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They're still made, they are just direct-to-streaming, and usually watered down to reach the broadest and blandest of audiences.


>usually watered down to reach the broadest and blandest of audiences. This is key. It's a dark time for comedy right now due to rampant political correctness.


> It's a dark time for comedy right now due to rampant political correctness. If you can't write a funny joke without denigrating entire groups of people, then you weren't very funny to begin with... The real answer is that comedy moved further into television as Hollywood gave up on mid-budget movies as a whole over the last decade. Comedies were the first to die to this trend because they lack international appeal.


Comedy needs to be able to make fun of everyone and everything. Otherwise it doesn't work.


There’s a difference between making fun of everyone, and just straight up being a piece of shit. Don’t mistake what real people think about comedy vs what people would have you believe. I live in a very diverse area, and everyone makes fun of themselves even more than anyone else. But it has to be out of respect, not insulting people for the sake of it.


Imagine being so deluded and tribalistic you think comedic movies are in the state they are because of "political correctness." I bet this dude has unironically said something like "you couldn't make Blazin' Saddles nowadays" without realizing *why* the movie was funny and thinks everybody else also laughs because "hehehe he said the N word."


>"you couldn't make Blazin' Saddles nowadays" without realizing *why* the movie was funny and thinks everybody else also laughs because "hehehe he said the N word." Could you make it today?


No because it’s already been made


An avoidant response proves the point, it couldn't be made because comedy is stifled these days. That's why it sucks.


By whom? The mainstream media like Joe Rogan seems to have no issues being heard and saying what he wants


Rogan did not start as mainstream media. He subverted it because people wanted to hear something real instead of the ridiculous, watered down, ideologically-infused claptrap from mainstream outlets.


No he milked dummies for podcast money. He was never successful as a comedian. Hes just another game show host people love to follow instead of thinking for themselves


I mean, there is so much wrong with your post that it's hard to know where to begin. Rogan had a free YouTube channel for a long time where everyone could view his podcast. No one was ever forced to subscribe to anything. He eventually was offered a big time Spotify contract, because the mainstream could no longer ignore his audience numbers, which smashed everyone else. Why wouldn't he capitalize on this well deserved success? I am not sure where you got the idea that Rogan is a "game show host", it's not even remotely close to what he does. He invites a wide variety of guests, from Bernie Sanders to Tulsi Gabbard to Tucker Carlson (all across the political spectrum), plus a lot of scientists, social commentators etc... and he lets them talk. He inquires in minute detail about why they hold particular views with minimal judgement from his side. At least not until everything has been laid out in a multi-hour discussion format. This is precisely the place to tune in if someone wants to formulate their own opinion rather than rely on secondhand and extremely biased mainstream media coverage. If the Democrats did their own thinking, for example, they would not be in such a major shock right now that Joe Biden is in major cognitive decline. The signs have been obvious for a few years unless a person got all their information from the mainstream which carefully curated what was communicated to the public.


It's a nonsense question that you think is a clever gottcha. Who would it even appeal to, and would it be relevant? We probably wouldn't even be talking about the same movie. We can still laugh at it 50 years later because it's that well done. But, frankly, a lot of it is of its time. Satirizing the tropes and the culture of its day.


I haven't even seen Blazing Saddles and it doesn't matter one bit whether it appeals to me or not. The point is that if comedy isn't getting made because it might upset some people, then comedy is as good as dead. Which it is, right now.


See this is snowflake mentality. Instead of listening to the nuanced reasons presented you have a melt down over the imagined threat of someone telling you what to do. Oppressing yourself is a fetish


You're not even responding on topic.


I'm responding to your perceived oppression. Others have already answered your question but your ego has convinced yourself that your a victim.


Show me where did I claim to be oppressed? I am not in the comedy business.


Peter Farrelly now makes them for Amazon.


I heard Matt Damon in an interview recently talking about this. Basically he said that movies like this wouldn't do very well in theaters but would end up turning a profit on DVD sales. Now that DVD sales aren't a thing anymore, they don't make money, so they don't get made. Streaming doesn't do nearly as well for the studios as DVD sales did. (I'm just saying DVD to mean physical media. blu ray and VHS count toward this as well)


Also I think that people get their fill of funny content from the video apps (tiktok, reels)


Comedy stopped making money, there's not an international market and there's no more DVD sales which these types of movies thrived off of. So the risk of spending $50M dollars on something no one wants to go to the theater for is tough


That's why you don't spend $50M on it. Waiting cost about 3M and Clerks was 27K. Obviously not every movie can be done that cheaply, especially with inflation, but they're still good examples of low and extremely low budget movies that became massively successful.


They still make indie comedies like that. I think OP is talking more about mid-budget studio comedies, which have completely died


Dodgeball is always fun and would fit in with that sort of comedy that you're looking for.


Weird Fact : After Justin Long did the "getting hit with balls" scene. Vince Vaughn walked up to do his turn and after the first ball noticed that the production had the machine on full blast. He got very angry at the crew and had a doctor on set check Justin. He had a concussion from the multiple impacts.


Oh yeah, I just read about that somewhere else. It sounded pretty brutal and unnecessary.


Didn't fire the crew responsible? Would've said hit the road jackoffs, you just injured the apple commercial kid.


probably the most reddit post ever made




Comedy as a whole has died on the vine, movie wise. It's always been a gamble, it's notoriously hard to predict if a comedy will blow up or not, but nowadays every movie has to cost and make 387373 billion million dollars and have 22 sequels to be considered a success, and the only way to do that is with the international market. Another thing about comedy is that it doesn't translate well, so that makes it a nonstarter all round. It sucks tbh, but that's how it is. Stuff like Game Night and Popstar should have been enormous, and they just disappeared.


Popstar may have disappeared, but it never stopped never stopping


"it died on the vine"


Adam Sandler never stopped making garbage movies, you just haven't heard about them. Will Ferrell also still regularly makes movies in this similar style. We once had a golden era of SNL alumni making movies in the 2000s, it is true, but after COVID, comedies in general no longer get theatrical releases. Nothing happened to the genre as a whole though, they just went full streaming and you can never find fucking anything on streaming.


The jerk….literally about a white guy, Steve Martin, who thinks he is black. Absolutely hilarious




All the guys who made those movies got old. When was the last time Will Ferrell or Vince Vaughn made a movie anyone cared about?


The other guys


Brace yourself....that was 14 years ago.




Freaky i guess? Didnt care too much for it but i think it was pretty well recieved for Vaughn.


Aren't they called buddy comedies? How did you get to white guy?


"Just the genre I call them." Any particular reason you call them that?


Hmmm maybe not exactly what you’re looking for, but the Real Bros of Simi Valley movie comes out on the 5th? Check out the YouTube channel for the show. It’s a parody of Real Housewives and Jersey Shore set in SoCal


Ricky Stanicky. Haven't seen it, reviews are pretty mixed, but that's the type of film and it's this year.


Please Don’t Destroy: The Treasure of Foggy Mountian The Big Lebowski


Sex Drive, Ms. March, Eurotrip, Without a Paddle, Dude Where’s my Car, all some of my favorites


Is "white guy comedy" the best term you could invent? Because I'd say _Harold & Kumar_ fits alongside your examples perfectly, despite being led by two definitely not-white guys. Whiteness is not really a key theme of any of these. (Though the "guy" part certainly applies; they are very male-perspectived.) I get you, and I'm not saying you had bad intent, but... here's a handful of better suggestions: * stoner comedies * hangout comedies * dumb-guy comedies * slacker comedies If you are saying, "but they're not all about ," then maybe they don't have as much in common as you think, and you fell back on whiteness as a lazy catch-all.


Harold&Kumar is one of my favorite films(comedy or non)and I glazed over the fact that it’s in this category because it’s too good. You’re right lol


That’s a weird thing to call movies.


Hot Tub Time Machine 2 (2015)


Everything changed when Harold and Kumar went to White Castle.


Part of the issue, apart from money, us that humor has changed in the internet age and evolves way too quickly for movies to keep up with. I also think that the internet has made what people find funny even more fractured than it was. For example, a lot of people on this sub seem to long for the Millennial stoner comedies. I don't because I'm not a Millennial, and a lot of that humor seems dated to me.


You know most Hollywood comedy movies have no international appeal right? Like once dvd sales went down that was pretty much it for the comedies, there’s a reason “mcu humor” exists, it’s the most appealing comedy for people all around the world to enjoy, a good comedy movie won’t have that and shouldn’t be held to those restrictions, it sucks but it’s the current state of things


I seriously doubt this. American comedies used to be popular all over the world. I think it has more to do with the current culture wars and the fact that everyone is afraid to "offend" someone if they make a joke.


Try watching a comedy made in Mandarin/Thai/Korean/Japanese that doesn’t rely on physical humor and tell me how funny you find it. Next, watch one full of cool scripted fights, limited dialogue and lots of sweet explosions. It’s basically a Mad Max movie at that point. Now flip the languages and the audience. It just doesn’t translate, literally.


> Try watching a comedy made in Mandarin/Thai/Korean/Japanese that doesn’t rely on physical humor and tell me how funny you find it. So, like, an Asian *30 Rock*? I'm not dragging *30 Rock* at all, but I could see how that might not translate well, so it seems like a good analog.


Everyone complains about "MCU fatigue" killing this genre instead of "shitty comedy fatigue" killing this genre.


Movies are now being made for international audiences, and 'white comedy' doesn't translate worldwide unfortunately.


We already reached the quota for movies about white guys with white friends for the next thousand years.