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I get that the cruelty is the point but this is dumb even for this sphere which is saying something. She spends the whole movie failing, running away, hiding and having the whole cast tell her shes not good enough. She only defeats the Predator because of the lessons learned observing it during her multiple failures


It was such a 21st Century thing to for this kind of a movie. How many fucking movies do we have to see where the woman gets shit for wanting to hunt only to end up being the best? It's not even historical. Just a cursory search on comanche culture shows they had strong divisions of roles and females ran the home while males hunted and killed each other. I'm not saying it's right or wrong to have that but why is it so evil and bad to run a household? I just don't get it. It's an immensely important role that gets constantly pushed to the side for the warrior.


They didn't even *have* Predators!


I'm going to take your post literally. They did have a lot of predators. Coyotes, mountain lions, the bear. Even the people are predators. So what do you mean?


Omg dude you're so funny I'm literally pissing and crying right now


This dude is an idiot.


Damn good point.


least misogynistic redditor


[You were saying?](http://plainshumanities.unl.edu/encyclopedia/doc/egp.gen.045)


Ok cool! So, why the whole "you can't hunt you should go home" storyline? It's overplayed. You know it. I know it. Let's move on to better story telling, please.


"why the whole "you can't hunt you should go home" storyline?" Because she wasn't a good hunter at first lol. Sure, there's hints of misogyny there but she's genuinely not good at the beginning, and fails constantly during the first act. She happens to be very good at homemaking. That's the conflict of the movie, she has to learn to be good at hunting so that she can participate in it. It's not a matter of them actively excluding her for being a woman.


Where were the other women hunters to be an example? Hints of misogyny??? Name me one scene with another Comanche that didn't berate her on some level about it? The writing was goofy.


Ok what do you think will be better storytelling?


Ummm well a more indepth comparison between the two warrior cultures would have been interesting. The Comanches were considered the greatest warriors of North America even beating the Mexicans, Spaniards, French, and Americans on a regular basis up until the Colt 45 and Texas Rangers modified their fighting to immitate them. The Predator essentially ran into the group of humans that are most like them but that concept wasn't explored AT ALL. From this movie you wouldn't have even known they were Comanches unless someone stated so. Instead we got a young woman acting like she just got done seeing Annie Get your Gun on Broadway.


Not to mention she defeats predator after everyone literally dies and saves no one. I really get annoyed with people who make videos claiming stuff like this when clearly this wasn’t the case. Also to piggyback off what you mentioned a lot of her hunting innovation and ingenuity came from her failures and learning how to compensate for lack of physicality with her male counterparts to be successful. Thinking outside of the box like that because of the experiences and failure is what allowed her to win.


Mary Sue is when women 😤😡


w*men (political)


N\*tive w\*men (***DOUBLE POLITICAL***)


All your lands are belong to us


There are only two genders: male and political


God this guy is a moron, really sad to see him fall further and further down the alt-right pipeline.




Woke is now the only criteria for whether or not a movie is good.


I don't follow him (used to think he was just gaming the algo with his stupid reactions), but uh, how bad is it lately?


He started out as a typical fratboy, obviously misogynistic and objectified women but is now obsessed with wokeness and anti-lgbt/sjw shit. iirc it was captain marvel and the whole Brie Larson situation where he started doing that stuff.


That far back? Then why edit out the "MArY sUe" callout when that's been his brand for years?


I wonder why anti-woke content is so popular at youtube Must be the teenagers and neets who don't have a job and spent all day on the Internet


He almost had 2 mil subscribers but barely breaks around 30-80k a video. His content is not popular.


Interesting. So do you think this shift is to increase viewership ? So pretty much he smelled potential money off this grift and decided to hop on the bandwagon since his content wasn’t hitting as much as he would’ve liked ?


A lot of blockbuster suck nowadays. These people notice that, but instead of blaming on poor writing and how modern audiences keep watching mediocre movies tied to big brands, they blame "SJW" and "Wokeism"


It's the anti woke mob


A lot of losers living at home that are insecure about themselves looking for ways to validate they’re feelings rather than accept they are shitty people and attempt to grow. It’s an echo chamber. That and there’s a lot of impressionable kids out there that’ll watch because they think it makes them “macho” to have this world view which is why the likes of Andrew Tate are so popular now.


The internet was a mistake


Overall I agree. But I think if we just wound the clock back before social media and corporate takeover, the internet could be a good tool still.


This dude used to have such a great energy to him. Then one day he started comparing TLOU2 to the murder of George Floyd and has become another bitter Nerd Crew grifter.


Bruh, he was full on Captain Marvel hate train. He even made a 1-hour celebration video when the CM box fell 70% on Monday. He thought it was because the movie is bad. His brain couldn't understand the difference between Sunday and Monday


Did he really Compared tlou2 to the murder of George Floyd wtf


https://youtu.be/e59LGuZg5Lc At 1:00 he makes that insane take


Me watching Jack&Jill:"This truly is the 9/11 of Adam Sandler comedies"


That would be an accurate statement lol




Once he started idolizing the Hodge Twins (knowing they’re right wing nuts) I knew it’d mark the end of the channel as we knew and start the Tyrone we know today lol. Next thing you know the Captain Marvel thing happened then the Las of Us 2, then George Floyd (which is around the time I unsigned after watching him since 2014). Now the only time I see him pop up is when he has another braindead right wing grifter take on a show/movie/game


I had the same exact thought! That is totally when it started. Glad there are some sane ex fans of his out there


He went downhill long before that.


Eh, I was never a huge fan of Tyrone Magnus so him screaming “Mary Sue” like a hyperactive Ewok just tells me the quality of my life won’t go down if I continue never being a fan.


I don't think he understands what a Mary Sue is then... While we don't see a whole lot of it, the movie makes it very clear that she's been training for a looong time. And she is in way over her head, multiple times. I can't really fathom how some would see her as a Mary Sue... If they actually know what a Mary Sue is.


I feel like the word Mary Sue Lose it meaning because I see so many people use that word all the time about female characters like do they know the definition of a Mary Sue


Especially since "Mary Sue" was a originally fanfiction term used to describe self-insert characters, which almost never seems applicable to the characters the label is given to.


Mary sue is when women good😡😤


I mean even during the end fight, she gets lucky that Sarii manages to disrupt the Predator's attack when she is helpless on the ground. It was luck and using the environment and her learnings and skills from the rest of the film to gain the upper hand. Not close to a Mary Sue


Mary Sue means powerful women


"Least" racist Prey reviewer. Also can't believe I used to enjoy his contents, now I just avoid him like a plague along with all the grifters.




He's doing a mock Native American chant.


Are humans just not allowed to make strange noises without it being a “mock Native American chant?” I mean, have you confirmed he wasn’t just aimlessly yelping? Like, a lot of strange folk do? I get the bandwagon effect and he’s a terrible alt-right guy or whatever but I’m pretty sure the guy was just being stupid


So what you're saying is that it's only a coincidence that the first time he did this weird screeching-howling noise that sorta resembles a Native American war cry was also for a movie with Native Americans in it?


I’m proposing that it could be, instead of jumping to conclusions made from a victim mindset. Furthermore, why the panties in a bunch about this? I really don’t understand. The guy made a Mary sue joke, oh lordy. Yeah, it’s retarded and doesn’t even fit the film, but oh boy, better SUE him. Ba dum tiss


9.9k videos in YouTube and this is the first time he screeched like a Native American doing a war cry and you think it COULD be a coincidence? Mmmkay. Well I'm proposing that it couldn't, because thinking otherwise would be a stretch. > Furthermore, why the panties in a bunch about this? I really don’t understand. The guy made a Mary sue joke, oh lordy. Why not? Geeks and Gamers and Critical Drinker got shat on for it. Stupid comments in the internet regarding this topic are getting called out for it. Why would he get a pass?


Thanks for watching all ten thousand of his videos to confirm that fam ☺️ but yeah keep being upset over words and noises and stuff


I've seen enough. But if you can prove me wrong, go ahead. Feel free. Burden of proof is on you 😉 > but yeah keep being upset over words and noises and stuff *racist noises and stuff that's making fun of some group of people and their culture. You left the important part out. But yeah, I will. Keep defending racists.


Bro stop crying you won’t get any cookie points


People like you are so fucking deliberately dense and ignorant. Like, wtf are you talking about? He's clearly mocking the chanting from the movie. You have to seriously have some brain parts missing to not see that.


You’ll be alright bud it’s just reddit :)


You're one of those people who have very few braincells so I'd suggest staying quiet.


Little late to the thread bud :/


My god bro, what's wrong with you? Tyrone was clearly being racist.


Is he really mocking Native American chants ? Wow. Real class act


"So here a have a movie with a woman as the protagonist-" Mary sue😡😡bad movie😡😡movie industry ruined 😡😡😡0/10😡😡😡




She is a pretty poor hunter and misses two stationary rabbits with a throwing axe early on. If anything I wish she was a better hunter


Oh with the native chanting too. Classy…


This buffoon right there…. Catering to the anti-woke crowd then will start crying when his own fan base will call him the hard R. And how old is he? Shouting Mary Sue and this fake native war cry, it’s cringe. It happened to this some black guy YouTuber. He was pumping out borderline alt right content and then act shocked when his entourage was racist af.


Maybe He is in his 30s I think


Actually he’s in his 40s which is even sadder. I know because I used to watch him years ago before all this bullshit and he stated a couple times he was in his late 30s/early 40s


I really hate that he can be outwardly racist like that and still have a channel.


Wanna know something scary? He’s actually not the worse one or only one, not even close. But then again with channels like his, Geeks + Gamers and the like you can’t help but wonder if they’re in on this big grift, saying stockphrases like “woke, Mary Sue, agenda” and all that shit because it just gets them more views but secretly they don’t believe most of that at all.


isn’t this the mf that compared tlou2 to the murder of george floyd




Comment section is one big cope


Wow that is really racist why did he need to do that like god damn


Quick! I need the clip of Zaddy lecturing his racist ass about the rise in Hate Crimes against Asians to detoxify.


Chad Snyder


Context? I’m out of the loop


He and a bunch of other Anti-Woke Comic Dweebs hosted Zaddy and they were really excited. Zaddy then began to talk about the rise of Hate Crimes toward Asians and he and the other hosts just had to take it like a bunch of deflated tires. Zaddy is b-----ased irl.


Okay, please don’t kill me here I haven’t been on this sub for a while, whose Zaddy? Sorry if it’s a dumb question


Zack Snyder. We shit on his movies a lot, but he seems like a cool dude in real life. Very b.a.s.e.d.


Link? please


I can't believe I used to watch this clown regularly.


Same here!!! Tyrone is a complete fucking bozo now!!! They must have took his video down or took it down because he know he fucked up because I don't see his video review up anymore


He really is. I’m glad his viewership has tanked big time as a response. I don’t even think he realizes that there’s no fucking way he can get to 2 million with an average of 20k views per video


I’m convinced if movies like the original Halloween or Nightmare on Elm Street were released for the first time today exactly how they were, these people would call the movies shit and woke because the protagonist is a woman.


The problem with him is that he is a total moron but I don't want to call him out because he is ripped and could absolutely kick my ass.


He is no where near ripped dude lol he is completely outta shape


"Hmm yes, very scary, immediately yanking it soon." \-Random Disney exec, with as much sarcasm as possible as Hulu proceeds to crash from demand...


The only good thing about him is that he proofs racism and stupidity and ignorance is transcending skin colour...


I honestly don't know why this man still on YT. I really dislike Tyrone Magnus. He would literally be a hypocrite and block anyone who's either Transgender or whenever he gets exposed over his dumbshit on twitter and block everyone who saw the post or either just liked it. It's insane this man can't handle shit. Idgaf if he's built. He's a prick.


what does mary sue mean?




Happy Cake Day ripmilo! Cake Days are a new start, a fresh beginning and a time to pursue new endeavors with new goals. Move forward with confidence and courage. You are a very special person. May today and all of your days be amazing!


Tyrone Magnus is nothing but a dumb-as-cum, bigoted twat. Hopefully karma comes calling for him sooner rather than later.