatre about 1/4 full at most. Big dude in the middle of the theatre fell asleep almost immediately, but by the time the dinosaurs were going crazy, he was snoring loudly. But the best part was when the big dino was attacking that hamster ball thing....Dino opens up to roar, and sleeping beauty lets out this HUGE snore....timed perfectly


That time I went out with my family to watch "The pursuit of happiness", and mid movie, they just stopped it, and turned on the lights. Manager and other workers walked in, telling us there was a shooting outside, (Im mexican, so it wasn't anything new) and for security reasons they had closed the cinema, and were taking people out of each room, and into the lobby, so we could all be safe. Me, my dad and my sister were together, but my mom, and my brother decided to watch another movie that started later. This was pre smartphones era, so we didnt have a way to know if they were alright. Lots of people were panicking, we couldnt leave, and ofc no one knew if the shooting was over or not. Worst 2 hours of our lives. Later, they told us that everyone that day watching movies during that time, could go back at any given time and rewatch the movie for free, if we wanted to, lol.


I saw a 300lb man twitch, giggle and make an orgasm like sound when they lined all of the female heroines up to make their “run” with the glove…


You know [that scene from Outbreak](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SBSpKT9DkU) (1995) where the infected guy goes to a movie theater, has a coughing fit, and they show the infected particles being spread all throughout the theater? I saw that movie in an actual movie theater. When that scene came on, some yutz in my theater decided to fake a coughing fit. I mean, really playing it up for effect, he made sure it was a real moist, phlegmy cough. Clearly, he intended to get others in the theater nervous about catching some disease. I found it kind of funny.


I went to see a kids' movie (brother bear). It was a pretty small but empty theatre, just my family and one other. The other family had an infant and a 4ish year old son. I was afraid that the kids would be a nuisance, but they were surprisingly well-behaved... until the older kids' bladder gave up. He loudly proclaimed, "Mommy, I need to go potty now. I'm just going to pee in this chair." The mom started shrieking, grabbed the kid like a football, and presumably rushed him to a more appropriate facility. Came back 5 minutes later, and the mom was still lecturing the kid about how "its rude to go potty outside the bathroom, especially on public."


Went to the midnight release of The Dark Knight with a big group of friends all dressed up as The Avengers! Then we all went to The Avengers all dressed up as Batman


I went to see Thanksgiving and got there right as the previews started. A couple rows behind me were a group of 6 or so GROWN adults talking super loud and yelling to others around the theater. They were clearly already wasted. I turned around and said “hey, you going to talk the whole time?” And a big dude was like “yeah!” And I was like “can you not?” In response, he tried passing me a bottle of booze so I stood up, left, got a refund, and went to another showing across town. Such main character syndrome.


Blair Witch, woman at the back had a baby in a stroller. After a bit my mate had had enough and went and spoke to the staff. They had a word with her and found a compromise... A rattle So when the screen has the close up of one of the characters apologising to Josh's family and crying. All I could hear was a rattle


Anticipation for "Tenet" was huge for me. Finally getting back to aome good stuff scifi fun with nolan. Movie starts and this chick starts filming the movie with her cell phone in front of me. I had to keep telling her to not do that. It was so distracting, i couldnt focus on anything and I initially thought it was her fault that I didnt understand what was happening. Turns out it was nolans fault but I didnt know that at the time.


Watching Endgame with my coworkers at AMC after our shifts at 3am a week before it officially released. Driving home at 6am with the most adrenaline ever and knowing I was one of the first to ever watch it was surreal. My other craziest/best experience was watching No Way Home of course everyone yelling at the top of their lungs when Andrew and Tobey appeared.


A bad movie.  Everything else was always okay.


Definitely watching Hustle & Flow. I watched it in a part of town heavily populated by African americans, as it was closer to the military base, and that scene where DJ Quall is finding the beat for Whoop That Trick had everyone dancing and jumping all over the place. I remember getting goosebumps as he was trying to find the beat. That was definitely my most memorable scene I've experienced. I'm glad that was the only theater playing the movie that day. Great movie.


I used to manage a movie theater and a cop came in to shake me down for free movies with his date to impress her. I politely declined. We were burgled within the month.


I’ve had many with noisy children watching a movie they 100% should not be in the theater for. Think toddlers in Shutter Island and Inception. I hate people who think it’s acceptable to subject kids to movies they’re too little for and ruin the experience for all the others because they’re too frugal to get a sitter. The AC quit working in the middle of summer and the theater kept showing movies. My friends wanted to see The Day After Tomorrow. It was sweltering in that theater due to the ambient heat and then all the people crammed in. A friend had a chocolate bar melt in her purse. At the end, the staff came in and gave everyone movie vouchers. It was awful. I wouldn’t say this next one was awful for me, but I felt so bad for these kids who were clearly with an idiot. I went to see Bad Teacher with my brother and a man walked in with two kids, I’d say a boy about 10 and a girl about 8. He sat in one row with the boy and had the girl sit behind them, next to my brother. 1- it was a totally inappropriate movie for those kids. 2- he left a child out of his sight, surrounded by strangers, in a dark theater. He didn’t know that my brother wasn’t a pedo. 3- that poor little girl was so embarrassed by the content and kept covering her eyes. 4- and this one is only now dawning on me, was something inappropriate happening with the man and boy? I was so distracted by this man’s shitty parenting that I did look at him from time to time and didn’t notice anything. My second degree discomfort for those kids, the little girl especially since I could easily see her squirming and hiding her eyes, kind of ruined the movie for me.


During Dr. Strange, a girl in my row threw up near the beginning and had to walk past us covered in vomit. I should have moved rows. The people sitting in front of her got hit too and had to walk out and then they had a clean up crew walk into the row trying to clean it up in the dark. Ugh, turned me off to the idea of even going to the theater. Then the most annoying experience was watching The Grudge and a bunch of Japanese exchange students were in the front rows and whenever a jump scare occured they all screamed and then they would all laugh at themselves and each other about screaming which really took away from hearing dialogue and keeping a scary atmosphere to watch the movie.


I have been a big Tolkien fan since forever, and I was really excited when the movies were announced. Followed the news, casting info, etc through the filming and pre-release. Saw the first movie twice the first day it came out, 5 or 6 times in theaters in the following weeks. It met every expectation I had and then some. Same with The Two Towers. Cue 2 years later, Return of the King is coming out, the trilogy finale. The announce that some theaters will show all three movies for a special event on opening night. I’m all in. I had to travel 300km to get to a theater where they had this event, but it was completely worth it. Everyone got a little replica piece that looked like an arch from Minas Tirith with three cutouts from the reels, one from each movie (I still have it obviously). We watched all three movies in a row, with barely a pause between them. I didn’t get sleepy. I was riveted to the screen, despite having seen both movies 10+ times each in theaters and on DVD. And then RotK started, and it was glorious. And then the Ride of the Rohirrim starts, and I start crying. And Eowyn’s fight with the Witch-King and I’m crying more. And I don’t stop crying. It’s just so awesome and I’m just so happy, and I cry until the end of the credits. The Battle of Pelennor Fields is one of my favorite chapter from the books, and watching the movie I still cry during most of it.


They stop the trailers, play a Peter Gabriel song, and the guy in the seat in front of me - literally directly in front of me - asks his girlfriend to marry him. Honestly, who the hell asks someone to marry them during the \*trailers\*? She said yes, but the next thing she did was ask if they were still going to watch the film. He said they were, and I was thinking, "No, dude! You get the hell out of there and talk about it!" A few seconds later I heard him say, "What's wrong?" She then buggered off, I guessed to the loo, but ten minutes into the film she still hadn't returned so he grabbed their stuff and left. The film was Joy (David O Russell film with Jennifer Lawrence).


I went to see the first MCU Captain America movie at a drive-in theater. At the end of the movie (during the credits) a car started pulling out with their headlights off. A lot of people had chairs and blankets outside their cars and there was one person who was in a black sleeping bag watching while laying down on the black pavement. The car didn't see the person and ran over his head. Since only the front wheels had gone over him either the car would have to back up and have the front wheels go back over him or go forward and have their rear wheels go over him. He was very injured and we didn't want to move him, so about 15-20 of us got together and picked up the car and swung it so the car was no longer on top of him. (This isn't a brag on my part, I don't know if I lifted more than five or ten pounds because there were so many other people lifting). A friend of mine who was a nurse helped keep him alive until the paramedics got there. The story was in the paper and he had turned out fine.


My sister and I saw the Emperor's New Groove in the theater when it came out. A big part of that movie is Kuzco breaking the 4th wall and doing/saying something funny. At one point, he was talking to the audience and the picture started getting distorted and weird. We were all waiting for him to pop back up and say something funny. The lights came on and someone from the theater came in to tell us that projector caught on fire. We waited like 20 minutes and they fixed it. Not that crazy, but it just blended perfectly with the style of that movie.


lol, damn, I’ve never realized that movie came out over 20 years ago and that also was my childhood movie


I've seen "Stop Making Sense" which is a Talking heads concert. People were singing, cheering, dancing below the screen, shouting things like "I LOVE YOU". Best movie experience ever. Hilarious as well when the lead said "thank you" after we clapped or when he shoved a microphone into the camera. If you closed your eyes there is no way you would have guessed that you're not on a live concert. Oh and it was a small cinema so most people were drinking beers, and I'm pretty sure someone was vaporizing some thc.


My Avengers Endgame expierence had me seated next to two people who would not be quiet for one second, not even during the long calm dialogues, and especially not during the hype moments which they managed to utterly ruin for me by screaming and shouting in my ear, to the point I did not go back another time or rewatch Endgame for several years.


Damn that Sucks, my anger issues could never


I went to see Avengers 2 and some asshole with tourettes ruined it for everyone.




Nah Seriously tho, why they fuck would anyone having sex at movie theater. It’s fucking inconsiderate and I’m also happy that there’s less people doing that now.


It was incredibly inconsiderate and also really disgusting. I mean the seats were dirty, the floors were sticky. And sometimes with so many people around! I worked in fast food (McJob, sub shops) and they were so much cleaner.


I also worked at a theater (early 90’s) and there were all sorts of weird shit like that, but the oddest was when my manager had to throw a guy out for jerking off during Thelma and Louise. This normal looking 40-ish woman came out and asked to talk to the manager and then, looking extremely embarrassed, she whispered something to him and he had a look like “Jesus Christ, not this shit again.” Then he walked the guy out and his pants were still unzipped as he left.


Went to see Star Trek Generations with my mum many moons ago. Just us in the theatre, literally nobody not even ushers. Two people walk up to us, and ask us to move because we're in their seats. They even showed the tickets. Gobsmacked.


That's kinda like some random choosing the treadmill next to you when there is no one else around and plenty of other treadmills to choose from.


Yeah. It's not "crazy", but it felt like that guy who sits next to you on an empty bus.


Craziest experience I’ve ever had in a movie. 2012. The Dark Knight Rises. In colorado. Some guy burst into the theater w an Assault rifle. Just started blasting away. The smoke. The smell of gunpowder. All with the movie volume up loud. Very surreal