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Is this seriously were we are at? This is the level of petty criticism? Also is the the Mr Girl sub or some random ass destiny hate sub? I’m all for a bit of Destiny hate here and there buddy but this pattern is starting to get tiresome


I think people from uncensorsitny have learned that a circle jerk isn't all that fun and came somewhere that they have people to argue with. It's more fun to have people to fight and argue with, and they'll get banned if they post this stuff in r/destiny, now they've found a place where it flies and they can fight with people


I don't think I'm breaking any rules by talking about destiny, and in fact this is my first post about destiny on this subreddit. I made it broad enough so the discussion can go beyond him, so we can focus on how streamers should not give financial advise. It is true that Destiny partly inspired this post though, and the recent price action of GameStop got me investigating him.


Oh wow I never would have guessed it was partly inspired by him, nor would I be surprised if your user name was or the creation of that account was also inspired by him. I ain’t breaking any rules pointing out you seem to be lost here though, this is like going into the model train subreddit and talking about warhammer 40k at this point


Can we do 40k posts here? I'd prefer it over this bullshit


>nor would I be surprised if your user name was or the creation of that account was also inspired by him. Yes, it was inspired by him too. >I ain’t breaking any rules pointing out you seem to be lost here though It does seem so yes. I was expecting people to find this topic stimulating: GameStop is a big thing at the moment, the post includes Destiny and dggers love to talk about him, and streaming ToS implications for banning certain content (a good conversation for both Mrgirl and Destiny fans).


Have you thought of maybe getting a hobby? Maybe join a local sports team? Take up painting?


His hobby for the past 5+ years has been stalking Destiny lol. You should see the schizo emails Pascal(divorcelli) used to send to him, dudes schizophrenic


GME was, and is, a huge gamble. Telling someone not to invest in a meme stock isn't bad financial advice. Telling someone not to invest in GME during all of that craziness was the equivalent of telling someone not to go put 500 dollars into a Wheel of Fortune slot machine. Odds are against you. You can look back retroactively and say "You gave me terrible advice, the next guy who put 500 bucks into that slot machine hit the jackpot!" but that's only because hindsight is 20/20. During that time, I would have told people not to invest in GME, put money into an MMA or a mutual fund or ETF, start a roth IRA and do your best to max it out every year.... things that are fairly sure bets to set yourself up long term. People may have been mad at me when GME popped off, but I still think my financial advice would have been good and sound regardless because I didn't encourage them to play russian roulette with their investments. The gun not going off doesn't mean the advice was bad.


I recommend you watch the video. Saying "guys this is a high risk gamble, it's probably not for everyone" would have been fine. On the other hand Destiny engaged in stock price prediction, saying it was going to tank on the Monday. The financial advise he's giving implicitly is to buy put options or short the stock, which would have been quite devastating. The point of the post is to discuss whether content creators should learn to sftu about stuff from time to time, and it appears Destiny is incapable of that. He thinks his opinion is valuable on every topic, while it's valuable on almost nothing... maybe SC2, or how to seduce OF models with money, or how to file divorce papers, or how to clean a carpet. But apart from that learn your place, and don't advise people, as it actually is counter productive...


>The point of the post is to discuss whether content creators should learn to sftu about stuff from time to time, and it appears Destiny is incapable of that We all know you want to talk about Destiny specifically and that's why he's the only example. There's no need to hide it. You're free to post what you really think.


>We all know you want to talk about Destiny specifically and that's why he's the only example. He definitely inspired this post, and I have been open about it. I could have not mentioned him in the post and then only brought him up in the comments, but that would be lying or coming with an agenda. >There's no need to hide it. I was upfront about it in the post. >Should the streaming platforms include in their ToS that such advise is not allowed? I think so, and find it quite hypocritical of twitch to ban certain gambling streams, but allow financially illiterate people to provide advice to their viewers on how to invest or not invest their 401k s. This is what I think.


You're still being underhanded because destiny isn't even close to being one of the top10 most egregious actors who made a financial prediction that could be risky. I don't think you're very concerned about these bad actors, at least not enough to research about them and make a post, but you do hate Destiny enough that you will scrutinize him over anything you can to anyone who will listen. It makes a good criticism fall flat because there's so much spite involved. What is your actual main goal here? You think all 8 of the active users in this sub will see the light and finally castigate destiny? We either already hate him, love him, or don't care.


>You're still being underhanded because destiny isn't even close to being one of the top10 most egregious actors who made a financial prediction that could be risky. Okay then let's talk about them too. What do you think? Should the twitch ToS prevent it? Should it warrant a ban? >What is your actual main goal here? You think all 8 of the active users in this sub will see the light and finally castigate destiny? We either already hate him, love him, or don't care. I'm just trying to have a conversation, the goal isn't to change anyone's mind though.


>Should the twitch ToS prevent it? Should it warrant a ban? No, I don't think so. Maybe if it focused on actual pump n dump schemes, but I don't know how you could ban that but allow for people just giving their honest advice. I see it similar to sports betting. A lot of people are out here giving good advice on which bets to place and it should be on the user whether they want to take that advice or not. If it's good advice, that will be obvious over time and people will stop taking their advice of their own volition when it's bad advice.


\*looks at all of your previous posts on reddit and sees 100% of them have been about destiny\* don't worry guys now that you are calling him out he wants to have the conversation that isn't about Destiny.


What you said is that you've been looking into content creators, plural, and that Destiny was the worst. I'm just saying we all know what you mean is "I've been thinking about Destiny exclusively and I'm very upset". There's no need to be shy.


You are really nitpicking the post to avoid talking about the responsibilities of content creators as a whole. Not just Destiny's.


I don't know what I'd be nitpicking about. You said Destiny was the worst. It's your sole example. Your username is "Divorcelli" and you post almost solely about Destiny. I'm not pretending to be a mind reader. It's readily apparent to literally everyone. Just let yourself be free. If you want my opinion, streamers probably shouldn't be giving advice on what stocks to gamble on but as far as takes go "don't risk your money" is obviously the least worrisome take.


>You said Destiny was the worst. It's your sole example. I pointed to Destiny's own manifesto which included his examples of who he thought was the worst by the way. He was way worse than the others though. Way worse. Others were talking about things they didn't understand (such as naked shorting), but weren't engaging in stock price prediction like Destiny was. >streamers probably shouldn't be giving advice on what stocks to gamble on but as far as takes go "don't risk your money" is obviously the least worrisome take. Yes this sounds fair. But gambling goes both ways, you can gamble on a stock going down also with both put options and shorting. If streamers shit on the GameStop movement and say the stock is going to collapse then they are encouraging their viewers to gamble against it.


So did Destiny tell people to short or did he tell them not to risk their money?


He "guaranteed" that the stock was going to tank on the Monday. That those who hold over the weekend would lose everything. If that's not a recommendation to short or buy put options, I don't know what is...


No it is literally just Destiny, you havn't looked into any other content creators, you'r soul purpose in life has revolved around Destinys life for 5+ years at this pooint.


He didn't inspire the post though, your entire account Pascal, just like the 30+ accounts you've made and got banned on before have all been Destiny centered. idk how you don't have anyone around you getting you to seek mental help after all these years lol.


That video is too damn long, but i'll take your word about the financial advice he gives in it. If that's true, then yeah i'm against creators giving that kind of financial advice. I don't think it's as bad as some of the blatant crypto rugpulls we've seen by creators, but i don't think it's a good idea. I wouldn't be opposed to some regulations around giving financial advice, even if it was as simple as some sort of disclaimer.


>That video is too damn long, but i'll take your word about the financial advice he gives in it. No worries and perfectly understandable. I'll be making a compilation in the next week or so, I'll make sure to share it here also. >even if it was as simple as some sort of disclaimer. Yes, that would be enough in my opinion. Something like "I know nothing about financial markets, I'm just making content here out of a newsworthy event and want people to tune in for my opinion. don't make any investments off of it", would be enough.


Correct me if im wrong but is Destiny a financial advice youtuber? No? Kk just checking.


Not buying into hype driven meme stocks is good financial advice GME peaked and then for the next few years only went down in value Even this pop off right now isn’t breaking some bag holders even There was a guy who bought 35 dollar calls on WSB over this recent GME. He lost 30k, all his life savings The advice was fine, the people not giving good advice during this were the Hasan types making it a David vs Goliath story to further their anti establishment populist political ideology They helped create actual financial cults of GME bag holders sitting around for years stock on a single stock with terrible underlying fundamentals


The problem was Destiny being so adamant that the stock would tank, but it didn't. He "guaranteed" it would collapse on the Monday and anyone who held over the weekend would lose everything. He was encouraging his viewers to buy put options or opening short positions. Gambling happens both way on the stock market, why is why content creators should not engage in stock price prediction...


Are you against DFV posting about it GME on twitter? Bc that dude lost 30k off it I’ve yet to see you evidence me anyone that destiny caused to lose money directly Also he didn’t directly encourage to buy puts your saying he implied it which is only true if you’re already into financial derivatives


>I’ve yet to see you evidence me anyone that destiny caused to lose money directly The evidence would have been removed from r/destiny no doubt. Just like the NFT complaints. >Also he didn’t directly encourage to buy puts your saying he implied it which is only true if you’re already into financial derivatives True, but the people Destiny was complaining about in the manifesto were not saying "buy stock, buy call options". But Destiny engaged in more stock price prediction than them.


That’s a bizarre cope and you totally dodged my question about DFV and the hard he caused, direct harm btw. Dudes entire life savings And I disagree fundamentally that me saying I don’t like NVDA I think the price will go down is an implication you should buy financial derivatives on it


>Are you against DFV posting about it GME on twitter? Kind of yes, but I don't think he ever engaged in stock price prediction. DFV is more similar to Elon when he retweets about Dogecoin. He's never actually engaging in stock price prediction like Destiny was.


He posted his call position That’s way worse than destiny saying it’ll tank. You’re actually showing your position. And also worse is DFV actually had a conflict of interest bc he does have a position in the stock Your profile is fucking unhinged. Seek help brother this is not healthy


Curious you peace out on this convo. I guess if you can’t obsessively para socially shit on destiny it’s no fun huh? :)


InTheMoney has a great video about financial YouTubers fucking their audiences over by endorsing FTX and then trying to the wool over their eyes with their apology videos when the scam was obvious.


Pascal with his daily dose of Destiny threads. Way to go buddy <3


>I've been looking into how content creators pushed their narratives, and the worst of all was Destiny I can't tell you how shocked I am that your independent investigation into this ended up leading you back to Destiny


https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/L5PXtxT4Wo Just a funny little reminder that OP guy thinks DFV and other people promoting GameStop aren’t as bad as destiny saying the stock would tank Linked is a guy who has spent 4 years eating ramen and living in a garage as he spends all his money on GME stock for no gain. But the true crime was saying GME was a bad buy in February 21!!


https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/L5PXtxT4Wo Just a funny little reminder that OP guy thinks DFV and other people promoting GameStop aren’t as bad as destiny saying the stock would tank Linked is a guy who has spent 4 years eating ramen and living in a garage as he spends all his money on GME stock for no gain. But the true crime was saying GME was a bad buy in February 21!!


If anyone wants a fun walk down memory lane on the type of guy Pascal(Divorcelli) is. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/zth0yi/anasya\_vs\_pascal\_round\_2/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/zth0yi/anasya_vs_pascal_round_2/) The picture is a burner twitter account of his talking to the ukrainian ana girl that comes on destinys stream.


I am not Pascal and have never contacted Destiny or anyone who's come on his stream. I do post on r/uncensorstiny though. I would appreciate you stop spreading slander about my account, or I will message the moderator team and argue that you are breaking rule 3. Thank you.


I understand buddy, this is throwaway reddit account #306, but you can't really hide from us Pascal.


Actually I will just block you. You bring no value to any conversation anyway.


It's easier for Destiny adorers like /u/AdObvious6727 to pretend that all the different people across the internet coming to the conclusion that Destiny is dishonest and irresponsible are actually just a single crazy person. And when they can't pin it on this "Pascal" person, like when it's another content creator like Ludwig, it's actually because they have been brainwashed by Hasan. It helps with the cognitive dissonance to pretend like all Destiny detractors are either mentally ill or brainwashed, and Destiny plays into it a lot.