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By the way this is the definition of autism: >a [neurodevelopmental](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=b5763fd449dd55fb&sxsrf=ADLYWIIbbg8jrgNvIxnaeA95pfeRlHdz1g:1717768175472&q=neurodevelopmental&si=ACC90nzPg3W7QG6SmEjopAD5rdWD3h4y_LbLiVK1EaCdDgx_Yk7ftJZnYOoo1IRjhkjiCEBJlhz4e_rV5GmZVu9AErvlBnqGIUcfxR0CiBYtZPpbXg7t4rmYjiZPh95my2Qw5vSRWy6R&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiY9Z6P0cmGAxWE7wIHHUdkBGsQyecJegQIHBAN) condition of variable severity with [lifelong](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=b5763fd449dd55fb&sxsrf=ADLYWIIbbg8jrgNvIxnaeA95pfeRlHdz1g:1717768175472&q=lifelong&si=ACC90nwZKElgOcNXBU934ENhMNgqi6nELcvXaqnj9Uj6IPrMfD4eHrCXfrUimlbk1bZvMAjpXmEIF3fSd0pKX-5WQUgtTuQOABXfRLbAB_DZAOGPBuPTP70%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiY9Z6P0cmGAxWE7wIHHUdkBGsQyecJegQIHBAO) effects that can be recognized from early childhood, [chiefly](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=b5763fd449dd55fb&sxsrf=ADLYWIIbbg8jrgNvIxnaeA95pfeRlHdz1g:1717768175472&q=chiefly&si=ACC90nypsxZVz3WGK63NbnSPlfCBDut6nQLTEkRm5s-Gb6whodU95ZrHnJ2zibNw3oPu6cdjUmEHOUuGAVhXZlJuNlqmo2nBHQ%3D%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiY9Z6P0cmGAxWE7wIHHUdkBGsQyecJegQIHBAP) characterized by difficulties with social interaction and communication and by restricted or repetitive patterns of thought and behaviour. "students with autism want to be accepted like every other student" So, it is the other way around. Autism causes you to react differently to social interactions. Your social standards don't cause it!


Maybe you’re just wrong?


>The personal choice of rejecting social standards is what causes autism no it isn't


Prove it buddy. I think he’s on to something here


I think he’s on ~~to~~ something here


It is but you cant put blame on someone for this type of personal choice/preference. It is like being gay or liking the colour blue


It's not. There are so many studies that show incredibly common genetic variations in people with autism. There are also links to people with parents who had them late in life being more likely to have autism, people who have an autistic sibling are more likely to have autism, premature babies are more likely to have autism. There's literally not one single respectable study or any data pointing at all to autism being caused by the "personal choice of rejecting social standards." this is literally unfounded, harmful, conspiratorial quackery on your part. You post a lot of bullshit in this subreddit, most of it is harmless... but this is just blatant and easily falsifiable misinformation.


They tell parents that so they dont feel bad or question themselves. Its so much easier to "understand"/accept it when they think about it that way. Sorry FYI I mean "high functioning autism". Its true that having physical brain deformities can "make you more likely" to be "mentally ill" or "disordered" but in most cases its a simple personal preference.


>They tell parents that so they dont feel bad or question themselves. Literally a conspiracy theory. That all of these studies and links to genetic and hereditary things are just things that they "tell parents so they don't feel bad or question themselves" is on par with believing the earth is flat. To think that all of these doctors, researchers, scientists etc are just making things up so parents will feel better is lunacy.


convenient results psychologists like to bring up for rhetorical reasons, they dont actually believe in the studies facepalm


There's a set of data that's results are agreed upon by an overwhelming majority of experts, your response to that is that the professionals don't actually believe in/agree with the studies that they themselves participate in, they just say that they do so that parents don't feel bad this is a textbook example of a conspiracy theory. you have no evidence of this whatsoever besides "this is what i think"


There isnt though


People also HATE Destiny. He's very polarizing. That's pretty common for edge lord types online.


Internet audiences are self-selecting. People who find you lame aren't going to listen to you. They just leave. So you're left with the people who have your dick in their mouth. It's actually a pretty weird dynamic if you make content. It gets to the point where you could read a dictionary to your audience and they would still watch.


He's a successful loser so he attracts an audience of losers


What social standards does Destiny reject? Are you talking about the N-word? If so, let me first explain what his position is. There is a difference between calling people slurs and using a slur in music, poem, etc. The former is unacceptable, and the latter is. Is there something wrong with that? If not, what social standards are you talking about?


wearing sweatpants etc


Open relationships


I think there is a lot that resonates with the audience. He builds a lot of his world view on reason/evidence anyone can follow and that creates the "connection" with the viewers. In regards to this picture, it's in Israel. He is like the only left leaning person online that isn't completely shitting on Israel and gobbling down the terrorist dick. As he said about Rittenhouse, if everyone is shitting on you and there is only one group/proponent that doesn't, you are going to move in that direction. None of this has anything to do with him being "small", gamer or rejecting social standards(what does that even mean in his case)?


His ADHD medication.


Imagine thinking destiny is capable of rape when everyone around him romantically falls in love (with him). Holy sht imagine getting rejected, ghosted, loss-of interest from destiny. Its so easy to understand why he gets in constant drama. EVERYONE LOVES HIM ROMANTICALLY.


Aw, so that’s the source of your hatred, you just in love with him romantically but he doesn’t pay any attention to you.


The truth comes out.


This guy hates Destiny? The last like 6 things I've seen from him are him violently glazing Destiny


He’s known anti Destiny shizo poster, glazing is just his attempt at hiding it in sarcasm I assume.


I gave his post history a little read and holy shit, I'm gonna need 15 weeks to recover from the blast of pure schizoid energy I just endured