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This post is stupid because mrgirl doesn't think he's wrong.


The point is for him to learn to recognize more easily when he's wrong.


Im still mad he got covid and had smeth host a stream for him. I am VERY upset and waiting for him to apologize to me. I still haven’t heard anything from him…… im not sure he still reads this subreddit.


You're not arguing that he's wrong, so your comment does not make sense.


Max will never accept he can be wrong and will never be charitable to any of the opposing sides or even remotely understand someones side he strongly disagrees with, like destiny, he did everything in the least charitable to even understand destinys view. Then again im fine with him not saying sorry to destiny, unhinged max is the best form of content, especially when hes able to flush out a good proper argument in a digestible way


Not everyone feels the same need for Destiny’s attention, as this post seems to assume. It’s nice that this sub doesn’t care as much as it used to. 


This sub is continuing its descent into nothingness as measured by posts-per-day, replies, and overall viewership. Please click "top" for sorting posts, then click to view posts from the last month. I'd say nearly half the posts are about Mr. Girl being wrong with regards to his fallout with Destiny. There are other posts, but again the engagement levels are at all time lows. Look at the trend. The trend is that if Mr. Girl doesn't admit fault, whatever remains of his community will eventually abandon him as they wait for him to admit fault for being wrong.


I think you’re projecting a lot here


How am I projecting?


I don't think that trend is caused by Max not apologizing. No one expects him to. The trend is occurring because he isn't doing anything interesting anymore, so there's nothing for anyone to talk about. Even the diehard haters and fans are getting bored with coming up with the same few points to sling at each other.


You have an unhealthy relationship with Destiny, and you are assuming that your relationship with streamers should be the assumed relationship everybody has with the streamers they watch.   You have crossed a dangerous threshold, where you have gone from being entertained by a streamer, and interested in the work they produce, to being invested in their success as if you were a family member or friend. Almost all of Destiny’s subreddit is mind-fucked by this. Likewise, this entire post is buttressed by your assessment of mrgirl’s success and the success of this subreddit. This is how you see things now.   I personally don’t watch mrgirl so I can dream about his success. In fact, I have some respect for his drive to produce work that has its own parameters for success, outside of growing his subreddit or fan base. It makes his work interesting to me, and it keeps me coming back to his streams. 


ur literally saying what ive been saying for months about the sub, its fading because max does such little content that has value to discuss once hes offline, he never engages with his online community and since he just started to block every single person that disagrees with him, he now has his own personal echo chamber that id say is worse than destinys echo chamber lol at least destinys mods etc read, see the critism then delete or ban the person, but now with max it all just doesnt exist. Max needs to up his content, discuss actual topics of values, not just his fall back topics of pedophilia, sex (which he has thee worst views on) etc and that whole black hole arc was horrendous since he just blocked ppl who disgreed with him, he needs to discuss actual topics thar can carry onto this platform for ppl to discuss, like fuck talk about ukraine/isreal/election/trump/biden/deep dive into law of politicians (hell he can even cover pedophilia on high level positions lol) do reactionary videos, respond to other peoples videos etc i really can go on, but instead he puts 1000 hours into blackfyce and its gone within a week of posting and isnt relevant or he has guests that can be fun to watch sure but once he hits offline there is absolutely no carry over for discussions.


What would be the point? Reasons why it's not going to happen 1) Apologizing would mean admitting he was wrong. Admitting that he fucked up a year of his career over a nothingburger. This is a guy who does not speak to his parents. Him admitting he was wrong to Destiny is a no go 2) His entire father-daughter relationship with Lav is based on 'Destiny's abuse'. Apologizing to Destiny would mean giving that up. Maybe even means that Lav partially fucked up her own rep for Max's crusade 3) Destiny might accept an apology. Might appear on panels with him. But those cosy discord chats are never coming back as Destiny is never going to give him the same charitability again 4) The audience is always going to hate him and wait for him to fall. They'll be goading it to happen and Max would be on eggshells. Even more sensitive to criticism as they were before. 5) He does not need to apologize. The drama has moved to JSTLK's channel and JSTLK is desperate for mrgirl to come on. A much smaller steamer who is not fucking any of the women on his stream (that we know of).


The point is that apologizing to Steven is more than just what it would take to save his career. It's the manifestation of the solution to every problem in his life that he's wrought by his own hands. The tragic irony distastefulness of it is specifically the bitter medicine Max needs to take.


That's a lot of reasons you came up within minutes of OP making the post, clearly you've been thinking a lot about this too. I don't think it's healthy to ponder on Destiny's relationships and how and which should be rekindled.


Responding to the Pikas comment that he deleted: You wouldn't see your type of behaviour on Mizkif's, Ludwig's, or Hasan's subreddits. I don't see any Hasan fans jumping into r/destiny and asking Destiny to apologies. And although you don't make such posts, you have also clearly been thinking that Mrgirl should apologies. You need to move on. Some people don't view relationships transactionally and have no interest associating with Destiny.


I'm not familiar with "Mizkif", but Ludwig and Hasan are braindead frat boys, with absolutely nothing to offer other than pop culture takes, or potentially exposure to a low-IQ, vapid audience I'm sure Destiny wants nothing to do with. You enablers of Max's mental problems need to get a grip, and stop running defense for him. Destiny and DGG didn't take Max's audience away from him, Destiny didn't take his friends away. The reality is that Max gave them away just by being himself. The part that needs to change is the self-destructive tendency to ruin himself to make a point - cutting off his nose to signal spite.


I might respond later, but this was addressed to [idreamofpikas](https://www.reddit.com/user/idreamofpikas/) who made an angry comment and instead of editing it, he just deleted it. Either he's bad faith, or overly emotional after being called out for thinking too much about Destiny's relationships. I think the latter.


> I might respond later, but this was addressed to idreamofpikas who made an angry comment and instead of editing it, he just deleted it. lol what was angry about it? edit: Why reply and then block? I didn't get to see your insightful reply.


Now you're just trying to antagonise me. Bad faith or you are just here in an attempt to hurt people who don't like Destiny. I'm putting you on my blocklist.


I think people that use the block for the use other than for harassment, are spineless cowards and is childish like covering your ears and yelling to avoid hearing something you don't like.


Why do you struggle to answer questions? Can you even tell us what was bad faith about that reply?


> And although you don't make such posts, you have also clearly been thinking that Mrgirl should apologies. I don't think he should apologize. What's done is done. It's all content. I don't personally know Max and him suddenly becoming introspective about his own responsibility to the fuck-ups in his life benefits me in no way at all. I like Max as he is. And you don't know as much as you think about me. I was on Hasan's side when that bridge burnt. Destiny should have cut him some slack. I was Brittney's side when that bridge burnt. Destiny overreacted and should have been the bigger person. I think Destiny was way too harsh on Chairey. Someone who had been a decent friend to Destiny fucks up publicly once and is cut off. i don't watch Melina's content but I'm happy she's getting great views and has moved on with her life. None of these people need to apologize to Destiny. Same goes for Lav. They both acted childish towards each other. As an entertainer I may prefer Destiny to all these people, but as a friend he sucks.


>I don't think he should apologize. What's done is done. It's all content. >I don't personally know Max and him suddenly becoming introspective about his own responsibility to the fuck-ups in his life benefits me in no way at all. >I like Max as he is. Saving for later before you delete it.


The bait was better back in the day. Less ego-centric. No one cares about what you people want your content to be. A bunch of DGG dickriders coming in to demand mrgirl back on Destiny's stream is more about you than mrgirl. If you're finding Destiny's content too boring, there's an ocean of creators out there to watch instead.


God damn just give it up already. He doesnt want to associate with Destiny. It’s been more than a year.  It’s like some of you DGGers *cannot* accept that someone would not want to work with your favorite streamer. Move on. Just accept it and let it go. 


I'd be lying if I just said the next sentence only because the reality is that Max's falling out with Destiny was fascinating. But "DGGers" not being able to move on doesn't accurately describe the continued participation in this sub. We're gloating.


Your gloating is part of your inability to move on. Those are not mutually exclusive. 


What am I gaining from "moving on"? 0


spending your time on something else


This statement is just you admitting you have nothing better to do with your time than write this laughably bad post. The reason Max should admit he is wrong is because.... it might help his stream grow in an area that he doesn't even want to participate in ???? gloating usually doesn't involve making yourself look stupid and pathetic to the point of derangement.


Bien faire et laisser dire.


It's genuinely disturbing how a supposedly self-respecting adult typed all this out and thought it would make them look like anything other than an insane parasocial weirdo. You are justifying a man losing a (presumably) large chunk of his income and being continuously harassed over the course of 2 years for no reason other than "he said my favorite streamer was a bad person" and you seem to be getting some sadistic gratification from doing so. This goes beyond any drama between Max and Destiny, this is just a pathetic attempt at trying to paint yourself as an enlightened arbiter in a situation where the main parties literally stopped caring months ago. Destiny does not need you. He doesn't care about you.


It's eery to me how much of what you've written can be almost perfectly applied to Max and his written destiny report. EDIT: Fuck it, let's do it. >It's genuinely disturbing how a supposedly self-respecting adult typed out the destiny report and thought it would make them look like anything other than an insane parasocial weirdo. >Max is justifying himself losing a (presumably) large chunk of his income and being continuously harassed over the course of 2 years for no reason other than "he wanted to say a streamer was a bad person" and seemed to be getting some sadistic gratification from doing so. >This goes beyond any drama between Max and Destiny, this is just a pathetic attempt at trying to paint himself as an enlightened arbiter in a situation where the main parties literally stopped caring about their sexual encouters months ago. >Destiny does not need Max. He doesn't care about Max --- What exactly do you have a problem with? That I'm advocating Max correct and error on his part, grow as a person, and perhaps rebuild a bridge? Utterly shameful on my part. I have no interest in being grandstanded to. If you think what I'm saying is wrong, that's more interesting than hearing "How dare you!".


What? When has Max weaponized his fanbase against a content creator 10x smaller than him? When has Max tried sabotaging his detractors income stream? The worst thing Max ever did was call Steven abusive. EDIT: >It's genuinely disturbing how a supposedly self-respecting adult typed out the destiny report and thought it would make them look like anything other than an insane parasocial weirdo. Except Max isn't a viewer that Destiny doesn't know exists... he was a fellow streamer and they've both made hundreds of hours of content with each other. The Destiny Report was a whole lot of nothing but it clearly showed that Destiny was an asshole. >Max is justifying himself losing a (presumably) large chunk of his income and being continuously harassed over the course of 2 years for no reason other than "he wanted to say a streamer was a bad person" and seemed to be getting some sadistic gratification from doing so. Yeah... you gotta concede this one. If you actually believe someone deserves to lose their income and be mercilessly harassed for years because they called Destiny a bad person, you're on a different level of psycho. >This goes beyond any drama between Max and Destiny, this is just a pathetic attempt at trying to paint himself as an enlightened arbiter in a situation where the main parties literally stopped caring about their sexual encouters months ago. I guess I'll give you this one? >Destiny does not need Max. He doesn't care about Max ??? Max doesn't want to go back to Destiny's orbit, you're in this sub running interference for Destiny when he literally doesn't need it, this is inapplicable to Max in any way.


> When has Max tried sabotaging his detractors income stream? Max tried to get people like lex Friedman and Ben Shapiro to cancel their interviews with destiny. 


Technically, as Lex is a detractor in Max's eyes as well, he also tried to sabotage Lex's income stream. That Destiny Shapiro conversation almost has 10 million streams (in Lex's top 10 most streamed) while the Israel/Palestine debate has over 3 million. His letter to Shapiro was potentially sabotaging two birds with one tweet.


Please tell me that what you're writing is just parody and trolling, because if not this is perhaps the most intense lack of self awareness I've ever seen. The worst thing Max ever did is call Steven abusive? When has Max weaponized his fan base? Max literally weaponized his entire existence against Steven. He literally defined his entire life by it, seemingly just to win an argument about why allowing criticism is good. For the record again, it wasn't Destiny's community that destroyed Max. Max destroyed himself.


>Max literally weaponized his entire existence against Steven. He literally defined his entire life by it, What the fuck are you talking about? Max hasn't even mentioned Destiny's name on stream in months. He got over it dude. Max calling Destiny a bad person is not "weaponizing his fanbase" and even if it was Destiny literally has over 10x the amount of support Max has ever gotten.


Max being wrong, and his entire community realizing that and failing to be weaponized against destiny isn't proof he didn't weaponize his fanbase against Destiny. He literally posted his manifesto here, and reposted it for months, and went on a crusade where he gathered every person even remotely part of his life to try and destroy destiny and paint him as a Harvey Weinstein like sexual predator. Just because he failed to weaponize his community doesn't mean he didn't do it. You need to understand that point. If what Max was attempting to do worked, we would all be discussing how Max successfully weaponized his community against Destiny. He weaponized his community, but his attempt failed, and he gave all his fans away, because everyone disagreed with him, because he was wrong. When that failed, he tried other communities, even communities that hated Destiny, like those of President Sunday, Zherka, Melina... the list goes on. Max was so wrong, he failed to weaponize people that were already weaponized against Destiny. This is the entire point of my message. Max destroyed himself by being wrong, and that's his entire problem. The failure to recognize when he's wrong conceptually on something. It's not his inability to say that he did something abhorrent. He openly admits to being abusive, but he does so in a way that takes responsibility for the hurt, but doesn't directly state that he was wrong, and his decision stemmed from a lack of understanding. This is why Max fails to grow as a person. His conception of admitting responsibility is to say what he did that hurt others, but fail to understand that it's the result of a faulty understanding.


> What the fuck are you talking about? Max hasn't even mentioned Destiny's name on stream in months. He got over it dude. How much do you want to bet? https://substack.com/home/post/p-144788926 May 19th. Less than a month ago. He's streamed twice since then.






I didn't mean it like that, I just don't really know how to respond. It's a paid supporter stream with like 50 views and the topic isn't even directly about Destiny. I take back what I said, but he pretty much hasn't regularly spoken about Destiny since the "war" died down.


Destiny has to apologize for the sex crimes.


You'd have to pay me way more than a streamer's wage to spend time with Destiny, for the simple reason that I find him obnoxious and unlikable on a personal level beyond what I'd tolerate in a coworker, let alone friend. Most of his fans seem like they feel very differently and would jump to spend time with him given the chance. That's putting aside how expendable and exploitable he treats his "coworkers." I'll just accept the massive gulf here, I'm sure fans are equally unable to fathom that I'd much, much rather hang out with MrGaslight.


Unless you're Mr. Girl himself, which I sincerely doubt, for reasons I will explain later, your feelings about destiny don't matter much. I'm not saying that to hurt you, which in this specific instance would be quite rude (I've been pretty inflammatory in these comments, but saying you dislike destiny isn't worthy of ridicule). The reason your feelings don't matter on this, is because Mr. Girl's fans do like destiny according to the very real observation that he has no connection with Destiny any more, and he has no community to speak of, and those that participate in his community are mostly anti-fans. The other reason your personal feelings about Destiny don't matter is that Mr. Girl loves, and is obsessed with Destiny. His obsession with Destiny explains all his actions, and rather than admit he was wrong, he'd rather go hide in a dark corner and die out of shame.


Nah, my feelings matter, we'll agree to disagree. Your reasons don't really make sense either, there some to be some unspoken premises that would logically connect them to my feelings not mattering that you left out.


C'mon, OP, at least be honest and admit that you're bored and that you want some new, juicy drama involving your favorite streamer, which can only happen if said streamer interacts with more insane people again.


Yes, I'm doing something I enjoy. I also think I raise valid points.


What should mrgirl appologize for ? Do you think that investigating someone you suspect of abusive is wrong ? It's weird since Destiny said multiple times in the past something along the lines of "feel free to ask any girl I've been with wether or not I was inappropriate". Turns out he can't actually walk the walk... Or is it that you think that writing about what you perceive as abusive behaviour is wrong ? You'd have to go a long way to convince me that a content creator with hundreds of thousands of views milking an obviously distressed fan he hooked up with for content is not even worth writing about. And that's not even getting to the part where he threatened to leak her nudes and kept sexting her after succesfully describing her as mentally ill to his audience.


>What should mrgirl appologize for ? >do you think that investigating someone you suspect of abusive is wrong ? It's weird since Destiny said multiple times in the past something along the lines of "feel free to ask any girl I've been with wether or not I was inappropriate". Turns out he can't actually walk the walk. Destiny doesn't have an issue with Mr. Girl investigating his past, but you asked the questions "What should mrgirl apologize for?" and "Do you think that investigating someone you suspect of abusing is wrong?" If you think someone did something wrong, accused them of it, investigated it, and published that investigation, and nobody found fault, I don't think you should have to apologize for it, although in Mr. Girls case the lengths to which he went to twist the narrative to gain support of his opinions could warrant an apology. I think he owes destiny an apology over the initial falling out, which is over that he (Mr. Girl) insisted destiny allow an anti fan base to exist within his subreddit, to which destiny refused, and that resulted in Mr. Girl thinking destiny was a bad person. This resulted in Mr. Girl going on a crusade to prove that destiny was a bad person, because he had already made up his mind on this issue. Considering that Mr. Girls "fan base" and subreddit exist almost exclusively as an anti-fan sub, it would appear that Mr. Girl was wrong about the initial disagreement, and blowing up of their friendship. Considering Mr. Girl's life is in shambles because because of a point that he was wrong on, he should apologize. The point of an apology is to admit fault. When you apologize to someone, you're telling them "I thought I was right, but I learned that I wasn't."


>Destiny doesn't have an issue with Mr. Girl investigating his past, but you asked the questions That's clearly false. Destiny said multiple times that mrgirl was a freak for messaging girl he had sex with and painted him as such. > I think he owes destiny an apology over the initial falling out, which is over that he (Mr. Girl) insisted destiny allow an anti fan base to exist within his subreddit, to which destiny refused, and that resulted in Mr. Girl thinking destiny was a bad person What are you talking about ? mrgirl said "I'm going to leave unless you/4thot stop banning people agreeing with me over you and set clear rules in the sub", Destiny said "I won't", and mrgirl left. The end. [At no point does mrgirl call Destiny a bad person here.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=djTIWgGRdA8&t=1193s&ab_channel=Destiny) Why should anyone appologize here ? Does mrgirl not have the right to leave if he disagrees with moderation decisions ? He should appologize for choosing to leave a community he felt was unfairly moderated ? You're basically saying "mrgirl should appologize for choosing not to putting up with moderation biaised towards him" (4thot explicitely hated mrgirl). This is insanity.


'Sorry for exposing your obviously unethical behavior & not caving to your audience - which you incited to harass me for over a year.'


Try "Sorry, I was wrong about the anti fan point, where I blew our friendship up because I disagreed that you, Destiny, should allow and encourage extensive criticism within your own community. Since I couldn't admit that I was wrong, and your mod was right for banning me, I assumed you were a bad person, then set out to prove that. I failed to prove you were a bad person, despite turning over every rock in your life. I also ran the simulation on allowing an anti fan community to grow within my own sub, effectively proving you right and me wrong, because the net result of all of this is that I destroyed my own reputation, destroyed my career, and all that's left is the shell of this sub which exists specifically to hate me. I ran the simulation, and reality proved me wrong, I now see your point that it's good to moderate your sub and prevent anti fan communities from forming. My own anti fan community effectively ruined me, and now I realize that you're not a bad person, this was just an issue you were correct on."


So fucking funny how hard Destiny tricked you into thinking this had anything to do with the ban. Destiny sexually manipulated a mentally ill woman, risking her life in the process. For that, as well as the extensive harassment Destiny sent Mrgirl's way as retaliation for revealing this information, Mrgirl should NEVER apologize to Destiny. Destiny should be apologizing to Mrgirl, but he never will, because money & thinking that he is always right are more important to him than morals. You could not have this more backwards.


So I searched for all of his posts in the destiny sub, and there are 11, 10 of which are anti fan posts after his first ama.


Idk how the fuck Destiny is so good with making counterarguments & his fans are this bad at it. You might as well have gone to a random word generator & copypasted me something out of that. It would've been as relevant as whatever this is.


That would sound fair on Max's end.


I don't think the solution to Max's problems is to give up on his principles, no matter how rooted in self-delusion some of them might be.


If the only principle is to ruin yourself to make the point that you "believe in free speech" and don't understand the risks of letting an anti-fan community grow, I'd say the solution is to give up on that principal.


That isn't the principle in question though. The principle in question is that he won't do something that he feels is morally wrong. There's no question he believes that. His internet career, in the grand scheme of things, doesn't matter. He exists outside the digital world and needs to be able to look himself in the eye when he logs off. He shouldn't, because he'll see a madman staring back, but he needs to have that be an option. Sacrificing his principles and morals for financial gain won't do him any favours. Heck, if anything Destiny would look down on him even more for doing it. It's a shame that it happened, but Max has moved on and so has Destiny.


Why would Max apologize? His manifesto worked. He’s on a popular podcast with a huge TikTok star while Destiny’s career has tanked. I don’t even think Destiny had streamed for weeks.


Max doesn't have a platform. There is no benefit to apologizing or reaching out, he gains maybe $50 from doing that while destiny gets a 500k yt vid. Maybe if he gets unbanned, and max wants to make a smart business move, but that's not what Max does. Max will get unbanned from yt and then post his pedo narrative video he is working on. Then get rebanned.


Apologies are useless, that doesn't do anything for Destiny (Destiny himself often expresses this sentiment). It is just self flagellation to stroke someone's ego. Also Karma's not real.


Call karma comeuppance if you'd prefer. Or call it poetic justice. You have a really unhealthy understanding of apologies. The significant part of an apology is to understand when you've done something wrong. [https://youtu.be/TehjbwpDcdE?si=dsV8ZEYgmL-zYKa1](https://youtu.be/TehjbwpDcdE?si=dsV8ZEYgmL-zYKa1) The most important words uttered here were by Max, when knowing he did something wrong, and after being asked to apologize, he said "I can't do that." The point is the inability to apologize when wrong means that the person doesn't understand that they were wrong. The point of an apology isn't so much about the other person's feelings, it's about letting the other person know that, in this professors words that you haven't given them "an invitation for further abuse".


They’re different things so I’ll call them different things. I don’t believe in magic so I don’t wouldn’t say it’s karma just because I think the person deserved it. Professor Motherfucker is actually a good example of what I said I think. Apologizing wouldn’t change the fact mrgirl thinks he’s a motherfucker, so it was really just about making mrgirl flagellate to appease him as a kind of dominance display.


>They’re different things so I’ll call them different things. I don’t believe in magic so I don’t wouldn’t say it’s karma just because I think the person deserved it. Karma can mean what you're referring to, as a magical religious principle, true. But, as I clarified, I'm not referring to the religious meaning, I'm referring to the casual use of term. Here, I copied the definition from the first Google result "a situation in which things happen to someone as a result of their previous actions". I agree you don't like the religious aspect of the term, and offered alternatives. There's no need to argue further that you don't like the religious aspect of the term when I have clarified my position, and my usage of the term. >Professor Motherfucker is actually a good example of what I said I think. Apologizing wouldn’t change the fact mrgirl thinks he’s a motherfucker, so it was really just about making mrgirl flagellate to appease him as a kind of dominance display. I really suggest you spend some more time thinking about what an apology means. You seem to think an apology is a form of dominance display, and the reason I want you to think about this more, is because what is more of a dominance display than calling someone a vulgar term they don't enjoy, and then trying to make them accept it? The ideas you claim to value are in conflict. This is called being wrong. Mr. Girl can't accept being wrong easily or in real time, which is a serious character flaw he needs to recognize and fix. Unless you think you are truly flawless, no matter how intellectually brave you consider yourself to be, the inability to admit fault is life destroying character flaw.


You advised me on my word choice & I explained why I wouldn’t do that. Often terms are used casually in stupid ways. I don’t give a shit what you want for starters. Also it’s a false dichotomy to suggest the only options are mrgirl apologizes or professor mfer accepts the term “motherfucker.” He could set a boundary & say that’s not acceptable, he could demand assurance mrgirl won’t use disrespectful terms further, none of that requires an apology. As you’ve pointed out an apology isn’t even necessary for mrgirl to accept he was wrong, so what does the apology add to him doing that? It’s just a prostation ritual being demanded to express humiliation & submissiveness & say “you were right. Here’s some extra respect tokens for you. You win” so yes, it’s a dominance thing to demand an apology. If someone were actually sorry you wouldn’t need to make the demand, and making the demand can’t force the person to actually feel sorry so it’s just entirely pointless if you do.


I still say Steven needs someone like Max.


Yeah it's a shame, I really liked Mr girl in that white grievance panel, by the time I showed up to Destiny's stream Max had already done his manifesto and left, so I was late to the party and kinda watched everything after the fact. But the manifesto was cringe, it felt like a schizophrenic rabbit hole to no where. All the Lav is my daughter shit was super cringe, and all the weird speaking mannerism and pseudo psychology shit was ultra cringey. But yeah I really want him to come back and apologize and just admit he was on some kind of mentally ill death spiral. Not that it would change anything but it'd be cool if he was able to rebuild a bridge.