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In The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (which was literally Forrest Gump in a new skin) if he was born a baby-sized old man, he should have died an old-man-sized baby.


thanks for that image.


I still think the last thing we should have seen was a puddle of cum.


To Eric Roths defense, the script was based on a short story from 1922 by F. Scott Fitzgerald


The script has almost nothing in common with the short story.


People in places they shouldn't be and taking too much time / not worrying about those about to return.


I hate, hate when characters trick children by offering them ice cream. I've most recently seen it Where Evil Lurks and it always breaks my heart when kids think something good is going to happen but terror awaits. It is horrible in the most heartbreaking way for me.


Want a balloon Georgie?


The deciet and lies to the purest and unsuspecting. Horrible


i hate miscommunication but i especially hate miscommunication that could be solved by the characters just staying to listen for like two more seconds.


They're on the phone and say I'll meet you and such and such location. Then they hang up. What day,what time? Normally it'll end with a character waiting at a restaurant for the other person. Who doesn't show up.


But there is no time!


I think this is a primal kind of tragedy.


So I am not alone.


When pet dies... I just can't, losing pet is such a pain


More than losing a close friend or family member? Are you 10 years old or what.


You can have complex feelings about people, especially in film. Some are good, some are bad. Nobody cared about all the shits John Wick killed. Pets are always portrayed as good and wholesome and positive, up until they die for the movie to happen. I feel like you might have made this comment not realizing you're in r/movies


IRL, feelings about people can be complicated. Pets are almost unilaterally regarded as well liked and good. Well except for Todd the Rabbit. Fuck you Todd. I hope it hurt when the Corgis got you in the end.


Tater on Todd crime, kinda makes me hungry for tots


Are you not capable of feeling sad about both human and pet loss of life?


I hope you never see Paris, Texas


Now I have to watch


Have you seen ***The Fox and the Hound***?


When children are hurt. There are scenes in "Doctor Sleep" and a couple in "It" I have a hard time watching. I have nothing on a personal level to compare it to, it just makes my heart bleed more than other things in film.


Shazam hits me hard, too. I have a niece and a nephew who were both adopted from foster care at an early age. Just about anything dealing with foster kids tugs at the heartstrings in a particular way


The end of The Last American Virgin


Sick or injured kids. Like it's kind of embarrassing to admit, but I cried a bit when they showed how the little girl looked in Shallow Hal. That got me


Similar to the abandonment thing, any time a kid is discouraged or bullied. I can't help but think how it'll affect the rest of their lives.


Andrew Lincoln and Keria Knightley in Love Actually


When a loved one dies, then miraculously (or not) ends up returning somehow. I can’t help thinking of all the real-life widows and widowers watching the characters grieve and reliving their own grief, only to … Surprise! I’m back! And it’s such a common trope, too. Heck, Harlan Coben alone has had multiple books with that theme get adapted to movies and TV series.


I hate it when there's a plot where someone's begging someone to stay and not leave them. A little consideration for my abandonment issues please.






This. I can watch a virtual bloodbath of human destruction. Serial killer? Sure. But someone goes and kills the family dog? That's it. I'm done.


There was a scene in "Chernobyl" where people had to go door to door through the town killing all the pets left behind.  This upset me so much I had to fast forward.


Guaranteed skip every rewatch.


People dying from cancer.


Yh, that sucks. Especially for people who've lost a loved one.


When a man and a woman are in love but she ends up taken away by some bastard. Like in *Slumdog Millionaire* when he successfully rescues his love interest from having her virginity sold, only for his brother to rape her and her ending up the wife of some gangster. If I was in his shoes it would chew at my soul every day. 


Cruelty to animals just to move the plot or story. I abosoulty hate Breakfast at Tiffanys because Audrey Hepburn forces her cat into the rain because she's afraid to depend on another person.


When an animal gets hurt/killed


John Wick must have been a tough watch. Broke my heart.


I can't take adults in movies having screaming arguments any more seriously than I can take adults in real life having screaming arguments.


Predators don't hate their prey, they love it. They quietly stalk their prey, running after it like a toddler pursues a soap bubble, with glee. They don't roar and snarl, that is territorial defense posturing against individuals of the same species. Jurassic Park got it wrong with the T-Rex but better with the Velociraptors, but only slightly better.


Have you read the book? There's a T-Rex scene in it that's just like that. It was disturbing but great. I understand that they toned things down to make it more of a family-friendly feature, but man, at the expense of a scene like that? Oof.


I read it last month for the first time! I loved the raft scene, when the Rex swam after Grant and kids with side-by-dide croc tail propulsion, quiet and determined like a dog swimming after a bsll.


Yes, and the scene where Ed Regis is repeatedly knocked about by the juvenile tyrannosaur before it kills him. Good stuff. Messed up, but good.


I hate when people die suddenly, out of nowhere like in Burn After Reading. It's so jarring.


When someone does something objectively good, especially helping other people, but still feels saddened they didn’t do better. The ending of Schindler’s List always makes me cry


Whenever a child dies. I lost a daughter 15 years ago and every time it happens in a movie, it stings.


In “The Holdovers” when Paul Giamatti’s character has a crush on the other teacher at the school and she seems to be flirting with him at a party. But then her boyfriend comes in and they kiss and he just sinks into his chair with such disappointment and loneliness. And then that’s it, you never see that woman in the movie again. Such is the nature of rejection - excitement, then let down.


Oh bro, you should stay FAR away from “War Pony”


Any plot, conflicts or miscommunications rooted in an imaginary world where people don't have cell phones.


Whenever a man cheats on a woman, it’s drama or thriller. Whenever a woman cheats on a man, it’s comedy.


Right? *Unfaithful, A Perfect Murder, The Painted Veil, The Piano, Nocturnal Animals, Closer* All hilarious.


It's understandable how personal experiences can deeply affect how we perceive abandonment in movies and media.


Not a movie, but Mark Ruffalo was in a series called I Know This Much Is True and there is a scene where he falls off the latter due to physical and mental exhaustion. Best portrayal of it I've ever seen.


I hate it when the plot is about a child in peril, or gets kidnapped. Lazy way to inject conflict into drama


I get emotional any time there's a mother character who disregards, doubts, or is completely dismissive of her daughter's feelings and experiences. I love my mother, but it's a complicated relationship, and she has a history of being that way with me. Funnily enough, we watched Lady Bird together, and I felt bad because I kept thinking, *it must be so awkward seeing someone just like her on screen*, until she loudly declared, "Oh, the mother is just awful!" Um, woman, that's YOU! I saw another movie recently called Memory, and one of the scenes absolutely destroyed me for the same reason; that one was a particularly tough watch.


In Die Hard, the guy in the lobby makes John look up where Holly is on the little touchscreen, but then acknowledges that the Xmas party are the only ones left in the building. He could easily have just told him th floor number rather than make him look it up (though I appreciate it's a good way of having McClane discover Holly is using her maiden name).


In Demolition Man, Sandra Bullock is a nerd about all things 20th century, and at one point compares John Spartan to Rambo because of his violent approach to policing, but doesn't seem to notice how similar he looks to Sylvester Stallone.


That's the joke...


Data talking about the octopus at the end of The Goonies even though they cut the scene out.


As a mod of r/tollywood, me and my boys u/Ammadu_LetsdoKummudu u/dobyd u/Vegito47 u/Oscerte u/PayloadMaxima u/Smooth_Barracuda8573 u/DaMarvelProff u/saketpalle hate it when the technical aspects overshadow the performances of our Telugu Star Heroes. We go to the theater to enjoy our Telugu Star Heroes, not to focus on the production values and story


I don't know if this is what you're looking for, but I get very, very anxious when our heroes are sneaking around and in danger of being caught. Kind of like the scene in Jurassic Park where the kids are hiding from the raptors. That makes me super uncomfortable and I don't know why.


Roger being finally given up by his dad in "Angels in the Outfield."


Moms dying 😭


When a dude goes in for a kiss or opens his heart embarrassingly vulnerably and you know is going to be rejected.


Any form of cruelty to animals


Cruelty to animals and dead parents. So I can't watch much Disney...