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I wonder why it is delayed so much.


Writer's strike last year probably delayed the script and possibly lead to Peele reshuffling his schedule to work on other projects (like that Kojima thing)


Honest question, could a writer who is writing his own movie still work on his script during the strike? I mean as long as no labor other than yourself is being used he should be fine right?


My understanding, not in the union, would be that if he’s doing spec work he’d be fine, but he’s probably under some sort of deal which would mean it’s contract work and counts as work he’d have to pause during the strike


Ya I mean there’s no way they can police what you’re doing in your own time right?


Honestly I fully believe that some writers carried on writing but just didn't submit anything. Like you say how would anyone know?


They wouldn't do it for the promise of a payday after the strike because the whole point of the strike is that writers are getting fucked over by studios. If you get fucked over when you have a legally binding contract, imagine how fucked over you'll get if you don't even have a contract because signing one would get you kicked out of the writer's union.


It's more the idea that you can get ahead on your work tbh. If I knew I'd been hired to write some TV shows, I'd just write the episodes during the strike then maybe drip feed them to the studio afterwards while I use the free time to focus on other projects.


no offense but thats not at all how writing in TV/movies works. Its almost never just 1 person writing a whole script, its usually a team/writers room (TV in particular) with even more input from producers/directors/etc. You going and writing your own thing would either be a massive waste of time (since itll be completely edited or just ignored) or downright disrespectful to the rest of the team.


That's how everyone does it. They won't say it out loud.


You dont get paid during that time though. So why do studio work?


Guess I don’t know how it works. I assume he’s not paid like hourly for that type of thing but more like paid by the script. May be more complex than that though


Usually the deal is you're on a weekly pay role with a deadline. So it's not like the Studio is going to go back and pay you for all that lovely work you were doing during the strike. So there's no sense in the writer doing free work, when he can just wait for the strike to be over and actually resume while being paid.


But someone like Jordan Peele, one would assume, is not just writing these movies for a check.


Because writers love to write.


Because you don't want to have lagged years of time with nothing. It would be better to have a backlog.


Backlog of what? Are you confusing a writer working for a studio system with a writer writing their own spec script with no production company attached?


Yes, it's his own work and vision is it not?


Writers gonna write even if they are picketing the creative brain is ticking and I doubt they arent gonna write down ideas, only reason I can think of not writing his own stuff would be if his contract had financial benefits related to drafts. I imagine he's under a first look/first refusal deal with Universal so it might stipulate $ on treatment delivery, $ on first draft etc


Yes you can, BUT A you will not be compensated for that work, and B virtually every large scale production is a collaboration of writers. So you can basically make something small and independent, the Dr Horrible Sing Along was created during the 2007-2008 writer's strike for this reason. Or you can pull a Quantum of Solace and Revenge of the Fallen, start production with an incomplete script, and just figure stuff out along the way. But yeah, overwhelmingly most shows or movies just choose to postpone stuff during strikes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dr._Horrible%27s_Sing-Along_Blog https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Effect_of_the_2007%E2%80%9308_Writers_Guild_of_America_strike_on_television https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/12/business/media/last-hollywood-writers-strike.html#:~:text=The%20impact%20included%20promising%20shows,scripts%20and%20turbocharging%20reality%20programming.


Yes they can, they just might not want to admit it


From listening to podcasts some would still write because it's for no one but themselves. Others couldnt write because me writing is me writing for say Batman 2/ is me working for a studio. Some people wouldn't write at all regardless to show solidarity. In short I can come home and write my newest book if i choose but I can't discuss it with you or share details about it. I cant try and gain hype or interest on any future project without going against the strike. So in short i don't know.


From the article: >The Oscar-winner’s fourth film as a director will now debut on Oct. 23, 2026. That’s a significant jump from the [original release date](https://variety.com/2023/film/news/jordan-peele-next-movie-christmas-2024-1235559367/) of Dec. 25, 2024, which was announced in March 2023, two months before the WGA strike that, along with the SAG-AFTRA strike starting in July, brought production to a standstill for most of the year. The delay led Universal to pull the film from its calendar; Peele announced the new release date over social media. Seems like the strike messed things up and now they have to start from scratch


That's still quite a drastic reschedule. I'm also going to guess that bad box office performance is scaring a lot of studios. The Fall Guy and Furiosa failed way beyond their actual quality.


I’m gonna take a guess he had an idea and during the strike he came up with a. New idea instead similar to Tarantino wanting a different movie then The Film Critic


Jesus. So far away.


I am really looking forward to it but announcing a movie two years out just annoys me.


News this early always feels like learning your favorite baseball team just drafted a high school player that you won't see in a major league uniform for three years AT MINIMUM. It's like, I can't *wait* to get excited about this!


Yeah, I rather not suffer the anticipation and just be surprised and happy it’s coming soon when it’s ready.


It’s been 84 years…


Since 2020


2024 years ago, yep, pretty far!


2001 years ago, as a matter of fact.


2007 was years ago


As long as it's as good as his others, I'm cool to wait. Loved all three of his movies.


Same here. I’m not interested in the speculation, I’m just glad he’s making more movies. I hope it’s as good as what he’s already given us.


Good thing is the release will feel like an event


He's probably been working on other projects. Like he's working on Hideo Kojima's horror game OD.


2017: Get Out 2 years later 2019: Us 3 years later 2022: Nope 4 years later 2026: Untitled If this continues, his next movie won't be for 5 years after that, in 2031. Jesus, 2031 sounds like a generic year used for "in the future' in scifi movies, but we're almost there.


GRRM fan here. Man Peele is quick!


GRRM was pretty quick early on too. A Game of Thrones (1996) 2 years later A Clash of Kings (1998) 2 years later A Storm of Swords (2000) 5 years later A Feast for Crows (2005) 6 years later A Dance with Dragons (2011)


Yeah people forget that GRRM was already kinda old by the time the HBO show happened and his fame hit the mainstream.


i never knew about the books. only the show. he's only ever been an old man to me




13+ years later The Winds of Winter (20??)


Christ, there's a joke in the movie Logan Lucky where a bunch of prisoners can't believe Winds of Winter still isn't out yet. Logan Lucky came out almost 7 years ago.


5 and 6 years for a single book is not quick. 2 years is pretty quick I would say. Those books were just quick in comparison to his 6th lmao.


Stephen King has written like 2-3 books per year every year since 1977


Their joint interview years ago was kinda revealing: https://youtu.be/xR7XMkjDGw0?si=k_5dHN1grh2UXUjx As one comment in the link puts it: “King writes like it’s his job. George writes like it’s a hobby that took off in a way he wasn’t prepared for and now that there’s so much pressure it’s not fun anymore.”


There’s a reason one is a king and one will be forgotten after he dies.


You gotta be kidding me, the last book came out 13 years ago? I didn't know it was this bad.


I personally can’t wait for 2049 if I make it long enough to live in the N64 racing game of the future Rush 2049 from my childhood.


I'll be honest, I hope it is called Untitled


No check the title. “Next” film. He’s remaking the epic Nic Cage action blockbuster costarring Jessica Biel. Hard to improve upon perfection though


I'm still waiting for a "people under the stairs" reboot he said he was interested in making. I want to see an updated scene of a kid running through the walls being chased by a terrifying dog, dodging traps and trying to be silent.


People Under the Stairs was really fun. Wes Craven was ahead of his time with the social messaging.


Housebound and Don't Breathe have some of that scratch for the Stairs itch.


It would be a real shame for him to interrupt his run of original hits to do a remake.


I believe he’s also working on a horror video game with Kojima Productions (Metal Gear, Death Stranding) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/OD_(video_game)


Honestly would love to see a sim set in the death stranding universe


Inflation both in time and cost.


I haven’t Seen any of these. Are they any good? Or is he kind of a joke like you would assumev


I’ve only seen Get Out, but it’s incredible.


So specific for multiple years away


Probably for Halloween release!




He’s directing the new Fallout movie /s


Remember when they announced all three release dates for the (3rd) Star Wars trilogy films before they’d hired someone to write them?


Ha. No, that really happened? Explains a lot. Poor writers were doomed from the start.


He’s working on a video game with Hideo Kojima so maybe that’s why it’s such a later release date


Oh hell yeah


why do i have a feeling it'll just be a Kojima game and Peele's influence wont really be felt like with every other game where some film maker is allegedly working on a game.


Or MGR2: Rerevengeance


I would play the shit out of that


Damn. That's a 22 month delay.


Isn‘t that kinda crazy? It was supposed to come out this December


What is this, a video game?


Maybe that’s the title.






"entertainment industry" doesnt' really cover what nope was about. It was more about exploitation


Exploitation, sure, but the movie is steeped in the entertainment industry messages first and foremost. It's definitely what I think of when I consider the movie at least. Maybe the next one is gender or social mores. He's got plenty to work with. He just should get to work (saying this as an impatient fan).


Ok, what about the entertainment industry, if not exploitation?


Slap Ass: Baseball


It being released originally in December, people are speculating it may be Christmas themed so he may go after corporations or traditions. However it being in October idk if he will make a Halloween themed movie but maybe a dark horror movie with social themes.


“idk if he will make a Halloween themed movie but maybe a dark horror movie with social themes.” Very on brand of him


Yeah, I'm gonna do a lot of stuff in 2 years too.


Unpopular opinion -- *Nope* was really great, but it was not blatant in its messaging about social issues or social justice issues, so a lot of people were disappointed. People come to Jordan Peele movies hoping for revelatory, transcendent wisdom about American racial issues, and that's too high a bar to constantly measure him by. Let the man tell good stories. Audience expectations are always a complicating factor.


In my opinion, Nope is his best film so far. Really creative, inventive, and cinematic as fuck. That remains one of my favorite experiences on the IMAX screen. When the camera pans around the sky I was on the edge of my seat scanning that big ass screen for the alien monster.


I agree. It felt like the first Jurassic Park in a way that it was an amazing spectacle with the monster surrounded by horror elements. A lot of action/adventure, legit felt like something Spielberg would make. The chemistry between Daniel Kaluuya and Keke Palmer was great and they were hilarious on screen together. The messaging also felt way less on the nose and predictable than Get Out. For a thriller movie, I kinda felt like there was absolutely no tension or mystery in Get Out. As soon as he gets to the house you can see exactly how it was gonna go with no suspense. It was a well shot film with great performances and an important message but Nope is better and I’ll die on that hill.


Nope and Us had more surprises but Nope takes the cake for me as well because I genuinely did not know where it was going for almost the entire runtime. I’ve seen too many movies and it’s nice to be surprised occasionally but he knocked it out of the park. Easily one of my favorite recent horror films and his best work by far tho all are brilliant.


I think I need to watch this movie again, because it felt pretty underwhelming at the time. Though I started to get really bad Covid symptoms half-way through the movie (which then led to a horrible week of being fucked by Covid), so that might be way I couldn't enjoy it as much as everyone else.


Don't think too hard about it. Its a Kaiju movie that is death from above.


I don’t think I’d agree with this one. You totally can enjoy the film as “just” a kaiju movie, but there definitely are some deeper themes at play if you’re concerned with the filmmaker’s message.


I really loved Nope. He created a new image for what an alien being is and the image of it looking almost Lovecraftian or a biblically accurate angel put it in my all time list of horror. He also made me start looking at lonesome clouds differently


Nope's a film that rewards rewatches. Same with Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (two of my favourite movies in recent memory tbh)


I don’t disagree with you but I’m curious what makes once upon a time get better every time for you. I love it


Just love the general hangout vibe of it. Every time I watch it I’m somehow more immersed in the atmosphere


Agreed. Visually gorgeous, original, and actually insightful in its themes and messages. But people wanted something so much more simplistic and reductionistic, and were let down. Long live Gordy


Dude could be making Gremlins 3 and people will unironically ask "I wonder what this movie will have to say about race". Like... let the damn movies speak for themselves and stop projecting your assumptions onto them.


>Dude could be making Gremlins 3 Ok but like can he tho 👀


[Yeah he can](https://youtu.be/TwnozRv9Vbs)


Nope aged really well. People really came around to it, especially *that* eating scene.


Aged really well? It came out in 2022.


Right and it wasn't as big a critical hit compared to his previous movies. In the 2 years since people came around to it.


Nope was critically praised on release.


That scene had me SHOOK in the theatre


This subReddit was hating on the movie so much.


Nope simply had one too many layers of metaphor.


>People come to Jordan Peele movies hoping for revelatory, transcendent wisdom about American racial issues Huh? He’s only made one film about racial issues. Also Nope is very much beloved online and was a huge critical darling. I’ve seen an equal share of people put it as his best or 2nd best film, while Us is usually considered the worst of the three.


Literally just Google "jordan peele us race" and you'll see a never-ending avalanche of think pieces, reddit posts, and more about the movie Us and racial issues. I think Peele himself even made comments tying Us to race/political issues, although I'm not diving into the thinkpieces to find that.


What? I feel like Nope is definitely a story about race, too. It is a monster movie, but it is presented around themes of exploitation of minorities and animals in Hollywood. It even touched on how those two might be seen as the same thing to Hollywood.


>"Huh? He’s only made one film about racial issues." Right, but try and explain that to general audiences.


For me Nope suffered from the same problems as US, it was trying to cram too many ideas into one movie which really confused the point of view and doesn't successfully tell any one of the stories. He always has interesting ideas but then he layers on other ideas and other ideas and I'm stuck wondering what he is even trying to say because it gets confusing and contradictory. The character motivations also end up suffering when the point of view of stories is confused. I think he's a good director but only a mediocre writer (which is such a common issue with auteur directors in Hollywood). I feel like if he really dialed in on one idea like he did in Get Out he'd be able to make better movies. Or if he insists on mixing metaphors, then he really needs a great cowriter to help turn his ideas into cohesive plots.


I watched Nope because I like UFO and alien abduction movies. And it was a really good UFO movie. Everyone went into it wanting or assuming it was something else that it wasn't.


I haven’t seen Nope yet. I should. I would say Get Out and Us were nothing great, but were worth watching. I like him as a whole though. Key and Peele was awesome


Nope being great is not an 'Unpopular opinion". Only people who care about race more than art trash Peele's films.


> People come to Jordan Peele movies hoping for revelatory, transcendent wisdom about American racial issues, Did people really consider Get Out to be "transcendent wisdom"?


In the same way that people consider Barbie to be profound philosophy


Nope was immediately my favorite of his movies by a wide margin. His others are good to great, but I thought Nope was phenomenal. It's easily one of my favorite movies ever. I think I liked it because it was just a good fun movie first and foremost. There's some deeper themes there if you really want to dig in, but it also stands on it's own without any of that. It really is a really great twist on Jaws. It also has some incredibly haunting scenes that stick with you.


Give me your best take on the plot because I saw it and was a solid Meh all the way through. I'd also like to hear what resonated with you in the racial allegory.


I was a bit underwhelmed as well. I thought some of the individual scenes were masterful. But taken as a whole I just didn't get what he was trying to do. The people being eaten alive though still haunts me to this day.


My jaw dropped when Jean jacket did the thing


NOPE is up there with Unbreakable as the most disappointing movies I’ve seen


tagged as "bad takes", thanks for letting me know.


That’s 2 years away, maybe announce this 2 years from today.


Dats a long time


So, basically, don’t wait up.


It being relatively soon in 2026 makes me deeply uncomfortable. 2016 doesn’t feel that long ago


He should make a Mad TV movie.




i could literally be dead.


As for why this isn't coming till 2026, he recently had a meeting with Marvel Studios and speculation is may be the new director for Blade starring Mahershala Ali. The previously attached director, Yanny Demange has exited the long-gestating project. It is currently scheduled to release November 7th 2025.


2026 lol why not 2030? 😂


After GTA6.


After GTA6.


Is this one called YEP?


What's the point of announcing this. No one going to get excited, waiting 2 years for a new film that will most likely get delayed.


Maybe it's a good thing. Take your time but give us a magnum opus. Both "Us" and "Nope" are 1 degree of separation away from actual bonafide masterpieces


Why does everyone else get the cool patterns in their beards when they start going gray, while I just get spots of gray here and there, sigh.


Critics are already heralding it as an eLeVaTeD horror masterpiece!


Hope Hoyte Van Hoytema returns.


He needs more time to write how terrible white people are


It must be exhausting to be a forever victim like this. Only one movie was about race but I’m guessing you stopped watching after Get Out hurt your feelings.


There it is. The r/movies comment when it comes to Peele. Us was talking about class and I don’t remember Nope talking about any racial stuff. So what gives?


Next movie. Terrible animals instead!


Meh. I love his comedy work. His movies are overrated IMO. Except the first one.


Super unpopular opinion I think Us and Nope are mid, great concepts would ironically make great episodes of his version of the Twilight Zone, but he hasn’t really impressed me since Get Out.


His stuff is for people who need on the nose messages that basically jump out of the screen at them to understand what‘s going on. Us was garbage from the get go and Nope had great potential and looks stunning but was a mess and all over the place. He‘s completely style over substance.


Dude sniffs his own farts.


Fuck I was hoping for October 2025 for the next Peele movie. This is too far away.




I hope so, there have been a few super scary scenes in his movies, I’d love one a bit more focused on the scares. The initial house invasion in Us, and the kids alien prank in Nope were creepy as fuck


Isn't Jordan peele low key racist?


Considering his wife is white, I'm gonna go with... no?


His momma white too so that wouldn’t be right of him to be racist lol


Wait, is the film named Gets?


No. "Gets" as in "Acquired". No information.


No, it's called **Gets Oct**


Is he writing and directing it? Or only producing ?


He's definitely going to be producing more movies leading up to this so I don't think he'd post this specific date for just some rando movie he's producing.


I believe he is writing and directing, yes.


What's the point of announcing it this early? I'll most likely forget about this for the next year, anyways.




I personally find that kinda stupid, too. Why not wait until a decent chunk into actual production to announce these things instead of the nanosecond there's a script in someone's head?


What the fuck…. 2026?!


Its finally gonna be that Will and carlton alien skit


I hope it’s a horror movie about Terries on an airplane. It can be called Responsitrillatrance


Is he still remaking The People Under the Stairs?


Ah, Mole Day. The most coveted of holiday release weekends. Avogadro would be proud. 🫡


Wow, they really plan things


Yea yes yea yes yes


It takes this long to market a film.




That's the day I turn 18 lmao


Cant wait, wish it came out sooner though, loved get out, us, and nope was ok, anyway, keep up the great work peele.


But is it against the law?


Man, what a tease.


Bruh when I see news like this it feels so far away I just really don't care lol


Thanks, I've just booked a holiday in work for this.


The twist is the date is the name of the movie


Is it alien related...?


Just my opinion, but despite any reasoning for this announcement, it’s just dumb to put out now.


What is even the point of announcing something so far away? GRRM announces the Winds of Winter circa 3078…that means nothing. Either simple bring it out or not.


aww what a bummer! i love all of his movies.


oh for fuck's sake! this is the second time this movie has been delayed!


Man i just want key n peel back enough of these boring horrors the whole genre is so dam boring to me.